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Gobi Desert Mysteries - Edgar Cayce

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Author Topic: Gobi Desert Mysteries - Edgar Cayce  (Read 14117 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 41646

« Reply #90 on: March 01, 2008, 09:37:01 pm »

There are 39 different, distinct mtDNA groups into which all humans fit and there are variations on these types.

While mtDNA analysis is not only easier than other forms of genetic testing, it has a further advantage. All DNA mutates over time. But mtDNA has a fairly steady rate of mutation that permits a reasonably accurate estimate of exactly when a particular group of people migrated from their primary group.


Thus, two important factors can be determined through analysis of mtDNA.

First, a living person (or the mtDNA from the remains of a deceased person) can be tested to determine the specific racial group from which the Individual came.

Secondly, the approximate time when that Individual's ancestors migrated from their primary racial group can be determined.

One way to view mtDNA testing is that it may be able to provide a racial family tree extending back to the beginning of humanity. The current idea in mtDNA analysis is that ancestry on the female side can eventually be traced back to a genetic "Eve." The 39 types of mtDNA were presumably derived from this Eve.


Whether this idea will be completely confirmed by research remains to be seen. However, mtDNA testing has confirmed several oral traditions passed down through many generations in several tribes. For example, the indigenous people of Hawaii and Polynesia have long asserted that their ancestors frequently traveled back and forth and that they shared ancestry.


Genetic testing showed that these two groups were related and confirmed the migratory legends of these peoples.
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