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EGYPT AT THE TIME OF RA TA (Edgar Cayce)-The Sphinx & Pyramid

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Author Topic: EGYPT AT THE TIME OF RA TA (Edgar Cayce)-The Sphinx & Pyramid  (Read 4513 times)
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« on: October 16, 2007, 07:28:18 am »

by Ann Lee Clapp

Our Egyptian Heritage 
The Story of Ra Ta
The Temple of Sacrifice and the Temple Beautiful
  The Purpose of the Temples
  The Temple of Sacrifice
  The Temple Beautiful
    Principles Practiced
    Arts Used
The Teachings of Ra Ta and the Law of One
  The Foundation of the Master’s Teachings
The Sphinx and the Hall of Records
  The Sphinx
  The Hall of Records
The Great Pyramid

Edgar Cayce Readings © 1971, 1993-2006 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
« Last Edit: October 17, 2007, 04:28:01 pm by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2007, 07:34:06 am »


The richest store of information in the Cayce readings on prehistory is that which pertains to a period of Egypt, 10,500 B.C. Edgar Cayce had an incarnation then as a priest named Ra Ta. This was a time of enlightenment which influenced the entire world and ages that followed including the present. The readings refer to it as, "… one of the most momentous occasions or periods in the world’s history". (900-275)

The material herein gives but a glimpse into some of the major aspects of this time – the temples, the teachings, the Sphinx, the Hall of Records, and the building of the Great Pyramid. With the exception of, " The Story of Ra Ta", which is paraphrased from the readings, all other sections contain direct quotes from the Edgar Cayce readings, giving the number and date of each reading.

The complete history of this period, from the Cayce readings, is contained in the publication, EDGAR CAYCE’S EGYPT. This is, undoubtedly, one of the most fascinating and incredible epochs the world has ever known.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 11:59:34 am by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2007, 07:35:19 am »


                                      OUR EGYPTIAN HERITAGE

Egypt (10,500 B. C.) Related to the Work of Edgar Cayce

294-197 5/9/40

It has been indicated again and again through these channels that this period of activity of the entity Edgar Cayce is a replica of, or follows closely in the activities of the experience through that called the Egyptian period.

294-131 1/25/32

It [the Egyptian experience] represents the period through which so many are again attempting to do in realities, physically so, the same as of that period.

254-47 12/15/28

How can the Egyptian history be completed?

Finding those as would be necessary to complete same, which would run into many, many numbers. The Egyptian history should be especially correlated for the benefit of those attempting to carry on the work at the present time; for with these correlated influences, much is being attempted at this time, even as during that experience. Time is used here only figuratively. Or again the cycle has rolled to that period when the individual entities again in the earth’s experience gather together for a definite work...

254-42 7/15/28

... in the succeeding generations, as thought is turned into those channels, the same will be as that in the beginning; for, as seen, none are being drawn into that purpose of the establishing of this more close relation of God’s truth in earth ...other than those that first established same in that land now known as Egypt... in that momentous period in man’s understanding.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 07:38:32 am by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2007, 07:39:50 am »

                                    E G Y P T   A T   T H E   T I M E   O F   R A   T A

10, 500 B. C.

"Let’s don’t forget the thesis, or the key for which all this understanding had come: that there might be a closer relationship of man to the Creator, and of man to man."


                                                         The Story of Ra Ta

A Brief History
Paraphrased from the Cayce Readings: 294-147 to 294-152

Ra Ta’s Origin

Ra Ta entered the earth under unusual circumstances. He was born to a daughter of Zu and "was not begotten of man." Since his mother had no companion, she and her son were rejected by the tribe of Zu. Therefore, Arda, Ra Ta’s mother, joined with those in Ararat [Mt. Ararat?]. Though Ra Ta’s mother still suffered hardships, Ra Ta grew in grace with these people.

Ra Ta foresaw that the people of Ararat should go into a land of plenty that would provide them with all the necessities the world had to offer and where a great spiritual development could take place that would stand for ages to come.

Ra Ta prophesied that, Arart, the leader of Ararat would lead them into this land of plenty. Therefore, Ra Ta, at age twenty-one, with his wife and family and a group of nine hundred, directed Arart southward into the land now known as Egypt.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 07:43:49 am by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2007, 07:45:28 am »

                                  The Invasion of Egypt and Adjustment Period

There was an easy take-over from the existing king, Raai, who gave over the kingdom to prevent the bloodshed of his people. Eventually, Raai became enamored with one of the incoming people and continued to remain submissive.

Ra Ta aided greatly in making for an easy control of this land that supplied them all the luxuries of the earth. However, he was still looked on as strange by many due to his unusual psychic abilities.

Arart, who had been the leader of Ararat, became the first northern ruler of Egypt after peaceful arrangements were established. Ra Ta, as the spiritual leader and prophet, began teaching the people about the spiritual nature of man. The natives paid little attention to him until the uncovering of archaeological records. Evidently, he discovered the records through his psychic ability. As a result, more and more attention was given to this peculiar leader.

The native Egyptians objected to being taxed without any representation and wanted a say as to how things were run in the government. A scribe was sent to represent their views.

This young man-- learned and mystical-- impressed the king. Arart, to appease the Egyptians, gave up the throne in favor of his young son, Araaraart.

The rule was established:

Araaraart became the second northern ruler of Egypt at age sixteen.

Aarat, the clan name given to the native scribe, was elevated to a high position as councilor.

Arart, the king who abdicated, and Ra Ta formed an inner council to assure that the ideals for entering this land were upheld.
A council of twelve was appointed that had supervision over the various departments much as in our present government. (There is nothing in the present that hasn’t existed from the beginning. Only the form or the manner of its use being changed, and the use of many an element has been lost when in that day it was the common knowledge of the most illiterate. The individuals of that period were not so closely knit in matter— with lighter, finer bodies. Thus, they were much more aware of the forces in nature and the spiritual realms.)

A period of development began when the young king was pitted against the native councilor to see who could do more for the country. Stonecutters gathered materials to build residences for the king’s people and other structures. Storehouses for commodities of exchange were built. Araaraart opened mines that produced "…quantities-and quantities-and quantities of gold and silver" and many other metals. There were diamond mines and mines of many precious stones.

The native councilor, Aarat, presented to his people the concept that man is the representative of the higher creative forces in the earth. The first tenets were that all time, all space, all force is one. The native Egyptians found it easier to accept these teachings from one of their own rather than from those who had entered.
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« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2007, 07:46:59 am »

                                              Ra Ta Establishes the Temples

Ra Ta began to select those pointed out to him through his inner guidance that would aid in establishing the temples. He was preparing for the Temple of Sacrifice, similar to hospitals in the present, and the Temple Beautiful, compared to a university.

The Temple of Sacrifice was to help cleanse those who still had animal representations in the body such as tails, feathers, scales, hooves, etc. Ra Ta believed these mixtures could be cleansed so they could attain a higher level of consciousness and become contributing members of society.

The methods used to complete this transformation to human form were surgery, the changing of thought patterns and activities and the use of diet. When those in the Temple of Sacrifice had been cleansed, they were allowed to enter the Temple Beautiful to study.

The Temple Beautiful, representing the body beautiful, was an educational center. Using vocational guidance, people were trained in ways for which they were best suited, such as in sciences, arts, teaching, politics, ministry, etc. Education was for service to God and country.

Spiritual truths and cosmic laws were part of the curriculum, always relating to the thesis upon which everything was based: To know more of one’s relationship to the Creative Forces or God, and the manner in which this could be expressed in relationships with others.
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« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2007, 07:48:24 am »

                                       Ra Ta Travels – Dissension Erupts

After Ra Ta had set up the practices in the temples, and assigned the work to those he trusted, he began to travel. The priest spent much of his time in keeping in contact with other lands as to their spiritual understanding and progress, especially in Poseidia and Og [Atlantis] and in other lands. Many thought these absences left too much responsibility to subordinates. Gradually the practices in the sacrificial temple became corrupted.

There began the brewing and concocting of drinks that set the fires of the body and mind against that as had been set by the priest. When Ra Ta returned from one of his visits to the mount where archaeological research was being done, he found the temples defiled. And as the readings put it, "A mighty turmoil arose."
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« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2007, 07:49:44 am »

                                            The Plot Against the Priest

During RaTa’s travels, he found that monogamy was practiced in other lands. In Egypt, various companionships were appointed by the ruler. Ra Ta attempted to change this by setting monogamy as the law of the land.

Those who wished to be rid of this priest, devised a plot to deceive him. They knew he was trying to purify the bodies in the Temple of Sacrifice. Therefore, they presented him with the idea that if he would sire offspring by women who had the most perfect forms, this would produce more and more pure bodies. It is stated that Ra Ta believed all, trusted all and "fell for the whole proposition."

To accomplish their plan of deceit, they approached Isris, a beautiful temple dancer and a favorite of the king. She must seduce the priest or they would harm her people. Eventually, during the course of their activities in the Temple of Sacrifice, Ra Ta and Isris were brought closer together. When an offspring was produced from this union, the cry went up that the priest had broken his law of monogamy since Ra Ta had a wife, Asua, when he entered Egypt.

Lines were drawn and sides were taken--this was the first break between Church and State. Eventually, with this tumult, a trial was held and Ra Ta and Isris were banished into the Nubian land [now Sudan] to the south and east of Egypt. Two hundred and thirty one people followed them into exile.

Their baby girl, named Iso, was perfect in every way--just as the priest had expected. The infant was taken from her parents and kept in Egypt. Though a caretaker was appointed to see after her physical needs, without the emotional support of her parents, the child wasted away around four to five years of age. Interestingly, from the spirit realm, Iso remained an influence on her mother.
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« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2007, 07:51:11 am »

                                            The Nine Years of Banishment

The Nubians were a warlike people and were suspicious of this group coming into their land. However, with the entrance of Ra Ta and his people, conditions were bettered in every way for these people. As Ra Ta entered more and more into closer relationships with Creative Forces, greater were his abilities to make this manifest. Thus, peace was enjoyed not only by Ra Ta’s people but by all those of that land.

The priest began to teach the people the reckoning of longitude and latitude and the activities of the planets and various stars and constellations. He taught the effect these have upon human life and upon every form of expression on the planet. Thus, he taught planting in various phases of the moon, the tides and their effect, the combining of elements in the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms. Ra Ta was the first to be conscious of these things and the Nubians were the first to receive this knowledge.

Evidently, Ra Ta and his followers continued their work in other lands as well, since Abyssinia and Libya are also mentioned in connection with the banishment.
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« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2007, 07:52:27 am »

                                                     Turmoils in Egypt

There was much dissension concerning the exile of the priest. Many sought for his return. Emissaries were sent back and forth to keep in touch with what was happening with the priest and his group.

Three rebellions arose in Egypt:

The Native rebellion led by Oelom, one of the native Egyptians, who fought against king Araaraart’s decision to expel the priest-

The Ibex rebellion, led by the king Araaraart’s brother, Ralij, who had his own kingdom in the Ibex region-

The Atlantean attempt at a take-over after the last sinking of Atlantis.
Many Atlanteans were entering Egypt at this time. They brought with them those they called "things" or automatons--those with animal appendages that were kept as laborers to do menial tasks. These were to be exploited rather than to be given the opportunity to improve themselves. Ra Ta’s plan was to cleanse these mixtures so they could be equal with others and gain spiritual understanding.

Some of the more aggressive Atlanteans planned to gather all those in Egypt with appendages and to put them with their "things", in direct opposition to the teachings of the priest. This being more than the people could take, they demanded the return of the priest.
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« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2007, 07:53:51 am »

                                                       Ra Ta Returns

The priest was recalled to Egypt. But before returning, Ra Ta marked those who were in close association with him. To some the marks would be in the eye, to some in the body, or upon the body in various ways. These were to remain throughout their future lives. The purpose of the marks was to quicken the individuals to the purpose they had set when they are drawn together as a group for a particular endeavor [as those involved in the work of Edgar Cayce in the present]. Later, all in that period who had set a purpose were marked.

For the return, the Atlanteans prepared gas driven chariots for Ra Ta and his family. The followers returned on animals. On their arrival, Ra Ta and his group were greeted by the faithful and the king’s own guard. There was a gala reception and much rejoicing.

Due to the strain of the exile, Ra Ta had become decrepit and weak. Though he was now over one hundred years old, it was not uncommon for people to live several hundred years – even up to a thousand. It was feared he would not live to continue his work. Therefore, Ra Ta withdrew into the Temple Beautiful to regenerate his body.

The regeneration or rejuvenation process recreated the body in its elemental forces. This was accomplished in greater part by a musician, Oum-Teck-Pt. He used reed and stringed instruments of the day and the sounding of vowels in such a way as to arouse the centers through which there is the connection of the spiritual forces to the sensory system. When this process was completed (after some six and one half years), the priest was revitalized and able to continue his mission. He was then called Ra.
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« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2007, 07:55:20 am »

                                             The Golden Age of Egypt

After the priest’s rejuvenation, differences were laid aside. Peace was established with the Atlanteans. The various groups and factions worked together for the good of the whole.

There began a great development in Egypt. Homes and families gradually grew much as in the present but with more than one companion. Where there had been only forts or temples in various sections of the country, there emerged communities, towns, and cities with their own rule, similar to those in our own land. With these divisions, rather than dividing the country, it centralized the interests of the whole. This began the first national spirit of a people.

The Temple Beautiful reopened after twenty years. Decorations in the temple became more elaborate as did dress and ornamentation. These were with the supervision of Isis and with the spiritual influence of Iso, (the child who had died). Isis (formerly Isris, the priest’s companion) was elevated to the position as the first goddess of Egypt to show the importance of woman in human affairs. Women were on an equal par with men in national, local, and individual relationships.

Egypt became known as a scientific, cultural and spiritual center. The Atlanteans brought much in the way of culture and scientific advancements to Egypt. They aided in the construction of the Great Pyramid.

The great teachers of the world were called into Egypt to correlate their understandings of the Law of One God. They unified the teachings of the world. (This period became the foundation of the Master’s teachings.) Emissaries were sent to many lands to spread the truths.

Work on the Sphinx resumed. The Sphinx was later set as the sentinel or guard of the records. A chamber at the right paw of the Sphinx leads to the Hall of Records which lies between the Sphinx and the river. The Atlantean records and many from the Egyptians are stored there—to be opened when much of the selfish motives in the world are broken up and the fifth root race begins.

There began the preparation for that later called the Great Pyramid. This was to be the presentation of that which had been gained through the activities of Ra Ta, now known as Ra. These understandings were to be preserved for the generations to come and until the change in the earth’s position (the shifting of the poles).
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 07:56:42 am by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2007, 07:58:13 am »


                                                         The Great Pyramid:

This was formed according to that which had been worked out by Ra Ta in the mount as related to the position of various stars. In its construction are contained prophecies of man’s spiritual evolution. It was to be the Hall of Initiation of that known as the White Brotherhood. ( 10,500 years later, Jesus was initiated in this pyramid in the same rites as were set at that time.)

Hermes was the construction architect with Ra giving the directions. ( Hermes returned with Ra as one of the people from the mount to which these people had been banished.)

Isis served as the advisor. This was to show the advancement of woman in her position in the activities of the human race.

The civil and political authorities began to question Ra’s manner of producing pure forms in the Temple of Sacrifice. This was disturbing to Ra. When all the pyramid or memorial was complete, he felt his mission had been accomplished. It was then that Ra ascended into the mount and was borne away.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 07:59:38 am by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2007, 08:00:55 am »

                                                             After Ra

After the priest’s demise, disputes arose concerning his methods of the preparation of bodies in the Temple of Sacrifice.

Gradually a spiritual decline followed due to the lack of supervision of the activities of the emissaries in their relations with other lands. They also lost hold of the spiritual concept (the ideal) by the worship of individual things (materialism) rather than the spiritual.
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« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2007, 08:03:51 am »


Though Ra Ta may have rushed the process of evolution in trying to cleanse the race of contaminations, his purpose to help mankind cannot be questioned. As stated in his readings, he did the best he understood at the time.

Some of the major contributions from this period which have stood throughout the ages:

The Hall of Records which contains information for the enlightenment of future generations—

The Great Pyramid with prophesies built in stone—

The correlations of truths which became the foundation of the Master’s teachings, 10,500 years later.

The readings state that Cayce’s life followed "closely in the activities" of that in the Egyptian experience:

Ra Ta had unusual psychic abilities-- he expressed this with psychic archaeology and prophecy and in many ways.

Edgar Cayce certainly had unusual psychic powers which he used to aid others, mentally, physically and spiritually through his readings.

Ra Ta established a hospital (the Temple of Sacrifice) to heal those who had little hope.
Edgar Cayce established a hospital and about two-thirds of his readings deal with information intended to alleviate the suffering of others.

Ra Ta’s whole program was based on seeking a relationship with God and expressing this in relationships with others.

Edgar Cayce’s readings deal with the same principles. The "Search for God" material may well be the same as the teachings of Ra Ta, presented in a different manner—check it out.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 12:00:12 pm by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

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