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the Giza Building Project

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Author Topic: the Giza Building Project  (Read 13753 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 3423

« Reply #195 on: June 20, 2008, 01:58:07 am »


Because of Dr Selim Hassan's excavations and modern space
surveillance techniques, the records and traditions of the ancient Egyptian mystery schools that claim to preserve secret knowlege of the Giza Plateau all rose to the highest degree of acceptability.

However, one of the most puzzling aspects of the discovery of
underground facilities at Giza is the repeated denial of their
existence by Egyptian authorities and academic institutions. So persistent are their refutations that the claims of mystery schools were doubted by the public and suspected of being fabricated in order to mystify visitors to Egypt. The scholastic attitude is typified by a Harvard University public statement in 1972:

 No one should pay any attention to the preposterous claims
in regard to the interior of the Great Pyramid or the pre-
sumed passageways and unexcavated temples and halls
beneath the sand in the Pyramid district
made by those who are as lociated with
the so-called ,secret cults or mystery
societies of Egypt and the Orient. These
things exist only in the minds of those
who seek to attract the seekers for mys-
tery, and the more we deny the existence
of these things, the more the public is
led to suspect that we are deliberately
trying to hide that which constitutes one
of the great secrets of Egypt. It is better
for us to ignore all of these claims than
merely deny them. All of our excava-
tions in the territory of the Pyramid
have failed to reveal any under-
ground passageways or halls, tempies, grottos , or

anything of the kind except the one temple adjoining the Sphinx.


It was well enough for scholarly
opinion to make such a statement on
the subject, but in preceding years, offi-
cial claims were made stating that there
was no temple adjoining the Sphinx.
The assertion that every inch of the ter-
ritory around the Sphinx and pyramids
had been explored deeply and thor-
oughly was disproved when the temple
adjoining the Sphinx was discovered in the sand and eventually opened to the public. On matters outside official policy, there appears to be a hidden level of censorship in operation, one designed to protect both Eastern and Western religions.



In spite of amazing discoveries, the stark truth is that the early
history of Egypt remains largely unknown and therefore
unmapped territory. It is not possible, then, to say precisely how miles of underground passageways and chambers beneath the Giza Plateau were lit, but one thing is for sure: unless the ancients could see in the dark, the vast subterranean areas were somehow illuminated. The same question is addressed of the interior of the Great Pyramid, and Egyptologists have agreed that flaming torches were not used, for ceilings had not been black-ened with residual smoke.


From what is currently known about subsurface passageways
under the Pyramid Plateau, it is possible to determine that there are at least three miles of passageways 10 to 12 storeys below ground level. Both the Book of the Dead and the Pyramid Texts make striking references to "The Light-makers", and that extraor-
dinary description may have referred to a body of people respon-
sible for lighting the subterranean areas of their complexes.
Iamblichus recorded a fascinating account that was found on a
very ancient Egyptian papyrus held in a mosque in Cairo. It was
part of a 100 BC story by an unknown author about a group of
people who gained entry to underground chambers around Giza
for exploratory purposes. They described their experience:


We came to a chamber. When we entered, it became auto-
matically illuminated by light from a tube being the height of
one man's hand [approx. 6 inches or 15.24 cm] and thin,
standing vertically in the corner. As we approached the tube,
it shone brighter. . .the slaves were scared and ran away in
the direction from which we had come! When I touched it, it
went out. We made every effort to get the tube to glow again,
but it would no longer provide light. In
some chambers the light tubes worked and
in others they did not. We broke open one
of the tubes and it bled beads of silver-
coloured liquid that ran fastly around the
floor until they disappeared between the cracks (mercury?)

As time went on, the light tubes gradu-
ally began to fail and the priests removed
them and stored them in an underground
vault they specially built southeast of the
plateau. It was their belief that the light
tubes were created by their beloved Imhotep,

who would some day return to make them work once again.


It was common practice among early Egyptians to seal lighted lamps in the
sepulchres of their dead as offerings to
their god or for the deceased to find their
way to the "other side". Among the
tombs near Memphis (and in the Brahmin
temples of India), lights were found oper-
ating in sealed chambers and vessels, but
sudden exposure to air extinguished them or caused their fuel to evaporate.(6)


Greeks and Romans later followed the custom, and the tradition became generally established-not only that of actual burning lamps, but minia-
ture reproductions made in terracotta were buried with the dead.
Some lamps were enclosed in circular vessels for protection, and
instances are recorded where the original oil was found perfectly
preserved in them after more than 2,000 years. There is ample
proof from eyewitnesses that lamps were burning when the sepul-
chres were sealed, and it was declared by later bystanders that
they were still burning when the vaults were opened hundreds of
years later.

  The possibility of preparing a fuel that would renew itself as
rapidly as it was consumed was a source of considerable contro-
versy among mediaeval authors, and numerous documents exist
outlining their arguments. After due consideration of evidence at
hand, it seemed well within the range of possibility that ancient
Egyptian priest-chemists manufactured lamps that burned if not
indefinitely then at least for considerable periods of time.

Numerous authorities have written on the subject of ever-
burning lamps, with W. Wynn Westcott estimating that the number
of writers who have given the subject consideration as more than 150 and H. P. Blavatsky as 173. While conclusions reached by
different authors are at a variance, a majority admitted the
existence of the phenomenal lamps. Only a few maintained that
the lamps would burn forever, but many were willing to concede
that they might remain alight for several centuries without
replenishment of fuel.


It was generally believed that the wicks of those perpetual
lamps were made of braided or woven asbestos, called by early
alchemists "salamander's wool". The fuel appeared to have been
one of the products of alchemical research, possibly produced in
the temple on Mt Sinai. Several formulae for making fuel for the
lamps were preserved, and in H. P. Blavatsky's profound work,
Isis Unveiled, the author reprinted two complicated formulae from
earlier authors of a fuel that "when made and lighted, will burn
with a perpetual flame and you may set this lamp in any place
where you please ".   

Some believe the fabled perpetual lamps of
temples to be cunning mechanical con-
trivances, and some quite humorous explana-
tions have been extended.

 In Egypt, rich underground deposits of
asphalt and petroleum exist, and some would
have it that priests connected asbestos wicks
by a secret duct to an oil deposit, which in turn
connected to one or more lamps. Others
thought that the belief that lamps burned
indefinitely in tombs was the result of the fact
that in some cases fumes resembling smoke
poured forth from the entrances of newly
opened vaults. Parties going in later, and dis-
covering lamps scattered about the floor ,
assumed that they were the source of the
fumes. There were some well-docu-
mented stories concerning the discovery
of ever-burning lamps not only in Egypt
but also in other parts of the world.


De Montfaucon de Villars gave this
fascinating account of the opening of the
vault of Rosicrucian Christian
Rosenkreuz. When the Brethren entered
the tomb of their illustrious founder 120
years after his death, they found a perpet-
uallamp brightly shining in a suspended
manner from the ceiling. "There was a
statue in armour [a robot] which destroyed the source of light
when the chamber was opened."7 That is strangely similar to the
accounts of Arab historians who claimed that automatons guarded
galleries under the Great Pyramid.


A 17th-century account recorded another story about a robot.
In central England, a curious tomb was found containing an
automaton that moved when an intruder stepped upon certain
stones in the floor of the vault. At that time, the Rosicrucian con-
troversy was at its height, so it was decided that the tomb was that
of a Rosicrucian initiate. A countryman discovered the tomb,
entered and found the interior brilliantly lit by a lamp hanging
from the ceiling. As he walked toward the light, his weight
depressed the floor stones and, at once, a seated figure in heavy
armour began to move. Mechanically it rose to its feet and struck
the lamp with an iron baton, destroying it and thus effectively pre-
venting the discovery of the secret substance that maintained the
flame. How long the lamp had burned was unknown, but the
report said that it had been for a considerable number of years.


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