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EDGAR CAYCE - Migrations from Atlantis - ByEdgar Evans Cayce

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Author Topic: EDGAR CAYCE - Migrations from Atlantis - ByEdgar Evans Cayce  (Read 4680 times)
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« Reply #30 on: March 12, 2007, 08:51:36 am »



Edgar Evans Cayce (E.C.'s son)

Virginia Beach,
Virginia - 1988


Since time immemorial people have sought to preserve a record of their activities:
from legends and crude markings on the walls of caves to our modern monuments
and libraries.  The methods have been different, but the purpose has been the same.  The Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza surely attest to the ancient Egypt-
ians' attempt to preserve a record of themselves and their understandings.  For the moment, assume that the Atlantis and Egypt Cayce described really did exist.  It is so strange, then, to think that the Atlanteans of 12,000 years ago might have wanted to preserve some record of their culture?  Or that the Egyptians would want to do the same?  Indeed, if Atlantean society were as technicallly advanced as described in the previous chapter, and they were party to such philosophical concepts about spirit, mind and matter as the preciding chapter address, it would be almost ridiculous to assume otherwise.

When we speak of the structures of the Giza plateau, to what do we refer?  The reading excerpts mention major structures such as the Sphinx, the Great Pyramid of Giza  and pyramids and tombs yet to be uncovered in the surrounding area.  The Great Pyramid is the largest of three large pyramids.  The Sphinx lies to the east, toward the Nile river.  The area between the Sphinx and the river was largely empty
in Cayce's time, but today it is the location of the crowded village of Nazlet el-Samman.  Surrounding the three large structures are numerous smaller pyramids, tombs and temples, many still buried beneath the sand.

Where in the Cayce readings did the ideas come from about records in Egypt"  As with the Atlantis story, incidental remarks occurred over twenty years in individual life readings, as well as in a few readings given specifically on the subjects of Atlantis and Egypt.

Briefly, Cayce's Egypt story pushes active Egyptian culture back almost 12,000 years to about 10,500BC.  It describes the original society and culture developing from various nomadic influxes of peoples to the Nile valley (from both the Carpathian montains of Asia and from Arabia),who settled with the peoples already
in Egypt and took political control.  Some of these readings even indicate that this culture was actively involved in archaeological research of its own regarding
EARLIER societies!

Another major external influence on the culture Cayce describes is the influx or migration to this area before and during the final destruction of Atlantis.  According to Cayce's psychic data,
the upper classes of the Atlantean race looked like modern people; they used the less developed 'things' for servants and experimentation.  In Egypt, they considered the majority of the people no higher than 'menial' in physiological development and their cultural and technical stance extremely backward.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 09:12:14 am by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
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« Reply #31 on: March 12, 2007, 09:38:04 am »


The story of Egypt in this material revolves around how the Atlanteans handled this situation and proceeded to correct it; how the culture attempted to establish and maintain an understanding among their peoples of the relationship between human beings and the Creative Forces; and what they did to leave a record of their know-
ledge and history to posterity.  It is beyond the scope of this book to relate all turmoils - politically, racially and spiritually - described in the readings and the eventual resolution depicted in Egypt. ( Refer to the A.R.E. booklet THE EGYPTIAN
HERITAGE for a complete account, as well as directly to the Cayce readings.)  Here we will present a sampling of reading quotes, which (1) describe the Atlantean migration to Egypt and a determination to preserve records; (2) suggest that buried pyramids and tombs may still be found in Egypt; (3) seem to describe specifically where these records are hidden; and (4) give exact dates for the structures in Egypt.

Exactly what did the Cayce readings say about an Atlantean influx into Egypt at the time of the last destruction?  What remarks suggest an Atlantean connection to Egyptian culture and a preoccupation with preserving the records?  According to Cayce, at the final destruction many Atlanteans knew their land was breaking up and fled both east and west.  For example: " Atlantean land when there was knowledge that there soon was to be the destruction of that land and there were attempts of individuals to leave the land.  Entity among those who went to Egypt"> (no.708-1, October 25, 1934).   "....There were evidences and prophecies of Atlantis being broken up and Egypt was chosen as one of those places where the records of that activity were to be established". (no. 275-38., January 16, 1934).

For the Atlanteans, a major concern when migrating to Egypt was the preservation of records and their sage establishment both on the Giza plateau and elsewhere.  For example, ".....Before that the entity was in that land now known as the Egyptian
during the periods when there were those coming from Atlantean land and bringing the records." (no. 764-1 December 81, 1934).    ....for the  entity was in charge of those records when the last peoples of Atlantis journyed to the various quaters of the globe" (no.378-13, August 14, 1933)

MYSTERIES OF ATLANTIS                                                                     

Edgar Evans Cayce (E.C.'s son)

Virginia Beach,
Virginia - 1988
« Last Edit: July 15, 2007, 08:41:47 am by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
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« Reply #32 on: March 12, 2007, 04:51:26 pm »


What did the readings say about tombs and chambers yet to be uncovered or open-
ed in Egypt?  The impression given is that much remains to be discovered in Egypt:

....the entity among those that were buried in the tomb or in those that are yet uncovered - yet faces the Sphinx and is nearest of those buried in that mount.
(no. 1717-1, June 25, 1930)

....Many are the temples builded later in the plains that are yet to be uncovered near the Sphinx....(no. 900-275, October 22, 1926)

....for the later pyramids, or those not yet uncovered.....are between the Sphinx (or the Mystery) and the Nile, or the river....(no.2124-3, October 2, 1931).

....the entity builded the first of the pyramids that are yet not uncovered.  [Q-1].  In referring to the uncovered pyramids in th Egyptian land, near what present place are those pyramids?
[A-1.]  Between that as is known as the Mystery of the Ages and the river.  (no.2124-3, October 2, 1931.)

Other quotes are more specific, suggesting that these pyramids may eventually be discovered.  At least one such undiscovered chamber or pyramid, according to Cayce, contains records of Atlantis:  "The entity was among those that aided in the actual building of some of these buildings that still remain, and in the preparation of that one yet to be uncovered - the Hall of Records - where much may be brought to light". ( no 519-1, February 20, 1934)

Another reading offers more hope that this "Hall of Records" may someday be discovered: "....the entity joined with those who were active in putting records in forms that were partially of the old characters of the ancient or early Egyptian and part in the newer form of the Atlanteans.  These may be found, especially when the
House or Tomb of Records is opened, in a few years from now." (no.2537 -1, July 17, 1941).

This reading gives a general location for the Record House:

....the activities or truths were prepared upon tablets and placed with the entity in the Tomb of Records.
[Q-7]  Where are those tablets or records made of that Egyptian experience which I might study?
[A-7]  In the Tomb of Records as indicated.  For the entity's tomb then was part of the Hall or Records, which has not yet been uncovered.  It lies between- or along the entrance from tha Sphinx to the temple - or the pyramid, in a pyramid, of course, of its own.  (no. 2329-3, May l, 194l).

MYSTERIES OF ATLANTIS                                                                     

Edgar Evans Cayce (E.C.'s son)

Virginia Beach,
Virginia - 1988
« Last Edit: July 13, 2007, 01:36:58 pm by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
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Posts: 41646

« Reply #33 on: March 12, 2007, 05:28:18 pm »


MYSTERIES OF ATLANTIS                                                                      continued

Edgar Evans Cayce (E.C.'s son)

Virginia Beach,
Virginia - 1988

Other readings gave more specific references to chambers, pyramids and underground tunnels beneath the paws of the Sphinx and in front of the Sphinx.  There appear to be two locations of hidden records, one in the base of the Sphinx itself and the other in a chamber that can be reached from beneath the Sphinx. "These and many findings, as given, may be found in the base of the left forearm, or leg, of the prostrate beast; in the base of the foundation.  Not in the underground channel ( as was opened by the ruler many years, centuries later)
but in the real base, or that as would be termed in the present parlance as "the
CORNERSTONE".  (no. 953-24, June 12, 1926).  "....was the first to set the records that are yet to be discovered or yet to be had of those activities in the Atlantean land, and for the preservation of the data, that as yet to be found from the chambers of the way between the Sphinx and the Pyramid of Records". (no.1486, November 26, 1937.

Two other reading quotes give reasonably definite locations to search for the Hall of Records:  "This in position lies, as the sun rises from the waters, the line of the shadow (or light) falls between the paws of the Sphinx, that was later set as the sentinel or guard and which may not be entered from the connecting chambers from the Sphinx' paw (right paw) until the time has been fulfilled when the changes must be active in this sphere of man's experience." (no.378-16, October 29, 1933.)

The next reading seems to indicate a relationship or plan between the Sphinx and other pyramids and buildings on the Giza Plateau:  [Q-6}  " In what capacity did the entity act regarding the building of the Sphinx?"
[A-6] "As the monuments were being REBUILT in the plains of that now called the Pyramid of Giza, this entity builded, laid, the foundations; that is, superintended same, figured out the geometrical position of same in relation to those buildings as were put up of the connecting Sphinx.  And the data concerning same may be found in the vaults in the base of the Sphinx.".  (no.195-14, July 18, 1925).

These quotes give a date for the construction of the Great Pyramid and construction of or work on the Sphinx.  They also suggest who built them:

[Q-5]  What was the date of the actual beginning and ending of the construction of the Great Pyramid?
[A-5]  Was one hundred years in construction.  Begun and completed in the period of Araaraart's time, with Hermes and Ra.
[Q-6]  What was the date BC of that period?
[A-6}  10,490 to 10,390 before the Prince of Peace entered into Egypt.  (no.5748-6, July 1, 1932)

Then, with Hermes and Ra....there began the building of that now called Gizeh....(no281-43, November 8, 1939)

....Some 10,500 years before the coming of the Christ into the land, there was first that attempt to restore and add to that which had been begun on what is called the Sphinx and the treasure or storehouse facing same, between this and the Nile, in which those records were kept.  (no. 5748-5, June 30, 1932)

From the preceding quotes, it sounds as if one might dig under the paws of the Sphinx and find a hidden pyramid.  Such exploration is not so simple.  The Sphinx is an Egyptian national monument.  To excavate there would be akin to asking permission to dig up the foundations of the Washington Monument or Lincoln Memorial to determine if shafts or hidden chambers exist. 

However, the quotes were exciting enough to inspire prearation for research in Egypt that eventually led to high technology exploration, excavations in particular areas and a thorough examination of the Sphinx. 

These Egyptian readings were all given by 1941, at a time when there was no one capable of mounting an expedition to search for the records.  Egypt was only a  dream to the many individuals who were told that they had past lives there.  It was not until 1957 that anyone had the determination and drive to begin the search.

« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 05:38:24 pm by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
Superhero Member
Posts: 41646

« Reply #34 on: July 13, 2007, 01:24:00 pm »



BY: Edgar Evans Cayce (E.C.'s son)

Virginia Beach, Va.

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Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
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