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EDGAR CAYCE - Migrations from Atlantis - ByEdgar Evans Cayce
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Topic: EDGAR CAYCE - Migrations from Atlantis - ByEdgar Evans Cayce (Read 4840 times)
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EDGAR CAYCE - Migrations from Atlantis - ByEdgar Evans Cayce
March 01, 2007, 08:25:05 pm »
Edgar Evans Cayce
Virginia Beach,
Virginia - 1988
The major focus of most life readings mentioning Atlantis was not human origins,
but rather the lives of individuals during the destructions of Atlantis and the migrations to safer lands. We have read about the lives of some of these people, with details of the story from the Cayce readings. As we have seen , in addition to Plato, Donnelly and Cayce, an extensive occult literature has grown up concerning Atlantean migrations, which differ in important respects from the Cayce readings.
It is worth emphasizing here what the readings did not say, since popular conceptions of the Atlantis story are often mistaken for the Cayce version.
The Cayce readings had a lot to say about migrations of Atlanteans to Egypt, Yucatan in Central America and Peru in South America. The readings discuss Atlantean involvement in building pyramids in Egypt, but do not say that Atlanteans carried pyramids to Yucatan, or that they built pyramids themselves. The readings also do not say that the Atlanteans were the first people to settle in Egypt, Peru or Yucatan. There were already thriving civilizations in place, although the arrival of
the Atlanteans had a major impact. The idea of Donnelly and others that these cultures sprang full-blown without antecedents gets no support from either science or the Cayce readings.
The readings also do not say that the Atlanteans were responsible for the classic
Maya or Inca civilizations, or directly for the Mound Builders of North America. Their descendants became these civilizations, a far different point of view. In fact, despite considerable scientific knowledge of the classical civilizations, even in Cayce's time, the readings are usually worded to indicate that he was not talking about the historically known civilizations. With rare exceptions, his Yucatan is pre-Maya, as his Peru is pre-Inca.
Now let's look at what Cayce specifically said. We will compare this with scientific opinion in his own time, and with recent scientific discoveries.
Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 07:36:58 pm by Bianca
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Reply #1
March 01, 2007, 08:48:17 pm »
At the time of each distruction and particularly for the last distruction, Cayce referred to migrations from Atlantis. These migrations were to the lands bordering Atlantis, including the Americas, Europe and Egypt:
"....Evidences of this lost civilization are to be found in the Pyrenees and Morocco on the one hand, British Honduras, Yucatan and America on the other. (no.364-3,
February 16, 1932.)
"....Hence....establishments in the Yucatan, in the Luzon, in what became the Inca, in the North American land and in what later became known as the land of the Mound Builders in Ohio. (no.1215-4, June 4, 1937)
"....The entity was among those who set sail for the Egyptian land but entered into the Pyrenees and what is now the Portuguese, French and Spanish lands. And there still may be seen in the chalk cliff there in Calais the marks made by the entity's followers....(no 315-4, June 18, 1934)
We will first look at the migrations to the New World, then at Europe and defer Egypt to the next chapter. The Cayce readings gave specific dates for migrations from Atlantis:
- 50,772 BC (no 262-39, February 21, 1933)
- 28,000 BC (no 470-22, July 5, 1938)
- A range of dates between 10,000 BC and 11,000 in a large number of readings for the final distruction. We have seen that there is some geological support for major earth changes near these dates.
Is there any evidence that people existed this long ago in the Americas, and that
there were major migrations at the times given by Cayce?
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Reply #2
March 01, 2007, 08:51:12 pm »
Bianca, (from your first post)
RE: "The major focus of most life readings mentioning Atlantis was not human origins, but rather the lives of individuals during the destructions of Atlantis and the migrations to safer lands."
It seems likely to me that those who formed "Atlantis" were not souls who re and re and reincarnated, but who were extremely advanced souls at THAT time, who, if they were still coming back to human form now, would not likely need guidance or help such as from Cayce. Just a thought...
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Thus ye may find in thy mental and spiritual self, ye can make thyself just as happy or just as miserable as ye like. How miserable do ye want to be?......For you GROW to heaven, you don't GO to heaven. It is within thine own conscience that ye grow there.
Edgar Cayce
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Re: EDGAR CAYCE - Migrations from Atlantis
Reply #3
March 01, 2007, 09:18:15 pm »
Hi, Rockessence:
Glad you are following this. To tell you the truth, I hadn't thought of it that way.
What I am doing is copying from Edgar Evans' book and not giving much thought to
But now that I think about it, at the time of the last sinking, I think the extant
Atlantean population was quite a bit 'dumbed-down" if one believes E.C.'s
account. It had degenerated quite a bit since its glory days, as had its re-
source - you'll find that part toward the end of E.C.'s Story of Atlantis (previous
If you mean the entities who sought advice from Edgar Cayce, well not necessari-
ly so. I think it all could go according to one's karma and what "soul-contract" the
entity had arranged for him/herself before the present incarnation. Plus the MORE
advanced souls would by now have done with "The Wheel of Life", wouldn't you
think? The less evolved ones are probably still going around on that "wheel" and
may still have a few lives to go. Some of us could be 'slow learners'.............
Love and Light,
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Re: EDGAR CAYCE - Migrations from Atlantis
Reply #4
March 01, 2007, 09:52:24 pm »
FROM continued
Edgar Evans Cayce (E.C.'s Son)
Virginia Bach,
Virginia - 1988
The American archaeological mainstream in the 1920s was led by Dr. Ale Hrdlicka, curator at the U.S. National Museum at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington,
D.C. Hrdlicka's position was that human beings were relatively recent arrivals in
North America, , not more than 2,000 to 3,000 years ago. People were thought to have arrived by boat from Asia across the Bering Strait, long after the glaciers had melted. Native Americans were thought to be entirely Mongolian in origin, despite
wide variations in physical types noted by many early explorers. Hrdlicka's views held sway for three decades, according to archaeologist Jesse Jennings in PRE-
HISTORY OF NORTH AMERICA and American scholars gave no serious consideration to the possibility that the occupancy of the Americas was anything but recent. Indeed, no real evidence existed to contradict this view.
Meanwhile, the Cayce readings in 1923 said the following: "...we find [the entity]
in that fair country of Alta or Poseicia proper...This we find nearly ten thousnad years before the Prince of Peace came" (no.288-1, November 20, 1923); and in 1925: "....we find [the entity] in the plains country of now northern and western Arizona, when the peoples were ruling in that land by the rule of settling from the Atlantean country". (no. 4211-1, June 16, 1925).
The first serious challenge to the Hrdlicka viewpoint came in 1926, three years AFTER Cayce's first mention of 10,000 BC, very close to the location specified for Atlantean settlement. Near the town of Folsom, New Mexico, a cowboy named George McJunkin found stone spear points together with the bones of large bison that had become extinct in roughly 8000BC. Other archaeologists made similar
finds and soon these Folsom points were proof that people had lived in North America prior to 1000BC. Yet, even in 1928, Hrdlicka was still maintaining his
position. [Archaeologists haven't changed much since then - Bianca-]
In 1932, near Clovis, New Mexico, yet another find confirmed human antiquity in North America. These Clovis spear points, older than the Folsom points, suggested
that people had been here as far back as 10,000 BC. The most likely route was across the Bering Strait, this time over the land bridge from Siberia to Alaska, caused by the lowered sea level from the glaciers. Acceptance of these dates came nearly ten years and hundreds of readings after Cayce had originally said that people had migrated from Atlantis in 10,000 BC. Cayce was not credited with inspiring the change in opinion, however, despite the fact that in at least six readings before 1934 he gave the same 10,000 BC date for migrations from Atlantis to America. Few archaeologists had probably even heard of the Cayce readings.
Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 10:12:29 pm by Bianca2001
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Re: EDGAR CAYCE - Migrations from Atlantis
Reply #5
March 01, 2007, 10:09:53 pm »
Prior to Cayce's time, the theories of the origin of New World racial types were speculative. Popular views included sources ranging from Atlanteans to Jews to Vikings. In the scientific community, Hrdlicka's view of exclusively Asian origin dominated. By 1933, however, opinion was shifting. Earnest Hooton of Harvard University pointed out that, although the Indians are homogeneous in a number of characteristics, they differ widely in others. Hooton remarked in 1040, in a chapter
of the book THE MAYA AND THEIR NEIGHBORS, that Mayan skeletons from a well at the site of Chichen Itza in the Yucatan were not very different from Middle Eastern skeletons of the Old World and were not very Mongoloid. The diversity could be explained either as differentiation out of a single type that entered the New World (that is, the Mongoloid type) or as the perpetuation of existing varieties among several original groups of immigrants (this would be consistent with the Cayce Atlantis story, as well as with other explanations), W.W. Howells of the Univerity of Wisconsin reviewed the status of this idea in another chapter of the same book, and felt that the bulk of the evidence pointed to a primarily Asian racial type. He noted, however, that especially in Native Americans of the Eastern United States, evidence also points to affinities with the white racial type. Thus, even during Cayce's lifetime, opinion had begun to change.
In the following years, to Cayce's death in 1945 and beyond, numerous findings clustered between 10,000 and 9,000 BC convinced most archaeologists that people had entered the New World in this time frame and spread rapidly. Although these dates closely matched Cayce's, no older sites to confirm Cayce's tales of earlier migrations had been found; and Atlantis as a possible site of human origin was not seriouly considered.
Edgar Evans Cayce (E.C.'s son)
Virginia Beach,
Virginia - 1988
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Re: EDGAR CAYCE - Migrations from Atlantis
Reply #6
March 02, 2007, 08:29:44 am »
Modern dating methods,combined with continued excavation of sites, have led to a completely new picture of early human occupation of the New World. We can summarize only a small part of the key evidence here.
Before the 1970s, and indeed in some opinions into the 1980s, the Clovis spear points were thought to be the oldest evidence of human beings in the New World. They are now reliabley dated to about 12,000 years ago (10,000BC). Where did the people who made the Clovis points come from? The prevailing wisdom holds that they had come over the Bering Strait from Siberia to Alaska on a land bridge that existed at a time when the sea level had been lowered by the glaciers. The climate in that area was inhospitable, but no other means of access to the New World was apparent, and the land bridge was known to be open 12,000 years ago.
The most popular theory was that of Paul Martin, who proposed that human beings entered the New World in a migration from Asia across the Bering Strait in about 10,000BC and expanded rapidly in population, causing the extinction of the large animals roaming America at that time. This has been called the "overkill hypothesis." It comes from the observation that in the same time frame, we find both a sharp increase in the number of ancient human sites and a sharp drop in the population of large animals. The Cayce readings give some support to the idea that people had planned the extinction of large animals, but they also say that climatic change was largely responsible for the earlier extinction near 50,000BC
(no.5249-1, June 12, 1944). This climate-change theory also receives some scientific support and the debate continues between Martin and others in a book called QUATERNARY EXTINCTIONS: A PREHISTORIC REVOLUTION, as to whether climate or people hastened the extinctions. Still, as recently as the early 1970s, few questioned the 10,000BC date for peoples's first entry into North America.
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Re: EDGAR CAYCE - Migrations from Atlantis
Reply #7
March 02, 2007, 08:56:13 am »
By the 1976, this 10,000BC barrier was beginning to crumble. Richard S. MacNeish, director of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology in Massachusetts, wrote an article in AMERICAN SCIENTIST summarizing the numerous recently discovered more ancient sites, which ranged all the way to the tip of South America. This suggested that people had entered the New World prior to 12,000 years ago. The hitch was that, for much of this time, there was no Bering Strait land bridge. Jesse Jennings points out in PREHISTORY OF NORTH AMERICA that the only other time the Bering
Strait could have been land was before the last Ice Age (about 28,000BC), or be-
fore the last Ice Age even began (about 70,000BC). If not over the Bering Strait, how did people FIRST enter the New World? The answer from the Cayce readings, of course, is that they migrated there from Atlantis - from the east, rather than the
Is there any scientific evidence that people could have arrived across the Atlantic, perhaps even from Atlantis? The majority of opinion hold this possibility unlikely,
since ample evidence indicates that some people, such as the Eskimos, have recently come across the Bering Strait. But with the large number of ancient dates, it has become increasingly difficult to find previous land bridges in the ancient time frames required. In 1963 anthropologist E.F. Greenman proposed and idea far more consistent with the Atlantis explanation.
Greenman, an anthropology professor from the University of Michigan, argued in an article published in CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY that people had reached the New
World from Europe by boat! He found many cultural similarities between Stone
Age peoples in Europe and North America. His imposing catalog of similaritis included both artwork and stone artifacts, such as spear points. Here we have evidence for transatlantic diffusion of technology, in exactly the time frame given
by Cayce. This is not Mayan or Egyptian high technology, but simple stone tools. Still, for Paleolithic peoples, it was a cultural revolution. This technology could have been all that survived from the migrations of a collapsing civilization. Cayce specified the Pyrenees as another location to which Atlanteans fled and this and other European areas are the sources for Greenman's parallels. This evidence is much more consistent with Cayce than with Donnelly's parallels between the Maya and the Egyptians. Of course, Greeman does not mention Atlantis; travel across the Atlantic by boat, perhaps along the edge of the icecap, was his best guess;
but evidence is certainly consistent with the Atlantis hypothesis.
Edgar Evans Cayce
Virginia Beach,
Virginia - 1988
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Re: Migrations Bering Strait land bridge
Reply #8
March 02, 2007, 10:05:48 am »
The story of this agelong contest between the red and yellow races is an epic of .. history. For over two hundred thousand years these two superior races waged bitter and unremitting warfare. In the earlier struggles the red men were generally successful, their raiding parties spreading havoc among the yellow settlements. But the yellow man was an apt pupil in the art of warfare, and he early manifested a marked ability to live peaceably with his compatriots; the Chinese were the first to learn that in union there is strength. The red tribes continued their internecine conflicts, and presently they began to suffer repeated defeats at the aggressive hands of the relentless Chinese, who continued their inexorable march northward.
One hundred thousand years ago the decimated tribes of the red race were fighting with their backs to the retreating ice of the last glacier, and when the land passage to the east,
over the Bering isthmus, became passable
, these tribes were not slow in forsaking the inhospitable shores of the Asiatic continent. It is eighty-five thousand years since the last of the pure red men departed from Asia, but the long struggle left its genetic imprint upon the victorious yellow race. The northern Chinese peoples, together with the Andonite Siberians, assimilated much of the red stock and were in considerable measure benefited thereby.
The North American Indians never came in contact with even the Andite offspring of Adam and Eve, having been dispossessed of their Asiatic homelands some fifty thousand years before the coming of Adam. During the age of Andite migrations the pure red strains were spreading out over North America as nomadic tribes, hunters who practiced agriculture to a small extent. These races and cultural groups remained almost completely isolated from the remainder of the world from their arrival in the Americas down to the end of the first millennium of the Christian era, when they were discovered by the white races of Europe. Up to that time the Eskimos were the nearest to white men the northern tribes of red men had ever seen.
150,000,000 years ago the early land-life periods of the world's history began. Life, in general, did not fare well but did better than at the strenuous and hostile close of the marine-life era.
As this era opens, the eastern and central parts of North America, the northern half of South America, most of Europe, and all of Asia are well above water. North America for the first time is geographically isolated,
but not for long as the Bering Strait land bridge soon again emerges
, connecting the continent with Asia.
Great troughs developed in North America, paralleling the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. The great eastern-Connecticut fault appeared, one side eventually sinking two miles. Many of these North American troughs were later filled with erosion deposits, as also were many of the basins of the fresh- and salt-water lakes of the mountain regions. Later on, these filled land depressions were greatly elevated by lava flows which occurred underground. The petrified forests of many regions belong to this epoch.
The Pacific coast, usually above water during the continental submergences, went down excepting the southern part of California and a large island which then existed in what is now the Pacific Ocean. This ancient California sea was rich in marine life and extended eastward to connect with the old sea basin of the midwestern region.
85,000,000 years ago Bering Strait closed,
shutting off the cooling waters of the northern seas. Theretofore the marine life of the Atlantic-Gulf waters and that of the Pacific Ocean had differed greatly, owing to the temperature variations of these two bodies of water, which now became uniform.
The deposits of chalk and greensand marl give name to this period. The sedimentations of these times are variegated, consisting of chalk, shale, sandstone, and small amounts of limestone, together with inferior coal or lignite, and in many regions they contain oil. These layers vary in thickness from 200 feet in some places to 10,000 feet in western North America and numerous European localities. Along the eastern borders of the Rocky Mountains these deposits may be observed in the uptilted foothills.
All over the world these strata are permeated with chalk, and these layers of porous semirock pick up water at upturned outcrops and convey it downward to furnish the water supply of much of the earth's present arid regions.
During this Cenozoic age the world's landscape presented an attractive appearance--rolling hills, broad valleys, wide rivers, and great forests.
Twice during this sector of time the Panama Isthmus went up and down; three times Bering Strait land bridge did the same.
The animal types were both many and varied. The trees swarmed with birds, and the whole world was an animal paradise, notwithstanding the incessant struggle of the evolving animal species for supremacy.
The accumulated deposits of the five periods of this fifty-million-year era contain the fossil records of the successive mammalian dynasties and lead right up through the times of the actual appearance of man himself.
40,000,000 years ago the land areas of the Northern Hemisphere began to elevate, and this was followed by new extensive land deposits and other terrestrial activities, including lava flows, warping, lake formation, and erosion.
During the latter part of this epoch most of Europe was submerged. Following a slight land rise the continent was covered by lakes and bays. The Arctic Ocean, through the Ural depression, ran south to connect with the Mediterranean Sea as it was then expanded northward, the highlands of the Alps, Carpathians, Apennines, and Pyrenees being up above the water as islands of the sea. The Isthmus of Panama was up; the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans were separated.
North America was connected with Asia by the Bering Strait land bridge and with Europe by way of Greenland and Iceland.
The earth circuit of land in northern latitudes was broken only by the Ural Straits, which connected the arctic seas with the enlarged Mediterranean.
Considerable foraminiferal limestone was deposited in European waters. Today this same stone is elevated to a height of 10,000 feet in the Alps, 16,000 feet in the Himalayas, and 20,000 feet in Tibet. The chalk deposits of this period are found along the coasts of Africa and Australia, on the west coast of South America, and about the West Indies.
Throughout this so-called Eocene period the evolution of mammalian and other related forms of life continued with little or no interruption. North America was then connected by land with every continent except Australia, and the world was gradually overrun by primitive mammalian fauna of various types.
20,000,000 years ago was indeed the golden age of mammals.
Bering Strait land bridge was up,
and many groups of animals migrated to North America from Asia, including the four-tusked mastodons, short-legged rhinoceroses, and many varieties of the cat family.
The first deer appeared, and North America was soon overrun by ruminants--deer, oxen, camels, bison, and several species of rhinoceroses--but the giant pigs, more than six feet tall, became extinct.
The huge elephants of this and subsequent periods possessed large brains as well as large bodies, and they soon overran the entire world except Australia. For once the world was dominated by a huge animal with a brain sufficiently large to enable it to carry on.
1. The red man. These peoples were remarkable specimens of the human race, in many ways superior to Andon and Fonta. They were a most intelligent group and were the first of the Sangik children to develop a tribal civilization and government. They were always monogamous; even their mixed descendants seldom practiced plural mating.
In later times they had serious and prolonged trouble with their yellow brethren in Asia. They were aided by their early invention of the bow and arrow, but they had unfortunately inherited much of the tendency of their ancestors to fight among themselves, and this so weakened them that the yellow tribes were able to drive them off the Asiatic continent.
About eighty-five thousand years ago the comparatively pure remnants of the red race went en masse across to North America, and shortly thereafter the Bering land isthmus sank, thus isolating them.
No red man ever returned to Asia. But throughout Siberia, China, central Asia, India, and Europe they left behind much of their stock blended with the other colored races.
When the red man crossed over into America, he brought along much of the teachings and traditions of his early origin. His immediate ancestors had been in touch with the later activities of the world headquarters of the Planetary Prince. But in a short time after reaching the Americas, the red men began to lose sight of these teachings, and there occurred a great decline in intellectual and spiritual culture. Very soon these people again fell to fighting so fiercely among themselves that it appeared that these tribal wars would result in the speedy extinction of this remnant of the comparatively pure red race.
Because of this great retrogression the red men seemed doomed when, about sixty-five thousand years ago, Onamonalonton appeared as their leader and spiritual deliverer. He brought temporary peace among the American red men and revived their worship of the "Great Spirit." Onamonalonton lived to be ninety-six years of age and maintained his headquarters among the great redwood trees of California. Many of his later descendants have come down to modern times among the Blackfoot Indians.
As time passed, the teachings of Onamonalonton became hazy traditions. Internecine wars were resumed, and never after the days of this great teacher did another leader succeed in bringing universal peace among them. Increasingly the more intelligent strains perished in these tribal struggles; otherwise a great civilization would have been built upon the North American continent by these able and intelligent red men.
After crossing over to America from China, the northern red man never again came in contact with other world influences (except the Eskimo) until he was later discovered by the white man. It was most unfortunate that the red man almost completely missed his opportunity of being upstepped by the admixture of the later Adamic stock. As it was, the red man could not rule the white man, and he would not willingly serve him. In such a circumstance, if the two races do not blend, one or the other is doomed.
P703:1, 62:0.1 About one million years ago the immediate ancestors of mankind made their appearance by three successive and sudden mutations stemming from early stock of the lemur type of placental mammal. The dominant factors of these early lemurs were derived from the western or later American group of the evolving life plasm. But before establishing the direct line of human ancestry, this strain was reinforced by contributions from the central life implantation evolved in Africa. The eastern life group contributed little or nothing to the actual production of the human species.
P703:2, 62:1.1 The early lemurs concerned in the ancestry of the human species were not directly related to the pre-existent tribes of gibbons and apes then living in Eurasia and northern Africa, whose progeny have survived to the present time. Neither were they the offspring of the modern type of lemur, though springing from an ancestor common to both but long since extinct.
P703:3, 62:1.2 While these early lemurs evolved in the Western Hemisphere, the establishment of the direct mammalian ancestry of mankind took place in southwestern Asia, in the original area of the central life implantation but on the borders of the eastern regions. Several million years ago the North American type lemurs had
migrated westward over the Bering land bridge
and had slowly made their way southwestward along the Asiatic coast. These migrating tribes finally reached the salubrious region lying between the then expanded Mediterranean Sea and the elevating mountainous regions of the Indian peninsula. In these lands to the west of India they united with other and favorable strains, thus establishing the ancestry of the human race.
P703:4, 62:1.3 With the passing of time the seacoast of India southwest of the mountains gradually submerged, completely isolating the life of this region. There was no avenue of approach to, or escape from, this Mesopotamian or Persian peninsula except to the north, and that was repeatedly cut off by the southern invasions of the glaciers. And it was in this then almost paradisiacal area, and from the superior descendants of this lemur type of mammal, that there sprang two great groups, the simian tribes of modern times and the present-day human species.
Last Edit: March 02, 2007, 02:32:11 pm by Majeston
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Re: EDGAR CAYCE - Migrations from Atlantis
Reply #9
March 02, 2007, 01:30:54 pm »
Edgar Evans Cayce (E.C.'s son)
Virginia Beach,
Virgina - 1988
The best evidence that people were present in the New World back at the time of the EARLIER Atlantis destruction is the large number of key sites and the fact that more are being found and dated every year. The oldest dates are still quite con-
troversial, but there are several well-accepted dates older than 12,000 years.
The macNeish article summarizes the sites found before 1976 and a book edited by anthropologist Richard Shutler in 1983 provides an update with even more sites. Jeffrey Goodman, in his 1981 book AMERICAN GENESIS, gives a popularized account that tries to establish that modern people appeared in America BEFORE other areas of the world. Though he may not have completely succeeded in that aim, he does provide a detailed guide to the evidence for early human residence in America. As with all attempts to fit psychic evidence with archaeology, Goodman's work has been criticized by skeptics. Anthropologists Marshall McKusick, in ARCHAEOLOGY and Ken Feder in SKEPTICAL INQUIRER have attacked the entire concept of psychic archaeology and the Goodman books and Cayce
readings in particular. The reader will have to judge personally which sources present the most reasonable point of view.
One major site archaeologists feel has been validly dated is Pikimachay Cave at Ayacucho, Peru. Peru was mentioned in numerous Cayce readings as the destination of Atlanteans in the earlier destructions. Richard MacNeish has dated layers with artifacts to 14,500 years ago; the artifacts were found in association with many bones of extinct mammals. MacNeish feels that people probably occupied the area at least as far back as twenty thousand years ago.
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Re: EDGAR CAYCE - Migrations from Atlantis
Reply #10
March 02, 2007, 01:49:44 pm »
One of the best sites in North America is the Meadowcroft Rock Shelter in southwest Pennsylvania. As the depths of the shelter were excavated, archaeologists led by James Adovasio of the University of Pittsburgh recovered over 400 stone artifacts from a level dated at 15,000 years ago from charcoal in
a fireplace. These included slender "bladelike" items similar to those found at European Cro-Magnon sites. From an even deeper level came a radiocarbon date from a possible basketry fragment of over 17,000 years ago. Adovasio's work
was published in American Antiquity in 1977.
In an even more recent discovery, reported by Bruce Bower in SCIENCE NEWS in
1986, a rock shelter in Brazil known as the Pedra Furada has been radiocarbon dated to 32,000 years ago. A hearth in the shelter dated at 17,000 years ago contains a rock with two red painted lines, suggesting that cave art began in Americas about the same time it appeared in Europe and Africa. The walls and ceilings of Pedra Furada are still covered with prehistoric paintings.
Other, more controversial sites, argue for even earlier dates. The Hueyatlaco site in Mexico may be as old as 250,000 years. Virginia SteenMcIntyre of the U.S. Geological Survey showed in 1981 that layers containing artifacts were 250,000
years old. A date this old was hard for archaeologists to accept, since it was ten times older than any other date in the Americas. The debate in the journal QUATERNARY RESEARCH is ongoing.
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Re: EDGAR CAYCE - Migrations from Atlantis
Reply #11
March 02, 2007, 02:10:53 pm »
Even more ancient, and more controversial, is the Calico Hills site in California, excavated by Louis Leakey (SCIENCE, 1970). Leaky's estimate for the age of the stone tools from the Calico Hills site is as much as 500,000 years! Such a concept was unthinkable to other archaeologists, who quickly came up with the alternative explanation that the stone tools were simply naturally weathered rocks. Vance Haynes of the University of Arizona has been amajor proponent of the natural geological artifact theory, and this is now the most commonly held belief (SCIENCE
1973). Leaky died soon after excavating the site and was unable to carry on the debate. The site remains controversial; but, as with the Hueyatlaco site, the controversy is between mainstream archaeologists, not between science and the
For the Cayce story, the evidence is quite consistent. A major population explosion, in conjuction with a pole shift, climatic change and extinction of large animals, occurred around 12,000 years ago, at the time of the final migration from Atlantis. Evidence of early human occupation prior to this date exists not only in the Southwest, where it had been found in Cayce's time; some of the oldest re-
mains have been found in Mexico, South America and the eastern United States
(western Pennsylvania), other locations given by Cayce for migrations from Atlantis.
Richard Shutler's conclusion in 1983 was that the most significant recent advancement in early human archaeology is that we can now place the minimum time for the first occupation of North America at least 20,000 years ago, with the possibility that it occurred as long ago as 50,000 years. Archaeologists in Cayce's time would not have even thought of looking for ancient people in these locations or in this time frame. Whether or not the first Americans came over the Bering Strait or from Atlantis is a question still to be answered; but the Cayce statements, and especially his dates, are certainly no longer outside the realm of science as they were in his time.
What happened to the Atlanteans after their flight from Atlantis? Cayce's answers,
when taken literally, provide little support for the Donnelly and occultist views, but are consistent with some recent scientific evidence.
Edgar Evans Cayce (E.C.'s son)
Virginia Beach,
Virginia - 1988
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Re: EDGAR CAYCE - Migrations from Atlantis
Reply #12
March 04, 2007, 10:51:30 am »
FROM continued
Edgar Evans Cayce (E.C.'s son)
Virginia Beach,
Virginia - 1988
Forty one Cayce readings mention the Yucatan area of Central America, most in connection with migrations from Atlantis. When asked to give a historical treatise on the origin and development of the Maya civilization, Cayce responded, "Yes. In giving a record of the civilization in this particular portion of the world, is should be remembered that more than one has been and will be found as research progressess....we would turn back to 10,600 years before the Prince of Peace came into the land of promise." (no.5751-1, November 12, 1933.) The reading continues with a description of the beginnings of a civilization in Yucatan, which was event-
tually to become the Maya civilization.
Still other readings mention the Yucatan. "....the entity was in the land now known as or called the Poseidian land, or Atlantean land, during those periods in which it was braking up and then the children of the Law of One (to which the entity was enjoined) journeyed from the land into portions of what is the Yucatan land".
(no.1599-1, May 29, 1938).
Thus the Cayce readings discuss, not the Maya as they eventually developed, but their pre-Maya origins in 10,600BC. Did the readings make sense according to Maya archaeology in Cayce's time? By the 1930s, Maya archaeology had made major progress since the mid-1800s, despite the continuing popularity of books like Donnelly's. Explorers had ncovered much of Maya civilization, including the three "books" that survived the Spanish, lofty pyramids, huge monuments and courts used for ball games similar to basketball.
LePlongeon's translation of the Mayan book called the TROANO CODEX, alleging Mu-
the "evidence" for Donnelly and Churchward stories - was throughly discredited,
and about one-third of the symbols of Mayan writing would be read. Sylvanus Morley, a noted Mayan language expert, wrote in 1940 that two archaeologists,
Ernst Forstemann and G.T. Goodman, had independently proved conclusively by
1900 that the DRESDEN CODEX was an astrological treatise based on the sun, moon and Venus. There was clearly no resemblance of the Mayan language to Greek, as Donnelly had stated.
In Cayce's time, the foundations from which the Maya sprang were still obscure.
Archaeologist A.L. Krober summarized the state of Maya archaeology in 1940, based
upon evidence collected at the time Cayce was giving his readings:
"It is now generally accepted that wherever we have been able to work out continuous archaeological sequences, as in parts of Mexico and our own Southwest, these carry us back about 2000 years but no more. The older views which placed the first discovered stages in the second millennium BC, or even earlier, seem no longer able to withstand criticism. In Peru also, though an absolute chronology is still altogether lacking, conservative estimates incline to see the whole course of known development as having taken place since the beginning of the Christian era." (THE MAYA AND THEIR NEIGHBORS).
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Re: EDGAR CAYCE - Migrations from Atlantis
Reply #13
March 04, 2007, 11:19:04 am »
Alfred Kidder, another prominent archaeologist, said that earlier, fundamental aspects of the origin of the Maya are still lost in antiquity. He noted that the belief in a bearded white culture hero - Quetzalcoatl of the Aztecs, Kukulkan of the Maya,
Bochica of the Chibcha of Columbia and probably also Viracocha of the Peruvian Indians - is a widespread conception, but its origin is impossible to assign to any area. Donnelly had used this white hero/god as evidence for Atlantis, but that was not the accepted explanation either in Cayce's time or now.
If Cayce had intended to support Donnelly's theories, he wasn't even close to the
accepted time frame in his day.
How has our knowledge of the Maya changed since Cayce's time? Have scientific discoveries made the readings' story more or less likely? Once again, modern methods of dating, combined with extensive excavation, have revealed much about the history of the Maya. In this case, there is little to confirm Cayce directly, since only a few potentially very ancient sites like Hueyatlaco have been found. The readings refer to a period of time long before the major Maya monuments that excite the fantasies of the public. Yet, what the readings do say is at least not inconsistent with the findings of archaeology.
Gordon Willey, in a chapter in SOCIAL PROGRESS IN MAYA HISTORY in 1977 discussed the progress in Maya archaeology since 1940. By 1977, the earliest date for early pre-classic Maya had been pushed back to about 2000 BC. The first construction of large ceremonial centers began after 300BC. The classic civilization
flowered between AD 300 and 900. By the time the Spaniards arrived with Cortes in 1541, the Maya had been long in decline. A more recent article by Willey, published in SCIENCE in 1982, cites evidence gathered by Richard MacNeish for even earlier pre-Mayan inhabitants going back to 9000BC. It is no longer thought that the Maya appeared full-blown. Furthermore, this evidence was found in Belize, formerly Bristish Honduras, a location on the south side of the Yucatan Peninsula, specifically given in reading no.364-3, in 1932. Although there was substantial migration in and out of the area, the pre-Maya can now be traced back almost to the time given by Cayce.
We can find further evidence of consistency in the Cayce time frame in his description of the climate: "Rather than being a tropical area it was more of the temperate...." (no.5750-1, November 12, 1933.) Our knowledge of the climates in the area in 10,000BC confirms this statement. The glaciers were still melting and all of North America was substantially colder than it is now.
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Re: EDGAR CAYCE - Migrations from Atlantis
Reply #14
March 04, 2007, 01:30:13 pm »
This has been indirect evidence of the consistency and plausibility of the Cayce story. But the reading containsa clue and plausibility of the story of Atlantis it-
self, as well as the Maya. He referred to a buried temple of records, in which information on the construction of the "firestone or "great crystal" would be found: "In Yucatan
there is emblem of same [the firestone]. Let's clarify this, for it may be the more easily found - for they will be brought to this America, these United States. A portion is to be carried, as we find, to the Washington preservation of such findings, or to Chicago" (no 440-5, December 19, 1933). When asked, "Who is conducting this work in Yucatan?", the reading continued,"Would it be sent to any place than to those who were carrying on same?"
Has anything been found? Many people have wished that Cayce had been clearer in some of his readings. There were indeed expeditions to the area when Cayce gave the reading in 1933, but identifying a single artifact of unknown description is quite a challenge.
Unfortunately, the readings were not specific about the nature of the artifact, or about exactly where it would be taken. "To Chicago" could mean the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, or anywhere else in that very large city. "The Washington preservations of such findings" probably meant the Smithsonian, but there are other archaeological collections in Washington.
The "Pennsylvania State Museum" is also a problem, since there is more than one possibility. Many people assumed Cayce was referring to the University of Pennsylvania museum. Jeffrey Goodman, in his book PSYCHIC ARCHAEOLOGY, tried to trackdown the Cayce reference. He found that in 1933 the university museum WAS excavating atthe site of Piedras Negras in Guatemala. The site report had much in common with Cayce's description; there were superimpositions of several different periods and the site investigator, Dr. Linton Satterhwaite said that he was "tempted to see a mixture of Mayan and non-Mayan styles." Was this the site Cayce described? Perhaps, but the library at the Association for Research and Enlightenment has photographs and a catalog from the William Penn Memorial Museum in Harrisburg, showing other archaeological digs in Yucatan, with unidentified people, dating from the 1930s. This museum was FORMERLY called the Pennsylvania State Museum. Nothing has been found yet, that looks like the emblem of the firestone, however.
Last Edit: July 13, 2007, 01:22:18 pm by Bianca2001
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