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Gobi Desert Mysteries - Edgar Cayce

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Author Topic: Gobi Desert Mysteries - Edgar Cayce  (Read 13985 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 41646

« Reply #90 on: March 01, 2008, 09:43:23 pm »

The Significance of mtDNA Research

The mtDNA research confirms most of the other new findings in archaeology. The Americas
were settled early and many different racial groups came. Several different waves of migrat-
ion probably occurred. The Initial wave seems to have occurred around 35,000 B.C. However,
It may have been far earlier since some of the recent radiocarbon dates that have emerged
from areas like California and the southwest point to 50,000 B.C.


But it must be kept in mind that mtDNA analysis is still in its infancy. Not all current Native
American tribes and very few remains have been tested. But the picture the mtDNA research
findings paint of ancient America is astonishing.

It may seem that the apparent widespread presence of the X type (from Canada and Washington State, to Arizona, to the Plains, to the Great Lakes area) could indicate a wide initial dispersal. However, the history of several of these tribes tells a different story.

The X type in ancient America appears to be linked to the Iroquois. This tribe, of course, was, according to Cayce, partly the remnant of Atlantean survivors from its final destruction in
10,000 B.C. The finding of the X group In the north Gobi-dwelling Altasians is hailed as proof
that all American migrations came from Siberia via the Bering Straits, yet it seems unlikely.
With the X type being present in the Middle East, Europe, the ancient Basques, and America,
a migration from the Gobi to all of these areas is doubtful.

The Cayce readings cite a series of large and small migrations of Atlanteans to very specific
parts of the world. These migrations occurred at several times, but especially during the years approaching 10,000 B.C. One of these places was to the Gobi in extreme southern Siberian Asia.
If we assume that haplotype X originated from Cayce's Atlantis, some of the X haplotype should
be found in the Gobi region — but very little of this group should be found elsewhere in Siberia.


This is what has been found.
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