MAROCCO, or MARUKESH is not the original name of this north-African region
in classic Antiquity it was named MAURETANIA/ NUMIDIA
MAU-RE-TANIA, means" WEST-Israel or rather WEST- Atlantis( since these Entities are the same.)
Mauretania as Atlantis is a misrepresentation of the map of Hekataios, ( 512 bc.)who used a Fish-eye Lense-projection
for his Africa-map that wrongly gives the impression that the NILE flows through the Lybian-Desert,
past the SHIVA-Oasis, horizontal instead of mainly-Vertical than at Alexandria, turns 90% Degree to the left.
So even before Alexandria was created by Alexander, maps of Egypt were inaccurate by a map-Projection-Fault
Later Logographers as Herodotus and Strabo still showed a part of the Vertical Nile,
still starting as a Horizontal Nile but not from the Atlas-Mountains anymore,
but starting from TIMBOUKTOU as the aparent " Sources of the Nile "!
The " HORIZONTAL"-Nile close under the waterfront/ Sea-Coast of Algeria and Lybia
never existed in those coastal area-dunes-strip, instead, to replace thefaulty-position
of the horizontal-egyptian Nile River location,
in cartography the cartographers re-named the Niger as " Negrito-Nile ".
The other day, QUOAIS, suddenly approached me whispering that she did not GATHER,
what the Blazes, I was blabbing about a" Horizontal Nile river-geometry ",
in reality, YES, but on Hekataios Map ordinance of 512 bc NO !
To day most Atlantologists that do not live in marocco never saw that Country
( Nor Spain) as the original Atlantis.
But the SOURCE of an Atlantis in the MEDIA-TERRA-NEAN- Sea AREA,
STARTED by Hekataios, from the faulty-Map-projection.
Sincerely "
BlueHue "
dd 8-June--2008