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Nordic Aliens (Original)

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Author Topic: Nordic Aliens (Original)  (Read 11696 times)
Jennie McGrath
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Posts: 4349

« on: December 25, 2007, 03:35:48 pm »

My first post at AR:

Hello all, I am a big fan of the forums section of Atlantis Rising, but would like to touch on a subject here that I've never seen discussed in the forum archives.
This topic is more an ancient mystery, rather than something related to U.F.O.'s, so I thought I might post it here. Much has been made about the little gray aliens and alien abductions. No one has ever talked about the other breed of alien, the blond-haired, Nordic aliens that seem to be waging a war against them, our benefactors. Several times, these beings appear in warnings about the grays and look just like us, except more beautiful.

It's my opinion that these beings have something to do with the lost Atlantis. I have always seen Atlanteans as tall and blonde. Maybe I'm being prejudiced about that being a blonde myself, but I also feel that they may have inspired the tradition of the gods and angels. The archangel Michael, for instance, may be, or may have been mistaken for one of these beings in one of the many encounters written about him. I'll post some information about these beings so you know what I am talking about, then hopefully we can all discuss it.

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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2007, 03:37:20 pm »

Jennie McGrath

Member # 2197

Member Rated:
   posted 11-13-2004 09:48 PM                       
Donald Worley, Alien Abduction Researcher

In the abduction syndrome, most of the attention is on the Gray type Humanoids. However we really need to be looking at the often blonde Nordic-type entities who appear to be a vital element in all of it. Who are they? Why are they here? What is their moral orientation? These questions are of upmost gravity for our human species.

For the last 38 years, I have specialized for them most part in alien human abduction and the Nordic-type aliens. My conclusions are based on 50 Nordic cases out of my total of 150 cases, and data from other sources. Generally the following description applies to most Nordics.

Nordics look human with beautiful angular faces. They are tall, have long blonde hair, breathtaking bottomless blue eyes changeable with emotion, and wear skin-tight suits or flowing white robes. Giant over 7 feet Nordics and human-sized ones also exist. Females and rarely children are seen.

Other hair colors have been reported. Their telepathic communications are soothing and they can project an intense feeling of love for the abductee. Some persons have remained in a euphoric state for weeks after an altered state episode with one. Let us look a series of my cases and see what they may be telling us. Case names are sometimes pseudonyms.

PENNY SMITH, BA is a degree holder Ontario from Canada. Penny wondered what was happening to her and kept a diary. Finally her Nordic friends began to answer her questions. As in a number of these cases she has been shown scenes of vast destruction and told to move from her lakeside home.

Penny has observed the beings along with the Grays, all in one place. She said, "The blonds wore shiny, one piece light blue suits. I saw no separate shoes or gloves. The texture was silky-smooth. The hand looked like leather but when I touched it felt like the exoskeleton of an insect.

The only symbol I remember is a dragon-like snake with wings. The males were handsome with angular faces and the only emotion they displayed was serene amusement until they began to talk mentally to me. The place had a beautiful glow and atmosphere of serenity.

Most of the beings looked young, but some looked young, but there were some there who looked older, with beards and flowing robes. I had an intense longing for these beings after I left them. An intense love-respect, and awe when I was with them. " now let us move on to another good case where we learn still more.

DONNA BUTTS, Kansas housewife.

Here too, we have their tendency to predict a coming disaster for Earth. We also see their occasional surprising tendency to enter our physical dimension in what appears to be a flesh and blood form. Before Donna was born a "man of light" told her mother that the coming child would be a "prepared child."

In a November incident, a large truck traveling on I-70 in Kansas was hit by a beam of light and Donna who was behind it had her first abduction. [AAER Note: Other people have reported being nearly hit by a large truck just seconds before the start of a highway abduction, which has caused then to wonder if the image of a truck was a screen memory for a UFO.]

Donna first saw "Peter" when he parked near her at a local IGA store. He emerged from the store and put a stick of gum in his mouth, smiled at her and departed in a Rolls-Royce. He was a very handsome man, about 6 feet tall, had platinum blonde hair, striking blue eyes, a Grecian-featured face, and looked to be about 60 years old. In later encounters Donna did her best to photograph or record him but never succeeded.

At 2:00 a.m. one night, "Peter" appeared in the hallway of Donna's home. Once they were in the UFO her nightgown was removed and she was instructed to stand under a red light that caused her to feel electrified. In still another abduction, a device that Peter called a "Monotron" was implanted at the base of her brain.

Donna's case is very extensive and she too received the Earth devastation messages as well as many other predictions. When Donna went public her life became a living hell. One group branded her a satanic disciple and harassed her. Had these fanatics known the truth about the "Blonde Aliens " they would not have become so overwrought.

Then the day came when Peter appeared as a sparkling white figure in a uniform right in her front room. He looked solid enough but she and the others present could see though him before he faded away.

In the beginning of it all Donna had suspected him of being some kind of a nut, but now she knew better. Thoroughly dismayed, she sent the afternoon shaking and smoking cigarettes. Peter had urged her to receive his teachings, and now she was ready to listen. In the next abduction she was taken to a huge awesome throne room in a huge craft.

With Peter in the lead a number of things happened. She was given another light treatment, drank a hauntingly beautiful blue liquid, and received an implant through her ear. Later Donna was privileged to see many things and learn much. Her predictions as told to her by her benefactors are many.

Donna says, "We can look at the Bible with the understanding of advanced intelligence. It has been termed a coded message unable to be understood until the last days. These are most assuredly the last days."

Here we have an in-depth involvement with the Nordics of a leader and others in a major religious group occupying northern Europe and Canada. As a child the pastor was held on the lap of his lifetime-mentor "Gold" (golden sheen to the eyes) and watched what was done to his loved ones.

Over 300 lost time periods, and many abductions ( my file is large) recalled in 45 years. The crowning moment came when in a wild site as a large group held religious services six of the Nordics appeared and observed the service. The pastor has had intimate relations with his mentor, saw them breathe, eat, drink, lift "dumbed" (silenced) abductees out of a lake with their arms, and physically glide over the surface of the lake.

He has used their Asiatic style toilet as has my next listed abductee Michelle. Being a physician he knows their anatomy like his own and insists they are flesh and bone. His descriptions of some of the alien instruments employed on the head and reproductive areas of the human body are classics in themselves.

MICHELLE, New Hampshire, United States.

Since a child, Michelle has considered the Nordics as her other family. This long intimacy causes her to perceive them as true physical beings. Michelle says, " They are not Gods or angels. They are another race who are here because they are responsible for us. I have seen them breathe in the physical environment, but not in the non-physical state for there is nothing to breathe. I have seen them sit, lie down, have sex, but not go to the toilet. However I have used their stand up toilet (like the pastor).

Michelle too, has been shown details of massive Earth change. She also said, "It is the fear a person is living through that changes his or her perception of the experience."

PHOTO of Donald Worley, Abduction Researcher

Michelle continues, "Just because I'm not afraid doesn't mean I never was. The same for the nine other persons I know about. I can't tell you how many times we are referred to as 'alien lovers' or delusion-driven breeding stock because we are no longer afraid."

DIANE, MISSOURI, Rural housewife. Diane has had a lifetime of activity. Here is her description of one meeting with a Nordic. " As I lay listening to grandma's TV in the front room, a very tall being appeared at the foot of my elevated bed. He was male, had long blonde hair, and wore a long white gown tied at the waist. I don't remember the features of his face except I thought he was beautiful. He also had white wings on his back that went from the top of his head to his feet.

As he started to fade I asked him his name. He said his name was Michael the Archangel. I never knew what an angel was then. I ran to Grandma's and told her, but she thought I was dreaming.

Diane continues, "I am very tense as I try to describe a later meeting with a Nordic. With the Greys it's pretty cut and dried -- routine I guess. The Nordic experiences seemed more of a psychological test and emotions were high. I never knew when he was going to enter my life or what the stage setting would be. I was made to feel emotions of the highest intensity a human can feel, whether fear, love, hate, etc."

Diane explains more. "One time it was love for him and a sexual desire that went beyond anything on earth. I am purposefully blocking out a lot of it for I now feel sadness and much guilt. I cheated on my husband. It's difficult to explain the sex we had together, for it seemed to be other dimensional. It was at his place and I remember the outside wall was glass. It went far beyond anything we can do on this earth plane. The orgasms were constant, fast, furious, and savage. I remember looking up once at his beautiful face. God! I could have consumed him."


Curtis named the beautiful female Nordic who visited him four times "Angela." On the very clear last visit Angela brought an entity he named Topsy. They both floated in the air at the foot of his bed for several minutes. Angela wore a silver form-fitting garment. Her bare arms and hands were beautiful. Her blonde hair was piled on the back of her head sort of World War I style. She had a beautiful face with deep blue eyes.

Curtis thought Topsy was in her teens. He thought she must be half human half alien. Her eyes were small and all black. Curtis remembered several of his abductions in detail. In one things went wrong and the Greys couldn't get through his roof until the beam powered up. Curtis believed the reason Angela brought Topsy was because she wanted him to meet his daughter. I told him maybe he should pass out cigars.


This is another life-long experiencer who talks of underground bases, the Grays, Tans, Nordics and their friends the red eyed apes. She gave me the description of a military pilot being held against his will. Her description of the blonde aliens is similar to the others. She believed they may weigh 275 pounds, had dark skin and white teeth. She stated that the good kind don't like what the bad kind are doing.


Meehan describes altered state visits to structured places --maybe in a craft or underground. In one episode she was moved through halls or tunnels and saw humans in fluid in large tubes, regular men in white coats, and short tan beings. Another time she was in a serene garden-like place that caused her to be in a euphoric state for days afterward. The fair-skinned long-blonde haired Nordics wore loose white robes and never spoke to her.


This 58 year old country woman once headed an abductee support group of 72 abductees in that area of Minnesota. She has been abducted at least eleven times. At age five her mother used a paring knife and tweezers to remove a BB-sized implant from her temple. On March 1, 1990 she ran out of her home into the yard and eleven inches of snow. A huge UFO had materialized and she was abducted. After this she began to remember her abductions and her nights were full of terror. Today she is free of that stage and is no longer afraid. True to form she was given predictions by the Nordics of Earth's near demise. She and Michelle whom I have discussed before, were given the dates 2000 to 2011.

ANN, ILLINOIS Secretary.

I have pages of glowing praise for my help to her in her puzzling case. Most of her episodes were with the outdoor seemingly physical Nordics. One time she was lured all the way to the Yucatan in Mexico where strange things occurred. One of my last reports from her involved a mystery auto that illuminated her home with a light beam. Some time later Ann died of a very fast cancer.


In her book Taken, my now deceased dear friend Karla Turner writes about an important case right under my nose here in Indiana. In one abduction of young Pat, a long blonde-haired, blue eyed, tall, Jesus-like figure with wings dressed in a resplendent robe appeared in her bedroom. He was in a shaft of sparkling light that came through the ceiling. He took the little girl's hand and said, "Don't be afraid my child. These are mine" gesturing to the little Gray humanoids who were standing around the room.

The next day military medical personnel and troops arrived at the farm. They stayed several days conducting all kinds of examinations of the inhabitants and the terrain. At the start of my article my questions were, Who are the Nordic aliens and why are they here? What really is their moral orientation? I don't presume to know the positive answers to this. In this context I can only formulate some reasonable theoretical hypothesis concerning these beings.

A. Are they actual physical super-beings able to enter our space/time quadrant of the Universe from a cosmic or coexisting hidden spirit-like or physical reality?

B. They are not physical, but really screen memory illusions of a cunning primordial intelligence? Perhaps even terrestrial reptiles or insects that through millions of years have evolved into the present awesome space/time controlling aliens we now see? We are their farm and the farm dwellers need watching and adjustment?

C. Can there be at least some benevolent groups who are engaged in great abduction project intent on salvaging some of the inhabitants or their seed on a planet that they warn is doomed to be struck with cataclysmic forces? They issue these warnings and at times say they are obliged to perform the despicable, lawless things that they do?

D. Can they be a neutral outside force, that is, simply intent on elevating humanity to a higher plane of existence? Meanwhile watching to see if our emerging planetary civilization, which is still aboriginal, warlike and dangerous, does not so pollute or poison its own planet that it fails to survive. In that event, the neutral outside force stands ready due to its abduction agenda based on human reproduction, to replenish the planet.

E. Can the Holy Bible and many other ancient sacred texts be right? The preponderance of evidence would seem to indicate that they are. We must judge the Nordics by their deeds and not by what they say. Are they a Satanic power from a dark Netherworld skilled in illusion and subterfuge and full of lies? Are these forces growing more powerful each day and increasing the inroads into the "End Time"? Are the Nordics an evil part of all this? Will the supreme source of Universal light return to defeat these forces? Which explanation do you favor? Beyond tomorrow we will finally know.

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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2007, 03:39:47 pm »

Jennie McGrath

Member # 2197

Member Rated:
   posted 11-13-2004 09:53 PM                       
The Nordics are a race of Alien visitors that look very similar to the average human except a little taller and heavier. They are reported, by people who have seen them, to very muscular and in excellent physical shape. They derive their name from the fact that they resemble the Scandinavians. Individuals who have allegedly come in contact with the Nordics say that they are here to observe our culture and not interfere in our evolution.

Aka: Blonds, Swedes, Nordics, Wingmakers, Blue-Eyed, Aryans, Venusians

Origin: Some individuals have suggested that because of the Nordic's similar physical appearance to humans that they could possibly be our long lost relatives who have since moved on to another planet.

Home System: Pleiades, Vega, Hyades

Description: blonde hair and fair skin They average about 2 meters in height. Females about 1.7 meters. They have no sweat glands.

Biology: Although Nordics are humanoid and externally almost identical to humans. There are subtle differences in the Nordic alien physiology, and most of them are based on the living conditions that they have grown up in. Their planets are extremely hot and dry, and have a low oxygen content in the atmosphere. They have a larger lung capacity than humans and have a copper based blood in order to carry oxygen more efficiently. The eyes are protected by inner lids and can allow them to see into the ultraviolet range of the spectrum. They have only 28 teeth, as they lack a back pair of molars. Their heads are longer than humans. The brain case is about .2 mm thicker and the bone is harder. The brain is the same as the human brain as far as structure and size is concerned, except for the midbrain area, where there are functions that allow telepathic and telekinetic skills. It explains the psionic powers of the Nordics. The skin allows moisture to be drawn from the air as well as moisture to penetrate. The heart beats at around 242 beats per minute, and the average blood pressure is 80 systolic and 40 diastolic. They have extremely dilated blood vessels. The heart is located where the human liver would be. The cartilage that would protect a human heart extends down 3.5cm further in the Nordic in order to protect this structure. Blood cells are biconvex in contrast to the concave cells of humans. Kidney type functions only allow about half the liquid consumed to be excreted. The rest is evidently put back into the system. Urine is thick with minerals and appears in color and texture to freshly pumped crude oil. Feces are dry pellets with all moisture removed. The adult Nordic can regulate the amount of adrenaline in their body. They have no pineal gland. Nordic females are capable of being impregnated at any time, but the males are capable of impregnation about once a year. The period of incubation is three to five months.

Powers: telepathic and telekinetic skills

Attitude: People report that the Nordics are here to somehow watch over and help guide us into a new plane of existence. Others report that the Nordics have had some kind of conflict with the Greys in the past.

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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2007, 03:40:40 pm »

Member # 2132

Rate Member   posted 11-14-2004 11:10 AM                       
Hello Jennie, I thought I would support this claim abit more with a few things I've researched in the past year or so.
By the way, Welcome....

These are some more bits and peices that talk about more then just the Greys....
The bottom link suggests that there is around 40 different types of alien races the have and are visiting the Earth.
Until it's been proven to me that there isn't . I'm obligated to beleive that this is true......
It seems to me that in thinking the way I do,there is more evidence supporting these ideas then evidence against these things.
The amount of life in the universe as a whole may be as infinite as there is stars in the sky.

Posts: 252 | From: Erie, PA | Registered: Sep 2004;f=15;t=000172;p=1
« Last Edit: December 25, 2007, 03:42:37 pm by Jennie McGrath » Report Spam   Logged
Jennie McGrath
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Posts: 4349

« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2008, 11:36:56 pm »

Jennie McGrath

Member # 2197

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   posted 11-14-2004 11:24 AM                       
Here for Now,
Thank you for the information and the links (and the welcome). Do you have any opinion that the blonde aliens may have some sort of Atlantis connection? I have heard that they haven't been seen since the 1980's while sightings seem to persist with the grays.

Via Mars,

You are really rude. I don't even know what you're talking about other than to say that I heard that this was a good place to do online research about alternative history with people who know what they're talking about. I can see that you're not one of them.

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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2008, 11:37:17 pm »

Member # 2132

Rate Member   posted 11-14-2004 05:17 PM                       

Posts: 252 | From: Erie, PA | Registered: Sep 2004   
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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2008, 11:37:43 pm »


Member # 2096

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   posted 11-15-2004 12:18 AM                       
Jennie, don't let some of these creeps get to you. Near as I can tell, there's about two dozen regulars here that post things all the time and the rest of us just show up only once in awhile. The regulars all seem to have that small town mentality.
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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2008, 11:38:11 pm »


Member # 2096

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   posted 11-15-2004 10:03 PM                       
Apologies, Spiritwalker, I don't count you among them.
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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2008, 11:38:36 pm »

Martin E

Member # 270

Rate Member   posted 11-15-2004 11:53 PM                       
"Much has been made about the little gray aliens and alien abductions. No one has ever talked about the other breed of alien, the blond-haired, Nordic aliens that seem to be waging a war against them, our benefactors."
There have been several sightings of these
type of people,beings or whatever you want to call them around Mt. Shasta.They are
blonde with long hair,very tall and are able to disappear.

Posts: 1054 | From: Wilsonville, Oregon USA | Registered: Dec 2000   
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Jennie McGrath
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Posts: 4349

« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2008, 11:38:58 pm »

Trevor Proffitt

Member # 2175

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   posted 11-16-2004 12:13 AM                       
Weren't the people sited near Mt. Shasta supposed to be Lemurians?
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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2008, 11:39:26 pm »

Member # 2132

Rate Member   posted 11-16-2004 12:27 AM                       
So coming from a big city is the way to go then huh?
Hmmmmmm Farz I'z can seez it, We enjoy the finer things.....
It doesn't matter that we come from where we do.

As I said in another post already once today.
Make A Choice!

On the other hand You could just pop in and suddenly say "Near as I can tell, there's about two dozen regulars here that post things all the time and the rest of us just show up only once in awhile. The regulars all seem to have that small town mentality."

Welcome Sir.....
And Bravo!

Now class what would you all like to reveiw in this part of our anger managment class?
Yes Billy? "I want to reveiw first impressions" Good topic billy! " Thank You Mrs. Jankins"...

<Suddenly he whips out a spider man mask and walks on water>

Suddenly our hero see that he has a rock in his eye.
Doesn't bother with it because there is a guy standing there with a boulder between his shoulders.
LOL Sorry everyone..
I'm sitting here just jabber'n away like some city slicker with an ugly tie....

Posts: 252 | From: Erie, PA | Registered: Sep 2004   
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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2008, 11:39:51 pm »

via mars 2
Member # 1970

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   posted 11-16-2004 08:07 AM                       
myself being one of the nordic aliens, i must do what i can to ensure division and disinfo amongst the seekers.
rudeness is a prerequisite. however, please do carry on.

max, when the cities fall, it will be the small towns that lead us back. when the cities starve, who will they look to? the disappearing farms? or the shelves of 7-11?
much wisdom was strewn about along with the debris left behind by nature this year in florida.
human nature unveiled itself at the chaotic gas lines, while looking for ice, dreaming of power restored.
meanwhile, them country folk did just fine, none for the worse.
so don't knock em.

Posts: 2303 | From: arlington, va. | Registered: May 2004   
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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2008, 11:40:11 pm »

via mars 2
Member # 1970

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   posted 11-16-2004 08:11 AM                       
... and about those black aliens. many sightings in africa, but we never hear about them over here. i wonder why.
does this tie in with the bock saga in any way? tune in next week.

Posts: 2303 | From: arlington, va. | Registered: May 2004   
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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2008, 11:40:34 pm »

Martin E

Member # 270

Rate Member   posted 11-16-2004 06:31 PM                       
"Weren't the people sited near Mt. Shasta supposed to be Lemurians?"
Yes and they look just like the Atlanteans.

Posts: 1054 | From: Wilsonville, Oregon USA | Registered: Dec 2000   
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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2008, 11:40:59 pm »

Trevor Proffitt

Member # 2175

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   posted 11-16-2004 11:00 PM                       
And yet, how do we even know what either race actually looked like?
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