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Gobi Desert Mysteries - Edgar Cayce

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Author Topic: Gobi Desert Mysteries - Edgar Cayce  (Read 14004 times)
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« Reply #30 on: November 23, 2007, 03:56:42 pm »

                                               SHANKH HUREE 7 km S

Shankh is one of the ancient monasteries of Mongolia, which used to keep the Chinggis
Khaan’s military black banner.

This huree used to be at right riverside of Harz, 3-4 km away in south east from Shanh
sum of Uvurkhangai. There is any detailed research hasn’t been done about this huree.

When moved the Great Huree of studies from Orkhon river valley to southern side of Hentii
mountain his Holiness Zanabazar left the main section of Great Huree of Studies, original
sources of history etc to his brother Bilbidorj. Among the people it is called West Huree be-
cause of its location. This huree is located at the southern part of Shankh mountain which
comes another name for it “Shankh huree.

In 1774 Temple of Shadublin aimag (Dashgandan shabulin). In 1781 Worship temple of Darjaalin
aimag (Darjaalin)

In1833 Mamba datsan temple (Dashchoilin)
In 1808 Temple of Jud Datsan (Degchinjanchivlan)

In 1825 Temple of Tsanid Datsan were built.

Also in 1886 temple of Maidar god by name Dechinlhundublin, in 1842 temple of Evden datsan
by name Paradise, in 1860 temple of astrologists datsan by name Namdulluntsaglin, in 1885
temple of Duinhor god were built.

Remains of old buildings at southern part of Shanh mountain are remains of sacred temple of
lama of West Huree.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 06:51:38 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #31 on: November 23, 2007, 03:58:13 pm »

                                        White Palace of Tsogt 280 km, N-E

This beautiful palace is situated in the valley of the Tuul river, 20 kilometers northeast of
the Chin Tolgoi Kherem.

The White Palace was of a queen, Madai Taigal, mother of Prince Tsogt who was a famous
historical person, politician and well-known poet of the 17th century.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 06:59:58 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2007, 03:59:26 pm »

                                              Ruins of Uvgun Temple 75 km, E

The ruins of Uvgun Temple are hidden behind rocky ridges and cliffs of Hugnukhaan Mountain
in one of its numerous valleys in the southern slope.

Old ruins and a new temple in the area form spectacular scenery in combination with beautiful
natural settings of Hugnukhaan Mountain.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 07:03:25 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #33 on: November 23, 2007, 04:00:36 pm »

                         Town lost in pre-history. Ancient Smithy of Stone Age. 15 km, N

The ruins of Moiltiin Am are west of the Orkhon river, near Kharkhorin. Moiltiin Am settlement is important in understanding the emergence of early society in Central Asia and Northern Asia,
because of the archeological evidence of continuous occupation for thousands of years, from
the Middle Paleolithic to the Mesolithic.

Finds of stone implements tell the story. Evidence suggests stone tools were produced not only
by chipping and trimming, but also by grinding. Moiltiin Am appears to have had continuous
human occupation for 20.000 years.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 07:07:51 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #34 on: November 23, 2007, 04:01:44 pm »

                                            Lake of  Ugii Nuur  80 km, N-E

Ugii nuur is a lake, 1,387 meters above sea level in Ugii Nuur Soum in Arhangai aimag.

It covers 25 square km, and is rich in Perch an Pike. The catch possible from the lake of
Ugii Nuur is 50 tons a year. Swan Goose White Spoonbill and Dalmatian Pelican have been

« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 07:10:27 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #35 on: November 23, 2007, 04:02:49 pm »


The monument to Kul-tegin, a famous general of Tureg, is situated in 47 km-s to the north of
Erdenezuu, on the left bank of Khogshin Orkhon, to the southwest of Tsaidam lake, Kashaat
sum, Arkhangai aimag.

This place now is known as “Khushuu Tsaidam.

The monument is artistically crafted and has a uniform inscription, and on the top of it two
dragons pattern and on the top center of it between the two dragons, a mountain goat, the
seal of Ashina clan are carved.

The height is 3.33 m, the width is 1.32 and the thickness is 0.46 m. The Tureg inscription is
made up of about ten thousand scripts in all in sixty-eight columns and, it is written on three
sides of the monument. Experts consider the 1-13 Columns as a “small script”, the 14-68
columns “big script”. At first the monument was placed on a big stone (Turtle rock),
with its front side, which has the seal, facing the direction of sunrise. Khan Bileg of Tureg had
the monument built for his younger brother Kul-Tegin’s memorial, and Tolug-tegin; Khul-
Tegin’s grandson made the inscription for twenty days.

The mourning speech inscribed on the backside had been sent from Khan Muno-Kyan of Tan. 
Two separate parts of little inscription were added later on the side with Chinese script. The
first one says: “In 1911 San Don, who was living in Khuree, had a chapel built to protect
the monument” and the second says: In August 1911 Chin-E from Huan-Po inscribed it
during his official visit.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 07:16:58 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #36 on: November 23, 2007, 04:03:53 pm »

Khul-tegin was the youngest son of Kulug, who came to the throne with the honored little of
Elteress which means “clans’ collector” at the edge of Orkhon river (in the Qrkhon
Valley) around the 90’s, VII century. KuI-tegin was born in 684 started serving the State
at the age of 16 and made an active effort for his elder brother Bileg to come to the throne.

In addition, he was a great general and a political activist, and took an active part in the imple-
mentation work of economic, political and diplomatic policy of the State.

KuI-tegin died on Feb. 27th, 731 at the age of 47, was buried on Nov. lst, 731 and the memo-
rial chapel was built on Aug., 1st, 732.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 07:20:58 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #37 on: November 23, 2007, 04:08:39 pm »

The contents of the inscription are about the historic events from the very beginning of
the sovereignty till the 8th century, and about Kul-tegin: how he started his self-giving
service to the State, at the age of 16, which clans and countries he conquered, how he
fought, and what color his horse was etc, and furthermore his unconditional service to
the State with sleepless nights and busy days.

Strengthening the sovereignty when it was on the verge of collapse, he made the partly
clothed that be well and fully-clothed, the poor be rich, and orphans have a big family.

Having defeated all his enemies, he took the control of a vast land and put his people out
of danger. Moreover Tabagachi managed to soft-soap some dim-witted and timid lords.
And brothers fell out with each other and begins came into conflict with their people be-
cause of the Nankhiad’s mischief.

As a result, the boys and girls of Tureg were forced to be slaves and maids to Nankhiads.

 At that hard time he came to the throne and brought about peace and happiness to all his

It gives a warning to the people of Tureg against the possibility of such danger and disinte-
gration and to live in perfect harmony, and also to the next generations of Tureg to learn a
lesson from it.

At the end of the inscription, it says that Tolug-tegin , KuI-tegin’s grandson had made
the inscription. Besides it says “When Kul-tegin died, many people from many different
places attended his funeral and his brother Bileg lost his eyesight and became hard of
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 07:26:21 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #38 on: November 23, 2007, 04:09:30 pm »

                       The Tureg inscription on the Turtle rock of the monument to KuI-tegin

This inscription is in the KuI-tegin complex in Khushuu Tsaidam , on the left bank of Khugshin
Orkhon river in the territory of Khashaat sum, Arkhangai aimag The Mongol-Chekhoslovak joint expedition team found the inscription for the first time. In 1979 the members of the expedition
on ancient Tureg inscription of the Institute of Language and Literature made a copy of the in-
scription on paper.

This inscription on Turtle stone is said to have been made at the same time as that on the
monument to Kul-tegin.

The scripts were deciphered and translated by (V.Bazylkhan) He deciphered them as follows   
 and translated them as follows:

1. public friend

2    …… out of many heroes

3. Kul-tegin the lord of the all of aimags

4. Conquered , by horses in the part

5. —our friends’ eyesight

6. he himself to die…….

 7    …… to inscribe

8   ……………   


The inscription was too indistinct, so nobody has been able to decipher it as a whole.
The article on the inscription was published with its photograph and commentary in the book
“The inscriptions of Mongolia “ by B.Renchin , and in an issue of the magazine “
Language and Literature”

by V.Bazilkhan in 1969.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 07:32:25 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #39 on: November 23, 2007, 04:10:37 pm »

                                         The complex memorial to Kultegin

The worship complex for the memorial to KuI-tegin, a famous political figure of the East-Tureg
monarchy, is located about 60 km-s to the north of Erdenezuu to the west of Khogshin Orkhon
river in the Tsaidam valley, Khashaat sum, Arkhangai aimag.

In 1889, N.M.Yadamtsend discovered the memorial of Khushuu Tsaidam and brought it to the
attention of experts from many other countries. Since then, many experts in Tureg study have
come to the memorial site. So there have been great contribution to Tureg study.

Many experts from different countries have made research work on the KuI-tegin complex for
about 100 years and most of it was study work on the inscription.   

But in 1958, Mongol-Chekhoslovak joint expedition on ancient studies excavated and studied
the complex almost as a whole.

It was an invaluable contribution to the study on cultural material objects of the nomadic
people of central Asia.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 07:40:01 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #40 on: November 23, 2007, 05:35:47 pm »

Kul-tegin, the youngest son of Elteress, who established the 2nd Tureg Monarchy started his
service to the state at the age of 16, and made strong effort for his brother Bileg-Khan to im-
plement the political economic and diplomatic policy.

He was a gifted general and a great poIitical figure dedicated himself to the strength of sove-
reignty of the monarchy. When he died at the age of 47 in 731 a worship complex with a me-
morial chapel was built in 732.

Many people from different areas attended his funeral. The Nankhiads not only sent their representatives but also sent several well-known artists and craftsmen to help them build the
place of worship and monument.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 07:38:53 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #41 on: November 23, 2007, 05:37:09 pm »

It was surrounded by a brick wall alone the latitude. The brick wall is 67,25x29,25m and 1
meter thick. Around the wall a channel was digged out. The ground inside the wall was
covered by bricks, which were 32x32x6 Sm. The top of the wall was covered with roof tiles.

There was a plateau (raised ground) in the center. After digging out around the plateau, a
foundation of a building was found there.

It was 10,4x10,8 m. The wall of the building was 65 cm, and it was built with red bricks at
a slant. lnside this wall was another wall and its size was 5,7x5,85 m. The building had a few foundation stones for wooden pillars.

The building was a chapel of worship, and it seemed that the stone pictures of the general
and his wife were placed in, because the top of the picture of Kul-tegin, and the front side
of the picture of his wife were found during the excavation.

On the right of the building there was a granite, squared off and pierced in the center to make
a worship stone. Later, the granite was cut off and placed as a foundation of the monument.
On the left, a monument of blue marble was set up on a big turtle rock.

The monument is 3,33 m tall, I ,32m wide, and 0,4Gm thick.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 07:43:43 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #42 on: November 23, 2007, 05:39:08 pm »

The great activites of general Kul-tegin were inscribed in Tureg runi and nangkhiad on the

The top was decorated with dragon patterns, and mountain goat, the seal of the major Tureg
clan was carved. ln the course of time, the turtle rock foundation broke and the monument fell

ln 1911 Sando, a Manchu governor had the monument placed a little further on a new stone foundation, cut off from the worship stone, and had a building built to protect it. But, later, it
was struck by lightning and broke, and the monument fell down again. There are many broken
stone figures, scattered around.

So it is certain that the site was very nice-looking and the figures were artistically crafted. The
stone figures are the images of the general’s close officers and were put in special order.

At about different gates on the left there were two sheep figures facing each other. From this
side to the east many stones were laid for about 3 km-s.

It is a custom for Tureg people to put stones in worship place. The number of the stones isn’t certain.

Many important findings of ancient nomads’ education of material objects were found, espe-
cially architectural findings, which helps us to know the development of architecture of that time.

The bricks on the ground inside the wall, in the floor of the building and in the wall of the building
were different in size. Roof tiles were also different and used for different purposes. A clay pipe
was found. lt was used to pour out water from the roof to the channel.

Also some potteries, jewellery and other iron things were found.

The stone figures are considered to be very important because they show the appearance)
clothes and jewelry of the people of that time as in reality.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 07:47:43 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #43 on: November 23, 2007, 05:40:49 pm »

                                       THE KHARA BALGASUN (BLACK TOWN)

Kara Balgasun was the capital of the Uighur State I 745-840/ and stands on the east bank
of the Orkhon River.

Following of the collapse of the Turkic State /552-7451 arose the Uighur State.

As it is noted in several historical books, Uigurs were more advantageous among other nations,
with more influence to their cultural development.

The capital of Uighur was built in 75 1-752 AD and was destroyed in 840 AD. It is 25 kilometers
north of Kharakhorum.  It occupied 25 square kilometers. The ruins of the town, which include
the 10 meter high town wall, a 12 meter high tower and another 14 meter high sentry tower,
clearly indicate that in its own time Khara Balgasun was a well-constructed town.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 07:51:35 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #44 on: November 23, 2007, 05:41:49 pm »

The town can be divided into three main parts.

The central part consisting of numerous buildings surrounded by continuous wall forms the
biggest part.

Ruins of a large number of temples and dwelling houses are to be found to the south beyond
the center.

The Khaans residential palace, which was also surrounded by high walls on all sides, stood
in the northeastern part of the town.

The scientists explored this site in 1889-1890, 1933, and 1949. It proved to be the remains
of the capital city of the Uighur Empire, a fully-fortified commandry and commercial entrepot
typical of the central points along the length of the Silk Route which criss-crossed Central
Asia for at least 2500 years. The well-preserved remains now consist of concentric fortified
walls and lookout towers, stables, military and commercial stores, and administrative buildings.
Russian archaeologist N.M.Yadrintsev discovered a green granite monument with rolled up
dragon on its head, bearing runic inscription.

There are also remains of a water drainage system there. Archaeological studies demonstrate
areas of the town were allotted for trade and handcrafts, and in the center of the town, were
places, monastery and cloister, temples. The palace had castle walls around it and two main
gates, north and south, plus watchtowers.

Khara Balgasun is an important place connected with ancient history of Mongolian States. 
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 08:02:59 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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