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Topic: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL) (Read 38935 times)
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #870
January 02, 2008, 12:09:03 pm »
Carolyn Silver
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posted 12-09-2006 03:37 AM
Originally posted by rockessence:
HIGHLIGHTS IN EARLY ATLANTOLOGY is an extremely interesting read! So glad you posted that. I especially enjoyed reading about the Sykes Collection at the A.R.E.... but my favorite part was about Watkins:
" In 1920, Alfred Watkins, an expert photographer and inventor of the Watkins Exposure Meter, began noting on 1” and 6” Ordnance Survey maps of the British Isles, the numerous alignments of ancient sites. Watkins concluded that, before Roman times, members of an unknown race accurately surveyed the land, leaving markstones and circular mounds, whose alignments came to be known as leys or straight tracks, ranging in length from three to one-hundred miles. In 1927, Watkins, founder of the Straight Track Club (1926-1949), published The Ley Hunters Manual, a ninety page book containing one-hundred-and-twenty photographs and site diagrams of markstones and their ley lines."
That is a really interesting site.
Hi Rockessence, yep, I can see how that would fit into your own research! Sykes is an extremely untapped resource for Atlantis. He had the largest library in the world on the topic and amassed more evidence than anyone of recent times on the subject. EVERYONE interested in Atlantis here should look into him!!!
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #871
January 02, 2008, 12:10:36 pm »
Carolyn Silver
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posted 12-09-2006 03:42 AM
Atlantean Research, and Atlantis from 1947-1987, or 50 years research in Brighton,Eng.
Edgerton Sykes was the Editor for most of the Articles. Dean R. Clarke has been the World Authority on the subject of Atlantis and curator of this very rare collection for over 30 years.
Journal discussions in 1949-
The importance of Hans Hoerbiger 1920's 'Moons, Myth, and Man' the cosmological disaster and the trapping of the our modern moon as a satellite, and the implication of other asteroid captures.
The earliest written mentioning of Noah's Ark by Berosus the Chaldean Priest in 475 B.C. about the Babylonian Flood story akin to Noah's own story. The person in his story who was escaping the flood was a Xisuthurus who opened the boat and found he was on the side of a mountian i.e. the land of Armenia which the ancient people of the Corcyaean Mountains made amulets from the Bitumen from the ark boat. In the past they turned these amulets into a Alexipharmic, or a form a braclet amulet. Ship is claimed to have landed on the Mountain of Nisar where a offering was given on the peak of the mountain. Manetho mentions in 300 B.C. that something like a Siriadic Columns were set up by the Sons of Seth. Here is his qoute:
"And lest their science should at any time be lost among men and what they had previously acquired should perish (inasmuch as Adam had acquainted them that a universal Aphanism, or destruction of all things, will take place, alternatively by the force of fire and the overwelming powers of water), they erected two columns, the one of brick, and the other of stone, and engraved upon each of them their discoveries, so that in the case the brick pillar was demolished by the waters, the stone pillar might survive to teach men".
Manetho's second reference is that after the deluge the anti-diluvian texts were put on the columns which were copied by Thoth (that is the first Hermes). He translated the text off the column of a sacred dialect and from Agathodaemon, son of the second Hermes, which in the Penetralia of the Temples of Egypt was from whence Manetho was able to extract material for his chronicle, deposited it. In his day Egypt had a lot of written material on the great Noahdic flood.
Greek versions of the Flood as noted by Apollodorus, Hellanicus, The Sibyline Oracle, and Pinder
All mention Deucalion and his wife, as well as how the Pyrrea ship grounded on the side of a mountain where their deliverance was commemorated by the two columns at the temple entrance at Hierapolis which may well be the Siriadic Columns once again.
Nicholas of Damascus who walked with Jesus mentions that the Mountain in question was called,
Baris above Minya in the land of Armenia. Baris means in some languages a 'ship', and the Armenians
According to Josephus called the area 'Nachidsheuan' and in the Himalayas southern peaks where another ship land was called to them 'Naubandhana' a very similar term to the Armenian counter part by name of Noah places of landing.
The origin of the mythological interpretation of Procession of the Zodiac effects on man's note of zodiacal ages in the book by Witold Balcer's 'Mystery of the Zodiac' as related to his unpublished works. This is the person who is a pre-cursor to 'Hamlet's Mill'.
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #872
January 02, 2008, 12:11:28 pm »
Carolyn Silver
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posted 12-09-2006 03:44 AM
Platonic Miscellany, by Leslie Young
1949- annotated sections of Atlantean Research-Editor Edgerton Sykes
Plato spent a good portion of his life dedicated to the study of Atlantis till age 80, and Critias section of the story about Atlantis was not finished when Plato died. There was a third dialogue that was to involve a section called, Hemocrates. Lutoslawki in his 'The Origin and Growth of Plato's Logic'
Mentions that Timaeus and Critias were written near the same time as Plato's 'The Laws' which is known from the testimony of Diogenes Laertius to be one of the last works of Plato. Critias may have been a rough draft not fully polished according to A. E. Taylor. Plato makes clear the universality of the flood story by the Atlanteans invading foreign lands. In one of the last work by Plato is found a referance in the 'Politicus' which mentions a former world cycle described as the 'Age of Chronus'.
The strange cosmic phenomena that closed the former epoch are mentioned in the myth concerning
Atreus and Thyestes which are connected with the great complex of stories about Atlantis though fragmented. "Apart from the mention of a portent that is said to have marked the quarrel of these two greek heroes, described as the token of the birth of the golden lamb, it is also stated that the sun and the stars once rose in the west, and set in the east."
A statement in a subsequent paragraph mentions that cosmic changes were marked by a series of earthquakes and terrestrial upheavals, that quite possibly belong to the actual tradition. These are not statements of any fiction by Plato but recorded stories passed on to him by oral tradition. This is backed by a statement by Herodotus who found according to the 11,000 years of Egyptian historical recordings that:
'During this time it is asserted, "the sun had on four occasions, moved from his wonton course, twice rising where he now sets, and twice setting where he now rises. Egypt was in no degree affected by these changes……"'
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #873
January 02, 2008, 12:12:37 pm »
Carolyn Silver
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posted 12-09-2006 03:46 AM
Basque Notes- P. Collignon Ph.D and Others
To find other Basque related sites look up 'Basque' Languages or its study on search engines.
A Colonel A. Brahine records that when he was in Guatemala he often heard about one Indian tribe living in the Peten District (Northern Guatemala) spoke a language resembling 'Basque'. He heard of an occasion that when a missionary preached in Peten that the Indians understood him in his idioms with great success. Also in the Tula region of Mexico there is a tribe called the Otomis that spoke with an old Japanese idiom. This Colonel concluded that they might be refugees from Atlantis since the Peten and the Otomis were a part of their westward expansion and went past them to the Polynesians and Malaysia and then settled in Japan. He also mentions he was present when a Russian Officer of the Georgian origin found himself able to talk to natives of Viscaya upon his arrival in Spain. He spoke Georgian and the Basques understood him. He goes on to say the region of Georgia Russia was once called 'Iveria' or 'Iberia'.
Note: From the web page author, Dean Clarke- I mentioned to the team Atlantis that what they found was evidence of this above possibility that what they found was a Basque like monument since in this article above mentioned a interesting note surfaced that Iokohama in Japan means in basque-"a seashore city".!! This was a name found on the mainland of the nearby Island this Team Atlantis found offshore the terraced port underwater!!
A Dr. Yoshitomi once quoted in a book by J. Fitzgerald Lee 'The Great Migration' from 'Japanese and Israelites' mentions his study on origin of the Basques, and Japanese and most athletic Jews. "Pavlino, the Spanish Basque boxer, who is a typical specimen of his race, might easily be mistaken for a Japanese wrestler…". Dr. Yoshitomi also draws attention to the similarities between the Japanese and Basque languages. Mousoko in Japanese and Moutiko in Basque means a young man. The masculine
Gender in Japanese is formed by the addition of 'asu', while in Basque it is 'asa'. The feminine in Japanese is formed by addition of 'me', and in Basque it is 'eme'. These are very striking facts. The Maya Ball game is very simaler to the Basque game called 'Pelota'.
Elephants in America-
Elephant art in Central America very likened to Cambodian depiction's of ancient Cambodia Art. The stone in question is Stela B(2) from Copan in Central America. Indian Elephants are implied not African. John L. Stephans in 1842 in this region mentioned the carving looks as if it was made by a man who never saw a elephant before but who had some drawing or picture he used that was close to its description picture wise to copy. Plato mentions there was elephants in Atlantis and other animals, and also in Bagota, Columbia there a 'field of giants' of mammoth bones, which an extensive plain is covered with. It is also noted that the calendar used in Mexico has some likeness to the calendars used in Tibet based on the numerical counting system of the days.
Separate from this article is one from a Rene Malaise called 'Atlantis: The Atlantic Continent and its Submersion'. In this article the evidence from core drilling in the Atlantic proved that the most of the Mid Atlantic Ridge was once above water during the recent Ice Ages. Also, in a separate article Malaise goes on to say the canary islands are an ancient archipelago that was above water and once connected from Africa to the Mid Atlantic Ridge. The other point is that Atlantis central island sank at around Wurm Glacial period or 25,000-30,000 B.C.. A different article by a Capt. H. P. C. Andersen mentions concrete found of the coast of Cape Verde Islands in 1929 who brought up from the small harbor on the north western side of Boavista Island. They claimed the whole bottom of this harbor was as flat as a pancake and looked like it was man made. The depth in harbor is only 24 feet where they found this plateau.
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #874
January 02, 2008, 12:13:53 pm »
Carolyn Silver
Member # 2287
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posted 12-09-2006 03:50 AM
Atlantis: The Location of Atlantean Remains, C.C. M. Hardy
Although the Azore Islands have been indicated as the resting mountain of Atlantis not much finds have been found at that location outside of Egyptian, or Carthage monuments. The earth was washed clean was the theory of this article. If the water of the ocean receded to the poles and came back to the center of the Atlantic the back draw effect, and the forward rush effect would have spread debris for thousands of miles in opposite directions. This would explain the deposit of debris not at the mountian tops, or much above the upper ridge shelf but sent to the trenches and some of the deepest parts of the ocean to settle at some valley bottom. With the volcanic activity much of the debris sent in the lower portions of the mountains would be covered with mud and pumice on a large scale. Off the Azores the mud was found to be by volcanic origin 30-50 deep under the Azores bays. The water whirling around eventually the density of objects will rest in a certain order in the center of a bucket. This location implied is the Nare's Deep at the center of the Atlantic Bucket where Atlantis material will be found 22,000 Feet down and buried under several hundred feet of mud. The New World or America's H.S. Bellamy felt held the clues that Spain and Egypt may in a weak sense provide i.e. Cuicuilco is the sight
That he felt was maybe an Atlantean Colony. The story Plato gives is that the Atlanteans fought a battle in Greece on their own soil. The soldiers that perished may still be buried underwater near this region. Close to the entrance to Piraeus is a small rocky Islet called, Atalanta by the ancients and called today Talanto. In a Fjord of Euboea there is an Island called Atalanta by the ancients and the locals call Talandosi. On the mainland of Euboea a village by the ancients called Atalanta, and locals Talanti. Bellamy felt near these spots is the Atlantean remains.
In Literary Monologue- the editor P. I. Pearce mentions in the Azores a Cro-Magnon Skull, rock inscriptions, several caves, an 800 meter tunnel all of which needed to be explored for possible information. Also, the two Phoenician coins found and the equestrian statue of a figure on a horse-pointing north at the Azores before the first modern European explorers arrived there.
Sunken Lands near the Azores- Capt. R. Dahl
Between the Foyal, Azores and Abaco half two tree quarters of the way across while he was looking at the ships propellers he was lying flat on the deck looking at the sea waters. The sun was high and sea was calm he could see deep down in the water. He spotted while drifting along a large flat area and then several more patches some large and small were sighted under the surface of the ocean. He noticed the ocean bed there was only 90-100 meters deep down. The area was not known to the Hydrographic Institute to have been sightable from the surface. This is as if the land had rose overnight?
In Atlantis Und Atlantik by Hans Pettersson 1948
This book mentions that if a 4,000 feet drop of the Atlantic Ocean would produce three land masses in the center. The first a peninsular stretching southwards from the land bridge connecting Canada and Britian via Greenland of which the peaks of this are the Azores.
The second is a relatively small Island centered around what is now the St. Paul Islands.
The third and largest stretching as far south as the Falklands and having Tristan da Cunha as its main peak. At the same time the present Caribbean Sea was an inland Lake, and the Mediterranean was separated by the Atlantic by a strip of land 100 miles wide.
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #875
January 02, 2008, 12:15:14 pm »
Carolyn Silver
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posted 12-09-2006 03:52 AM
An Asteroid as the Possible Cause of the Atlantis Catastrophe,
By Prof. N. Boneff (a summary)
1949- Research Mag.-Boneff was a chair of Astronomy at U. of Sofia.
"The present essay will endeavor to show that even the catastrophe of Atlantis could well have been due to extra territorial causes. We have naturally supposed that the Atlantis Myth is not totally without historical basis"
The basic source of the writings of Plato's Timaeus and the Critias on Atlantis. It appears Aristotle did not believe it, while Posidonius felt Plato's story could be based on facts. The tradition may be not based on ficiton for the Egyptian Priests interrogated by Solon having certified to him of an Island that formerly had this name of Atlantis existed. Modern writers Astronomer Bailey, and Termier the geologist considered Atlantis beyond and to the west of the Columns of Hercules.
Deep Lonigtudinal ditches border the east and west coasts of the Atlantic as if a vast sinking had taken place. The Azores, Maderia, Canary, and Cape Verde Islands of which a continental fauna origin being simaler to Antillia and Senegal coast, are now believed to be vestiges of Atlantis.
The manifestation of myths near events like the Atlantis one can be summarized similar to the Arizona crater's Indian myth. A iron meteor fell 5,000-6,000 years ago or more and the Indians called it the
'God of Fire' (not for volcano reasons) who came a long time ago from heaven i.e. sky. Story of Sodom and Gomorrah a similar story in that the town was destroyed by some meteor like the one that fell in Siberia on 30th of June 1908 or February 13th 1917.
The story of Phaethon who harnessed his father's chariot driving it to earth burned up in flames, as a meteor would do.
The physical cause would lie in the loss of Atlantis noted by Plato as an extra territorial cause. It has always seemed strange that a catastrophe should result in earthquakes, and we ourselves (Boneff) that the cause was the tidal theory of Mach, due to the close passage of one of the larger asteroids which may have even brushed the earth as it passed. Assuming Ceres passed the earth six times the radius of the earth, its influence would be ten times that of the moon as it is now. Boneff believed this passing of the Ceres Asteroid would account for the level of destruction on Atlantis just by a bare collision, or just missing earth. It is an interesting note that there is at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean a longitudinal ridge called the Dolphin Ridge in the shape on an 'S'. The water on top is 500 meters deep, as compared with 4,000 on either side. This may constitute the path of the debris left from its path in the form of mud thrown up and mountains leveled.
Hoerbiger update message from Web master, this theory first in his cosmic ice theories 1908.
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #876
January 02, 2008, 12:17:04 pm »
Carolyn Silver
Member # 2287
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posted 12-09-2006 03:56 AM
Zodiacal Epochs, By Prof. Michael Kamienski, U. of Krakow
(a summary)
1949- Research Mag.-
"1. The problem of fixing the limits of the Zodiacal Epochs, i.e. of those periods, during which the Vernal Point passes through a given constellation, is-from the astronomical point of view-to some extent indefinite. It arises from the fact, which the exact borders of constellations cannot be properly fixed. They enter one into another, so that there is no exact criterion with which one could decide as to the bordering stars, especially faint ones, if they belong to the given neighboring constellations. Moreover, some of them, e.g. Capricorn and Aquarius, are situated along the ecliptic in such a manner, that some of their parts extend parallel one to another and to the ecliptic, which makes the solution of the above problem even more difficult. Consequently, there is no wonder, that the beginnings and ends of the Zodiacal Epochs by a thousand years or even more, as given by several authors." Here is the age of
Pisces as an example by three authors:
C. Flammarion … Pisces … 128 BC- 2,032 AD
A. Jeremias … Pisces … 100 AD- 3,000 AD
R. Steiner … Pisces …1,430 AD- 3575 AD
"For the solving of the problem it would be perhaps suitable to ground on the constellation' borders fixed by Hipparches and to accept them as unequal (A. Jeremais). "Noting of course other cultural explanations outside of this outline. He goes onto to say for his points that in adoption of the main epoch or the moment of entrance of the vernal point into the constellation of Taurus, and between the stars in Gemini eta Geminorum and dzeta Tauri. This star is situated on the end of the southern horn of Tauris. The entrance occurred at 4,500 B.C. at the Vernal Point.
"3. In consequence of the Phenomenon of precession, which has its source in the gravitational action of the Sun and Moon on the equatorial convexity of the earth, the position of the Vernal Point-i.e. on of the points of intersection of the celestial equator with the ecliptic-is not unalterable. It moves from East to West, from left to right, projecting itself in front of different constellations. The motion is very slow, because its period lasts about 26,000 years." He goes onto to say at 4,500 B.C. Vernal Point had just passed from Gemini into Taurus at 4,500 BC. This is a pre-cursor to Hamlet's Mill book.
Also, the zodiacs have different lengths of their constellations for instance Taurus is 20 degrees extended while Virgo is 36 degrees extended. He then mentions the Zodiac signs do not depend on their constellations but more their background for the 26,000 years . 26,000 : 12 = 2,150 years
Arc of the Ecliptic Sign Era
300-330 degree Aquarius 1,950 ad - 4,100 ad
330-360 ---- Pisces 200 bc - 1,950 ad
0'- 30' ------ Aries 2,350 bc- 200 bc
30'- 60' ------- Taurus 4,500 bc - 2,350 bc
60'- 90' ------- Gemini 6,650 bc - 4,500 bc
90'- 120' ------- Cancer 8,800 bc - 6,650 bc
120' -150' ------- Leo 10,950 bc - 8,800 bc Last destruction of Atlantis
150'- 180' ------ Virgo 13,100 bc - 10,950 bc Sphinx Period
180' - 210' ------- Libra 15,250 bc - 13,100 bc Phoenix Period(2nd Destruction
210' - 240' ------- Scorpio 17,400 bc - 15,250 bc Pyramid builders (archaic)
240'- 270' ------- Sagittarius 19,550 bc - 17,400 bc
270' - 300' ------ Capricorn 21,700 bc - 19,550 bc 'Golden Age' of Atlantis
40,000 bc (First destruction prior)
Conclusion by Web Master Age of Aquarius has either begun, or is within the next 230 years after 1950
Roughly at- 2,070 A.D. - it can be well officially heralded as the Age of Aquarius which I will probably not be alive to see. Hopefully this web page will be here. Thus, it is very likely at 2,001 A.D. that this is still the Age of Pisces. Web Masters view the next major peace maker avatar will not be born till after 2,060 B.C. . In a sense the earth changes have to occur first before that individuals entrance unto man.
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #877
January 02, 2008, 12:18:35 pm »
Carolyn Silver
Member # 2287
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posted 12-09-2006 03:57 AM
Mexican Deluge Legends, By C. A. Burland (a summary)
1949- Research Mag.-
The Collection of Mendoza, in Oxford, remains our most important source of Mexican histories, it is not only the one, there are two other painted documents for the Spainards which give historical annals which compare with Mendoza.
One is in Paris- Belonged to Arch. Bishop Teller, or Rheims, and is named Codex Telleriano-Remensis.
The other is in the Vatican Library called, Codex Rios
Telleriano has been annotated in Spanish by three different persons, and Rios a commentary in Italian.
They are copies of an original lost in the 1600's, which the better painted is Telleriano, but is still inferior to Rios because many pages are missing. Particularly important the pages about religion and mythology.
In the field of Mexican belief the Rios is the most important source of information. Like the Migaliabecciano document it gives the description of feasts and gods assigned with them.
The description includes the magical Tonalpohualli 260 day calendar, recording nine major gods of the underworlds which influence the fortunes ascribed each particular day. Rios instead gives the full description between the mumbo jumbo magic and is used to determine the identity of the same system where it appears in more ancient magic books. Example:
God Tezcatlipoca in the form of Chal****totolin, Jeweled Turkey, is shown as the loard of the period beginning with Ce Atl. The Italian description mentions a detail missing in the painting, but precisely this missing detail appears in the Codex Vaticanus, 3773, where the same god presiding over the same period of days has been painted on a codex which is older than the Spanish invasion. The parallelism of the text is painted by the copyist of Rios and the ancient Mexican tlacuilos, who painted three surviving magic books, is equally complete over the whole 20 periods of 13 days in a year. It is evidence we are in pretty safe ground accepting the Codex of Rios, especially as it is borne out in many particulars by the writing of that most painstaking of anthropologist, Father Sahagun. Kingsborough published Codex Rios in his volumes 1831 and the Duc De Loubat published it in a fascimile, in 1900. Its official title is Manoscritto Messicano Vaticano, 3738. That it should rest in the Vatican is the most appropriate as it records one of the starngest heathendoms ever tackled by missionaries, and the one with the most remarkable parallel with Christian belief. In it is the Mexican version of the creation it includes a flood story of this amoung the account of the three past and one future destruction's of the world. Here is a brief account:
"In the beginning was God, Ome Teuctli (The Two) living in the highest place: beneath him were thirteen heavens, the earth and the nine places beneath the earth. The first creation was of the four spirit beings who were cast down from the heaven. They were the 'Tzitzimitl', darting arrow demon, a falling star: Izpaztec, lame hopping demon, a kind of Mexican Asmodeus; Nextepehua, the disperser, who would scatter men like ashes, and Tzontemon, the demon who was cast down upon his head."
A later creation brought the first human beings, they were named Cipactonal and Xumio, and from them a powerful race of giants descended. When death overtook the human race the grown ups went into the place below, and , after passing through many torments reached a peaceful resting place in Mictlan: but souls of unweaned children went to a special place for their kind alone, where there was a wonderful tree which nourished them with its milk. There they remained, happy babies waiting to welcome the destruction of the old creation, when they would become the souls of the next race of people. They had to wait 4,008 years until the gods, dissatisfied with the giants, drowned the earth. All the in it people were turned to fishes, except two who escaped by hiding in an ahuehuete tree. This catastrophe happened on the day ten, or Atl (webmaster mentions i.e. A-T-L='Water, High Water').
At length the earth emerged from the flood, and once more a new race spread over it, this time for a space of 4,010 years, until on the day Ce Itzcuintli there came a great wind from the heaven which destroyed men and trees. The men were changed into monkeys. Jaguars from the darkened sky ate them up, but two people escaped this destruction hiding in a stone. Once again humanity was put on
Trial; the descendants of the stone men did quite well and lasted 4,801 years, and then again destruction came, this time by fire, and once more two people escaped by boat on the waters. For the forth time the human race spread around, this time they were people like ourselves and earth was filled with joy and beauty and pleasure. Zochiquetzal, Lady precious Flower, the goddess of sensual pleasures was the reigning influence in this happy time. But the story goes that the god Quetzalcoatl was born towards its end from a virgin who swept the temples (in the picture she is shown as a cruel stone knife). (Webmaster mentions it is a 'Tches' or 'Flint Knife' in Egyptian connected with Uatches=Isis dated July 7th 2001 as first discovered by Dean Clarke sole finder of this information added).
The rest of the story goes on (as if Quetzal was fighting with an Egyptian Set, or Seth for his kingdom
And was set up by the demon Tezcatlipoca to be intoxicated with a drink and go to bed with a prostitute named Xochiquetzal and forced Quetzal to leave his country and the Priests of Cholula who received as a gift two of Quetzal's jewelry and insignia). He sailed on a raft of serpent skins and said that he would one day return in the year Ome Acatl to displace demon Tezcatlipoca and bring back happiness. As his raft burnt up approaching the sun his heart flew and went to heaven to become a mornign star. That is how evil entered into the world. At last it will come a day named Naui Ollin
When the earth will destroy the world for a fourth time, nor is it known if it will be given a fifth chance?
Outside of Codexs they were validated when restoring a ancient city Chichen Itza by the Mexican Government and the Carnegie Inst. Of Washington, a building known as the 'Temple of Walls' had representations of the destruction of the world by wind, devouring monkey men by jaguars, carved in a way very close to the picture codex of Rios. The Toltec Temple was 500 years before the codex was painted. This shows a good example of the literary and monument connections still somewhat preserved between the two that the Spanish did partly chronicle.
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #878
January 02, 2008, 12:19:48 pm »
Carolyn Silver
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posted 12-09-2006 04:00 AM
Atlantean Research Journal, and Atlantis from 1947-1987, or 50 years research in Brighton,Eng.
Edgerton Sykes was the Editor for most of the Articles. Dean R. Clarke has been the World Authority on the subject of Atlantis and curator of this very rare collection for over 30 years.
Journal discussions in 1950- The Hoerbiger Theory was discussed further, and the dating of ancient timbers and bones by radio carbon dating when it was fairly new. The Avalon Group discussed the similarity of the Earth Lodges of Celtic and Manden Indians with the Egypt Mastaba false pyramid idea as possibly Atlantean construction origin. Ark and the Moon Capture theory about the Ark and the Moon as symbolic of mans escape of Atlantis and the asteroid that might have been the moon as captured or a comet nearly hitting earth.
Atlantis the Paradox of History, By Continenza Angelo
"The dawn of history reveals a humanity already civilized-perhaps a civilization already old. The curtain rises on a play already begun, and shows the truth of the paradox that there was a history before history". This quotation, not from the Sybil or Delphic Oracle, but from Aldo Valori contains the kenote of our researches. Dietz considers that our present geological age started some 25,000 years ago with the end of the fourth Ice Age, while Barbagallo considers that it was during the Ice Age that humanity first appeared on the earth, at the end of the tertiary or the beginning of the quarternary, at the time according to Wendel Philips the Tethys Sea spread from the Atlantic to the Arabian Peninsular. From the above it would appear that those parts of Europe which were not coated with ice were at that time under the Tethys Sea. But if that were the case, how can one explain the remarkable cave paintings found in Central and Southern France and Spain, together with statuettes and other remains. Allowing for the fact that art is not improvised, in fact a school in which to prefect itself in line of colour and impression, one is forced to admit that "This art reached Europe in an already perfect form, having been evolved in a land of which we know nothing."
Dietz considers that the skeletons found on the Canaries were of the Cro Magnon type, the same type as those of the producers of the art referred above, which would seem to indicate that they escaped there from the deluge. Could this be the answer to our enigma.
Plato in his dialogues showed himself to be well informed as an historian and as a geographer, and without his interest nothing tangible would have survived of the story of Atlantis, of which memories must have been extant even in his day. When Homer wrote of "Odysseus languishing in the misery on an Island, in the clutches of the Nymph Calypso" that "remote Island of Ogygia" where "from four separate but adjoining springs, four crystal rivulets ran" he must have been thinking of Atlantis, while "Scherie the rich country of the Phaeaceans" must have been another aspect of this civilization, as was also the violence of the Island of the Cyclops.
Hesiod spoke of Atlantis, as did Euripides, Diodorus Siculus and Seneca; and Pliny says memories of Atlantis occur in the Labours of Hercules; Virgil comments on the Atlantean Culture in the Georgics, Herodotus mentions it frequently; Pherecydes says "The people who lived near Mount Atlas said that they were descended from those who had accompanied Hercules on his travels. Among the Modern writers, it suffices to quote Latreille, Mentelle, Tournefort, Rudbeck, Bory de St. Vincent, Russo, Humboldt, Sykes, Savorin, Bayer.
Stories of the deluge are to be found in the Sagas, the Eddas, the Puranas, in the memories of the Algonquins, the Aztecs, the Incas, the Mayas, and the Toltecs, in the same manner as the Babylonians, the Hebrews, the Egyptians, the Chinese, in fact all the peoples of antiquity who have legends of the Garden of Eden, the Terrestrial Paradise, and of Atlantis. Underlying all this is the fact that language, tradition, monuments, of all the ancient civilisations have an underlying similarity which seems to prove conclusively their origin from a single source, and in addition they all start their histories with an account of some kind of deluge, although some, such as the Vedic and the Babylonian have a pre deluge stories. In Genesis is realted the story of the Garden of Eden with four rivers which we have already encountered on Calypso's Isle and in the Hesperides. The fact that two of them: Tigras and Euphrates, are in the Fertile Crescent, may be explained by the desire of the Noachic survivors of the Deluge to recreate their lost homeland as far as possible. From the many Deluge Legends of Greece, Mauritania, india, the Americas, the Middle East, it seems that when the time of peril preceding the loss of Atlantis set in, many warned by their gods, by dreams or by animals, built their ships of refuge, and when the seas scattered their ships far and wide each one would believe that his party was the only one saved. We have shown that the legends of the various elysiums of the past can only have referred to Atlantis, and it now only remains to establish where it was situated. It would appear to have been shaped like a triangle between the azores, the cape Verde islands, and the Bermudas. This was the site of the land which formed the object of the writings of Solon so many great ones of the past, leading to the dozens of authorities today.
-above is a shortened transcript of Signor Angelo's paper from Italian-
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #879
January 02, 2008, 12:21:41 pm »
Carolyn Silver
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posted 12-09-2006 04:03 AM
Atlantean Research Journal, and Atlantis from 1950 cont.
The Labours of Hercules, By Edgerton Sykes
Sykes mentions the "Head of Medusa" he observed a series of classical myths about the "Labours of Hercules" which referred to the military activities of the first Hellenic sttlers on the mainland of Southern Greece. Sykes then establishes that these stories cover the conquest of a large portion of the Greek Mainland, and invasions of Crete, Spain, North Africa, and the Canaries. Hercules is the roman form from the Greek Heracles who was the Prince of Tiryns, a fortified merchant city and port, situated in the land of Argolis. His overlord was a certain
Eurystheus of Argos, the capital city of Argolis, and it was under his flag his long campaign was fought. Heracles means a "gift of Hera' one of the old pre-Hellenic mother goddesses, and is an ironic reflection on it that he spent the whole of the Labours, in order to wipe out all trace of the influence of Hera in the Middle Seas. In listing the order of the campaigns, I have altered the usual sequence of several of the Labours, in order to fit them into the picture. They are as follows:
1. The Lion of Nemea, in Argolis
2. The Hydra, in Argolis
3. The Birds of Stymphalos, in Arcadia
4. The Hind of Ceryneia, in Argolis
5. The Boar of Erymanthus, in Elis
6. The Stables of Augeas, in Elis
7. The Minotaur, in Crete
8. The Mares of Diomedes, in Thrace
9. The Oxen of Geryon, in Erythia
10. The Girdle of the Amazons, in West Lybia
11. The Apples of the Hesperides, in the Canaries
12. The Hell Hound, Cerberus
There were also certain subsidiary campaigns, as below:-
a. King Orchemenos, in Argolis (Before Labour 1)
b. King Neleus, in Pylos (Between Labour 6 and 7)
c. King Achelous, in Echinades (Between Labours 6 and 7)
d. King Laodemon, in Troy (Between Labours 8 and 9)
It is of interest to note that of the various clans who were mythologiaclly related to Chrysaor and Callirhoe, no fewer than eight were liquidated by Hercules: Cerberus, Charybdis, the Eagle of Prometheus, Hydra, Laidon, the Lion of Nemea, Orthus, and Scylla. The Chimeria was killed by Bellerphon (Bootes), the Dragon of Colchis by Cadmus or Jason (Argo), the Gorgons and the Graiae by Perseus, and the Sphinx of Oedipus. The events to which we are referring seem to have taken place between the third and second millennium before Christ. At this time, the Hellenic settlers, who had been living in comparative amity with the previous sea borne civilization with its goddesses and gods, decided that the time had come to abolish all trace of them. One day it might be possible to sort out the various threads in the Greek myth, the possibility that Zeus was originally a mother goddess being a typical example. However, for the moment, we are concerned with the desperate battle for existance being put up by the adherants of Poseidon, Neerus (Chief of the Neerids), Atlas and Hera. That the various mythological monsters: cuttle fish, dragons, serpents, lions, boars, birds, etc., were clan totems of the Poseidon worshippers seems farily evident. There also exists a possibilty thatt their spiritual center was the Echirades Islands, off the East Coast of Ithaca, where lived Achelous the King of the Sirens, who was defeated by Hercules in one of his earlier campaigns. This Achelous comes into the picture in one or more of the stories. Tiryns, the fortified city with cyclopean walls from which all expeditions started, was founded between 2,000 and 3,000 B.C., shortly before these happenings, and was rediscovered by Henry Schliemann towards the end of this last century. Because of these military campaigns old chieftains were forced out onto remote Islands in exile as well as their old religions this was similar to what the Spaniards did later in Mexico to the Aztec. Before returning to Tiryns, Hercules had been a commander of the ruler of Thebes, during which time he broke up a minor tribe living at mount Cithaeron, captured a sisterhood of fifty priestesses, who were, presumably, raped and or murdered, and finally killed by King Orchemenos, ruler of a town some thirty miles from Tiryns, with whom the Thebans were involved in a dispute. It was this last episode that brought his military capacities to the attention of the Argive King, Eurystheus, by whom he appointed commander and chief of the forces of Argolis and made the Prince of Tiryns. This may have been more attractive than the lordship of the then tiny City of Megera-some twenty miles west of Athens-which had been offered him by Creon the King of Thebes in reward for his services.
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #880
January 02, 2008, 12:22:47 pm »
Carolyn Silver
Member # 2287
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posted 12-09-2006 04:05 AM
Atlantean Research Journal, and Atlantis from 1950 cont.
Orichalcum (The metal of Atlantis), written Dec. 1949 By Edgerton Sykes
(a Summary)
Plato and several other classical scholars wrote about Orichalcum in Atlantis, and on its monuments and walls. The metal was regarded as very useful building material, and was reported as dark red and white in color, but owing to a lack of examples of it for testing purposes it has baffled investigators for 2,500 years. Paul Schliemann reported in his statement in 1912 that he had found several examples of medalions of a whitish color which he presumed to be Orichalcum, but these are not available at the moment for investigation. The Late George Isaac Bryant, who spent many years investigating the problem of Atlantis, suggested that Orichalcum might perhaps be an alloy of platinum, copper, and aluminum; and recently, thanks to the courtesy of two of our members, this matter was taken up with the leading authority in this country in aluminum, and the largest firm of dealers in platinum.
Both these authorities were firm in their conviction that since aluminum, which does not exist in a raw state, was only discovered in 1809, its earlier discovery in Atlantean times would have involved a degree of metallurgical skill far greater than that which we have any right to presume. They also observed that, owing to the difference in the melting points, an alloy composed of platinum, copper, and aluminum could not be produced by heat treatment, but only as a chemical product, which would again put it outside the filed of any earlier standard of knowledge.
A point, however, arises from this correspondence that platinum is present as an impurity in nickel, from which metal it is usually obtained by a refining process. It is permissible, therefore, to assume that if the Atlanteans had a source of supply of nickel in which platinum was present as an impurity, the natural admixture of the two metals might perhaps have been used to produce medallions or other specimens of a whitish metal having great durability and resistance to exposure. Whether this could have been used for building purposes or not is still an open question.
On the subject of copper, the name Orichalcum has been translated by several authorities as Pinchbeck, Mountain Brass, or even just Brass; and it would appear that it might have been an impure copper which, when heat treated, showed differences in durability and structure from oridnary copper, particularly in the resistance to the elements. Those who visited the Paris Exhibition in 1937 will recollect that one of the bridges over the Seine was coated with sheets of what appeared to be burnished copper. On seeing this, one felt that this must have been the appearance of the Atlantean temples of which Plato speaks.
The Orichalcum of the Atlanteans, Ivan Tournier(contrib. of 'Atlantis' Journal France)
(Translation of his article in 'Destins' published with Sykes article)
"Following on recent announcements in the press on the transmutation of mercury into gold in an American laboratory, a writer has observed that it is purely by accident that this discovery agrees with the dreams of alchemists, and that modern science has nothing to learn from their grimoires. This is a casual judgment, since everyone at all familiar with traditional knowledge believes, on the contrary, that this constitutes a proof of the deep knowledge possessed by the initiates of yore on the constitution
of matter and its possible modifications. This isotope of mercury which is transformed into gold is evidently the mercury of the wise men, already observed as being different to the usual quicksilver. But, by a technique now unknown, the specialists of the past managed to prepare this without atomic piles and all the costly apparatus of today. This fact should incite us to take seriously other indications handed down by tradition on the metals known to the ancients, especially in so far as concerns the enigmatic Orichalcum of the Atlanteans.
The ancients, as we know, had knowledge of seven metals which they made to correspond with the seven astrological planets: Gold-the Sun; Silver-the Luna; Iron-Mars; Copper-Venus; Tin-Jupiter; Lead-Saturn; and Quiksilver-Mercury. Thanks to modern research, nature has shown herself incomparably wealthier, both in planets (including asteroids), and in metals (some seventy not counting artificial elements such as neptunium, plutonium, americum, curium, ect., and a couple of dozen metalloids).
But already in the times of antiquity an eighth metal seems to have been known, the orkhalkos mentioned by Plato. Although abundant in Atlantis, it has been lost since the submersion of the Island.
In the Critias it is said: "Orchalcum was dug out of the earth in many parts of the Island and, with the exception of gold, was esteemed the most precious of metals-the entire circuit of the wall which encompassed the citadel, flashed with the red light of orchalcum…In the interior of the temple the roof was… adorned with orichalcum, all the other parts of the walls and pillars and floors they lined with orichalcum…The injunctions of Poseidon…were inscribed on a column of orchiculum."
What visions have been awakened by this mysterious and magic metal! In Benoit's "Atlantide," Antinea gave a ring of orichalcum to Saint-Avit. It was Georges Fourest who wrote:
This coffer of orichalcum sealed with sardonyx,
And lined with velvet, that Gengis Khan long ago,
Gave to my ancestor.
( Web Mast. Note-We can see S. Coleridge's 'Xanadu' and its Pleasure Dome)
Many commentators have considered Orichalcum to be a myth or an esoteric symbol. Others have thought it to be brass, which still known as archal in Greek. Plato, however, seems to have spoken of a noble-as opposed to base-and specific metal, and not of an alloy. Now-a-days it could be one of the newly discovered precious metals such as platinum, nickel, iridium, ruthenium, cobalt, etc.
On the other hand, Pliny gives an interesting clue when he observes that the ancients attributed to the Atlanteans the knowledge, since lost, of hardening copper or bronze. That this was not a legend is shown by the discovery, or rediscovery, of a bronze which can be hardened, in the form of an alloy of copper and beryllium-a light metal, also known as glucinium, discovered in 1798, and classified under No.4 in Mendleef's atomic table.
It is conceivable that the famous "mountain copper" may well have been copper alloyed with beryllium. One is led to this supposition by the fact that in 1936, bistouris made of this meta; dating back to the 14th Dynasty (17th Century B.C.) were found at Assiut (Paris Soir, Nov. 1, 1936). As this metal cannot be oxidized when cold, it may have been employed as a decorative covering, which would explain its high value.
If orichalcum alias beryllium/copper, at last rediscovered, has had an interesting past, the beryllium side of the combination is likely to have an even more remarkable future, for it is stated that it can easily be used to replace heavy water or graphite in atomic piles. Since beryllium is easily extracted from beryl (silicate of aluminum) of which there are large deposits in France, the interest which this news has aroused in that country will readily be understood.
Let us hope that the exploitation of these deposits will only be made in the interest of peace, and that orichalcum does not vanish for a second time in a new cataclysm provoked by celestial anger… or human stupidity."
Webmaster note- Orichalcum has historical footnotes about it. One is the Egyptian word for a red copper, and usually of a less quality gold was called 'Sab', and the gold of a amber or redish bronze color was called 'orchies' similar to 'golden, or reddish barley plants' to the Romans. It must be noted melted 'amber stone' as having some magnetic qualities about it laminated Orichalcum. 'Amber' gets connected to 'Gold' in Dionysis cults as the 'barley god'. The Atlantis is made up of Green Stone and Basaltic rock if it is the Atlantic of mostly volcanic origin.
Both gold and copper developed in ancient volcanic environments. Thus, beryllium as the offspring of aluminum emersed within tin, or having a low arsenic quality around it would not be out of place in the volcanic areas of the Atlantic. Conclusion, a rude copper of low quality or traces of silver and gold placed within it near platinum, and tin sources (Atlas Chain-England) would give a pink to ruby gold to white color and would be valued, yet plentiful enough to be placed on temples. Careful tempering of tin, and beryllium as a hardener would make very durable long lasting surface close to bronze yet with less discoloration. Also, like the 'Pillar of Amber' would be laminated with a Lucite, or a oily bitchum like resin, yet dull in color to protect and let the wall shine for miles as if it were new.
Date Webmasters first above presented conclusion July 20, 2001
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #881
January 02, 2008, 12:24:00 pm »;f=1;t=000958;p=26
Author Topic: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean
Carolyn Silver
Member # 2287
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posted 12-09-2006 04:10 AM
Atlantean Research Journal, and Atlantis from 1950 cont.
The African Bushmen and Atlantis, By Ernest J. Sawyer (a Summary)
Hoerbiger states that we have had, in succession, five, or six moons, each having been destroyed by the earth's gravitational pull and scattering its debris upon our own planet. Our present moon, which he calls Luna, will eventually be destroyed in the same way.
In South Africa Sawyer was examining data available at that time to establish without doubt the existence of Atlantis. "Unique throughout the entire world is the huge rockery of meteorites which stands in the public place of Windhoek, the capital of South West Africa. Nowhere are to be found so many meteorites as on the coast of Africa and, as I shall establish, there is a reason for this."
"There may be millions of meteorites scattered over the dreary plains at Windhoek, there certainly are many thousands of tons. Meteorites are worth 35,000 a ton, but export is prohibited. The Ovambos, a native tribe, worship these fragments from the skies and the Bushman today pay them special reverence."
All around the coastline of South Africa are raised beaches running parallel with it, the beaches are always about 200-350 feet above sea level. Hoerbiger felt that the catastrophic upheavel caused the loss of Atlantis by submerging it during one of the later glacial periods, with corresponding devastation of South Africa.
"The effect of a satellite slowly approaching the earth would be to pile up the seas into a huge girdle tide." Following this tide some gigantic Ice caps would form and thus raising up the beaches. The study has not been directed some much at the loss of Atlantis as it is to what occurred to its people after they had left the country. The theory is that the Bushman is not aboriginal to South Africa and came from somewhere else. The generally accepted theory is that they descended from the Grimaldi man of Southern France who immigrated to Africa by means of a land bridge that once connected to the two continents. Yet, it is also possible they may have descended from a group escaping Atlantis and went for higher ground in Africa. It is generally admitted that the Bushman are some of the oldest cultures in South Africa, and they roamed many years before the Bantu appeared. They became over time more degenerate from there original state of a higher culture lost over time in the wilderness. (This was Sawyer's opinion). The shape of the rock paintings he points out as the reason for earlier great intelligence. Are they the only group in Africa that are the only survivors, Sawyer says 'I think not', and proceeds into the article.
The Bushman have no written records known but they do have legends that has come down from pre-historic times. They have legends that the moon has been held responsible for all that has taken place, whether good or bad. The sun is seldom mentioned in these legends. Are these legends handed down from a very remote time over several thousand years? Could they have witnessed a great destruction along their coastline in S. Africa? "Geological phenomena point to destruction by volcanoes, floods, and ice floes, and it would be strange if some of these happenings were not incorporated in the mythical legends of the Bushman." Is it possible that a great deal of the meteorites in S. Africa is the remnant of a destroyed moon? Here is one Bushman Legend:
"We may not look on the moon when we kill game. We may only look where the moon is not standing. We fear the light of the moon. Our mothers used to tell us that the moon was not good if we looked at him. If we look at the moon when we have killed game the beasts of prey will eat this game when it is dead. If the game is not dead this is due to the 'moon water'. Because our mothers used to tell us that the 'moon water' which we see lying on top of a bush is like fluid honey. The 'moon water' destroys the poison with which we kill our game. We also fear the moonlight because our mothers told us that the game would lead us to a place without water and we might die of thirst."
There is another legend that deals with the origin of Death. 'It tells us how the moon dies and return again, thereby teaching all living beings that they, too, will die and live again." Does this have any reference to ancient legends regarding a moon being totally destroyed and another coming in its place.' (Webmaster note-the Egyptians also talked about a resurrecting moon, but did not imply that it occurred as physically is what could happen, but meant it more spiritually to help it return like the sun at dusk or daybreak. It still does not take anything away from the fear and beliefs the Egyptians in more ancient times once held about the moon.)
There is also outside of high beaches a lot of river terraces and in some place in higher ground that look as if they had receded back to the oceans. At Stellenbosch, some 35 miles from Cape Town, and 350 feet above sea level, the writer found ancient stone implements embedded in the sand that is saline in character, 25 feet below the present ground level. These implements are large, indicating that only men of huge stature could have used them. One weighed 14 pounds and was very possibly used as a chopper. "Archaeologists believe that these massive stone implements were made, and used, by a race of giants that have long been extinct"!
"I am suggesting that these supermen were Atlanteans who has succeeded in escaping from the deluge that swept their country." Most primitive Africans have legends about volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, and excessive rain in their stories. He mentions in Genesis the Giants in the Bible, and at Stellenbosch the Man found in a dig was seven feet tall. His reasoning things were growing bigger then in the fossils.
"I consider that when the imminence of disaster became obvious, some of the Atlanteans escaped across the bridges to what is now the South West Africa and their descendants are the Bushman of today, a people who fear the moon, and whose folklore tells of a tremendous disaster to the earth in which the moon played a part in. " "The raised beaches that entirely encircle South Africa tell us that, at some geological eriod, the sea was some 200 feet higher than it is today. Did the gravitational pull of the moon cause this phenomenon?
Last Edit: January 02, 2008, 02:03:30 pm by Bianca
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #882
January 02, 2008, 02:04:35 pm »
Carolyn Silver
Member # 2287
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posted 12-09-2006 04:17 AM
The Theory of Tides and the Problem of Atlantis, By Prof. N. Boneff
This paper constitutes an amplification of a theory put forth in Oct. 1949, Vol. 2, No. 4.
It was originally published in the U. of Sofia in French in the proceedings of the Faculty of Science, in Vol. XLV; this is the summarized translation.
In a pervious paper, the writer postulated that the lunar craters were probably of organic origin, though certain of them may have been caused by meteorites. It is now submitted that the loss of Atlantis may have been due to extra-terrestrial causes. The Atlantis story is mainly based on the two dialogues of Plato: the Timaeus and the Critias, and although Aristotle distrusted their authenticity such writers as Posedonius and Strebo were fully conviced. While it is possible that the details of the social and political life of Atlantis corresponded to the ideals of Plato himself, there seems no doubt the story of the catastrophe corresponds largely to historical truth, as ferquently happens in cases where the popular imagination has been inspired by great manifistations of natural forces. For example, although the origin of Meteor Crater in Arizona occurred 5,000 years ago, the Indians of the district still have a legend of the visit of a fire god from heaven many years ago. Such stories as those of Sodem and Gomorrah, and the Legend of Phaeton, the son of Helios, may be traced to similar resources. In the opinion of the writer, the physical explanation of the disaster described by Plato lies in the theory of the tides, as put forward by Mach, in his work on Mechanics ( or La Mecanique-Paris-1904).
If, at the time of the Atlantean disaster, the earth had been approached by an Asteroid, it might have been sufficient to cause a tide of a magnitude such as to swamp the Atlantean Continent, and to break open the Pillars of Hercules, and to flood the Mediterranean basin: particularly if the asteroid itself were to have plunged into the earth instead of passing off at a tangent. The Mid-Atlantis Ridge and the varying depths in the Atlantic Ocean confirm the opinion of Stille (The Growth and Decay of Continents-1935), who says that the Atlantic appears as "als ein grosses Destruktions feld, ein Fekd der Funsenkung und des Einbruchs": an area of great destruction, a field of sinkings and of breakings in. The writer considers that the Ridge is the backbone of Atlantis, and that the body of the continent and of the asteroid are scattered over the bed of the Atlantic Ocean, and on them rests the organic ooze (Globigerinenschlamm)-E. Kayser, Lerbuch der allgemeinen Geologie, p. 620-22.
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #883
January 02, 2008, 02:05:28 pm »
Carolyn Silver
Member # 2287
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posted 12-09-2006 04:18 AM
The City of Brass, by Egerton Sykes (a summary)
The late Mrs. Whishaw held a opinion in her book; "Atlantis in Andalucia", London, 1930, that in the days of far off Atlantis, the copper ore from the mines of Ro Tinto was shipped to the Motherland from the Port of Niebla on that river. She also considered that the use of the ores from that area initiated the pre-bronze age.
"Recent investigations suggest to me that orichalcum, that now unknown metal was used to cover the exterior surface of the great temple of Atlantis, as mentioned by Plato, may have been shinning sheets of brass."
The term orichalcum meant mountain brass, and may well have been applied to a whole series of metals of varying color, ranging from bright red to palest yellow.
"In essence the tale of the City of Brass is of an expedition to the Cyrenian desert in search of a fabled city of the dead, packed with treasure."
The stories about City of Brass include: The Arabian Nights, who traded and fought with the Cathay, Indies, the Middle east, and Lybia which is like the voyages of Hakluyt, London, 1589-1600. "After hearing the recital of a desert dweller whose grandfather actually saw the city, the party leave on their travels. About half-way, they find an equestrian statue in the sands, which when cleared of obstruction swings round on a pivot and points in the direction of the city. This statue recalls on the one hand the swing figures on the chariot of Wang Ti, the legendary Emperor of China which always pointed south, and also the equestrian statue found on the Island of Corvo in the Azores, by the Portuguese discoverers in the 15th Century, which was broken up for shipment to Lisbon and never seen again. The city when sighted, proved to have two towers covered with sheets of shinning Andalusian brass or copper, which was said to be equal to gold in value. After climbing the walls which were of black marble, the leader of the expedition found yet another brass equestrian statue, which actuated the mechanism opening the gates. Inside there was a staircase of different colored marbles, recalling that at Tiahuanaco." (Bellamy, H. S. 'Built before the Flood, London, 1946)
"The city was found to be tenanted solely by the shriveled bodies of the dead, and by the mummy bodies of the Queen and her court. This story links with the expeditions of Count de Prorok ('Mysteries Sahara'-1, and 'In quest of Lost Worlds'-2), who sought the palace of Queen Tin Hanan of Atlantis, and also with the Queen Antinea of the romance by Benoit."
"Burton ('The Thousand and One Nights, 1885-1888, vol V. pages 1 to 36) considered this story to be related to that of Many Columned Iram, but I do not share this opinion as Iram is linked with the Tower of Babel and with the foundations of Semitic Myth and its relationship to Atlantis is very distant." About 1,300 years ago a tribe migrated from the Sahara across Africa to the Ife Country of Nigeria. "Frobenius (Kniturgeschichte Afrikas, Zurich, 1933)
reports that with them they brought memories of a temple of brass in their ancestral city, and built to their divine ruler a huge temple of Brass with stables to hold ten thousand horses. This temple was in existence until recent times, while the tribe also worshipped a Posidonean god."
"Here we have a trail leading from Rio Tinto Copper mines, through Atlantis to North Africa, and from there to Nigeria a journey lasting some twelve thousand years but always carrying with it proof of the Atlantean civilization and culture."
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #884
January 02, 2008, 02:06:33 pm »
Carolyn Silver
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posted 12-09-2006 04:21 AM
The Mystery of Titicaca, by Egerton Sykes (a summary of)
In the Andes and partly in Peru, and partly in Bolivia, lies Lake Titcaca, the site of an ancient culture which, on the basis of the evidence before us may well be pre-diluvian. The traces of cities and harbors above 13,000 feet, and where the storage of oxygen renders life most difficult for plain dwellers to live, then we are faced with something so much out of the ordinary as to deserve our attention. Lake Titcaca complex is the remnant of a vast inland sea, some 460 miles in length, and 30 to 100 miles wide. It stretched from Latitudes 15' to 21' degree South, and longitude 67' and 70'. It comprised the present Lake Tticaca and 180 miles to the South East Lakes Poopo and Coipassa. At present Titcaca, which is brackish, measure 11 miles by 25; Lake Poopo, which is salty, 50 miles by 20; and Lake Coipassa, which is briny, 20 miles by 10. The river Desaguadero, which drops some 500 feet in 130 miles, links these Lakes. The remarkable thing about Lake Titcaca complex is the slanting, intermediate strand line, which slants from north to south, dropping from 12,800 feet in the North, to 12,596 feet at Tiahuanaco; and to 12,000 feet in the extreme south, a drop of over 800 feet. There are also traces of a higher strand line, also slanting, which drops from 13,550 feet, to 13,266 feet and 12,500 feet. The culture of the City of Tiahuanaco to which we are about to refer, must have existed at the time of the intermediate strand line, which we may take to have occurred at the same time as the final stages of Atlantis, bringing the close of the era to about 11,500 years ago. There are several cultural layers in the area, one of which, including the building latter referred to as the "old Temple", must have existed before the lake rose to the intermediate level of the main Titcaca culture. This would mean that it must be at least 12,000 years old, and as such, must be the oldest civilization as yet discovered. In Tiahuanaco 13 miles from the lake had what was then in the northern part of the town series of buildings bounded by a quay on the North, and by a harbor canal on the East South and West. They include the Kalasasava, the palace of the Black and White stairs, the Akapana, the Old Temple, and a series of constructions which only resemble air raid shelters. There are also several unidentified buildings. The Kalasasava, a large monolithic gateway 13 ft. 6 long, 9ft. high, and 18 inches thick, in which is cut a doorway 6 feet high and about 2ft. 6 in. wide.
"what well may be the largest carved monolithic structure in the world, being cut out of one piece of andesite, an extremely hard material which blunts all but the hardest steel tools." How they cut and handled the rock in works as if it were cheese is unknown.
"The staircase of the Kalasasava temple is coated with scale which would show that it had been under water for a considerable period of time." The god of this temple has come down to us as probably Viracocha. This is by no means certain, names of gods tend to change over time, and especially with the changes of races hands.
The Palace of the Black and White Stairs leads upto the West toward the sun temple. To the south is Akapana, hill citadel fortress. This semi artificial mound resembles to some extent Silbury Hill, is 650 by 490 feet at the base, and is roughly aligned to the points of the compass. At the top in the center, are the remains
Of an artificial pond, which was drained by the most elaborate stone overflow down the side of the hill. The height is at least 150 feet. On this portion of the site there was the remains of the 'Old Temple', a building of an earlier construction, and its orientation does not correspond with the other sites. Three-quarters of a mile to the South-West lies the Puma Punku. The word "Puma' means gate and so the title means Puma Gate, but it is also known as Water-Gate and Tunca, or Ten Gates. This building had a rectangular shape with six stories or steps, and as usual a artificial pond at the summit. Base was 500 by 360 feet. Immediately to the south of the building are the remains of of a road, on the other side of which there were two harbour basins which would take a vessels of up to 150 feet in length with ease. The general impression is that it would have been a small harbour. "That some vestiges of the past survived until fairly recent times is shown by the field of mastodons found near Bogota, in Columbia, at about the same height as Titcaca, and probably destroyed at the same time." "The llama is a four toed domestic animal unknown in the wild state, but in several of these ruins the remains of a five toed llamas, which were either kept as pets or for usual domestic use are their cousins today. This would appear to imply considerable age to the first builders of these fortresses. Another interesting fact is that the natives made many drawings of toxodons, a species of animal similar to the hippopotomus, the bones of which have been discovered in nearly all these cities. The toxodon has been extinct for probably at least ten thousand years, and we only know what it looked like from the Indian drawings and scupltures, such as those on the monolithic gateway of the sun temple. On the gateway is depicted flying fish, which are only found nearby the Pacific 150 miles away. Titcaca Culture practiced cranial deformation, which is one factor of a Atlantean introduced custom. On the Sun Temple depicts a Priest or a King who resembles those at Easter Island. The Long Ears associated with the Lemnurian Culture may show not just Easter Island but a practice the involved Cranial deformation and elongated ears as mixing of Atlantean and Lemurian race practices from a remote time? "When we turn to myths, there are so many having their origin at Titicaca, that it is a problem to choose. Here is one of them from Sarmiento De Gamboa's History of the Incas written in 1581. " "Viracocha, the Creator of the world, created not only mankind but also a race of giants. These people sinned and warred, and so he decided to destroy them. Some were turned to stones, some were swallowed by the earth, some by the sea, and the remainder were drowned by a flood which came after it had rained for 60 days and 60 nights. From the flood only a few escaped." Here is the survival story from the same source:
"Two brothers escaped the flood by climbing to the top of a high mountain and after the flood intermarried with two women who had survived-presumably on another peak-and from them one of the tribes is descended."
To continue with Viracocha:- "After the flood had receded, the god went to the Island of Tiahuanaco, in Lake Titicaca. After he had arrived there the sun, moon and stars appeared again. He then sent his servants by different routes, to go through the land saying: 'Oh you tribes and nations, hear and obey the order of Viracocha, which commands you to go forth and multiply and settle the land'. And the people came forth, some from the valleys, caves, rocks and hills to spread over the land."
Linked up with this story of how Viracocha called froth the volcanic eruption on his disobedient subjects, and that huge blocks of pumice stone were hurled down the mountain side at them.
Garcilasso de la Vega- tells of a man at Tiahuanaco dividing the world among four kings.
Cieza de Leon-tells that Viracocha was a man of a great stature who came from the North.
Molina- describes how man was created at Tiahuanaco, and the chiefs sent forth by him.
Betanzos-tells alsoViracocha rose from the Lake.
All the legends told about him seem to have been told about Manco Ccapac, who may have been a subordinate leader of the same period, who eventually settled near Cuzco, as it is told that with his wife Oulla Huaca he brought with him a golden wedge, which was laid in the foundations of Cuzco, the capital city of ancient Peru. At a later date Incas called Lake Titicaca, Mama Cota or Mother Water, believed to be the site of creation.
From the Webmaster there is enough stories and evidence of 9,000 B.C. escaping people from a watery region and that the Temples in the Andes may have been tectonic wise vaulted upwards overtime which may explain
An interest by the cultures to be closer to safety from the rising seas then is near the ocean for awhile directly. There is enough stories to show the movement inland precluded the advent of the tidal grid which the Tiahuanaco myths may refer to in the tears of the god i.e. of 'Obsidian Glass' i.e. volcanic erupted glass.
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