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Topic: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL) (Read 38946 times)
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #840
January 02, 2008, 11:24:41 am »
Member # 3136
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posted 11-15-2006 08:15 PM
I doubt much came of the Russian expedition of 1978, else many of the same people wouldn't have come up with a different hypothesis that Atlantis was off of Cornwall, many miles away, in more current times. They would still be revisiting the Ampere Seamounts.
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #841
January 02, 2008, 11:26:01 am »
Member # 2806
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posted 11-18-2006 11:08 PM
Sicilians in ancient Salcombe
By Norman Hammond, Archaeology Correspondent
AN ANCIENT bronze found on the seabed off Devon may be the first clear evidence of long-distance maritime trade between the central Mediterranean and the Channel coast.
Mike Pitts, the editor of British Archaeology, says that the curious object, of a type found otherwise only in Sicily, “is unique this far north, and raises the possibility, however remote, of a distant traveller reaching Britain from the Mediterranean”.
The bronze is one of 28 potential Bronze Age objects found recently off Salcombe, not far from the earlier Moor Sand finds which included post- medieval Moroccan gold coins and other historic material; both would seem to be from shipwrecks, although no ship remains have been found. The bronzes include 11 complete or fragmentary swords, five axes, three spearheads, and two gold ornaments, all dating to between 1300BC and 1150BC.
Most unusual is the piece which Italian archaeologists call a strumento con immanicatura a cannone — literally “an implement with cannon-shaped handle”, of uncertain function. The British Museum has several examples, and similar objects occur in some hoards in Sicily, where they date to about the 13th century BC.
“The Sicilian object from Salcombe is therefore the first secure object of Mediterranean origin and Bronze Age date to be found in northwest Europe,” Pitts notes. “The presence of this material on England’s south coast would appear to be tangible evidence of cross-Channel connections. Such connections have frequently been deduced from land finds, but are rarely attested directly.
“Interlocking maritime networks extended all along the Atlantic seaboard of Europe. There may not have been long-distance voyages spanning this whole chain, but this possibility will have to be reconsidered in the light of the Salcombe discovery, a rare chance to view objects in transit — the nearest that archaeology can get to witnessing trade in action.”
British Archaeology 91: 42-47.
Mayan trade links
Another fascinating proof of long-distance trade has been reported from the Caribbean, where jade axe blades found on the West Indian island of Antigua have been traced to the Maya jade sources in the Motagua valley of Guatemala some 1700 miles to the west. Alfred Levinson, of the University of Calgary, says that the axes date between AD250 and AD500, which for the Maya was the early classic apogee of their civilisation, with cities such as Tikal having contacts with places as distant as the metropolis of Teotihuacan in the Valley of Mexico.
Archaeologists have found jades in the West Indies before, but the source of the raw material was unknown. Settlement and trade tended to be along the line of islands, north from Trinidad and Tobago past Antigua and its neighbours and eventually to Hispaniola and Cuba.
Although Cuba is not far from Florida, no certain evidence of pre-Hispanic contact is known, and similarly, the short passage across the Yucatán channel to the Maya area is not documented by imports on either shore.,,61-2451002,00.html
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #842
January 02, 2008, 11:27:06 am »
Member # 2806
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posted 11-18-2006 11:09 PM
The discovery of the new Motagua jade source followed flooding from Hurricane Mitch in 1998: until then, all the known sources were north of the Motagua river, and did not match the axe blades.
Reg Murphy of the Museum of Antigua and Barbuda believes that Caribbean islanders of the Saladoid culture sailed to the Maya area, using large dugout canoes of the type encountered a millennium later by Columbus off the coast of Honduras, and not by voyaging Maya. He suggests that their long-distance connections also extended back to the lands of their distant ancestors on the Orinoco and Amazon rivers in South America. A type of turquoise found among these peoples may come from as far away as Chile, he believes.
Canadian Mineralogist 44 No. 2: 305-321.
St George losses
The early history of one of London’s most important churches has been destroyed unexamined, and its medieval parishioners dug up and taken away in plastic sacks, a senior archaeologist has complained.
Bruce Watson of the Museum of London says: “The Church of England operates with impunity, largely outside both planning and ancient monuments legislation, despite the numerous important historic buildings within its care.”
St George’s, Southwark, may have been of Saxon origin, Mr Watson says, but the chance to find out has been squandered. By 1122 Southwark’s parish church was already dedicated to St George, whose popularity in England was much increased by returning Crusaders.
The present Grade I listed church dates from 1733-36, and the current problems arise from enlargement of its crypt to provide more space for community work, he notes in Rescue News. Since it stands in Southwark’s archaeological priority zone, the importance of the site was already known. Roman roads entering London from the south converged here on a small area of dry land at the end of London Bridge.
Nevertheless, only a small area of the church crypt was excavated this summer down through the unexpectedly rich Roman levels, which included brick-earth walled buildings, one with a floor of reused roof tiles; elsewhere the Roman deposits, possibly from the earliest part of Londinium south of the river, were removed by mechanical excavators without the archaeologists being allowed to excavate them by hand as originally intended.
Even more disturbing, Mr Watson says, is that “medieval burials were torn from their graves by mini-digger. Past parishioners who had committed their bodies and souls to the care of St George’s now had their bones collected in plastic sacks for reburial at Nunhead Cemetery.”
“The attitude of the parish towards their archaeological heritage is best described as ‘negative’,” Mr Watson says in Rescue News. “The attitude of the parish is particularly sad, as in 1776 the medieval records of this church were all dumped: archaeological investigation would have been a chance to fill in large gaps in our knowledge.
“It could be argued that the parish was using Heritage Lottery Fund monies to wilfully destroy their own and our church’s heritage,” Mr Watson argues. “Today St George’s church needs its patron saint to fight for its heritage: its present custodians have failed it.”
Rescue News 100: 1-2.,,61-2451002_2,00.html
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #843
January 02, 2008, 11:27:59 am »
Carolyn Silver
Member # 2287
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posted 11-19-2006 10:26 PM
Russian scientist believes, Atlantis lies between Gibraltar and the Azores
Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, professor Alexander Gorodnitsky has recently celebrated his 70th birthday. This is a world-known scientist from the Russian Institute of Oceanology. Alexander Gorodnitsky is also known in Russia as a poet and a song writer.
Alexander Gorodnitsky chaired the laboratory of the marine geophysics at the Arctic Geology Research Institute in Leningrad. He took part in a lot of expeditions in various areas of the World Ocean, he explored the ocean at the depth of five kilometers in underwater vehicles. He was the first scientist in the world to calculate the lithosphere power. The professor published more than 260 scientific works, including eight studies about the geology and geophysics of the ocean floor.
You wrote a song about Atlases, you read books about Atlantis. What is it: a return to the old romantic hobby, or something more serious?
It is probably both. Vyacheslav Kudryavtsev, Director of the Metahistory Institute, believes, there is a mouth of an ancient river on the continental slope to the south-west of the British Isles. Kudryavtsev thinks, an ancient town might have existed on the banks of the river too. He is determined to go there to explore that place. There is no actual evidence to prove that supposition, but a theory says that the Greenland ice melted in the beginning of the historic time, and the Gulf Stream made it to the north. The continent with such a beautiful name - Atlantis - was flooded as a result of the ocean level change. It seemed to be very interesting to me, especially after we came across a strange construction under the water - it looked like the ruins of an ancient city.
We have all necessary equipment at our disposal at the Oceanology Institute: we have underwater probes and vehicles, which allow to submerge to the depth of the ocean. We have already developed the project of the mission, freighted a ship, we have even obtained a permission from the UK. We just need $200,000 for the expedition, but Russian sponsors have refused to help us.
Why breaking a lance - a lot of people believe that there is no Atlantis at all, because there has not been any evidence found to prove the existence of the ancient continent.
The absence of findings is not supposed to be the base to say no to further attempts and works. It simply testifies to the low level of the research. About 15 years ago scientists found a proof that a large ancient civilization used to exist - the huge Hittite Kingdom.
I think that the lost continent is situated somewhere between Gibraltar and the Azores. In 1984 and 1986 our expedition was working on the slopes of Mount Ampere, when we found very strange constructions at the depth of only 100 meters - they looked like rooms and walls. I submerged to see that myself, made some sketches. Other geologists drew alters or walls - that was what they had seen, we could not take any photographs at that time. At first it seemed to me that those rooms and walls had been created by the nature, but the rooms were equal in size. The human psychology is organized very specifically: if someone had said that professor Gorodnitsky found the lost continent, no one would have believed such a message.
Yes, it is true, but there were a lot of other scientists, who were trying to find Atlantis, Jacques Yves Cousteau, for example.
It was Cousteau, who explored the sea floor around Santorin volcano and found the ruins of an ancient state there. A lot of people believed that it was Atlantis. However, such a point of view contradicted to Plato's words, who said that Atlantis was situated on the other side of Pillar of Hercules. From the point of view of the modern geology, I dare to prove that the underwater mountain chain between Gibraltar and the Azores is the lost continent. Canaries and Green Cape islands are the last peaks of Atlantis.
Atlas stands next to Pillar of Hercules, which means that ancient people had reasons for that. Of course, it would be ridiculous to think that we will find a golden statue or ruins of ancient towns. Any expedition has a chance to be a success, because there is always an opportunity to discover something new. If we manage to prove that Europe used to spread far behind the Pyrenees, it will change the perception of the human history. In addition to it, it is a great chance for Russian scientists to discover Atlantis!
Scientists say, the angle of inclination of the axis of the equator is changing, which will eventually make continents collide with each other. The collision will cause a monstrous earthquake, the land will sink under the water, tsunamis will flood practically everything. What is your attitude to such forecasts?
They are nonsense. The stability of continent plates tectonics is determined with endogenous (internal) factors. As far as the Earth's axis is concerned, one may not worry about it for the coming 100,000 years. It will remain as it is now and will not cause an earthquake that would be capable of destroying continents.
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #844
January 02, 2008, 11:29:01 am »
Carolyn Silver
Member # 2287
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posted 11-19-2006 10:36 PM
Back in Sykes’ day and still today, the biggest struggle for Atlantology is the fact that the science is faced with the challenge of having to prove the existence of its own subject. Over the past century, many gifted academics travelled widely diverse roads to solve this basic problem, but none of them ever quite found a clear path over this troublesome hurdle. Sykes was equally unsuccessful, but somewhat comforted by the knowledge that he was always in good company. All over the world, there were many intelligent, adventurous explorers making startling discoveries — directly or indirectly related — to the famous lost continent.
Plato’s Dialogues Timaeus and Critias, written between 429 and 347 BC, and the more than six-hundred flood legends around the world, are not proven to be of historical value. Unfortunately, the only historic document about Atlantis is Plato. Plato was accused, beginning with his pupil Aristotle, of inventing Atlantis for propaganda purposes. The fantastic incredibility of the location of a continent or island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and the presence upon this land mass of a civilized people while simultaneously the rest of humanity was still in a state of savagery, was a big pill for disbelievers to swallow.
For quite a long time, scientists investigated the possibility that North Africa, including the Sahara Desert, formed part of or was contemporary with Atlantis. In 1814, Ali Bey El Abbassi (or Domingo Badia y Leyblich) wrote a book on The Ancient Island of Atlantis and the Possibility of an Interior Sea in the Center of Africa.
The discovery of America with its gigantic ruined cities in Yucatan, Peru, and the Andean Highlands fired the early Atlantologists to much research and the writing of books — a process which dwindled until the middle of the last century when Ignatius Donnelly arrived on the scene.
Minnesota congressman, Ignatius Donnelly, author of the 1882 overnight best seller Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, is known as the Father of the Science of Atlantology. In 1883, he published Ragnarok: The Age of Fire and Gravel. Donnelly was a Republican Minnesota Congressman with an encyclopedic mind who studied law but preferred poetry. Unlike other members of Congress, Donnelly logged in many hours in the Library of Congress, and a short time into retirement he produced his first book Atlantis: The Antediluvian World. The best response to the book was not in America but in the United Kingdom. Four-time Prime Minister of Britain, William Ewart Gladstone, wrote to Donnelly to congratulate him on his book and in 1882, Gladstone asked the Cabinet to produce funds for the sending of a ship to trace out the outline of Atlantis. Gladstone failed to secure the necessary support from the Treasury.
Donnelly’s time was not ripe for the unreserved acceptance of the hypothesis of a land mass suddenly lost in the Atlantic Ocean, chiefly because geophysical theories were unable to supply physical presuppositions for such a loss. Donnelly’s books did not evoke new research but provided the blueprints for the general method of study of Atlantology. The science of Atlantology was fundamentally hampered from progress until Hoerbiger and Sykes, who offered theories which could convincingly explain the sudden catastrophic loss of Atlantis.
In 1907, Etienne Felix Berlioux wrote a series of papers entitled Morocco and the Atlanteans for the Academy of Sciences at Lyons.
Professor Wladimir Bogachev was a distinguished geologist who may be described as the Father of Atlantology in Russia. In 1910, Bogachev was a lecturer at the University of Dorpat, Estonia, and in 1912, he published a brochure Atlantida, the first work on the geology of Atlantis to be printed.
Between 1910 and 1932, Leo Frobenius, the famous German anthropologist, made no less than ten African voyages. During an excavation in Nigeria in the palace compound of the chief of the ancient Ife culture, he discovered outstanding works of art in the form of remarkable bronze heads and terra cottas — portraits of individuals which displayed an astonishing degree of realism not found elsewhere in African culture. Frobenius believed the Ife to be an important culture which succumbed to climatic conditions.
On October 20, 1912, Paul Schliemann’s sensational article on Atlantis was published in the New York American, a publication of Hearst Press. Paul claimed that his famous grandfather, Heinrich Schliemann, began investigating the myth of Atlantis in 1883, seven years before his death, and Paul had inherited Heinrich’s confidential research, as well as funding to continue the work. Young Schliemann’s complete silence after 1918 confirmed the view generally held that he must have died during World War I. The article was believed by many to be a hoax, as not one single member of the Schliemann family uttered a word either in favor or against the story.
Pierre Termier’s Atlantide of 1913 and La Derive des Continents of 1924, were two of the most important scientific works on the subject in the early half of the century.
It was Pierre Benoit’s novel Atlantide, first published in 1920, which stimulated many expeditions to Africa. Benoit’s novel told of the adventures of some French officers seeking for traces of Atlantis in the wastelands of North Africa, where they encountered the legendary Atlantean Princess Antinea.
In 1920, Alfred Watkins, an expert photographer and inventor of the Watkins Exposure Meter, began noting on 1” and 6” Ordnance Survey maps of the British Isles, the numerous alignments of ancient sites. Watkins concluded that, before Roman times, members of an unknown race accurately surveyed the land, leaving markstones and circular mounds, whose alignments came to be known as leys or straight tracks, ranging in length from three to one-hundred miles. In 1927, Watkins, founder of the Straight Track Club (1926-1949), published The Ley Hunters Manual, a ninety page book containing one-hundred-and-twenty photographs and site diagrams of markstones and their ley lines.
Lewis Spence once said, “I still assert with all the emphasis at my command that unless the iron discipline of scientific detachment be recognized in the consideration of such questions as the Atlantean, its study might as well been abandoned. For me there are two Atlantises — the Atlantis of fantasy and imagination, and that of reality. Sometimes these ideas appear to fuse, at others they are as far apart as poles.”
Spence’s 1924 The Problem of Atlantis and 1925 Atlantis in North America evoked interest in the subject in the Anglo Saxon world. Spence also formed his Atlantis Research Center and published Atlantis Quarterly, which closed down after five issues.
In 1925, F. Butavand wrote La Veritable Histoire de l’Atlantide, in support of his thesis that Atlantis had originally been a series of islands, now submerged, lying off the Tunisian coast — the site where Carthage and Utica were later founded and built.
On June 24, 1926, Paul Le Cour and Roger Devigne created the Society for Atlantic Studies at the Sorbonne in France. Shortly afterwards, Les Amis d’Atlantis broke up into two Atlantis study groups: one based on Le Cour’s mystical approach; and the other on Devigne’s more pragmatic approach.
In 1926, R.M. (Rene-Maurice) Gattefosse, Jean Gattefosse, and Claudius Roux published the famous bibliography of Atlantis Bibliographie de L’Atlantide.
In 1927, the Caribbean explorer F.A. Mitchell-Hedges discovered the famous, exquisitely carved, eleven pound, life-size skull with a moveable jaw, cut from a block of rock crystal, in a Mayan temple in Lubaantun, British Honduras. Microscopic examination of the surface for grinding patterns showed no evidence of tools. Rock crystal was believed by the ancients to be frozen holy water that never melted, a form of supernatural white magic, and the flaws in the crystal to be the souls of a host of guardian angels.
In 1929, Professor Paul Borchardt of Muich, a geographer and explorer, claimed to have found Plato’s Atlantis at a North African site in the Mediterranean Sea between the Schott el Dejrid and the Gulf of Gabes, and aided by Dr. Albert Herrmann of the University of Berlin, assigned the whole of the Atlantis story to a small locality near Tunis.
Professor Hans Pettersson, leader of the Swedish Albatross expedition, which extracted hundreds of samples from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in the 1930’s, stated that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was mainly above water 15,000 years ago. A similar conclusion was reached by the German Gauss expedition, which sounded the Romanche Deep in 1901. In 1936, Maurice Piggot’s famous U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey of deep core soundings showed definitively that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge reached above the surface of the sea 10,000 to 20,000 years ago. Different sediment deposits on each side of the Ridge showed that the Ridge once separated two currents, and there are heavy deposits of volcanic ash on both sides which, according to carbon dating, were deposited 12,000 years ago.
In Italy, it was inevitable that Italian interest in Atlantis should be focused on the Tyrrhenian Sea and North Africa, rather than the distant Atlantic. Dr. Nicola Russo, Chairman of the Italian Atlantis Society and editor of the its journal Atlantide in Italia, which appeared from 1930 to 1932, wrote several papers on the subject. Unfortunately, the Society’s activities were suspended in the immediate pre-war years of World War II due to the pressure of domestic politics; however, in 1956, interest in Atlantis was revived in Italy with the formation of the Centro Culturale Atlantide in Genoa. The group published La Voce d’Atlantide edited by Gianni Belli of Genoa from 1956 to 1958. In 1963, the Italian Atlantis was published in Genoa by Mr. Leonardo Bettini, a member of the Atlantis Research Center.
In 1933, Lieutenant Brenans of the French Camel Corps discovered the magnificent Tassili petroglyphs in the middle of the Sahara Desert. In 1959, Henry Lhote published The Search for the Tassili Frescoes, the Rock Paintings of the Sahara, the story of the sixteen months spent by the author and two different teams searching for and copying some of the most wonderful rock paintings in the world. The vast size of some of the frescoes show the importance of ritual art in the life of the nomadic people in the days before the Sahara had been turned into a desert.
In 1948 in French North Africa, a new organization came into existence called L’Atlantide de Demain, headed by Amedee Guiraud. The group published a quarterly journal En L’Atlantide. The objective of the new group was to establish a link between North West Africa and Atlantis, and to bring the whole area back to the conditions of fertility and prosperity which existed in the time of Atlantis.
In 1948, Professor N. Boneff, head of the Department of Astronomy at Sofia University and member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, issued Une Application de la Theorie des Marees au Probleme de L’Atlantide, an important mathematical contribution related to the destruction of Atlantis.
On November 17, 1949, Pastor Jurgen Spanuth wrote a letter to Sykes to notify him that the race for Atlantis was finally over. Spanuth was certain he had located the remains of Plato’s lost continent five miles south of Helgoland in the North Sea. Top
Professor Rene Malaise published Atlantis en Geologisk Verkzighet in Stockholm in 1950.
In 1951, the Cuba Institute of Archaeology debated the possibility that Cuba was once in some way related to Atlantis. They concluded that the island’s prehistoric caves with petroglyphs and astronomical symbols, and a staircase leading to a rudimentary observatory in ***** del Este, may support the theory.
In April 1952, scientists reported the discovery of three-hundred human skeletons in a deep cave in the Pyrenean district of southwest France. There was a stalagmite growing out of a hipbone, verifying the calculated dating of up to 15,000 years old.
In August 1952, Dr. Daniel Ruzo found himself on the Marcahuasi Plateau, eighty kilometers from Lima, Peru. The plateau, showing traces of prehistoric works of defence, habitation, and hydrology, boasted hundreds of gigantic sculptures of men and beasts, including animals which never existed in America, carved about 10,000 years ago. Many of the sculptures could only be seen clearly at certain times of day under certain light conditions. The Egyptian god Thueris, a female hippopotamus and symbol of fertility, was represented five times at Marcahuasi.
The July 1955 journal of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, Priroda, contained an article by Professor E.F. Hagemeister of Tallin who, based on investigation into the disintegration of ionium made at various depths of the Atlantic Ocean, stated that the Gulf Stream had only come into existence 12,000 years ago. Hagemeister concluded that the end of the European Ice Age, the appearance of the Gulf Stream, and the submersion of Atlantis, all took place at the same time. In the same issue, V.A. Obroutchev of the Soviet Academy, leading authority on the civilizations of the Gobi Desert, supported his colleague’s theory based on current geological findings.
In 1956, Zaki Saad of the Egyptian Department of Antiquities reported discoveries in the neighborhood of Cairo, showing that the then capital of Egypt was a flourishing metropolis of about a million people before the First Dynasty, and had roots stretching back at least two thousand years before then.
On January 18, 1956, Dr. Michael Kamienski, Professor of Astronomy, gave a lecture called Tragedy of Atlantis-Poseidia in one of the largest halls of Krakow University in Poland. When over five-hundred people showed up but only three-hundred could squeeze into the room, the gracious lecturer repeated his performance the following week. Kamienski dated Halley’s Comet back to BC 9542, the time of the submersion of Atlantis, and hypothesized that some portion of the tail or even the head of Halley’s Comet broke off and plunged into the western Atlantic Ocean. Kamienski continued his researches into comets Haley and Wolf (named the Wolf Kamienski Comet in his honor in 1971), until his retirement in 1963.
The unique calendrical system of the inhabitants of Tiahuanaco, immortalized in great stone gateways and Idols, accurately fit in with Hoerbiger’s Lunar Capture Theory, as described by the German scientist Edmund Kiss after his visit to Tiahuanaco in 1929 and in great detail in 1956, in H. S. Bellamy and Peter Allan’s book The Calendar of Tiahuanaco. In 1957, both Allan and Bellamy received Honorary Professorships at the University of La Paz in recognition of their work.
Sykes’ interest in the archaeology of the Caribbean began with Horace Gouvieva’s underwater find of stone columns off the coast of Bermuda in 1958, and the discovery of a sunken temple off the island of Andros by Dr. Manson Valentine and Dimitri Rebikoff, a Fort Lauderdale oceanographer and underwater explorer. Valentine later discovered more underwater remains off North Bimini.
In 1959, Arthur Louis Joquel II stated, “The legend of the lost continent of Atlantis is the most fascinating story which man has ever known. The theme of the great island in the Atlantic Ocean, which was destroyed with all of its people and its wealth in a single day and night of earthquake and flood, has for several thousand years intrigued everyone who heard it. Heated argument and debate has raged over whether Atlantis ever really existed or not, and if so, where and how long ago. Over two-thousand separate books and articles have been written about it; there have been Atlantean Societies and magazines. Several motion pictures have been based on it, and expeditions have searched for it on sea and land.”
In 1960, Professor Angelos G. Galanopoulos, a seismologist at Athens University, announced that the Santorini volcanic explosion of BC 1400 destroyed the civilization of Minoan Crete, and the island contained the remnants of Atlantis . Mr. James V. Mavor of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute supported the theory in his 1969 book Voyage to Atlantis. Sykes thought the Santorini theory to be purely political, and designed to prove to the world that Greek influence of the Eastern Mediterranean antedated that of the Turks.
In the July 1960 Ohio Archaeologist, Carl B. Compton’s article America’s First People, declared that the relatively new and amazingly fast-developing radiocarbon dating method had pushed back the date for early man in America to 40,000 years or more.
In 1960, after three decades of disagreement, Sykes’ research finally supported the readings of the famous American prophet, Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), that Bimini was likely one of the best places to find records of Atlantis. Sykes corresponded with Edgar Cayce by letter in 1935 and 1936 about the Bimini complex. Cayce’s readings are preserved at the Association of Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) in Virginia Beach, which is also the present home of the Egerton Sykes Collection. Besides pointing to Bimini first, all seven-hundred Cayce readings on the subject of Atlantis admirably balance Atlantis and Diffusion. Cayce’s words also offer a step toward a greater comprehension of what Atlantis really means to humankind. The Cayce material teaches that philosophy, theology, and science are not like oil and water, but have an affinity for each other, and are indispensable to one another. Cayce makes it clear that philosophy and science, as separate ways of thinking, will not stand the test of life and experience. Unfortunately, the majority of conventional scientists dismiss Cayce’s unique methodology without a second thought.
Professor Dimitry G. Panov was a Doctor of Geographical Science and the editor of Zhirov’s book Atlantida printed in Moscow in 1964. In 1961, Panov published The Origin of the Continents and the Oceans (State Geographical Publications, Moscow), in which he stated his views on the history and geological structure of the world’s oceans, and mentioned his belief in the reality of Atlantis.
On April 22, 1964, Dr. N. Th.Zhirov read his paper, The Existence and Destruction of Atlantis , to the Leningrad House of Scientists Geological-Geographical Section. The report gathered more than one-hundred-and-fifty scientists and students for two-and-a-half hours.
In 1965, an Italian expert on North Africa, Alf Bajocco, published The Early Inhabitants of the Canary Islands, in which he considered that the original inhabitants of the Canary Islands may have been of Berber origin, and the Berbers, the original inhabitants of Northwest Africa, were descendants of the Atlanteans.
In his book of 1970, Atlantology: Basic Problems, Dr. N. Th. Zhirov, Professor of Chemical Sciences in the Soviet Union, stated that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge’s Dolphin Ridge, was above sea level in BC 10,000. The book is one of the most serious studies ever done to produce geological proof that Atlantis really existed. There are over eight-hundred references cited in the thirty-five page bibliography, including early Russian classical sources. Zhirov painstakingly reviewed the latest knowledge of the formation of continents; structure of mountains and submarine ridges; seismic processes; cosmological influences; tectonic origins; the effects of glaciations on the distribution of flora and fauna; and changes produced by the Gulf Stream.
In 1972, Ludwick Zajdler published Atlantyda (Warsaw, 3rd edition). Interest in Poland was so strong that there were 30,000 copies of third edition of the book run off, a figure which equaled all of the books on Atlantis published in Britain and the United States during the last twenty years.
The study of Atlantis has never been a mainstream occupation, yet dedicated researchers continue to explore and patiently seek that one crucial discovery which will finally prove the existence of the legendary Atlantis.
Scientific Atlantology and the Egerton Sykes Collection (at the A.R.E. Library at Virginia Beach, Va.)
Egerton Sykes' personal library -- the result of sixty years of collecting -- travelled across the Atlantic Ocean to the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) in Virginia Beach, where it resides today in the third study carrel of the A.R.E. Library as The Egerton Sykes Collection. Guaranteed to intrigue, the Egerton Sykes Collection, which includes over 6000 books (volumes in fifteen different languages on a dazzling variety of topics), magazines, pamphlets, slides, tapes, personal letters, unpublished manuscripts, fascinating photographs, newspaper clippings, and Sykes personal card index, is an enchanting treasure and most definitely worth a visit. The Collection has never been appraised by a rare book dealer and could not be duplicated at any price. Check out the A.R.E. at
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #845
January 02, 2008, 11:29:57 am »
Member # 1839
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posted 11-20-2006 10:51 AM
HIGHLIGHTS IN EARLY ATLANTOLOGY is an extremely interesting read! So glad you posted that. I especially enjoyed reading about the Sykes Collection at the A.R.E.... but my favorite part was about Watkins:
" In 1920, Alfred Watkins, an expert photographer and inventor of the Watkins Exposure Meter, began noting on 1” and 6” Ordnance Survey maps of the British Isles, the numerous alignments of ancient sites. Watkins concluded that, before Roman times, members of an unknown race accurately surveyed the land, leaving markstones and circular mounds, whose alignments came to be known as leys or straight tracks, ranging in length from three to one-hundred miles. In 1927, Watkins, founder of the Straight Track Club (1926-1949), published The Ley Hunters Manual, a ninety page book containing one-hundred-and-twenty photographs and site diagrams of markstones and their ley lines."
That is a really interesting site.
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #846
January 02, 2008, 11:31:13 am »
Jennifer O'Dell
Member # 2239
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posted 11-24-2006 11:25 PM
Yeah, cool article, I imagine that most of the scientific accomplishments listed in Sykes article are all out of date now, though...
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #847
January 02, 2008, 11:32:07 am »
Member # 3185
Rate Member posted 11-28-2006 01:15 AM
A common oversight would be the runes, and the joking manner in which I hide much of the material, the sick thing is that I do desperately need the help at one time offered by Briwnys, but at that time I foolishly thought that I could handle everything on my own. That was my common theme "I work alone", but now I have put too much on my plate and now in all my wisdom there is sorrow. The very point of these posts was to collaborate, but now I am alone, idiot! By veiling what I know I may have protected what I know by putting up a front, but now that front has become an obstacle. Love you all goodnight!
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #848
January 02, 2008, 11:32:51 am »
Member # 2736
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posted 11-28-2006 12:04 PM
Someone once told me, "Any secret held too long carries its own weight." This is true. It means that the longer a secret is held, the harder it is to reveal - and, if it is contrary to current mainstream belief, the harder it is to accept. That is the problem with privately held traditions; many of the facts surrounding them are difficult to verify or reconcile to accepted tenets.
A good example of this is the Bock Saga. Many here have expressed disbelief in the concept of the ape/nanny goat genesis from that tradition. They are looking at the concept from a modern viewpoint and are either ignorant or forgetful of the ancient myths of mankind.
In Greek myth, the she-goat Amalthea was the foster mother of Zeus, who put aside her own babes to suckle the infant godling. When Zeus was playing with Amalthea, he accidentally broke off her horn. To make amends, he promised that thereafter the horn would always be filled with whatever fruit she desired. Amalthea's Horn of Plenty symbolizes the unasked profusion of gifts from the gods. The she-goat stands as a means whereby the blessings of Heaven are conveyed to Earth, and especially blessings on farmers and herdsmen. In Germanic belief, the she-goat, Heidrun, fed off the leaves of the ash, Yggdrasil, and supplied Odin's warriors with her milk.
Taken in context with the belief systems of other ancient cultures, the ape/nanny goat concept is not only acceptable but adds to the weight of authenticity of the Saga.
This holds true for the Merovingian Mythos as well, which proposes that their race sprang from the union of a human female with a horned sea creature.
Capricorn, the Goat, is identified with the Greek goat-god, Pan. During their war with the Titans, the Olympian Gods were driven into Egypt and pursued by Typhon. Pan leaped into the Nile and tried to turn himself into a fish to escape. However he managed only half his transformation, becoming the Goat-fish, Capricorn.
The Assyrians called him Kunaxa and he was known in pre Babylonian times as the god Ea/Oannes: 'The Antelope of the Subterranean Ocean', 'He of the vast intellect', 'Lord of the Sacred Eye', 'God of Wisdom'.
Berossus says, "At Babylon there was a great resort of people of various nations who inhabited Chaldaea and lived in a lawless manner like the beasts of the field. In the first year there appeared from that part of the Erythraean sea which borders Babylonia, an animal whose appearance defied reason, by the name of Oannes, whose whole body was that of a fish; that under the fish's head he had another head, with feet also below, similar to those of a man, subjoined to the fish's tail. His voice too, and language was articulate and human; and a representation of him is preserved even to this day.
This Being was accustomed to pass the day among men; but took no food at that season; and he gave them an insight into letters and sciences and arts of every kind. He taught them to construct cities, to found temples, to compile laws and explained to them the principles of geometrical knowledge. He made them distinguish the seeds of the earth and showed them how to collect the fruits; in short he instructed them in everything which could tend to soften manners and humanize their lives. From that time, nothing material has been added in the way of improvement to his instructions. When the sun had set, this Being, Oannes, retired again into the sea and passed the night in the deep; for he was amphibious. After this there appeared other animals like Oannes".
Again, we have the exoteric symbol of the goat; the female fosters the gods and from her comes the gifts of prosperity, the male teaches men the arts of civilization. Those who deride these stories fail to understand the hidden meaning behind them, while those who do understand this secret knowledge remain silent, often from fear of persecution and ridicule. "Any secret held too long carries its own weight."
My offer of help is still open, always has been. You can contact me (or any member) either in the open forum here or by sending a private message. Just click on the person's name to the side of their post.
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #849
January 02, 2008, 11:33:58 am »
Member # 2812
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posted 11-28-2006 11:33 PM
Originally posted by Researcher1:
A common oversight would be the runes, and the joking manner in which I hide much of the material, the sick thing is that I do desperately need the help at one time offered by Briwnys, but at that time I foolishly thought that I could handle everything on my own. That was my common theme "I work alone", but now I have put too much on my plate and now in all my wisdom there is sorrow. The very point of these posts was to collaborate, but now I am alone, idiot! By veiling what I know I may have protected what I know by putting up a front, but now that front has become an obstacle. Love you all goodnight!
I know perfectly how you feel. Often, one feels alone. However, I assume that many here have tried to preserve their best knoweledge of Atlantis (never sharing) in the hopes that they would be the one to find Atlantis someday, only to find that that day might never come.
And yet, many a good man and woman has tried for this quest, and gone to their grave with it unfulfilled. Time to put all that aside, time to find the truth for this generation,and credit for the discovery at last be damned.
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #850
January 02, 2008, 11:35:00 am »
Member # 3185
Rate Member posted 11-29-2006 01:54 AM
From my personal experience as a child in the classroom, the teacher would ask a question in the anticipation that the students would individually raise thier hands with the answer. What was projected to happen rarely occured, indeed all of the classmates and peers would look around to see who was raising thier hands and adjust, raising thier hands according to the majority. This was a profound example of mainstream as they did not answer due to what they knew but to what the the majority said they knew.Thank you Briwnys and Sarah for now I rest...
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #851
January 02, 2008, 11:36:02 am »
Member # 2736
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posted 11-29-2006 09:55 AM
Well, Researcher, if we have a majority opinion in this forum, I would like to know what it is, lol!!!
We debate everything from the weather to the origin of life and the universe. There is no teacher here and nobody is being graded for getting the "right" answer. There are also secrets here and information withheld. Some of these require a level of understanding and a foundation of knowledge that just isn't present. Like teaching calculus to primary students. Others remain hidden because the holder lacks the clarity of vision or the mental discipline to order their thoughts. Still others are bound by promises of confidentiality that prevent them from presenting proofs to support what they would reveal.
We do the best we can. We teach, we simplify, we contrive to point out information in which these secrets are embedded, hoping to ignite a spark of understanding. There are those who are naturally contentious. There are those who take every objection, every dissent and every question personally. Who stake out a theory and make it their own. Who will defend it blindly, stubbornly and to the death.
In other words, this forum is a cross-section of humanity and the members display the full range of human behaviors. In our natural state, we are all hunter-gatherers. If you have a theory, debate it. Every theory is a working hypothesis until it is proven, and even then it is not set in stone. If you have a question, ask it. The only stupid question is the one you don't ask.
Good luck.
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #852
January 02, 2008, 11:37:04 am »
Member # 2417
posted 11-29-2006 10:23 AM
quote:Originally posted by Researcher1:
A common oversight would be the runes, and the joking manner in which I hide much of the material, the sick thing is that I do desperately need the help at one time offered by Briwnys, but at that time I foolishly thought that I could handle everything on my own. That was my common theme "I work alone", but now I have put too much on my plate and now in all my wisdom there is sorrow. The very point of these posts was to collaborate, but now I am alone, idiot! By veiling what I know I may have protected what I know by putting up a front, but now that front has become an obstacle. Love you all goodnight!
I put all in plain words and i got the same situation. I say that god is the galaxy, that's why all these stories about milk, cows... ancient holydays with firewheels and ribbonds around a pole, the journey of the argos ending at the sting of the scorpio and the arrowhead of saggittarius, meaning galaxy's center, galaxy which look like a goatskin, orion the male in opposition to it in the sky. and milky way in latin is lactaeus orbis. lactaeus orbis deciphered with edo nyland method and vcv basque dictionary gives: the daughter of the great goddess of our ancestors wich draw the attention of the holy man toward the yellow whirlpool with long arms. and many other references. christmas when galaxy is at lowest under horizon meaning the white dot in the black part of yingyang symbol. the light in the dark.
As Above So Below.
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #853
January 02, 2008, 11:37:57 am »
Member # 2736
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posted 11-29-2006 12:42 PM
Stromgol, I think you are on the right track, though I think the universe is a better candidate for god that the galaxy - after all, the observable properties of our universe are constructed so that it is highly likely that life, as we know it, will develop. This is called the Anthropic Principle. Operating on the theory that you can’t get something from nothing, and that like comes from like, the galaxy and life itself contains the same elements and operates under the same principles as that from which they were created.
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Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
Reply #854
January 02, 2008, 11:39:46 am »
Member # 2421
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posted 11-29-2006 01:38 PM
Starting with the mere existence of the Sun may be a constructive way of analyzing this prospect, since it once produced this very globe - as an offspring - on which life as we know it originated. Thus, in the perspective of the earth and all eartlings - we could logically claim that; "In the beginning there were ligth...!"
At the end of the week the higher mammalians arrived, with the human brain on top - in terms of understanding. Still all forms of life are a reflection of the initial and primary source, being the great correspondance between the Sun, the Globe and the Water surrounding it - as moved by the Moon. Within this framework we are all basicly connected - and by origin and spirit - to all other life-forms.
The only basic difference between us and the other expressions of The Sun is our ability to verbalize this All.
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