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ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)

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Author Topic: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)  (Read 38970 times)
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« Reply #885 on: January 02, 2008, 02:07:33 pm »

Carolyn Silver

Member # 2287

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   posted 12-09-2006 04:25 AM                       
1951 (end)

From Mexico to Aztlan, by Edmund Kiss (a summary)

Posnansky published an article in 'Diario' of La Paz, Bolivia, on 16th of March, 1930, entitled, "The legendary: Aztlan of the Ancient Aztecs maybe identical with the Prehistoric Metropolis Tiahuanaco." In this article, he produces such convincing pictorial evidence of the common origin of the art and culture of the highlands of Peru and Mexico, that the relationship between them is plain even to the reader unfamiliar with the territory. "As regards the myth of Aztlan, it aquires a more serious significance in that it throws some more light upon the really distant origin of Mexican-Central American culture and civilization." "In all the myths that have been handed down , and in the ideograph notes as set forth in the numerous writings, reference to Aztlan are to be found in the corresponding and clearly given description of a far locality surrounded by water, from which came the first settlers, the culture bearers, who landed in Ancient Mexico as ambassadors of civilization." Even though many accounts some confusing and some contradictory, they all refer to a source of water that separates Aztlan from Mexico. The cultural examples are as folows between Peru and Mexico:

Sarabatana- blow pipe for poisoned arrows shown in ancient Mexico originates from South America's homeland of the Azovacs, examples of which are unknown in Mexico.

The Andes and Mexican Nobility as Ore-jones- as man like figure bear a typical 'Ojo alado" (the winged eye), and the god Yakatekuhti of the Mexicans (as being Ore-jones) .Also, had four fingers on his hand, and three toes on feet which is exactly like the Tiahuanaco Monolithic Gate image Sun God. In addition bears on his shield the true stairway glyph of Tiahuanaco, as his coat of arms. "The same symbol, with only minor local differences and in a more baroque form is also used by the Mexicans and Central Americans. There is also found among them, as in Tiahuanaco, the "Tembeta" (circular ornament for the lips) and the half moon shaped bronze knives."

"At Teotihuakan, the baroque from Tiahuanaco is still plainer, and the same applies to Mitla, Chichenitza, Palazio de las Nonjas (The Convent), Casa colorada, Quiriga, etc. The alabaster vases of Chichenitza show definite evidence of Tiahuanaco baroque. In the neotoltec ornamentation the sacred symbol of Tiahuanaco is retained almost unchanged." Volumes can be written that this may not be an accident.

"Nor is it to be expected that there are any linguistic connections between the designation "Tiahuanaco", and "Aztlan". Ti Guanaku as 'a place where Guanaku live' i.e. of Llamas'. Sykes states this maybe not exact as to Aztlan as the same word though Posnansky believed so. The fact that Tiahuanaco may have been placed originally on the Island in the middle of the Lake not 13 miles away where it was relocated? The distance of the Island in the Lake Titicaca is not however the same as the ocean or sea between for a long watery voyage. This leaves Aztlan something much older in story. In a sense Aztlan must be according to Sykes a Post-Diluvian source of a story about a name describing Atlantis.

Webmaster- The origin of Aztlan may well be a copy story of antiquity for these reasons:

1. The Sarasota region in folklore speaks of a layout of the Mexican Aztec water surrounded city in that region and that Tampa Bay may well be close in some cultural affinities with a Aztec race that invaded the region at one time.

2. The 4 cardinal directions found in the concentric circles of St. Armands in Sarasota, as well as the Mexican Ancient water surrounded city are similar.

3. The layout is based on Plato's description of Atlantis; therefore, the story must be about an agri-aqua like culture like the Mayans and the Trinidad region in the S. American Cultures. Those cultures who borrowed a succession of ancient irrigation principles handed down from a very remote period i.e. at least 7,000 B.C. or possibly older by design or by its ancient idea?

1952 (begins) 
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« Reply #886 on: January 02, 2008, 02:08:57 pm »

Carolyn Silver

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   posted 12-09-2006 04:26 AM                       

The Schliemann Mystery, by Edgerton Sykes (a summary)

Edgerton Sykes very early interest in Atlantis as around 1912 and it was aroused by a Nov. 17th, 1912

Article in the 'Weekly Budget', called 'How I found the Lost Atlantis'. "Even after 39 years I can recall the excitement with which I read how Dr. Heinrich Schliemann, who had died in Naples in 1890, had, a few days before his death, handed to one of his closest friends, a sealed envelope on which was written "To be opened only by a member of my family who solemnly vows to devote his his whole life to the researches outlined therein", and, how a few hours before his end, on his death bed, had called for a pencil and paper, and had written: "Confidential addition to the sealed envelope-break the owl headed vase. Pay attention to the contents. It concerns Atlantis. Investigate the east of the ruins of the temple of Sais and the Cemetery of the Chacuna Valley. Important. It proves the system. Night approaches. Lebewhol". Paul Schliemann the grandson of Heinrich opened the letter and goes as follows:

1) I have come to the conclusion that the Lost Atlantis was not only a great territory between America and the West Coast of Africa and Europe, but the cradle of our civilization, as well. There has been much dispute amongst scientists in this matter. According to one group, the tradition of Atlantis is purely fiction founded upon fragmentary accounts of a deluge some thousand of years before Christian era. Others declare the tradition wholly historical, but incapable of absolute proof.

2) In the included material, records are to be found, the proofs, which exist in my mind of the matter. Whoever takes charge of this mission, is solemnly obligated to continue my researches, and to form a definate statement, using as well the matter I leave with this, and crediting me with my just dues in the discovery. A special fund is deposited in the Bank of France to be paid to the bearer of the enclosed receipt, and this should pay the expenses of the research. The Almighty be with this great effort".

3) When in 1875 I made the excavation of the ruins of Troy at Hissarlik, and discovered in the second city the famous Treasure of Priam, I found amoung that treasure, a peculiar bronze vase of great size. Within it were several pieces of pottery, various small images of peculiar metal, coins of the same metal, and objects made out of fossilised bone. Some of these objects, and the bronze vase, were engraved with a sentence in Phoenician hieroglyphics. The sentence read: From the King Chronos of Atlantis.

4) summary- he mentions his excitement of the discovery.

5) In 1883, I found in the Louvre, a collection of objects excavated from Tiahunaca in Central America-(This was obviously a misprint, either it should be Tiahunaca in South America, or Teohuatican in Central America. If the first is correct it would provide the earliest suggested link between the Lake Titicaca culture with Atlantis.) Among these I discovered pieces of pottery of exactly the same shape and material, and objects of fossilized bone which reproduced, line for line, those which I had found in the bronze vase of the treasure of Priam! The similarity could not be a coincidence. The shape and decorations were too simple for that. It is beyond the range of coincidence for two artists in such widely separated countries as Central America and Crete-(An obvious misprint for Asia Minor, and one which appears to have passed unnoticed by those critics of the story who seized on the first one)-to make two vases, and I mention only the one of the objects, of exactly the same shape, the same size, and with curious owl's heads arranged the same way on each.

6) The Central American Vases had no Phoenician characters upon them, nor writing of any sort. I hurried away to examine my own objects, and by tests and exhaustive examinations became convinced that the inscriptions had been made by other hands after the objects themselves had been manufactured.

7) I secured pieces of these simulacrums from Tiahuanaca-(Here the same observations as before regarding misprints applies)-and subjected them to chemical and microscopic analysis. These tests proved conclusively that both the Central American vases, and those from Troy, had been made from the same peculiar clay, and I learned later, further and definitely, that this clay does not exist either in old Phoenicia, nor in Central America.

Cool The metal objects I had analyzed because I could not recognize what they were made of. The metal was unlike any I have ever seen. The chemical analysis showed the material to be platinum, aluminum and copper- a combination never before found in the remains of the ancients and unknown today.

9) Objects then, perfectly similar and arriving unquestionably a common source, were found in such widely separated countries as these. The objects themselves are not Phoenician, Mycenean, nor Central American. What is the conclusion? That they came into both places from a common center. The inscription on the objects gave the center- it was Atlantis.

10) That the objects were held in great veneration is shown from their presence among the Treasure of Priam, and the special receptacle which held them. Their character left me no doubt that they were objects of sacred ceremonies, and from the same temple.

11) This extraordinary discovery, and my failing health, included me to push more rapidly my investigations. I found in the Museum at St. Petersburg, one of the oldest papyrus rolls in existence. It was written in the reign of Pharoah Sent (Senedi) in the Second Dynasty, or 4,571 B.C.. It contained a description of how the Pharaoh named, sent out an expedition 'to the West' in search of the traces of the Land of Atlantis whence 3,350 years ago the ancestors of the Egyptians arrived carrying with themselves all the wisdom of their native lands. Another papyrus in the same museum written by Manetho, refers to a period of 13,900 years as the reign of these sages of Atlantis, This papyrus places this at the beginning of Egyptian history; it approximates 16,000 years ago.

12) An inscription which I excavated at the Loin Gate at Mycenae in Crete (this should read Greece) recites that Misor, from whom, according to the inscription, the Egyptians were descended, was the child of Taaut or Thoth, the God of History, and that Taaut was the emigrated son of a 'Priest of Atlantis', who, having fallen in love with a daughter of Knig Chronos, escaped and landed after many wanderings in Egypt. He built the first temple at Sais, and there taught the wisdom of his native land. This full inscription is most important and I have kept it secret. You will find among the papers.

13) One of the tables of my Trojan excavations gives also a medical treatise of the Egyptian Priests-for there was communication between Crete (read Asia Minor) and Egypt for many centuries-for the removal of a cataract from the eye, and an ulcer from the intestines, by means of surgery. I have read almost a similar formula in a Spanish manuscript in Berlin, whose writer took it from an Aztec priest in Mexico. That priest had gotten it from an ancient Mayan manuscript.

14) summary- he goes onto to say Atlantis connected with Egyptians and Mayans and a land bridge was in the atlantic, and talks about the population of monsters, or a monkey-man like race.

15) summary- he mentions Ra, the Sun God of the Egyptians, and the Central Americans Sun Gods, and the Ra-Na of the Ancient Peruvians.

16)summary- he goes on concluding the technologies between the buildings of Mayans and Egyptians, and refers to the Egyptians as a yellow, not a black race. (This in modern times has been found not to be completely true, the race had many mixtures over time, or maybe originally a yellow race mixed in to along with a red race an into black? It might even be historically vice versa?)

17) summary- he brings up Le Plongeon about the Chichen-Itza club footed God as being a Thoth figure. (This may be from a Mercury association with the wings on feet, may have also became club footed king, or to keep the feet in the air longer as closer to heaven symbol.

18) summary- he mentions Humboldt's observation of the Pyramids or Temples across the ocean on either side like Choula's to Temple of Jupiter at Belus compared.

19) "In both America and Egypt, the Pyramids were built in the same style. I have found the pyramids on both sides of the Atlantic with their four sides pointing astronomically like the arms of a cross, in the same directions. In both, the line through the center is in the astronomical meridian. The construction in grades and steps is the same, and in both cases the larger pyramids are dedicated to the Sun."

Paul went to the French Bank where the envelopes were deposited and after reading the contents, took over the collection of objects, and after hesitating for several days proceeded to break the owl headed vase, only to find in it a square of the white silver like metal on which was drawn the strange figures and an inscription. On the obverse was engraved in Phoenician-"Issued in the Temple of the Transparent Walls". He observed that the neck of the bottle was to small for its insertion, so could only presume that his grandfather had had similar vases In his possession which he had broken.

Paul was under the impression that the vase itself came from Atlantis, but there is no evidence to justify this. The fact that the vase bore on it the inscription "From King Chronos of Atlantis", would indicate that at some later date, each of the medallions was enclosed in a vase for security, and that some of these vases bore this inscription. As there are a lot of owl vases in various museums, it would be of interest to have some of them x-rayed to see if any medallions are contained therein. Incidentally Chronos may well have been a Royal Title rather that the name of an individual. The remainder of the collection consisted of a ring of similar metal to the medallions, an elephant of fossilized bone and archaic vase, also reproductions of the map of use by the Egyptian captain in looking for the traces of Atlantis. " When Paul went to Sais, Egypt he found nothing, but he then met the acquaintance of an Egyptian, who showed him some objects he had taken from the nearby sarcophagus of a Priest of the 1st Dynasty. What he was shown was two medallions of the same type found like those found at Troy. Paul after his investigations in Sais went with two French Geologic experts and investigated the Atlantic Coast of Morocco at the points indicated by Heinrich. They saw signs of great volcanic activity in the region, and he found the head of a child in a white metal similar to the others, but encrusted with volcanic ash.

He said, " The full results of the survey I cannot go into here, they were immensely important, and are supported by other testimony than my own."

"Later he went to Paris, and persuaded the owner of the Central American collection mentioned by Heinrich, to allow him to break the owl headed vase, in which he found yet another metal, but with a different inscription. From there he proceeded to Central America, to Mexico, and to Peru. His excavations in the cemetary of the Chucuna Vally brought to light Owl headed vases but no medals, although he got some inscriptions, which he wrote, "will startle the world". Later at the pyramid of Teohuatican, he found further medals, but without inscriptions.

This brings the number of clues to six-

1. Medal from his grandfather's owl headed vase from Troy.

2., 3. The two medals of Sais.

4. The head from Morocco.

5. Medal from the owl headed vase from Central America.

6. Medals from the Teohuatican.

The use of medals as money are not correct for they would be votive as put in a vase as token receipts from the offering. Paul goes onto say:

"Among the facts which I have to reveal in my book, there are clear indications of the site of the City of the Golden Gates, and two clear references to the Temple of Transparent Walls".

"Did the word Transparent have a symbolic meaning or did there really exist a structure with transparent walls? It is not known. However, I can prove that the Phoenicians got their knowledge of glass-making from the people who lived beyond the Pillars of Hercules".

Edgerton Sykes then points out that Le Plongeon in his discussion of the Troano Codex, which is in Madrid at that time, had an explanation of the Land of Mu sinking with volcanic and seismic forces

Which occurred 8,600 years before the codex of 1550 (unless a handed down book story) i.e. before

7,500 B.C. Also, H.S. Bellamy points out that Le Plongeon if even incorrect in his interpretation of the Codex had some kind of a flash of awareness about the codex within Le Plongeon's exception as a reference to the Ten Realms, and the Loss in One Night?

It is regretted when the true origin of this codex started in story. But, if Paul had seen Le Plongeon's next text point or not remains to be seen, or if it is a lead Heinrich handed by idea through Le Plongeon's theory over to Paul's pointed out discovery is unknown. The Le Plongeon point was this:

The Chaldean Inscription of 2,000 B.C. From

The Walls of a Buddist Temple in Lhasa

"When the star Bal fell on the place where is now only the sea and sky, the Seven Cities with the Golden Gates, and their Transparent Temples, quivered and shook like the leaves of a tree in a storm. And behold a flood of smoke and fire arose from the palaces." The next referance is about Ra-Mu, which recalls Heinrich's Ra-No, or Ra-Nu?

Paul may have died just before or after WW 1, but his wife probably submitted this article of information converted from German to the Hearst Press, and we come to the final questions of this matter?

a) What was the name of the Paris bank in which papers were deposited?

b) Who was the surviving member of the family from whom the envelope was obtained?

c) In what bank were the funds deposited for the research work?

d) Who were the two French geologists?

e) Who was the Parisian friend of Heinrich who had the Central American material in 1883?

To this day these questions I have not seen information on?

Webmaster- One aspect of the conclusion is that the 'Transparent Walls' is one of the oldest references to Atlantis in building description known. References to it are so old the go back to the 2nd and 4th Dynasty of Egypt, and have been slightly mentioned in the Sumur historical stories or myths.

This means that Cayce, Le Plongeon, and Schliemann although controversial in accounts only back actual Egyptian, Buddhist, and Persian texts which were not available to most of theses three men in with translations made in their day, and two for sure did not get the information from the same source. There is also a time lag of 10 to 20 years from when they mentioned to another source confirming these associations. The only source that all three men may have read is the "Thousand and One Arabian Nights" which has some Arab myths, that have some ancient folklore texts in regards to oral beliefs about the past. Even though it is a vague reference it is not out of the question that if the translucent material was not glass, or a Lucite, it was no doubt of crystal work. Be it metaphor, or actual capability, the stone monuments of cyclopean masonry with its stones of very hard material dating back to pre-Cycladic type cultures or 7,000 B.C. is not out of the question as being possible. For any material like this even if it lasted after the Atlantean destruction's would be well sought after and broken up as mystical tokens of the past over time, and be as venerated as a meteor rock when it falls from heaven to make a temple upon. The closest modern found analogy is the mica, and flint buried in Indian Mounds would be considered of a translucent quality, which we make to this day as components for fine glass. There is an element of historical truth and indicating of great antiquity in its discovery of use for special temple walls i.e. lined as found in China in the Emperor tombs and connected with Pyramids?

The Origin of the Cuba and Atlantis Point- 'Cuba and Atlantis', by Feo Garcia Jucres, Pre. Of the Cuban Institute of Archaeology, March 1952

The point being that the reference of 'Cuba' linguistically meaning 'place of the dead' based on a cemetery name i.e. 'Cuba', and the related astronomy around the Isle of Pines ***** del Este

was a report by E. Sykes who was the first to point out about the Cuba-Haiti connection as 'passion islands' not vice versa which he took from another earlier source.
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« Reply #887 on: January 02, 2008, 02:10:08 pm »

Carolyn Silver

Member # 2287

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   posted 12-09-2006 04:28 AM                       

The Siriadic Columns and the Great Pyramid, by Paul Hoffman (a summary)

He mentions that from many classical authors' traditions and records were preserved at a time before the flood and made for a universal message to mankind in the future on this side of the universal cataclysm.

"Eusebius (Chronicles VI) says of Manetho's Dynasties: "It remains, therefore, to make certain extracts concerning the dynasties of Egyptians, from the writings of Manetho the Sebennyte, the high priest of the idolatrous temples in the time of Ptolemaeus Phildelphus. These according to his own account, he copied from the inscriptions which were engraved in sacred dialect and hieroglyphic characters upon the columns set up in the Siriadic land by Thoth, the first Hermes; and after the Deluge, translated from the sacred dialect into Greek, in hieroglyphic characters and committed to writing in books, and deposited by Agathodaemon, the son of the second Hermes, the father of Tat, in the penetralia, of the temples of Egypt".

Josephus tells us that "All these (the sons of Seth) being naturally of a good disposition, lived happily in the land without apostatizing, and free from any evils whatsoever: and they studiously turned their attention to the knowledge of the heavenly bodies and their configurations. And lest their science should at any time be lost among men, and what they had previously acquired should perish (inasmuch as Adam had acquinted them that a universal aphanism, or destruction of all things, would take place by the forces of fire and the overwhelming powers of water), they erected two columns, one of brick and the other of stone, and engraved upon each of them their discoveries; so that in case the brick pillar dissolved by the waters, the stone one might survive to teach men the things engraved upon it, and at the same time inform them that a brick one had formerly been also errected by them. It remains even to the present day in the land of Siriad". (These quotations are from the Sykes revision of Donnelly, N.Y., 1949, London, 1950, page 102)

"Naturally, it must be a most important thing to modern Atlantologists to ascertain, whether these traditions hold good in the sense that the Seriadic columns are still to be found, either in natura, or at least the contents of the inscriptions mentioned."

The author goes on to say 'did we receive any "knowledge of the heavenly bodies and their configurations". Then he adds, "Did such information come from any known object, and was finally, the information worthy of being regarded as cultural conquests of a great and highly civilized nation unutterably old?"

The answer he goes on to say came down from the remote past in measures, and proportions of the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt.

A Danish Scientist, "Mr. Hohlenberg's investigations in the measures of the pyramid lead him to the conclusion that there may well "be a harmony-hidden from us- between the TT (pi) proportion of the circle and the dimensions of the earth and its distance from the sun, a harmony it may be the purpose of the pyramids to express."

He goes onto say that is not easy to connect these Siriadic columns with the Great Pyramid, but that he will attempt to explain there connections by classical writers of ancient times had to say about.

'According to Abd el Kader ben Mohammed el Makrizi: "King Surid, son of Sahluk, who lived three hundered years before the flood, once dreamt that the earth was twisted round, the stars fell from the sky, and all mankind took refuge in terror. He gathered his interpreters of dreams and asked them what his dream meant. The most distinguished of them, Philemon, said: "I shall tell the king a dream, I had a year ago, and of which I spoke to no one. I dreamt that I was sitting with the king on the tower of Amsus. Then, suddenly, the sky came down and surrounded our heads like a dome; the stars fell down over us and all mankind fled in horror to the royal palace, crying out to the king for help. He lifted his arms against the sky and ordered me to do the same and we were terror-stricken. Suddenly we saw the heavens open, and a gleaming light sprang forth and the sun rose above us. Then we cried to it for help, and it spoke to us saying: "The firnament shall return to its former site", and I awakened full of horror". The King answered "Examine the position of the stars and look if anything new is going to happen". They did their best, as accurately as possible, and told that a great flood would come and afterwards a fire, from the constellation Leo burning up all the world. Then the King said, "look if this disaster is going to befall our country?". They said, "Yes, the flood will befall most of the country". Then he said, "Look if it will flourish again or will it remain inundated"? They answered, "No, our country will again be as it was and flourish". Then he ordered the pyramids to be built and the Nile to be led into certain canals, and he filled the Pyramid with talismans, wonders, treasures, and idols, and with mummies of kings, and according to the Kings order the soothsayers recorded all that the wise men had to said. On the walls and ceilings of the pyramid all the secret sciences of Egypt were recorded, and pictures of the starry sky were painted thereupon, and the names of curing and harmful things, and besides all they knew of arithmetic and geometry, understandable to anyone who knows the language and its writing. And when the building of the pyramids was about to begin, he had huge columns and stone flags carved and granite fetched from Assuan…"

In Abou Balkhi is to be read: "The wise men, previous to the flood, foreseeing an impending judgment from heaven, either by submersion or fire, which would destroy every created thing, built upon the tops of the mountains in Upper Egypt many pyramids of stone, in order to have some refuge against the approaching calamity. Two of these buildings exceeded the rest in height, being four hundred cubits high and as many broad and as many long. They were built with large blocks of marble, and they were so well put together that the joints were scarcely perceptible. Upon the exterior of the building every charm and wonder of physic was inscribed".

Finally Hohlenberg names another Arabian author, al Beruni, who tells that the great flood "stopped at the mountian-range on the eastern side of the Nile just opposite of the Pyramids. They were built by people from the West who foresaw the coming flood and were covered with water till the middle of their sides".

Outside of the fact that Cheops name was found engraved there was also another engraving of a certain name that Brunton points out of "Khnem", and know one knows who this Khnem is? Hohlenberg deduced the names on the stones are related to quarry marks or identification marks after having cut the elements out of the Mokattam hills. Cheops name has appeared at the mines of Sinai as well as on Elephantine Island, and on a rocky Island in the Nile by the first cataract. Also, Cheops was never declared in inscriptions to be buried at the Great Pyramid!!!!! In regards to what Herodotus says on this, that "There are neither subterranean chambers under it nor has a canal from the Nile been led into to it as it has been into the other pyramid in which Cheops himself is said to have been buried and where it flows through a brick ditch round and Island where the tomb itself is situated". It would seem the Herodotus or his source never visited the pyramids by this description? One statement completely ignored is this comment by Herodotus about, "Cheops closed the temples". Nevertheless, the temple of the cat goddess Bast in Bubastis was first built by Cheops and Chefren. Here is the crux of the question, how can ferocious Cheops who closed the temples, at his death be busy building a temple!? The comment seems only to get a sound meaning if the temple in question is the great pyramid? The one of Cheops was actually closed, by a solid wedge of granite put into the entrance of the ascending corridor, leading to the grand gallery of the Great Pyramid of Giza? This may bring questions upon Kephrens as well of his lack of connection to the second pyramid? "Mr. Sykes, who has made careful investigations on this point, came to the conclusion that there may well be hidden chambers in the Pyramids not yet found, and there is no reason at all why the one of Cheops should differ from its twin in having an upward system of corridors, a system which seems a most important feature in the building plan." Is it possible to say, when this blocking up of the pyramid took place? He asks then can there be a date when the great pyramid was built. Two, theories have been put forward, both of which use as a starting point the bases of astronomical facts, taking a starting point in certain constellations of heavenly bodies distinctly referred to in measures and angles of the great pyramid. . The first theory, basing its results on the former positions of Alcyone and Draconis and in relation to between these stars and certain lines in the pyramid, arrives at the year about 2,140 B.C. While the other one-and far most probable (as among other things some of the Arabian authors directly mention the stars in question when speaking of the age of the pyramids)- treats the stars Sirius and Vega in the same way and thereby arrives at about 12,000 B.C. Furthermore, the statement of the year 2140 B.C. is backed chiefly by some lines that cut the walls of an inside corridor pointing to these stars, which marks could easily have been put in after the pyramid was built. Hoffman goes onto say that the 12,000 B.C. is the more likely date, and basing on the statements of other writers that the Planet Luna capture was before the building of pyramids. Hoffman goes onto say that with this information about the warnings in dreams by the king and priests of Atlantis. That this may have been what Plato's unfinished next verse would have been about the foreseeing of Atlantis destruction or their preparations for it, then the pronouncement by god of its heavenly doom. Especially in Critias section by Plato that ends when Zeus was about to make a pronouncement.

Hoffman goes on to say, "Moreover, is it not most probable, that these pyramids were themselves almost exact copies of the corresponding edifices in the Lost Atlantis? It would be a natural thing to the Atlanteans to copy their most sacred buildings, in a comparatively safe place, perhaps the sun temples themselves, and thus it may be in direct continuation that the Egyptians used them in the service of the sacred mysteries as a place of initiation. Why Cheops, probably thousands of years later, closed the temples, we can not say, but Egyptologists, a little more willing to co-operate, should certainly be able to give some most valuable hints to this matter."

He goes on to say, "that from King Mykerinos the aboriginal type of Egyptian pyramids is abandoned and the copying of the Giza Pyramids begins. " He then mentions, "We usually forget that the sentence: "The bigger the pyramid, the greater the power" is illogical and should be replaced with: "The bigger the pyramid, the greater the decadence". Mykerinos tried to make his pyramid come up to the two mysterious Giza-pyramids, and his attempt turned out so miserably, that his successors desisted from placing their pyramids in the shadow of their patterns. They built them elsewhere in Egypt, not step pyramids, as the predecessors of Cheops, but "simple pyramids" like those of Mykerinos. The Meydum and Sakkhara edifices, attributed to Snefru and Zoser, most intimately corresponds with the American pyramids as shown by Mr. Sykes (compare respectively the temples of Tikal and the central pyramid of Chichen-Itza), but every later building in Egypt is a different type."

He concludes with a question: "Where are the inscriptions so often referred to, but obviously not to be found on the pyramids today? According to Manetoh, they were copied in books and "deposited in the penetralia of the temples of Egypt". These maunscripts must have been the source from which the priests of Sais had their knowledge, telling Solon that "whatever happened either in your country or in ours, or any other region of which we are informed-if any action which is noble or great or in any other way remarkable has taken place, all that has been written down of old and is preserved in our temples".

Hoffman contends that Manetho assertion that "Egypt before Menes was ruled over by "Gods" is veritable history seems to need no discussion. There is no reason at all why the Egyptian gods and goddesses should not be historical persons as well as the Greek ones, and it is one of the marvels that Egyptologists after having found Osiris' tomb at Abydos, reject his existence)". "As to the inscriptions themselves, they were seen for the last time by Cantor, who lived not very long after Plato. It is not very difficult to find out what happened to them afterwards. An earthquake took place in the year 908 A.D., and badly damaging the pyramids, and there is no reason why there should not have been others before then. The gleaming white cover of the pyramids, referred to by classical authors and doubtless bearing the said inscriptions, fell down. The Siriadic columns were said to have been lost. Many of Cairo's 700 mosques were built of this ruin-material, and an investigation of these buildings, if it could ever be made, should give interesting results." Lastly, about the Sphinx: "well accords with tradition telling of an underground passage connecting it with the great pyramid", and "I am perfectly convinced that the solution of a good deal of our present problems concerning the Egyptian-Atlantean connection lie buried here." 
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« Reply #888 on: January 02, 2008, 02:11:39 pm »

Carolyn Silver

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   posted 12-09-2006 04:32 AM                       

The Story of the Silver Belt. By Egerton Sykes

" In 1940 Jean Gattefosse, who was one of the initiators of the Bibliographie de l'Atlantide, and one of the best known French writers on the subject of Atlantis, wrote his novel Les Portes de Bronze, which was published in Paris in 1945. This work of fiction was largely based upon his won research and investigations, and in particular, upon a mysterious belt of silver, conjectured to be of Atlantean origin, which formed the essential link in the book between the present and the remote past."

The story goes that the artifact was acquired "by the present owner from an antique dealer in Monte Carlo, who had purchased it from an Egyptian visitor who stated that the ornament had been discovered in a tomb of one of the early Pharaohs, and that the family tradition of the Egyptian associated it with a queen of a very early date." Jean Gattefosse eventually persuaded the owner to test the ornament in a series of experiments to determine its origin, or what it was. "The laboratory tests were carried out by various experts. One was Dr. Badouin, the founder of the International Institute of Scientific Bibliography, and a former President of the French Prehistoric Society. Dr. Badouin was one of the first to apply modern technical methods to the study of prehistory and to seek to discover from bones signs of disease and indications as to the kind of food eaten by our ancestors. "Later Dr. Badouin came to the conclusion that the majority of prehistoric cults were of an astronomical nature linked with symbolism of the constellations, and that by this means it might be possible to give approximate datings. He even succeeded in working out a formula for the successive alterations in the orientations of ancient monuments". He encountered much opposition in his work, "Prehistory from the Stars," he had retired at his ancestral home at Croix en Viein where he died in 1942. It was this Dr. Badouin who noticed the moon was not mentioned in any of these prehistoric cults, and had connected the theories of Hoerbiger with this point. "The similarity of outlook between Badouin and Frobenius is very marked. The huge output of erudite works on many subjects, mainly concerned with the excavations in the western coastal areas of France is a monument to the deep knowledge of Dr. Badouin."

Here was Dr. Badouin's report (which E. Sykes summarizes) shows that analysis of the one link of he belt gave 93.35% silver, 6.29% copper, 0.24% tin, and 0.12% impurities. He felt the silver was treated in the ancient fashion. This is not an example of true bronze, but an idea much earlier. Doctor observed that a true bronze only occurs when there are than 2.5 grammes of tin to 95-99 grammes of copper. This was in reply to a query from M. A. de Mortillet. M. Henri Marcelot, a chemist of Nice, made the actual analysis of the belt on Nov. 28th, 1924. "Badouin adduces as proofs of pre-Hallstatt epoch by giving the analysis for two Greek silver articles, which often contained copper. A vase from a Mycenean tomb (End of Copper III Period) give Silver 95.88%, Copper 3.48%, Gold 0.43% and impurities 0.21%. A basin of the same period from another site gave silver 87.6%, copper 10.40%, gold 0.40%, impurities 1.60%. From this it would appear that there existed in Greece mineral silver containing up to 10% of natural copper. To refute this hypothesis one must admit the existence of a formula for the production of an alloy of silver and copper at will in vry ancient times." "Dr. Badouin declared that while the belt might have been considered to be a large crown of the type found in the Treasure of Priam by Schliemann at Hissarlik (Troy) in 1875, the fact that it was of silver and not of gold, and that the owl headed idols had been replaced by fish, seemed to rule out that possibility. He also wondered whether the owl heads found at Troy might not have originally been fish. " "The Doctor stated that the American ornaments of a similar type but with birds, justified his assumption." "The main portion of the belt had 21 rings, one of which was destroyed for the analysis. Badouin felt that the rings might represent the stars of the Pleides each with its elements. The number of large rings was the same as their diameter, i.e., twenty-one, each weighing 1 gramme. The small rings, of which there are fourteen, weigh half a gramme, and have a diameter of 11 millimetres. The three pendants are flying fish, and not the winged phallus of the Romans, showing each ring as having six points. Nevertheless it is probably a phallic ornament, as the sacred fish of the nile swallowed the phallus of Osiris after he had been cut to pieces by Set. The Wettersfield pendant is similar in shape to these fish but much larger and more elaborate. Actually they are as much nearer to the owl heads of Ilion, which puts them in the copper age. Badouin infers that the ornament could not be of the Egyptian period, with which it has nothing in common. The Giubasco (Tessin) collar also has 21 ornaments, but these are spiral shaped. He concludes by saying that the ornament dates back to at least 2,000 to 3,500 B.C., to a time when the Pol was near Draconis. He has no hesitation in putting it at the end of Copper III, and older than Hallstadt. If the belt were found on an Egyptian mummy it would prove nothing as it is much older and of foreign origin. This completes the report of Dr. Badouin." Previous to this, during the years 1922-25, Jean Gattefosse had the belt psychometrised by various expert, to each of whom it was presented in a sealed box which could not be opened, in which container it had been placed by the owner. The reports did not correspond fully with either the report of Dr. Badouin or the ideas on Atlantis outlined in Les Portes de Bronze."

In brief they are summarized as this - The belt is a phallic ornament worn by a man with reddish skin. The tribe to which he belonged had the habit of drinking a liquid made of a green herb before indulging in sexual orgies. The trophy was awarded for the winner as an emblem of his virility. At a latter date the tribes were defeated by a group of Amazons and the holder of the belt gave it, together with other favors, to the Queen in exchange for freedom. These women were stated to wear costumes with feathered headdress's, recalling those of the North American Indians, while some of the descriptions of the monuments recalled those in Le Plongeon's book "Queen Moo". One of those pendants maybe hollow and contain a talisman. The descriptions mention destruction by fire and by flood, and the changing of the climate from a fertile land to a desert. The full details of these texts were to be put in a forthcoming book which was probably to be called, 'Bronze Gates'. 
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« Reply #889 on: January 02, 2008, 02:12:55 pm »

Carolyn Silver

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   posted 12-09-2006 04:34 AM                       

New Light on the Atlantis Problem, by A. W. Tulip

(Last chapter of my booklet "The Evolution of Matter"-Dealt with geological implications of the theory, which basically showed that the same forces that produced stars, with their radiant energy, and the planets of the Solar System would be responsible for the heat generated within the earth and such contraction of its substance as to lead to the forming of the continents, ocean beds and mountain ranges.) The more detailed aspect of this effect on the earth's crust would be more interesting to the readers of "Atlantis".

Earth- Oblate shere of such proportions as would be assumed by an equal mass of liquid rotating at the same rate. Mathematically proved but self-evident from the fact that four fifths of the surface is covered by liquid, distributed over polar and equatorial regions alike, the surface of which must conform to the counter-acting gravitational and centrifugal forces. As there is no very marked difference in average depths at varying latitudes it follows that the solid crust of the Earth also conforms to the same shape. If, however, a sudden change were to occur in the rate of the rotation of the planet the distribution of the water would alter: thus showing of the rotation would induce the appearance of a belt of dry land at the equator, while a speeding would increase the depth in that region, leaving land at the poles.

When the Earth solidified it must have assumed proportions relative to its rotational speed and, when sufficiently cooled to permit condensation, have been evenly covered by a layer of water.

Geological evidence- particularly that of the radio-active elements in the crustal rock, indicate a period of about 2,000 million years since that occurred, and it is quite obvious that the frictional effect of the tides during such a period must have a considerably slowed the rate of rotation, so that the original form of the Earth must have been more oblate than at present time. Calculations have actually been made, based on the present influence of the Sun and Moon, which suggests that the rotational speed has been approximately halved since the Earth solidified. As centrifugal force is directly proportional to the square of the speed this would indicate that it was originally four times as effective as at present and, since its present effect is such as to produce an equatorial diameter 26.7 miles greater than the distance between the poles, that the difference at the time the Earth solidified was about 107 miles. Thus, while the interior substance of the Earth has contracted throughout, producing irregularities in the crust, the contraction has been most pronounced in the plane of the equator, so that equatorial diameter has decreased more than that between the poles; by as much as 80 miles if the tidal calculations are correct. There is thus proof that the contraction of the interior substance of the earth is produced by and is proportional to the gravitational pressure, and is so sensitive to it that it has exactly kept pace with the decreasing rotational speed, for otherwise the water would have flowed North & South, leaving a belt of dry land at the equator.

The excessive contraction of the equatorial diameter has markedly affected the surface, for to conform with it has necessitated the crust developing a series of corrugations running at right angles to the equator; hence the majority of the great mountain ranges, both on land and beneath the sea, run about North & South; which fact also disposes of the suggestion sometimes advanced, that the poles at some time may have occupied different positions on the Earth's surface.

As contraction of the inner substance has been shown to be relative to the gravitational pressure, depressions once formed would continue to deepen because of the additional weight of water which world flow into them; thus the ocean beds continually sink, carrying the water level with them, and producing, by contrast, the phenomenon often referred to as "Continental Uplift".

(Time does not permit the re-introducing of the theory advanced in "The Evolution of Matter" of how pressure induces atomic transmutation consequent contraction and generation of heat with in the Earth;) So I must content myself by observing that the bending strain on the underside of the crust midway between two subsidence would involve such pressure as to induce limited atomic transmutation within the igneous crustal rock, soften it sufficiently to permit bending and elevation of the crust as a mountain range and, at points of extreme pressure, actual melting of the rock and eruptions. This theory also advanced reasons for supposing that the original water would carry in solution a large amount of Calcium bi-carbonate, and explained how crustal bending beneath the sea would precipitate from this the limestone deposits, offering this as an explanation of the findings which so supprised the American Expedition of 1947- and 1948: that while the broad low lying plains of the Atlantic are covered by sedimentary deposits less than 100 ft. in thickness, the foothills of the ridge consist of broad terraces of sedimentary rock averaging several thousand feet in depth; as much as 6,000 feet having been measured in places!

For the Atlantis students and to the surprise of the members of the expedition; that samples from some of these foothills contained sand of such a nature as to prove that they had once been beaches and, therefore, that either the surface of the sea has risen or the ridge has fallen several thousand feet. I suggest that the latter would have occur as a consequence of the weight of this great depth of sedimentary rock, since limestone is about three times as heavy as water. The effect of the growing weight of this deposit would be to retard and finally halt the uplift of the crust, at which point the generation of heat and resulting volcanic activity and precipitation would cease. Thereafter while the whole ocean bed would continue to sink, carrying water level with it, the line of greatest pressure would lie beneath the ridge, causing increasing contraction and a gradual lowering of this mountain range. The effect would be considerably accentuated by the unfolding of the ridge which must ensue, and as this would entail fracture of the rock along the crest of the ridge the general gradual subsidence would be punctuated by local sudden collapses; which explains why the ridge is today the center of seismic disturbances in the Atlantic.

Thus there is evidence that the innumerable volcanic peaks along the Atlantic Ridge at some period formed a chain of islands which subsided as a result of the weight of sedimentary rock deposited on the flanks of the ridge. In any particular island the process would begin very gradually, but as the crustal rock commenced to crack a series of minor earthquakes would occur, each accompanied by a small subsidence. Finally the crust at the apex would fracture throughout and the islands disappear beneath the sea. If such an island were inhabited by a civilized race their history would record periodic earthquakes and accompanying subsidence and, probably, the total disappearance of other islands; and so, a has often been suggested by Atlantis students, induce them to attempt to colonize nearby islands. 
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« Reply #890 on: January 02, 2008, 02:13:54 pm »

Carolyn Silver

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   posted 12-09-2006 04:35 AM                       
The Valley of Fossil Bones, By Ernest Sawyer (a summary example of weird history) also an update

110 miles from Cape Town, South Africa there is a large airport of Langebaan. The writer (as a pay master) during WW2 visited a army construction works every week and on one occasion he unearthed a large tree branch that had been calcified. This was from an excavation made for an underground fort and the discovery was made 67 feet below ground level and possibly 100 feet above sea level. Within a few miles of Saldanha Bay ('Salt of Life') and near Langebaan airport, extensive deposits of rock highly impregnated with animal phosphates have been found and annually now give thousands of tons of phosphate rock which is turned into fertilizer.

A few months ago a farmer of Hopefield reported to a University Professor that, on a very isolated part of his farm, there were huge quantities of bones, which he thought, were fossilized. He produced some specimens and they were considered of such importance that an expedition of university professors and other scientists spent several weeks in this valley. This find was kept very secret and even archaeologists living in Cape Town were kept in ignorance of the find.

I have mentioned that the neighborhood is pure sandy desert, yet a spot less than four miles from the valley there are groups of curious rocks, one at Oliphant (Elephant Hill) about 550 feet elevation resembles the rumps of several elephants. The others look like tall columns in clusters.

Within a quarter of a mile from the sea at Langebaan, at an elevation of about 250 feet, there is a typical raised beach covered by an overlay of three feet of earth showing signs of phosphatisation.

The Langebaan Lagoon should be considered as the focal point of several remarkable manifestations. In the first place the Lagoon is fed by Saldanda Bay and the whole of its eight or ten miles is surrounded by very steep precipitous hills running up to about 6-800 feet, these start right at the water's edge. Scientists believe that the lagoon is a submerged valley, whether this is so, or not, the fact remains that at the head of the lagoon (marked 'OB' on plan) there is an immense bed of fossilized oyster shells that go down for 40 feet. For many years a firm have been loading these shells on barges to a mill where they ground into grit for birds and exported to America. The supply seems inexhaustible, for the contractor told me this had been going on for 20 years, to his knowledge.

At a spot (marked 'FV' on plan), 300 feet from the surface of the lagoon, from which it is distant about four miles, there is a valley surrounded by hills from 351-580 feet in height above sea level.

This valley is a huge sand bowl, without vegetation, while the hills around are of ferrocrete and other iron stone formations. Strewn all over this valley, which measures about one mile long by half a mile wide, are hundreds of thousands of fossilized bones. All of them are of animals and birds. There are no bones of Homo Sapiens or of reptiles.

Large quantities of these bones have been brought to the Cape Town University where they fill four large rooms. I have been permitted to inspect these bones and this is what I found.

Remains of elephants, rhinos, hippos, buffalo, antelopes, horses (not of cloved hoof variety), zebra, ostrich, and many others. Perhaps the most notable are the elephants and the buffalo, in fact first place must be given to a head of a giant buffalo complete with horns that stretch out almost seven feet. How did these ancient bones get to this confined space? No similar deposit has ever been found in South Africa, neither in quantity, variety, or in good preservation. They are literally in heaps and are not underground, no excavation is necessary. In this small space of one mile by half a mile it is estimated that there are still hundreds of tons to be removed. Had similar deposits been found elsewhere some solution could have been afforded. But no, this is a unique deposit. To add to the mystery very large quantities of artifacts lie around dating from the Stellenbosch industry (60-65 thousands of years in age) to the late Stone Age of less than ten thousand years. It could not have been a hunting ground, if this were so the bones would have been more scattered. I am going to suggest that here we have another proof of our Atlantean theory. These bones are in a solid assemblage less than five to six miles from the sea level is at present. The valley is at an elevation of 300 feet and to get to the sea a climb down rocky steep precipices is indicated, except at one point.

The land around Saldanha Town is the only land that slopes gently into the sea. For my argument I have shown the phosphate rock deposits by dotted lines to the east of Saldanha from which they are possibly about 200 feet higher in elevation. It can be assumed that if these animals came from the land that is now submerged and which we can say was the most eastern part of Atlantis their natural instinct would make them seek out higher land. This they found in what is now a phosphate area of the district.

Something happened, what it was we do not know that drove them in great herds to the higher ground from which there was no escape. What caused the final holocaust we do not know, but every thing points to starvation and death. As I before mentioned the patch of

Phosphate rock is extremely rich in animal phosphate. One scientist has suggested that there was a large island lake at this point and around its shores were plenty of grass and trees that sustained life for a long period. Here is set a problem. Did these creatures escape from the terrible submergence to meet their death on the inhospitable shores of the continent? Failing that suggestion what caused hundreds of thousands of animals to die in this confined space without making any attempt to escape?

An Update by webmaster to prove the overlooked point-

The Blade Newspaper article Dec. 2 2001 "South Africa discovery dispels prior beliefs about Modern Homo Sapiens"

Capetown more than 70,000 years ago people occupied cliff facing the Indian Ocean. They hunted grysbok, springbok and other game. They ate fish from the waters below them. In body and brain size were definitely human beings like us. They were taking another important leap toward modernity. They were turning animal bones into tools and worked finely made weapon points, a skill more advanced in concept and application than making stone tools. They also were engraving some artifacts with symbolic marks- manifestations of abstract and creative thought and, presumably, communication through speech. The new discoveries at Blombos Cave, 200 miles east of Cape Town, are turning long held-beliefs upside down. Until now, modern human behavior was widely assumed to have been a very late and abrupt development that seemed to have originated in a kind of "creative explosion" in Europe. This showed up in Europe before 40,000 years ago, in Africa now pushed back to 70,000 years ago. This is starting to effect a conclusion that man may have been experimenting with this level of culture 200,000 years ago. A group led by Christopher S. Henshilwood of South Africa is publishing a comprehensive report in the Dec. or Jan. issue of 2001 "The Journal of Human Evolution". The report includes 28 bone tools and other artifacts from Blombos cave, as well as 8,000 pieces of iron oxide mineral ochre that may have been used for body decorations. Rick Potts of the Smithsonian even had to admit in human origins program, "We are seeing many elements of modernity that were developing much earlier, in Africa, and more gradually."

Webmaster -I wrote in a article in a Entrepreneur Magazine in the Toledo area about 4 years ago that man's use of red ochre may well have been 100,000 or even 200,000 years ago related to the origins of Tattooing. Now, I have been just confirmed that I am not very far off at all. This was when many had found that report I wrote hard to believe. Now they believe. As you can see I am 4 years ahead of science reports. Sinc. D. Clarke 
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« Reply #891 on: January 02, 2008, 02:15:14 pm »

Carolyn Silver

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   posted 12-09-2006 04:38 AM                       

Snorre Sturlasson and Atlantis, By Paul Hoffman (a summary)

The worship of the old Scandinavian god Odin among the S. American Indians, and the Central American legends of Votan (W-V-Odan), seems to tally with the assumption that the American Red Indians invaded the New World from northern Asia across the Bering Strait, when attention is paid to the statement in the Icelandic historian Snorre Sturlasson's (1178-1241) "Ynglingesaga," in the cycle of old Norwegian sagas called "Heimskringla," that Odin was originally a chieftain in an Asiatic realm, east of the river Tanakvisl (supposed to be the Don), and that he subsequently invaded northern Europe. Modern science usually assumes that all the Scandinavian gods and the whole of Scandinavian sacred lore hailed from Asia, and we have no reason to doubt the statement in Snorre that these gods are but deified men, in the same way as we know it from Egypt, Greece, etc. Nevertheless, various authors have had a taste of Atlantean affinities in old Norse mythology, wherefore it may not be without purpose to point out a few very interesting points in Snorre himself, statements that seem to render Snorre's opinion of the location of the kingdom of Odin less certain, and which may well be aboriginal traits in some obscure and fragmentary source-book of the authors.

Here is Hoffman's points:

Home of Gods-"Asgaard, watered by four sacred rivers of milk, encircled by a splendid wall, lies toward the southwest which suits no Asiatic location in relation to Scandinavia, but to more a mid-Atlantic location? (Towards the east, in Asia, is declared to lie country of the giants.)

That it may refer to Asgaard in the land of the Old World Amazons. (both cycles might be about Atlantis (as it would appear, as regards the Amazons, from Diodorus Siculus), and were misplaced at the same time, for some reason or other.

Snorre mentions Svitjod, as land north of the Black Sea, i.e. Russia, comprising the kingdom of Odin, but is the wrong description for prehistoric Russia. Based on these points-"In Svitjod are many great cities, many nations and many tongues, there are giants and dwarfs, there are "blaamenn (negros) and many strange peoples, there are, furthermore, animals and dragons there, terribly big."

"Mountains towards the north" from where comes the Tanakvisl river? These descriptions are found in Plato's descriptions of Atlantis. No hills towards the north in Russia ought to be called Mountains. In Critias (Plato) is to be read: "The whole country was described as being very lofty and precipitous on the side of the sea, but the country immediately about and surrounding the city was a level plain…" "…the whole region of the island lies towards the south, and is sheltered from the north…" (Great plain of Atlantis has its counterpart in the lovely plain of Asgaard, referred to elsewhere in Norse mythology.) Furthermore did any negros ever live in Russia? Anyway, they certainly lived in Atlantis. Are finally, not the giants and dwarfs, the strange peoples, the animals and dragons, well-known mythological features from a number of our source-books to Atlantean History?

In "Ynglingesaga" we read: "While Njord (a god -man) lived among the Vanir (a neighboring people, with whom the Aesir had intercourse and troubles), he had been married to his sister, as was legal there…(he had children by her)…among the Aesir it was prohibited to marry such close relatives." This reference to a brother-sister-marriage is no usual feature in this mythological complex. The fact that in its position in Snorre's story it stands without significance for the rest of the narrative allows us to consider it an aboriginal trait, that should be compared with the same phenomenon so often found in other myths relating to Atlantis. (The statement, that such a marriage was prohibited among the Aesir, must be charged to Snorres' own account.). "(In Asgaard) it was a custom that 12 high -priests should be the leaders, they should perform the sacrifices and judge the people; they are those called "diar" or "drotner" (kings); the entire people had to serve and obey them."

Apart from the number (in other places too, we meet the uncertainty as to whether there were ten or twelve kings in Atlantis), this is exactly the same description as that given in "Critias" concerning the tasks of the kings of Atlantis, during their meeting in the central metropolis. Among these "drotner"

Odin divided his kingdom. The Danish, Norwegian and Swedish sites attributed to the various kingdoms of Snorre are certainly quite arbitrary. Odin was a culture-hero, not only in America, but also in Scandinavia: "It is told-and it is certainly true-that when Asa-Odin, and together with him 'Diane,' came to the Northern countries, they undertook and taught various achievements, with which people have dealt long after. Odin was the foremost among them, and from him they learned all the achievements, because he was the first to know all of them-or most of them anyway." "He and his high-priests are called verse-makers, because with them that art came to the northern countries." "Odin gave laws, the same that had before been given among Aesirs…" Snorre says, that people in olden times had a lot to tell from "Gudelheimen," the home of the gods, i.e., Svitjod." Unfortunately, he has let none of these stories come down to us. He merely says that, "Odin died of sickness home in Svitjod." He was burned, and "people worshipped Odin and the twelve chieftains, and called them gods and believed in them long after."

There may be more mythological material relating to Atlantis in "Heimskringla." In the saga of Harald Haar***er is mentioned a locality, an island called "Atly," i.e., "Atl-Island," and the name Atle may be reminiscent of Atlas. However, any closer analysis is out of place here, as it has only been my purpose to show, that we should not be much wrong in placing the "Ynglingesaga," and perhaps the entire "Heimskringla," among our sources of Atlantean history. The task to divide its true mythological elements from the speculations of its author is, I think, going to be rather a difficult one."

Note from Webmaster- There are about 4 components to the tale that bring up some very interesting timelines in these Nordic stories which direct us to be careful of interpretation:

1. Asa-Odin, and the Diane names as extremely Greekinized but have a Persian back drop in formed words, not exactly Sanskrit, nor exactly Sumarian and more like an Egyptian pantheon gone Greek. There is also a Turkish element in the transporting of story and may explain the Don referred to. But the correction is that Tanakvisl has the 'Tana' a Egyptian name of a Russian River with a celtinized 'Ak' and a 'wisr', or visl for 'water' like 'Ossa' which are connected by place-names to a river region near the Don River. Basically, Don River means the same as Tanakvisl but came from a Celtic mixture period.

Date-2,500 to 300 B.C.

2. Plato does the Atlantis story around the 300 B.C. era, yet the Nordic tale seems older in its narrative, or in a more raw form? More likely Plato gets the 800 B.C. portion of Solon's account that was a Greek also, and has a more refined version of Atlantis. The Sumarian's had a version of Atlantis with other additions to the paradise and its mountain rivers. They made a map that is one of the oldest that shows the world as a square with cardinal points of their world adapted to their own paradisal outline of another kind of Asgaard.

Date-2,800-300 B.C.

3. The terms of 'Lofty', 'Sea-side People' and the Vanir's is another epic period which is much harder to date in its introduction of terminology. 'Lofty' in Egyptian is 'Fai' which is hinting at the linguistic confusion in a similar word i.e. 'Po', or 'Fo' which combined with Fo-Mer we now get not Lofty, but 'Side' from Fo and Mer is 'Sea' in meaning. Thus, Sea-Side as Fo-Mer and now the rubric is complete with who the Fo-Mer were enemies with in Irish and Nordic tales such as the Fir-Bolg or were alternately called the Fenirs or Fernils i.e. Fer=Childern and Nil as Nile, or Children of the Nile. The Nile Children had another alternate name if they came from the Don River in which case they were called Don-Nils.

Thus, we have the tale of a historical war between Sea Side=Fomers and against the Fernil-bolgs as found in Irish tales.

The Date-6,000 to 2,500 B.C.

4. The Saga names hint another factor, Gudelheiman and the Aesirs are almost the same name as God-ly Men or Man-Gods and the likewise Auser as the Osiris figure who was the Man-God of Assyria and Egypt. It does refer to also the Ash Tree, or Persea Tree that Osiris was buried or resurrected in with Auser by name. This ties into the Paradisal Tree of Atlantis amidst the sacred canals and the four quarters of the world.

Date-4,000-2,000 B.C.

When we take the dates in order:

2,500-300 B.C.

2,800-300 B.C.

6,000-2,500 B.C.

4,000-2,000 B.C.

We see that all four are in the 2,800-2,000 B.C. range by tales combined.

That the tale begins to be written down by 5,000 B.C. or widely transported orally.

That other components occurred much later in the story but it was purposely overlapped for a significant point of this 'event is historically a lot like this event thinking',

about 2,500 B.C..

That the tale was refined about the time of Greek and Hanno explorations 600 B.C..

That the battle for sea domination and river domination was already in full swing by 4,000 B.C. in trade due to the same reasons Atlantis sponsored its own metal seeking and water domination, again a layer to the point of the story.

The tale represents four stages of invasion a pre 6,000 B.C. of a North African Origin,

A Egyptian invasion 4,000 B.C. with a Persian parallel, and a Black Sea invasion with a Celtic invasion followed by a Greek-Persian conclusion. The average date from 6,000 to 300 B.C. is 2,850 B.C.

The last point is that Odin has the name of Aten, which comes from the 1,400 B.C. period

When the Celts received a part of this cult. We now take 2,850 from 1,400 and get the median which is 2125 B.C. and falls right in the period of heavy Egyptian gold seeking exploration. The whole story is an amassing of seekers of gold, paradise with a tree, and its god buried in its memory. Also, a lost paradise of riches in the west is implied.

It also has the mention of law and religion as well as star worship associated with the lost land and being introduced with its desires and dreams of returning to it.

In a way the story is saying: Odin Kings and Priests like Atlas Laws

Asgaard like Atly or Atlantis

Sea Side People Like Atlanteans

Religion of a dead god buried in a tree as Atlantean

Metal seeking like the Atlanteans were an

Association of Giants, Pygmy's and Dragons as descriptions about them from other peoples

The Argo Mystery involved and that they were sky worshippers

That they entered into the realm of the underworld or the sea.

There is an indication of taboos and being banished from one region to another, yet wanting to return to lost homeland. This is found also in the Arthurian Tales with the fall out of Guinevre and Arthur's not long after death longing for his Avalon. It would seem that the idea of Atlanteans being punished for their moral trespasses by a deluge that had a some powerful effect on the priests and surviving kings who were in some cases forced to intermarry due to the lack of surviving blood lines. Meanwhile the people had to avoid intermarriage by their laws to not offend the gods again. In a sense their bloodline was shamed by the event which may explain why Adam and Eve is an overlay of this Biblical Taboo or question of being in paradise and continuing man's bloodline but as 'brother and sister' had a body put in shame to lose that paradise. In their search for higher knowledge they had lost their moral virtues. In a sense a timeless note on man and his own spirits significant faults in free will gone unchecked.

The main point is the Nordic Tales tend to have layers of old and older stories overlapped which the above shows just the cultural difficulty alone in sorting out the various time events.

One thing is certain, the Nordic with a lot of their tales were often ancient sea-people influenced and may explain depth of the variations. Yet, the Atlantis story and flood myth became retained. We may note that most of the stories are before 1,400 B.C. and this rules out the Thera explosion explanation as the source of the flood myth to the Nordic with only minor significance. It seems they are referring to a much older catastrophe.

In the next article of Atlantis, A Journal of Research Vol. 5, No. 6 by Arthur and the Cromlechs M.C. Carr-Gomm points out this idea about England's Arthur story having some Atlantis layers in it:

"In conclusion we submit the proposition that these sea-farers were also the original bearers of Arthurian Culture and also of Sun Observation to the British Isles. Who can say that they were not Phoenicians or even Sumerians? Are we sure they were not Atlanteans? "

"In some green island of the sea,

Where now the shadowy coral grows

In pride and pomp and empery

The courts of old Atlantis rose." (Masefield) 
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« Reply #892 on: January 02, 2008, 02:16:35 pm »

Carolyn Silver

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   posted 12-09-2006 04:45 AM                       
1953 cont.

Flood Myths and History, Hugh Soar (a over all summary)

Flood Heroes-Culture Heroes-Attributes


Before Osiris came the Egyptians were cannibals, no laws, and ignorant of the High Gods. Osiris came to Egypt in vessel with relatives, Isis and Set. Taught egyptians to cultivate ground, gathered fruit from trees, winnow grain, prune trees, trained vines to poles, taught grape wine, and brew barley beer. From this gained the name Un-nefer, the Good One. On death was placed as number one god. His death by suffocation, brought by brother Set. His body was dismembered and thrown in distant parts of Egypt.

Bogota, New Granada, Columbia

Bochic (or Memtereketeba, or Nemquetheba) came long ago from the East to Platau of Bogota. With his coming a great flood, which threatened the country, had stopped. He taught savages to till the soil, make cloths, to honor the gods, and to rule land.

Deluge and Culture Hero Myth- Chaldean/Babylonian

In first year of creation, the powerful being Oannes came out of the Sea. Though of a different race, he spoke in a tongue that the people could understand. He taught

Them who lived with beasts, how to build towns and temples, how to survey land, how to grow fruits and other things. He did not eat their food however. After his days work amoungst them he returned to his palace in the ocean. After him their appeared six other beings who gave revelations to men.

Culture Hero Myth-Icelandic Eddas

"Adburs sons uplifted, The soil in cultivation. They gave the Middle Garden Its glorious merry shape. (Mediterranean?) The sun then cast its shine Into the stoen cellars. The ground became green, With leeks and grain. (pyramids were built on leek and barley) The sun wrapped its shine Around men in fellowship, Whose hands grasp, right hand wise Around the heavenly Adar. " ( erman=right arm related to a river or a road as a right hand path of the sun rolling, or Ra-n-Reth on the nightly milky river Itor or Watery Nile.) (webmaster points)

Chaldean Flood was no earlier then 6,000-5,000 B.C. and not the same as the Atlantean one.

England the final flooding of the southern portion in the channel took place in its final stage in post-glacial times during the early years of the Mesolithic Age.

Southern province of Spain, Andulucia, famous for the Rio Tinto mines. Mrs. Elena Wishaw spent years in uncovering the Neolithic settlements of Niebla. Her thought was that the Cro-Magnon were the first to exploit the mine who were from Aurignacian Culture period. The location has diluvial clay pockets between Rio Tinto and the sea. The coastal plain, and the valley of the Guadalquivir, running north-eastwards, is generally below six hundred feet. The raised beaches, and shell beds at Lucena occur on ground between one thousand feet, and three thousand feet above sea-level. This indicates that Guadalquivir River Valley at least has been under water, and the islands of higher ground, rising from three thousand feet upwards, were probably the only lands above water in Andulucia during the short period of the universal flood. Neolithic Culture was early in comparison with England. Andalucia has its own flood myths, one that relates that the people of a certain town saved themselves from the great flood by climbing upon their city walls.

The salt marshes of Tunisia extend westwards into Algeria. They were formed it is thought by extensive flooding, and since the land is generally very low, and in some case below sea level, a rise of the Mediterranean Sea, of only a few feet would completely submerge the land below 600 feet. The sweeping up of the water by a lunar or asteroid tidal grid would put to much sea water at the equator, and the polar regions the loss of sea water.

South America culture center unknown but the culture called Tiahuanaco was possibly near a Inter-Andean Sea due to Calcareous deposits, indicating the presence of water, and littorals. The remaining traces of this sea, are Lake Titicaca and Lake Poopo, with a stream connecting them presently. The average height of the Mountain Sea was 12,300 feet, and two theories are Andes pushed out of the sea in Tertiary times, or the melting glaciers due to climate change melted into these lakes or were a sea. But, the tidal grid being lifted by a close encounter of a celestial object onto the equator and dumping vast amounts of water at the earth's middle would also account for this possibility? Calcareous deposits occur in fast inundation conditions generally. The nature of the water at Titicaca and Poopo are brackish or salty with a salt marsh. The glaciers are non-saline by nature. The type of stoen in the area are not Triassic formations and not suitable for salt extraction by water going over them. Inter-Andean Sea therefore can only be continent breakup formed and or by a sudden event such as a tidal grid uplifting.

The Biblical account is not the original and not borrowed from Chaldea or Peru as to what or who would really be the first culture to mention it. It may have been simultaneous event, and so culture wise recorded in folklore and myths.

Quetzalcoatl, was a deluge survivor and head of the Toltec pantheon of gods and a wind patron. In some cases he was a great priest of the rain maker or stopper cult.

He was a teacher, inventor of handicrafts, growing of grain and pumpkin. He left with different myths of his death, or reason of leaving into the east.

Osiris, in remote pre-dynastic antiquity Osiris was a King and had his governing in the Ninth Nome. Horus, Isis, and Osiris are mostly linked together in ruling the kingdom. Agriculture and the Moon are his links, and his afterlife for him and the believers lie in the 'Field of Reeds', or (Sekhet Ari-t or Greeks Elysian Fields) in the Western Horizon i.e. towards the Atlantic. At first his center of worship was at Busiris, and then Abydos. Yet, this shows Osiris is connected with the marshy inundated reeds of Atlantis. The shrines like pyramids are usually dedicated to culture heroes like Osiris who have altars at the top of them indicating man's sacrificial thanking for surviving from the floods by mounds or mountains that god made for men to be closer to heaven and god? Even Adam and Eve or their fall out of paradise, or from its loss to a flood has its connection to pagan baptism practices.

The immersion of a child in water is due to the legacy of his surviving ancestors (survivor syndrome-guilt) who believed that their supposed cleansing meant that for them as being part sinless for not being picked to die. This as opposed to some of them who were destroyed by water due to their own sins offending god is continued to this day. The Cross-has even descended to us from the same ancient pagan sources.

Lord Raglan book, "The Hero" is the basis of certain myths that repeat the story:

Pagan outline culture hero myth stratum-

1. Heroes Mother is a royal virgin.

2. His father is a lineal descendant of a King, and 3. A relative cousin of his mother.

4. The conception is unusual and immaculate.

5. he is reputed to be a son of God.

6.At birth an attempt is made by his father or maternal grandfather to kill him, but

7. He is taken away in exile, 8. Reared by his foster parents in a far country.

9. We are told nothing of his childhood, but 10. On reaching manhood he returns for his kingdom. 11. After a victory over a king, a giant, devil, or beast, 12. He marries a princess, often a daughter of the predecessor. 13. Becoming King.

14. Reigns for a long time uneventfully, and prescribes laws, but 16. Later he losses favor with the gods, and or his subjects, and 17. Is driven from the throne and city, after which he meets a mysterious death, 19. Often at the top of a hill. 20. His children, if any, do not succeed him. 21. His body is not buried but nevertheless 22. He has one or more holy sepulchres.

Christian cult-hero stratum:

1.His mother is a virgin

2. His father is a lineal descendant of a king (Joseph of David's line) and

3. a relative (cousin) of his mother. 4. He is concieved by the Holy Ghost, and

5. is the Son of God. 6. After his birth an attempt by Herod to kill him, but 7. He is taken to Egypt and 8. Reared there. 9. We know little of his childhood, but 10 on reaching manhood he goes to Israel. 11. After a victory over the Devil (in the wilderness) he is 13. Feted as a great leader. 14. For a time all goes well, he 15 preaches doctrines, but 16 he losses favor with his people, and 17. Is imprisoned. 18. His actual death is mysterious, (the voice of God), 19 on top of a hill. 21 His body is not buried but nevertheless 22. He has many sepulchres.

It is true of Jesus existence so why not of the former Heroes, and the pattern of conversion to a religion or a kingdoms lineage justified is used when spreading the mythology and philosophy of a famous figure. In a sense gossip has its cost and toll on the actual truths. For the spread of Christianity was based on the success of incorporating a internal pattern or meter so that Jesus would stand out as Spiritual and at least a Cult Hero. So, ritual drama like Robin Hood, Dionysus, and even Bhudda have certain affinities in the drama building rules. Even Shakespeare could no more over look ritual drama in his play 'King Lear' with the life of Celtic Sea God Llyr, and his son Mannawyddan included, a myth of ancient antiquity.

Webmaster in conclusion-

It would seem a internal code of ritual drama was one of the reasons the Atlantis Myth was continued because the ancestors did not want us to forget that this was not a story or a myth but something dreadful that happened. Atlantis tale is the most powerful kind for many will come for a tragedy, then a happy ending even in going to the movies. They had to figure out away to show the impact of it, that would still entail some elements of hope especially for the hereafter. They formed a canon, or a numerical outline within the story, which we may want to now see why Plato felt it pretty important to lay down numbers of the Atlantis mathematical citadel? It was such a powerful canon that not even Noah's Ark could be excluded from the Old Testament due to the importance of the historical drama before even Homer. The cult hero in a sense is another canon that extended from the original story, but since it was more human oriented story it could more so be overlaid.

What the pattern does show is the difficulty for the Atlanteans to adjust to new lands and new kingdoms after the destruction and due to social rejections towards their wanting to control over those kingdoms when they moved in. The story glorifies their passage from wickedness, and the ingenious way that they got the cultures to follow them. They did not bribe, nor enslave at that point but taught them about the things they knew and the world they built and treasured and were willing to teach. The myth also reveals a fall out of the culture who was learning from them in resenting Atlantean's eventual control i.e. Set takes over and some havoc begins to spread. The myth also reveals come back with Isis installing Horus and so the prehistoric lineage was to continue on the merciful son's avenging of his enemies. Thoth lurks in the background so the teacher somehow always remained and was revered i.e. the Priests for a long period of time in pre-dynastic Egypt had great power over the people often aligned with the Queens. The taboo has also appeared as to not entering information about a cult hero's childhood very much like why Greeks would not finish out a play's high point and only imply what happened. They do not want the listener to focus on the child turned into a man-god's rights of passage. As if to reveal it either takes away from the story, lessens the mystery, or steals his mystical essence. This may have been a fear taboo socially that if you speak of his childhood you may rob, or put at risk his central character i.e. soul. It is also interesting that from the cult hero getting isolated or exiled from others with his rights of passage, and his eventual ritual battle leading to a marriage he is performing one of the oldest human life dramas related to social, city, and kingdom building. This old process where the child then turns into a man and then into a king through rights of passage was known back in Atlantean and Cave Man days as a drama. But, the confusion of the word trauma shows its older metaphor association and is implied even mythological. For after the right of passage, the cult hero gets replaced, or dies on a hill. This is about a king's right of passage i.e. one Chronos Hock-Bock Goat King getting replaced by a more vigorous younger suitor to the thrown. It was often fought, as a dual on a hill, like our child's game king of the mountain, and king of the hill, or even Jack and Jill. It means that Atlantean's had in some circumstances duels between King and son, some other suitor, or the King was sacrificed on a hill then to face a battle with his flesh and blood. The origin of this king passage cult may have later become well established in the Age of Gemini, when twins fought over the right to a thrown and became a literal religion, note Egypt's Twin Kingdoms? The story is almost like a reverse Zodiac in the sense our Virgo-Virgin starts the Age story and Taurus the Bull ends it for our cult hero. This is why the Jesus story is the same but altered in exception. In the middle of the story

After rights of passage he preaches, and is imprisoned? This refers to Pisces Age-Aquarius Age, and he being imprisoned involves a very esoteric alteration which

Refers to what is across from the Virgin i.e. Andromeda who was chained and imprisoned. The clue of the New Testament Jesus Cult Hero is this….Virgo and Andromeda only have one thing between them, and that is the North Pole. This North Pole in a sense is Jesus Hill Top that he preached and then was to die on.

Yet, he was not buried on the hill, he was taken to the valley. The implication is that

A pole shift is coming, and Vega is coming back as the new pole star. This is why Jesus uses the line on the cross that only Atlas could make when he held up the world in a gossip sense, 'father why have you forsaken me', and still in a unknown language?

There is a second part to the fable, which ties Osiris's Life, and having the same parallels as Jesus which I now call the 'Lost Doctrine On the Passion Passage (Play)'.

There is also the even more elusive, 'Lost Doctrine of The Child's Training Passage'.

Here is what I have laid out for the first time to the viewer.

I. Escape and Training

II. Exile and Rights of Manhood

III. Capture and Passionate

These are ritual works that are supposed to be combined and go back to an Atlantean Tale.

As we find in 'The Albigenses and the Holy Grail', by Lewis Edwards, D. Litt.

The Grail being in Wales addressed to Hopkin op Thomas by Davydd y Coed

"There are in his court

The golden oak Eluecdarius

And the Grail and Triales" 
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« Reply #893 on: January 02, 2008, 02:17:30 pm »

Carolyn Silver

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   posted 12-09-2006 04:52 AM                       
1953 cont.

Where Calypso may have lived, By Egerton Sykes (a summary)

The Azores when Prince Henry the Navigator (Portuguese explorer a descendant of England's own John Gaunt) ordered the expedition in the 15th Century were found to be uninhabited. According to Legend Prince Henry was in possession of an Ancient Map upon which the position of the Islands was marked, and overlooked the significance of this map for previous Trans-Atlantic contacts before Columbus. The only evidence of Human Habitation when he arrived was a Bronze Statue Equestrian who was pointing on a Horse towards America on the Island of Corvo. Some 250 years later, small hoard of Cathegenian coins was found, dating back to the 3rd Century B.C., and was described by the Swedish Archaeologist, Podolin. The presence of the coins established the fact that this island of Corvo was a trade center as far back as that date. Unfortunately, the statue and coins are missing, one lost to sea, and the other unknown to who the collector was. Humboldt mentions a cave on one side of the Island that first explorers found several inscriptions, and two or three statues. The writing was thought to be Hebrew only because they could not read it, but is very likely was Lybian-Punic, or Phoenician. The traces of the Caves location has also been lost all of, which can maybe traced in accounts in some Portuguese Library. The mythical Irish Maeldune, who visited the Islands in search of the slayer of his father, mentions an Island where a horde of Giant Ants as large as foals waited to seize the crew of his ships. Today these very rocks are called in the Azores, the Formigas or Ants? Maeldune reported landing on an Island where he saw, "A vast multitude of people on the sea, rushing along the crests of the waves with great outcry. As soon as they landed, they went to the green where they arranged a horse race." Since no less than eight of the nine coins found on Corvo had horses. Long before that, Statius Sebosus said the Azores were 6,000 Stades (750 miles) West of Maderia, and named two of the Islands Pluvalia, and Capraria, a fact well known to compilers of guides to navigators. Homer's reference to Calypso's Isle, 20 days sail from the islands of the Phaecians (The West Indies) obviously refers to the Azores. The Egyptians 1,500 B.C. had passed by the Azores, but is there earlier evidence of the land once being larger and inhabited?

The Swedish Scientist, Prof. Petterson, says that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was still above water fifteen thousand years ago. The fact that Santa Maria, the first island to be colonized again, is not volcanic tends to disprove the theories that the Islands were thrown up by volcanic action alone.

Webmaster Notes:

The islands the Greeks noted is broken up as Pluval-ia, and Caprar-ia which Pluval is the Latin equivalent of praefui, or as an adjective form Praesens i.e. present and in person. Also, refers to a safe harbor indirectly with praesidium name, which recalls Posidium. The other angle is proveho, to carry forward or sail onward in latin, and lastly profluo or to flow forth to rise. This indicates that the Pluval-ia is an island that maybe-volcanic active, or rises high and that some Egyptian Pharaoh's name had marked it as his own. The Caprar Island almost has the Calypso name, or Caply-so.

Latin Capere means take, or seize, and Caprae is for a 'goat'.

In Egyptian however Khepri is a magical serpents with human heads and wings in Taut XI

And is the name of Kheprer for the self-begotten sun beetle itself a form of Ra.

It is also a name for the spring period and the Zodiac sign of Cancer being the

opposite of Capricorn like Tropic of Cancer had replaced? The Islands may still yield

their original names yet! 
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« Reply #894 on: January 02, 2008, 02:18:41 pm »

Carolyn Silver

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   posted 12-09-2006 04:55 AM                       
1953 cont.

The 'Lost Atlantis' of G. I. Bryant, By Egerton Sykes

This is based on the outline of the manuscript works salvaged after Bryant's home was destroyed in the Middle East during WW2, which E. Sykes recovered.

The work is focused primarily on not occult, but Plato period sources. Solon of 569 B.C. spoke to priests Sonchis, of the Temple of Neith in Sais, and Psenuphis Priest of Ra at Heliopolis. They both speak of Neith and Athena as the same goddess between Greece and Egypt. Egypt's 'Nth' and Greek's 'Thn' had bow and arrow in one goddess's hand and the other goddess had a shield and spear. Athens City was founded thousands of years before Sais was in Egypt according to the priests. The Greek Legend of Athena according to the Greek Mythology came from Libya around the Lake Tritonis area along with the Poseidon Myths. The Atlanteans conquered Egypt, and the Middle East by Sea invasion like the Greek invasion. The statement to Solon from Priest Sonchis that ", for in those days (c. 9,600 B.C.) the Atlantic was navigable", and implies that in Sonchis days (569 B.C.) the Atlantic as according to the Phoenicians was poorly navigable because of the weeds (Field of Reeds), and shallows as related to the Sargasso Sea and just outside of the Straits of Gibraltar. The Island was described as larger then Libya and Asia (or their known world) i.e. North Africa to Egypt to the lands of Persia and southward to almost Ethiopia, or Congo. It is clear the description refers to just outside and not far from the Straits (described as a harbor in the Straits immediately across from Atlantis) with another adjacent continent beyond that of Atlantis, called modernly America. Thus, the Egyptians and the Greeks knew of this around 9,600 B.C.. One could think it refers to the other 'outer' islands as Cape Verde, Maderia, or Canaries and included across Lake Tritonis (Minor) in the Sahara. But, America is more preferred. The places the Atlanteans conquered included the region of the Berbers (often thought to be descendants from them)original inhabitants of North-West Africa and beyond Europe they took Tyrrhenia kingdom as well. They Berbers as considered white in color are at first glance not quite the Guanches of Canaries ancient people, but there is a tale they were once more white then their reddish bronze color later formed. In regards to Tyrrhenia, Montaigne considered this historical name was related to present day Tuscany, and implied the Caribs in the West Indies on the American side maybe relatives to the Guanches in the Canaries. Webmaster note-"Some Caribs were noted with Blue Eyes before Columbus arrival to the New World as well as the Caloosa of Southern Florida in Ponce De Leon's day." There are ancient seaports South of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco and Algeria. Thus, the territories of Mauretania, Numidia, Tunis, Tripoli, Braca and Libya proper as far east as the Libyan Oases had fallen in Atlantean hands. By 9,600 B.C. the Atlantean control became a monstrous octopus, its body formed the lost island and the tentacles reaching northwards to England's Lost land of Lyonesse in the due south west of Britain beyond Cornwall. South as far as the Sargasso Sea; east into the Mediterranean on both north and south shores including the Balearic islands, Sardinia, and the Maltese archipelago; and west towards Florida, Central America, and North West Brazil. They may have controlled parts of the N. American Seaboard, and in Louisiana region southern states. Geology teaches us that at one time the Yucatan had a land bridge stretching from Cuba and Carribean islands which formed

A solid arc into Venezuela enclosing a fertile land. Le Plongeon 50 years before was coming to a conclusion simaler to this. (Webmaster Note)-The recent find off the coast of Cuba of a series of Walls and a city may confirm this bridge was partially intact around the 2,500 to 10,000 B.C. period. Le Plongeon also called the area beyond the Yucatan as the Maya Kingdom of Mu not to be confused with Lemuria, for it is more not just a Pacific influence by name but the 'Water' of Life by reference which the Egyptians borrowed as Mu-Ankh. The 'Water of Life' and its great stag or female deer's kingdom was about the grazing in those lands by the creature before it lost its land bridge. The outline of a Great Deer is noted with the Stag Horns as the Gulf of Mexico, and the Island Caribbean curvature as its hindquarter with its head facing Yucatan, and down to Honduras. The reason it is called, Yucatan is because it refers to female deer's weeping over the lost stag's kingdom to the Caribbean Sea. This is the mystery that is deepened when prehistoric stag deer's with that great of a horn (Gulf of Mexico) disappeared some 10,000 years ago or more!

Chapter Two-

In referance to the Atlanteans fighting Athens in first a indecisive sea battle, were finally defeated by the Greeks in a land battle. The Greeks then went freed people in other lands from the Atlanteans this according to Sonchis in Sais, Egypt. In a work now lost, by Marcus Terentius Varro, a distinguished Roman writer, tells of a naval battle which once occurred off Sardinia. In this battle, the Guanches in the Canary Islands defeated Phorcys, King of Sardinia. Might there perhaps be some confusion of the Guanches with the men of Carthage, who indeed conquer Sardinia and were its masters until expelled by the Romans? It is difficult to decide whether this engagement off this Island was not really one of the events in the last invasion of Europe by the Atlanteans. Mummies were practiced in the Canaries and very similar to the Egyptians (webmaster note-and had some characteristics of the Coastal Peru-Chile 9,000 B.C. complex in recent finds) along its shores and caves. Thus a link existed between the Egyptians, Guanches of the Canaries, and the Peruvians halfway across the globe. (Webmaster Note- There is some evidence that the Gobi Desert beyond Armenia may yet yield mummies if it was even a Noahetic practice by a Basque like culture?) Le Plongeon in his atlantis book noted the sandals on the Chicheu Itza Statue is the same as the ones found on the Gaunches mummies feet? In regards to the Guanches, Aelian

Tells us that Theopomos of chios related that once ten million of them, coming from a city called 'Machimos' or (The Warlike, or Match-Mes like the word Mismatch), descended suddenly onto Europe. They first went to the north but, perhaps dissatisfied with the climate, they then made their way south, gradually overrunning the coasts and Mediterranean. We are not sure the Guanches are the actual atlanteans with their reddish gold color (metallic interests). There may also be some error in the machimos name for it is a Greek adaptation of the older name, and the source of Theopompos

Is still unknown. But, he does refer to creatures in this atlantis that can be no less elephants. No where do other records exist about the Balaeric, Corsica, Sicily, and Maltese Islands that tell about this invasion and conquest. M. Gattefosse has assured us that Malta contains remains of an atlantean character, and if 'Cyclopian' be the same as Atlantean, then he is correct. These islands have always been a very old stopping ground in maritime trade and have showed most of the successive influences. Le Plongeon is still considered the oldest theorist on the Egyptian and Mayan connection to Atlantis. The Troano Codex, a copy is in the madrid museum, was discovered by Brasseur de Bourbourg in Spain in the possession of Don Juan Tro Y Ortelano, then professor of Paleography in Madrid. Brasseur was struck by the similarities of the hieroglyphs on the strip of bark, 14 feet and 9 inches, and those on the Mayan monuments of Copan and Palenque in Central America, and assumed it to be the Mayan record of the sinking of the land of MU, which must refer to the sinking of Atlantis. Le Plongeon's rendering of the Troano Codex runs as follows: "The Year…on the eleventh Muluc in the Month of Zuc, there occurred a terrible earthquakes which continued without intermission the thriteenth Chuen. The country of the hills of mud, the Land of Mu, was sacrificed. Being twice upheaved, it suddenly disappeared during the night, the basin being continually shaken by volcanic forces. Being confined, these caused the land to sink and rise several times and in various places. At last the surface gave way and the ten countries were torn asunder and scattered in fragments: unable to withstand the force of the convulsions, they sank with their sixty four million inhabitants, eight thousand and sixty years before the writing of this book."

Webmaster note- The date of writing the book since our Mayans begin recording on a large scale at 1,000 B.C. (if this was correct) would be 9,060 B.C., yet Plato says 9,600 B.C. with 540 years difference we may have to take back to the Mayas account. 1,540 B.C. marks the period when that book story was first written and lands in a period when the Hyksos began to invade Egypt. This does not finish the problem of the deluge 2,000 years further back Cayce claims at 11,600 B.C., which would put this Mayan work at 3,540 B.C. before the 1st Dynasty of Egypt. It would seem the earthquakes lasted 7 and a half months ending in the early summer and the memory is preserved indirectly in a word in Egypt of Sekhet as 'Field', and Kuon or 'Dog' for month terminology names? There is however the Muluc Month which is a Milky Way name, and is it possible that the real word connection is Ochuen, or Ochema Seku or Zuc i.e. Egyptian for 'The Big Dipper', and Bear Polar Constellation on the Milky Way preserved in month names? If this is the case they are implying a Pole Movement observed?

Paul Schliemann stated that in one of the Tibetan temples of Llasa there existed a record, which stated:

"When the Star Bal fell on the place where there is now only sea and sky, the Seven Cities with their Golden Gates and Transparent Temples quivered and shook like the leaves in a storm. And, behold a flood of fire and smoke arose from the palaces. Agony and cries the multitude filled the air. They sought refuge in their temples and citadels. And the wise Mu, the hieratic of Ra-Mu, arose and said to them: "Did I not predict all this?" And the women and the men in their precious stones and shinning garments lamented: "Mu, save us." And Mu replied: "You shall die together with slaves and your riches, and from your ashes shall arise new nations. If they forgot that they are superior not because of what they put on but of what they put out, the same lot will befall them." Flame and smoke choked the words of Mu. The land and its inhabitants was torn to pieces and swallowed by the depths. Though not directly referred to as Atlantis, the story may have been added or taken from via survivors who moved past Egypt and became incorporated. This may explain Plato's description of Atlantis's left over mud, and since the Atlantic is oscillating at its depths future generations may see it rise again. It is another mystery why Carthage Sea ports is not mentioned by the Egyptians to Solon which appeared around 869 B.C.. Yet Herodotus in his whole nine books does not mention Rome. The Egyptian Priest to Solon mentions not one but many time's great floods have occurred in the nine thousand years. 
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« Reply #895 on: January 02, 2008, 02:19:50 pm »

Carolyn Silver

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   posted 12-09-2006 04:59 AM                       

Lost Atlantis-part 3 cont. Bryant, By E. Sykes

In Solon story, we reach the point of where the Younger Critias says: "Yet, before proceeding further with the narration, I ought to warn you (his Athenian audience) that you should not be surprised if you hear Hellenic names given to foreigners. I will give you the reason for this. Solon, who planned a poem of this story, made an inquiry into meaning of the names given him and learned that the early Egyptians in writing them down (in hieratic or in hieroglyphs) had translated them into their own language and he, Solon, recovered the meaning of the several names ( that is , in Atlantean, shewing therefore that at that early epoch of the world's history proper or surnames were given to persons, places and perhaps to things in general on account of some characteristic action, habit, quality or environment) and re-translated them and copied them over again in our language (Archaic Attic Greek-which was still in use at the time of Solon, according to Taylor. My great-grandfather Dropidas had the original writing (Solon's manuscript) which is still in my possession (470-400 B.C.) and was carefully studied by me when a child." The processes of translation, re-translation and transcription thus involved must have been complicated and unwieldy. Noted before the Greeks received Poseidon religion from Libyans. R. Brown asserts etymological grounds Poseidon is to be equated to Noah. Bellamy translates Poseidon by "the one who surges along". It is to be regretted that the original Atlantean names, proper and otherwise, recorded by the Egyptian Priests were not simply transliterated into hieratic

or hieroglyphic writing. "Therefore," Critias continues, "if you (Socrates and his fellow-listeners) hear names such as are used in this country, you must not be surprised, for I have told you the reason." The layering of the mythic quality in Greek would be its own primitive history, with only portions to the actual atlantean meanings or names. Critias the Younger continues about Poseidon having a part of Atlantis and having a mortal woman for a wife beget children, his father was Kronos who destroys Poseidon in a metaphorical sense i.e. destroyed all of Poseidon's Kingdom. In addition of his dominion over all the seas, oceans, and water elsewhere. So, all destruction's of tidal and flooding onto lands and islands has been attributed to Poseidon's lost domain. Hellenic proper name is Po-Seidon, as possibly Asiatic origin, being related to Phi-Sheidon, the Mouth of Sidon, the famous seaport of the earliest Phoenicians, a city traced back to 2,700 B.C. His wife Amphi-Trite, the female symbol or triton, or in other terms, the first Merwoman, or Queen of the Mermaids referred to in fairy mythology. She was daughter of Oceanus, which seals (animal) was very prolific in symbolism in Mediterranean area with the Phocea-'seals' Coins, the city borrowed the Phoca name Greek for 'Seals'. The Lake Tritons, or Seals formed enormous gulf separating the island- or perhaps the peninsula- or North West Africa from Libya and Western Egypt.

The likeness of seals and humans brought about the mythology of mermaids. This implies ancient sea-faring traders, and harpooners made up coastal Atlantis. Critias continues that on that island's side toward the sea was a great plain, which near the center of Island at five miles inward were not very large mountains. On this mountain dwelt a earth born primeval men of that land, whose name was Evenor or Euanor. He had a wife named Leucippe and only child was Cleito. These are names given as the oldest Attic Greek names to atlanteans, or aboriginal people of Atlantis. Breaking through Greek translations of Atlantean name meanings (not just words) Evanor or Euanor, can be constructed as 'the Man of God' like Adam. In primeval Atlantean aboriginal language, we find the root Hu, a very ancient Cymric or Cimmerian concept of deity, showing that this particular name for God was carried from the south-west of the globe almost due east by migration: in vastly later ages the name Hu seems to have been carried to the British Isles by the ancestors to the Druids and figures prominently in the most ancient legends. In a Cymric legend of the Deluge, which was caused by the Addanc, a mythical monster, making the Lake of Waters (Llyon Lion) overflow, it was Hu Gaderam whose oxen dragged the monster from the waters and stopped the disaster. It was from this Deluge that Dwy Van and Dwy Vach escaped in the Neyydd Nav Neivon, the Celtic Ark. The Addanc appears to be similar to the Punic Hayagriva. Hu Gaderan may actually have been a pre-Celtic culture hero. The Triads refer to him as "A Bull dwelling in a sacred stall". The name of the first Atlantean Woman, Luecippe, can be rendered english as a 'the luminous mare'. A nymph named Leuce appears as one of the numerous oceanides or priestess of oceanus, and hence related to Amphitrite, or the wife of Poseidon. This of course reminds us of sea-horses and we know from Greek mythology that the horse was first produced by Poseidon's striking the earth with his trident during his dispute with Athene, his niece, as to who should name the newly-formed settlement that was the capital of Cecropia. She in turn produced the olive-tree and thus and thus gained the victory, and her name was given to the city. All this may refer to a religious or other quarrel in which land and water symbolise the opposing factors and the defeated, having to flee to their galleys, leave their cavalry behind. This suggests that the Atlanteans may have introduced the horse into Europe. It is likely that Atlantis was the original place for the horse which at that time the region called Barbary, or North West Africa, was the most easterly geographical division. Cleito, or Clito, which no son occurs in the Atlantean Trinity, has many prefixes in several names of persons and places. She and her family were the progenitors of the Atlanteans. Her after father and mother died was when Poseidon married her, and it was he who built the encircling citadel in honor of her, which he may have copied from the original Atlantis port city? For like Adam, the Poseidon of Solon's narrative is the personification of a race and not an individual being. Poseidon also brought up under the earth the warm and cold springs to the center of the island. He beget five pairs of twins and dividing the kingdom in 10 parts which he gave his eldest the main citadel and adjacent lands that was his mothers and made him the main king over the rest. The others were made princes to rule over other lands. Atlas was the eldest and before he was born the central citadel area was not the only empire kingdom it extended from western and southern coastal regions of Portugal from the neighborhood of the present site of Lisbon southwards and incorporated parts of Spain as far south as and including the country around Cadiz: the present north-western parts of Africa as far eastwards as the then Tunisian shore of the Mediterranean, overlooking Lake Tritonis, or present Gulf of Gabes, Tripoli and Sidra; in all likelihood the extreme southwest corner of England, and, as one writer, Comyns Beaument has suggested, the whole peninsula of Cornwall, Devon and Somerset, with Bath as its local capital and seaport, and the present island groups of the Azores, Madeiras, Canaries, and Cape Verde. Other writers from felt the kingdom also stretched from Morocco south to coasts now lying opposite of Cape Verde. The real time taken to build the kingdoms may have taken at least into a millenia. The location of Cleito's orignal location may have been south of the Atlas Mountain Range and on the shores of the Ocean which occupied what is now the Sahara Desert. This may have been what was the Terra Siriadica of antiquity in which at some unknown time the Siriadic columns were errected, according to Josephus, and Euseubius with referances made by Paul Hoffman). In Algeria, many years ago, I was assured by certain Marabouts that an immense subterranean lake lies under this desert at a depth varying from 150 to 1200 feet, and what is more, fish live and breed in these underground waters and even rivers. It would be interesting to see what would happen if the artesian wells, it might well lead to the emergence of a new and fruitful land.

When this underground lake use to wash the southern and eastern shores of the Atlas Range, the cities, fishing villages and ports which galleys may have ported now no longer exists. King Atlas may have had his kingdom lay near north-west Africa at a time when the Straits of Gibraltar did not exist.

Webmaster Note- If we take Poseidon's name we will find that Poseidia was a variation and gives a clue that it is not directly broken as Po-Seidon, or Sidon as if it were Set and On, or Osiris. Po itself means Sea-Side in meaning thus Po='Side' of a mouth not the mouth itself which explains why the name would include a Bay terminology in the first instance before the 'mouth' of a river. If Po- is self-explanatory then Seid-On or Sei-Tun are the possible other form, and a name like Zatuon would be similar. This may indicate the hard name of Djet-On or Zjet then Seid as the 'Pillar of Osiris' not Hercules. For the Sjed festival held its name closely to Djed 'Pillar' see. The effect is a layer that should look like this:

Poseid-Dun 'Divine (souls) Hill' Archaic Greek-Egyptian

Possido, -sidere,-sedi, sedeo or 'take seize, have power over sea, sit or seat' Roman-Lat.

Praecedo, -cedere, Praeduco, -praedico or'to go before','construct before',before others

(Po)-Suti-hintiu, or 'Underworld Seat' is Etruscan borrowed from Basque 'Seat of Hendiu, or Hondu' i.e. "Western Horizon-Mountain" of the dead sun god gone to underworld.

Fossa, 'divine trench' feminized from Fodo? Celtic

Bossit, Bassit, Bosset is also Egyptian for Basset or Bast, the Cat.

Phocea-d as a Greek Seal name clan.

The conclusion is that a statement once made this word, 'a divine seat (soul's authority) on a great hill be-side the sea on the Western Horizon has gone into the Underworld with the lost older Sun god'.

The implication that it was constructed or made before Greece kingdom is clear, and that even Italy's Poseidonis Port on the West Coast is by the 'Sea-Side' with Basque place names says that it was far west of that where it happened even beyond Spain?

There is one last weird association found in Egyptian Bu or Pu means 'Seat' and if we give literal Seid for 'Seat' it is a replication one Egyptian the other Greek. This means the 'Sea' in Seid has been slammed into the meaning for seat, and involves a dual note or plural form. Which may explain the double-side-d Crete like ax, Po-ss-id, in a sense prince twin's kingdom a very old concept and replaced the Triton (female) into male. This, however, is much latter an effect in language, but may keep the more ancient meaning intact. The internal geographic meaning is 'Bay-Side Town' and now we cannot disregard that the Basque city of Bay-ona (Bay of Osiris) is not the same as Poseidon of the Greek's a big Seal hunter's town!!! In this case Poseidon may end up being in a more religious form the "(Divine) Seat of On or Osiris", or like Busiris is to Egypt and Bast. No matter, it does represent one of the oldest names played with once in reverence and latter in pun. We can see a whole myth was built into this name, and its older name for this King had to originally do with his 'Grove of Trees, or flowers' he pruned that went into the sea with the seals, I call P-ossha-nti-lan and a variation on Atlantis own name. 
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« Reply #896 on: January 02, 2008, 02:23:12 pm »

Carolyn Silver

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   posted 12-09-2006 05:00 AM                       

Lost Atlantis (part 4) Bryant, by Egerton Sykes

The younger to Atlas was given the Kingdom of Pillars of Hercules region according to Critias the younger, and a country still called (470-400 B.C.) Land of Gades. Poseidon gave him the name of Eumelos given to us in Hellenic tongue, but in the country named after him Gadeiros. The division of the brother's kingdom Atlas got within the Southern Regions of Morocco, and Gadeiros the region towards and within the Iberian Peninsula. His dominion connected with the Peninsula and a capital at the extremity. Also, the term Land of Gadei, as Solon calls it Gadetania. It probably corresponded in form to the Cornwall and Devon In England, or to Brittany, France. Then the capital may have been a seaport on the sea shore: and so we can only suppose that Andalusia at that time lay beneath the sea that washed the mountain slopes of Granada- and thus the Pillars of Hercules had not been thrown up from the depths. This is the only location known that gives identity and location. It clearly shows Gadeir-os, the -os being a common Hellenic suffix, was the Atlantean form: and components of its Hellenic form, Eumelos, have been traced to an identification of one of the ten original divisions of the empire of Atlantis. Melos is Greek meaning 'Black' based on the swarthiness of the most ancient district of Spain, still existing and indeed heightened by an infusion of Arab Moorish blood from Mauritania, or else to color of the wool of the famous Merino sheep, which are understood to have originated here. Cadiz occupies a part of the site of the ancient Gades of Plato's narrative, Phoenicians use it as an entry port in their trade with Tyre, Sidon, and Carthage. The historical date of city founding is 1,170 B.C., but existed as a port of call for mariners if it was indeed a Atlantean City. The city was built across from this loaction from Europe and Africa, probably joined where we now find the Pillars of Hercules. Due to the subsiding from earthquakes and other forces the region of Gades, and the Capital of Eumelos are lost. Cadiz was thrown up along with the Granada Mountains southern slopes as the sea retracted: for a time it formed island eastwards of Atlantis and was gradually joined to the new mainland of Spain. The present City of Cadiz is really situated on an island. The same chain of events effected Lisbon. Portugal and Spain are still showing volcanic activities and the peninsula maybe rising. Lisbon and Cadiz were two prominent headlands on the eastern coast of the main island of Atlantis, which may have been the most important sea-ports while they faced the south-west, the capital city proper of King Atlas, at the same time a comparatively hidden seaport, faced then-existing island of Mauritania, washed on its western shores by the Atlantean ocean, on its south by the Sahara Sea, and on its northern and eastern coasts by the waters of the Middle Sea, our Mediterranean, which divided from Lake Tritonis and the Sahara Sea by very narrow necks of land. Spain is indeed very bare of archaeological remains previous to the irruption of the Basques, Iberes and others of the earlier races of Neolithic men: only the extreme southern regions seem to have been colonized by the Phoenicians. Gadeir may be the original name from Atlantean times when the aboriginal people mentioned the name to Phoenicians. The word 'gaddir' means 'hedges' used by the aborigines to guard themselves or their flocks and herds from attack. The possible true Phoenician name was this location was Tartessos or Tarshis, but has been used in many other locations so for now disregarded. It may have been Gades, 25 miles from the Pillars of Hercules where Geyron lived and kept his herds of cattle and flocks of sheep. In Greek myths he had three bodies and three heads. Hercules ninth labor was to kill him and by so received the name Gadetani. May have been a Atlantean Chieftain, or shepherd king, ruling three pastoral tribes of uncouth, uncultivated people, and an easy prey for the brutal Hercules and his gang! The second pair of twins born to Poseidon and Cleito we read that the father "called one Ampheres and the other Evaemon." It seems their territory was a region lain north of the site of Lisbon and thus been the lost land of Lyonesse. The third pair of twins he gave the name Mnessos to the elder Autochton who followed as the younger twin.

In Greek, "self-born or persons originating locally in very regions in which we will find them" in other words, such as have never left their native soil! It is difficult to see where these locations are but one clue is that it represents agricultural then maritime population. The whole eastern side was given to Atlas, his brother Gadeiros and others. To the fourth pair of twins the names of Elasippos, and the younger Mestor. The Hellenic tongue gives some clues to their geographic identity. Elasippos resembles the capital city of Portugal and also to the cult hero Ulysses, Trojan War. We find the Greek names of Ypsilon and Upsilon, and Greek family name of Ypsilanti as from Phoenicia and Greece by way of trade from spoken Atlantean tongue. The voyages of Ulysses it may be considered possible that he arrived at the estuary of Tagus in a ship called the Horse or Elas, or Greek Horse, for a while he stayed there, forming a settlement named after him: we have it on Solon's own authority that the meaning of the Elasippos in Greek was the same as its Atlantean equivalent, and we also know that for the Greeks the horse was associated with sea and its lord, Poseidon. It became his totem animal, and he was often depicted sitting in a conch shell for a chariot, with horses to draw it: and this creature was sacrificed to him on many of the altars of antiquity. It is likely there was several successive sites of modern Lisbon: and as with most famous cities, it has either had one foundation built upon another or else has disappeared in some convulsion to make room for a later city: but the original first foundation of the city of Lisbon long ago sank into the waters of the Atlantic washing the shores of the present-day Portugal. It appears probable that this region of Portugal, together with Gades to its southeast, lay on the eastern side of the Island of Atlantis. Mestor, we have tracing with difficulty his location, the Greek name is appearing later in time connected with Troy, Argos and the coasts of Palestine. Egypt, as far as known was not completely conquered by Atlanteans and may not be Mestor's region. The fifth pair of twins he gave the elder the name of Azaes, and to the younger, Diaprepes. All these inhabitants and rulers of various islands in the open sea, and also, as has been stated, and held power in other directions over the countries within the Pillar of Heracles as far as Egypt and Tyrrhenia." We may infer the Islands of Madeiras the Canaries, Cape Verde and even the far more westerly Antilles of the Gulf of Mexico-

Bearing in mind that the Azores were once part of the mainland of the island of Atlantis itself. The rise of the empire was before the Straits of Gibralter had been formed, and latter convulsion boosted both Mount Colpe and Mount Abila to its present position. Mauritania at that time may have been a separate territory, the previously existing Sahara Sea rushing out into the Atlantic on its southern shores and into the Mediterranean on its northern side, carrying away with it Lake Tritonis. We shall find that the Sargasso Sea covers for its greater extent both the extreme westerly coasts of the Island of Atlantis and its more central parts. Also, the Sargasso weeds where progressive from what was once an inlet sized lake. It is almost certain that the mountainous regions of the island lay on its eastern side, "which sloped precipitously into the Atlantic from the western littoral of Africa below Cape Blanco, if not further south": consequently they can be identified with the Atlas Range of North-West Africa. (Pg.55 missing). Legend, however, connects Gades, which was situated on the small Isle De Leon in the river of Guadalquiver, an important centre of Phoenician commerce, with the mythical island of Erythia an island which "lay in the west under the rays of the setting sun". This Island, associated with Hercules and the oxen Geryon, though later identified by Strabo and others as Gades itself, may have been

either a part of Atlantis or another elevation in the estuary of the Guadalquiver, then much longer than at present, and formed an Atlantean colonial outpost. The existence of a prehistoric road running from Cadiz to Liguria, according to Mrs. Whishaw, lends some support to this hypothesis. Absense of Atlantis remains due to catastrophe leaves little if just folk-memory.

Bellamy gives the following alternative interpretations: Ampheres-One who encompasses; Evaemon- One who discerns; Autochon-One who springs from the soil.

Donnelly refers to a Semetic God named Mneseus-The Meditator (Mediterranean?). Elasippos he calls a horse driver. Maybe name symbol of a tribe, referring to the mainland introduction of Atlantean introduced horses, or seals? Smith gives Mestor as the name of four mythical personages, another source says this was the name of one of the sons of Perseus, who may have had an Atlantean origin. The name resembles that of the first of the Egyptian Canopic Gods: Mesti or Mestha.

Budge translates Azaes as "the Parched one", which gives it a desert or arid region origin. Diaprepes, he translates as : The Shinning One. (a term for Osiris, and Isis)

Webmasters Note- The Azaes having a name like the Azores which does have a arid aspect to some of those Islands. The Mesti has a much longer history then this for Mestor which has the 'Sons of Horus' identifications in Egypt, or Mesti-Hr i.e. 'Blacksmiths of Horus' who were Harpooners?? Also, the early

Hittites had been in the region and called Cadiz in a variant of 'Katta'-es, and shows the earlier reason of why the Egyptians called Quet-s a kind of very early Cat-Goddess almost contemporary with Bast, and may have been a fisherman's temple for protection at Sea. Implying an even earlier form. Some forms of Quetzalcoatl has the Basque like name of a Cat-Salt-Water, as being instead of a serpent with wings (Mexico), but a cat with a seal (with whiskers earlier horse?) or fish body (Basque). The serpent may in fact be even earlier as a motif due to a creature like a cat might later in religion overcome. The flying snake as the kind found in S. America, or Africa had the mystical association like flying fish would to a fisherman. The snake and fish have scales! Quetzal, however, had some other associations with the Hoatzal Bird. Quetzalcoatl we can see now has rainbow plumes is a Rainbow or Rain God meaning and that combined with the Sea Serpent with Wings is a story about also the introduction of (fire) cooked- food (Lightning); as opposed to raw-gathering-food myths, that came with new cultivation practices. What the Cat has in common is it was a Fire Cult also that underlies the serpents own wings of fire?

To the North American Indians they eat their horses or became extinct, and converted the horse with the body of a seal into a cat with a seal body like the kind found in Lake Michigan region art?

The Harbour of Nan Matal (Metalanim-Ponape), by F.W. Christian go to the list for 1954 begins, 'The Caroline Islands' ed. E. Sykes 
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« Reply #897 on: January 02, 2008, 02:24:16 pm »


Member # 2245

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   posted 12-10-2006 05:22 AM                       
A great resource I just stumblied on related to all things Atlantis:

• The Internet Classics Archive Critias, by Plato: Widely acknowledged to be
the first written documentation of the Atlantis civilization.
• Theories on the Location of Atlantis Summaries of several books and theories.
• A.R.E.-Ancient Civilizations: Atlantis and Egypt Material from Edgar Cayce regarding the lost continent of Atlantis and records of its existence.
• Atlantis-Fact, Fiction or Exaggeration? The story and accounts dating back
to Plato's writings, theories, location, timeline of the search for Atlantis, reference material.
• Atlantis- the Lost Continent Finally Found A new theory of its existence in the South China Sea with FAQ's, scientific evidence, documentation in myths and religion, more.
• Atlantis the final solution? An interview with Alan F. Alford, who suggests that we have been searching for Atlantis on the wrong planet.
• Atlantis, Mu and Lemuria Ancient Developed Cultures; Looking behind the myths.
• History of the Golden Ages Discussion of ruins found in the 50's, 60's and 70's, map evidence, ancient writings about Atlantis, philosophical analysis of history.
• Atlantis The mythology behind the legend.
• Atlantis: The Great Lost Civilization Discussion of the possibility of the Atlantian civilization's existence from 10,000-50,000 b.c.
• Atlantis: Ice Age Civilization Viatcheslav Koudriavtsev's hypothesis--very
extensive, detailed information suggesting that Plato's Atlantis was located on the Celtic shelf in the NE Atlantic.
• Atlantis...Thera? Presents evidence that Minoan Crete and the surrounding islands bear a resemblance to Plato's Atlantis.
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« Reply #898 on: January 02, 2008, 02:25:38 pm »


Member # 2174

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   posted 12-10-2006 06:49 AM                       

Interesting stuff, Carolyn. I think it's great how everyone almost universally made the Azores the site of Atlantis from Donnelly on. That may be part of the problem - hard for any of us to actually concentrate on anything else, apart from perhaps another area in the Atlantic.
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« Reply #899 on: January 02, 2008, 02:26:30 pm »

Member # 117

Rate Member   posted 12-10-2006 07:37 AM                       
It seems to me if these Kings control or rien over all this land from the coast of Spain,the Azores and the Americas there would have been other written records besides the so call Egyptian account. Critias himself says the names were not real names,in the make up.I believe the story was just as it was said made for a greek poem. From a true fact of Tartesso`s disapearence. 
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