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Edgar Cayce : SPHINX Readings

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Author Topic: Edgar Cayce : SPHINX Readings  (Read 1171 times)
Superhero Member
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« on: October 12, 2007, 09:51:14 am »

                                           S P H I N X    R E A D I N G S


Below are the key readings on the origin of the Sphinx which I already had in my notes. I'm not sure what your plan is for your thread so I'm sending this on directly to you.

 "Something" was apparently already there (mounds of the tail people?) when the Atlanteans and Carpathians built it.  They did carve the head and laid in the foundations. 


17. (Q) What is the significance of the character of the figure of the Sphinx, mentioned above?
(A) In this particular period of Araaraart and of the priest (that began those understandings - and passed through those of the hell in the misinterpretation of same), there was even then the seeking through those channels that are today called archaeological research.

In those periods when the first change had come in the position of the land, there had been an egress of peoples - or THINGS, as would be called today - from the Atlantean land, when the Nile (of Nole, then) emptied into what is now the Atlantic Ocean, on the Congo end of the country. What is now as the Sahara was a fertile land, a city that was builded in the edge of the land, a city of those that worshipped the sun - for the use of its rays were used for supplying from the elements that which is required in the present to be grown through a season; or the abilities to use both those of introgression and retrogression - and mostly retrograded, as we are in the present. The beginnings of these mounds were as an interpretation of that which was crustating in the land. (See, most of the people had tails then!) In those beginnings these were left.

When there was the entrance of Arart and Araaraart, they begin to build upon those mounds which were discovered through research. With the storehouse, or record house (where the records are still to be uncovered), there is a chamber or passage from the right forepaw to this entrance of the record chamber, or record tomb. This may not be entered without an understanding, for those that were left as guards may NOT be passed until after a period of their regeneration in the Mount, or the fifth root race begins.

In the building of the pyramid, and that which is now called the Mystery of Mysteries, this was intended to be a MEMORIAL - as would be termed today - to that counsellor who ruled or governed, or who acted in the capacity of the director in the MATERIAL things in the land. With the return of the priest (as it had been stopped), this was later - by Isis, the queen, or the daughter of Ra - turned so as to present to those peoples in that land the relationships of man and the animal or carnal world with those changes that fade or fall away in their various effect. These may be seen in a different manner presented in many of the various sphinxes, as called, in other portions of the land - as the lion with the man, the various forms of wing, or characterizations in their various developments. These were as presentations of those projections that had been handed down in their various developments of that which becomes man - as in the present.  (5748-6)


21. Before that we find the entity was in what is now known as the Egyptian land, during those periods when there were those rebellions in the land. The entity was the companion of one of those judges or ministers to whom the activities of the land, in their various places, were divided. The entity was then the companion to the one of whom the face of the sphinx was made. This was in the second period of that preparation, and thus he was the chief counselor to the young king [[953]?].

22. The entity found more interest in the unusual things discovered by the excavations or researchers, than it did in what was going on at the time.

23. Thus again records or the ability to write and the unusual were portions of the entity's experience. In the name then Il-Do-In. (5251-1)


1. GC: You will have before you [953], born Oct. 1, 1871, on a farm about 5 miles S. and E. of Olean, Miller Co., Mo., and the life existence in the earth's plane as Asriaio, the chief councillor to the ruler in Egypt.

4. As to that experience, as is seen and given, the entity rises from among his own people to the position of chief councillor, during the reign of the first conqueror [165] of this people, but is retained as the councillor to that ruler. When the second ruler [341] rises to position, still retained as chief councillor, and at the time of the divisions among the peoples, on account of conditions arising between the high priest, or the head of the religious study [294], as would be termed today, the councillor persuaded, ruled, as it were, with the king, for the banishment of the ruler priest, for, as is set, the law ABOVE that of the maker, and is, as has been seen and given, a factor in the entity's life today.

5. In the rule, the entity became the chief power, for the councillor even to that of the ruler, yet never usurping the authority as is exercised during this experience, and, as given, this then brought much gain in the spiritual development of the entity during that earth period - living then to the great age, and seeing the manifestation of many of the ideas and ideals as were made, given, and propounded, through this councilship to the peoples, both in high and low places.

6. During this period was the completion of the memorial standing as the mystery of the ages to-day [the sphinx], and this, as is seen, represents this councillor to the kings, for, as is seen in the figure itself, not as one of the kings made in beast form, yet overseeing, supervising, giving council, giving strength, to the kings before and the kings since. The face, even as was given then, is the representation of this councillor to this great people. These, and many findings, as given, may be found in the base of the left forearm, or leg, or the prostrate beast, in the base of foundation. Not in the underground CHANNEL (as was opened by the ruler many years, centuries, later), but in the real base, or that as would be termed in the present parlance as the cornerstone. The council of the entity in that day brought much good to the peoples, not only of that land, but of many others, and in the exaltation of the ideals as set by this councillor, by the descendants OF the councillor, brought in that land, that became destructive in other fields, or that land lost [Atlantis]. (953-24)


19. Before that we find the entity was in the rule when the king in the Egyptian forces gave the greater knowledge of the indwelling of the divine in the then human forces in earth plane. The entity then was in the name of Arsrha and was the stone and the precious stone designer and carver for that entity, the ruler, Araaraart. [Ra-Ta period] The entity also gave the geometrical forces to the people, being then the mathematician, and an assistant to the astrologer and soothsayer of the day. He arranged then for the first monuments that were being restored and builded in those places, being then the founder of now that mystery of mysteries, the Sphinx.

29. (Q) In what capacity did this entity act regarding the building of the sphinx?
(A) As the monuments were being rebuilt in the plains of that now called the pyramid of Gizeh, this entity builded, laid, the foundations; that is, superintended same, figured out the geometrical position of same in relation to those buildings as were put up of that connecting the sphinx. And the data concerning same may be found in the vaults in the base of the sphinx. We see this sphinx was builded as this:

The excavations were made for same in the plains above where the temple of Isis had stood during the deluge, occurring some centuries before, when this people (and this entity among them) came in from the north country and took possession of the rule of this country, setting up the first dynasty. The entity was with that dynasty, also in the second dynasty of Araaraart, when those buildings were begun. The base of the sphinx was laid out in channels, and in the corner facing the Gizeh may be found the wording of how this was founded, giving the history of the first invading ruler and the ascension of Araaraart to that position. (195-14)
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« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2007, 11:38:04 am »


RE the last bit posted above:

"The excavations were made for same in the plains above where the temple of Isis had stood during the deluge, occurring some centuries before, when this people (and this entity among them) came in from the north country and took possession of the rule of this country, setting up the first dynasty. The entity was with that dynasty, also in the second dynasty of Araaraart, when those buildings were begun. The base of the sphinx was laid out in channels, and in the corner facing the Gizeh may be found the wording of how this was founded, giving the history of the first invading ruler and the ascension of Araaraart to that position. (195-14)"

This statement follows exactly the information given by the Bock saga of Finland...
Also the name Araaraart is composed of definate statements:

A= Aser =people who lived in the original ringland of Uudenmaa
RA= a Symbol for the king and the moon, Ra is in the sperm (rolling out)
(my note: according to the saga, it was much later that the RA was changed to "sun" in the tropical areas.)

From Soundsystem at

"The knowledge about the history of mankind still is hidden in the language and in the words we speak every day. The key to this knowledge is the alphabet as it was kept in the Bock Saga Family. The SAGA we have outlined in the beginning arises from the logic patterns of the Alphabet and the words of the ROT (root) language.  This can be shown to everybody who has the time to go deeper into the meaning of the sounds.
The usage of the system is most effective in the ROT language spoken in Southern Finland (today considered to be an accent of Swedish), the Finnish language and the English language which is a combination of ROT and VAN created by the ASER during the Ice-Age.
All tropical languages ( African dialects, Arabic etc.) derive from Pre-iceage VAN-language."
« Last Edit: October 12, 2007, 11:40:23 am by rockessence » Report Spam   Logged


Thus ye may find in thy mental and spiritual self, ye can make thyself just as happy or just as miserable as ye like. How miserable do ye want to be?......For you GROW to heaven, you don't GO to heaven. It is within thine own conscience that ye grow there.

Edgar Cayce
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Posts: 41646

« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2007, 11:49:17 am »

You know, Rocky, I am not surprised as I have often found the similarities myself

whenever i read the Bock Saga....
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Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
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« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2007, 12:04:19 pm »


The Finnish linguist Wettenhovi-Aspa, who had studied in Denmark, Germany and France about a century ago, wrote a ”Golden Book”, in which he brought into light the surprising similarities between Finnish and Egyptian words and names of localities.
In it, he thinks that Finnish people came from Egypt, but now that we know the Saga of Bock, we know better, the high culture of Egypt was brought there by the sons of Väinämöinen, or Frei, as is said by Ior Bock.
Messengers, those called narrators, had left HEL to establish the high culture and civilization to Crete, in Greece.
Known as the Minoan culture.
From there, it was spread to Egypt, and from Egypt Greeks got it later on, as Herodotus has pointed out in his ”History” book.
But to those names now.
Egypt was called Kemi, the land of black earth, earlier.
In Finland, there is a town and river called Kemi, also Kemiland.
The old name to river Nile is Aura, and there is a river Aura in Finland also.
In Finnish, aura means a plough, and a river is kind of plough that makes its bed.
A gold-plough was used by the pharaoh of Egypt to plough the first furrow after the flood to start the planting season. The word gold-plough (kulta-aura in finnish) was the root to the word ”culture” also, as is said by Wettenhovi-Aspa.
Kerma was a capital of the land called Kush, south of Egypt, which Pharaoh Thutmosis I destroyed 3300 years ago because it had got too powerful, and because there was a lot of gold.
Kerma in Finnish means cream that rises on top of unprocessed milk, if left alone. It’s on top, a capital city. Also it's a place in Finland.
Syria is syrjä, brink, at the border, in this case of the Mediterranean Sea, looking from the old capital of Egypt, Memphis.
Libya comes from lipeä, in Finnish, the natron that egyptians used to embalm the bodies. There are natron lakes in Libya.
Kena, a city where Nile makes a bend, comes from the word käänne in finnish, a bend.
There is a place with a name Abu Kirkas, in Egypt, which is a Finnish word, meaning bright.
Sudan is sydän, the heart, heartland.
The temptation to explain the word ”Aswan” as follows is great, ”As” as Asers and ”Wan” as Vaners, which could mean the border between ”Aser country”, or northern Egypt from the ”Vaner-country” or southern part.

And so on, there are numerous other words which could be traced to finnish, as their origin, according to Wettenhovi-Aspa.

from Leo Nygren "The Master Plan"
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Thus ye may find in thy mental and spiritual self, ye can make thyself just as happy or just as miserable as ye like. How miserable do ye want to be?......For you GROW to heaven, you don't GO to heaven. It is within thine own conscience that ye grow there.

Edgar Cayce
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