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EDGAR CAYCE's Story of Atlantis - By Edgar Evans Cayce (Son)

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Author Topic: EDGAR CAYCE's Story of Atlantis - By Edgar Evans Cayce (Son)  (Read 11543 times)
Greg Little
Hero Member
Posts: 157

« Reply #120 on: June 30, 2010, 04:30:52 pm »

The pictures and paper clippings were most interesting to me. I have not actually read--nor have I even yet perused--all of the Atlantis journals that Sykes published. There are several hundred of those. There are hundreds of obscure books on Atlantis in many languages. OK, all I could do was look at the photos in them. There is a copy of the first book that mentioned Cadiz and Spain as Atlantis, from 1928 as I recall. But that could be off a bit. He had the original photo of the so-called "Andros Temple" there, the first underwater "structure" reported in the Bahamas that was alleged to be ancient ruins.
Actually, Sykes had all of the Russian reports in his files and I did read all of it several years ago. I have mentioned the reports several times, which concluded that nothing archaeological was actually found and corrected ther initial reports, but no one really wants to hear about that aspect. Still, it's there. Cayce never mentoned the Azores or the mid-Atlantic as associated with Atlantis.

There have been only a couple places where we found "intact" or partially intact underwater structures. One was at Joulters, north of Andros, and that is a long stone wall. That area was one that Valentine marked on his large map as well as wrote about as looking like structures from the air. The other "structures" we have identified are the "rectangles" in deep water off Bimini and the two areas we described in our last report.

You can probably access Asher's website, even if it's down, by going to the "Wayback Machine." She was featured on a 1971 "In Search of..." show and it had some of her Spain film on it as well as film at Bimini. I know of her work and what she said and wrote, but I don't know her.
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« Reply #121 on: July 03, 2010, 02:39:07 am »

Hi Greg, I was just looking at some old pix of the Andros Platform and the Bimini Wall and the construction seems similar. Are they both the work of the same culture and, if so, do you have any ideas about where this culture came from?

Also, did anything come of all those planes you found in your dives in the Bahamas?  Are any of them the ones lost in the Bermuda Triangle?
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This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.
Greg Little
Hero Member
Posts: 157

« Reply #122 on: July 03, 2010, 10:24:07 am »

Des: The Bimini Wall or "Road", the Andros Platform, and the Anguilla Arc (at Cay Sal) are of the same construction. They are definitely not Maya as Maya breakwaters and ports are different (see Isla Cerritos). In truth, they look "Roman" or Phoenician. Anything other than that is total speculation, but a few archaeologists who have spoken with me agree that they look Roman and Phoenician. They agree that "natural stone" was cut and placed to make the breakwaters. All of them are "amused" at Shinn's method where he cored a few stones and because there were no artifacts INSIDE the stones he concluded that the stones were ... ah ... "natural." Had he been called in to investigate the Great Pyramid he would have concluded that it too is completely natural.

Plus, I do think that the Azores were a part of Atlantis, but part of the island empire.

Of the planes, the small one off Andros at Red Bays was definitively ID'd as a "triangle plane." A documentary on Canadian tv showed it. Another one, a commercial DC3, was shown and investigated on a Nat Geo show on the Triangle and appears to be a DC3 that disapeared in 1947 with 31 people.

We have also found ship remains but it's just way too difficult to ID those.
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« Reply #123 on: July 04, 2010, 06:35:49 pm »

Hi Greg, and Happy Fourth of July to you.

I hope you are getting some credit for finding those lost planes, they have been a mystery for years.  Has the government gotten back to you yet on the flight numbers?  Are they ever going to appear in the news?  I would think, at the least, it would give the ARE and yourself more credibility to the press.

Have you ever come across any flints or arrowheads or other artifacts in any of your dives?  And, if not, what stock do you place in claims like David Zink's, who, I guess found a marble head in the Caribbean back in the 70s?
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This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.
Greg Little
Hero Member
Posts: 157

« Reply #124 on: July 04, 2010, 08:37:35 pm »

Thanks, my plans for the day, and week, changed due to a leg tendon tear. But it'll heal.
The first plane find is here:

It got a lot of publicity but few people really care. It was on Canada tv but the History Channel wanted to look at "never-investigated" planes, which we took them to, but the ID numbers couldn't be found.

The second plane is here:
The plane described above was on the National Geo "Devil's Triangle" documentary, which we believe was the best made of all of the shoiws we have been on.

Some other photos are here:

When we find Flight 19 it'll make some news.

We have not found anything like flint or points at Bimini but Andros has a lot of such artifacts. Zink did a lot of really good and valuable work at Bimini. Then he ruined it all with the idea that extraterrestrials from the Pleiades made it. That idea, which he proposed at the end of his book, destroyed the credibility he had. The marble head...I have seen photos of it. I am sure they found "marble" yes, but the artifact has disappeared in time, just like the fluted marble columns at the inlet between N & S Bimini. Zink's big contribution was mapping the site, which when side scan wasn't readily available, was a big deal. No one seems to know exactly where the marble artifacts are. Zink's group did find the alleged "head" but none of the photos I have ever see clearly seem to show a carved head. There is a morticed and tenon stone slab that is at the Keefe dive center at Bimini, recovered from the road. Donato has various artifacts from Bimini, such as ballast and small marble/granite pieces. While we were there we (us and Donato) found numerous artifacts under and associated with the road site, but the big problem is that others could argue these items were dropped from boats. I am totally certain that some of these pieces were ballast. Most of it has been shown in the documentaries we made. Not all of these have been on tv.

The truth is that what we reported this last time is the most definitive finds ever made there, at least till the rectangles are excavated. The ARE has our better photos of the 2 sites we found last time and will release these first in their magazine and then on the net. These pictures are very impressive. It is clear that there were some very old maritime cultures active at Bimini and other places in the Bahamas. We really don't care what the mainstream and skeptics say or believe about it, time will be the test.
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« Reply #125 on: July 06, 2010, 02:52:33 am »

Hi Greg, gee, how did you tear your tendon?  It sounds painful!  About David Zink, it is really a shame that he and so many other Atlantis researchers keep bringing up the alien thing when it comes to Atlantis.  I was reading up on Maxine Asher the other day and she has some pretty wild ideas, too.  When they bring their sci-fi fantasies into it, it gives real Atlantis research a bad name.

Is this first picture of a natural formation or is if manmade?

And, was this plane hauled up from the ocean or found on land?

I have a hard time believing that no one is interested in the lost planes. Seems to me they would make another good topic for a documentary. 22 crashed planes!  Can you imagine how many missing persons those must have been?

Have any of the flints or other artifacts found at Andros ever been dated?  Because if they were, that would tell you a lot more about this culture!
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This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.
Greg Little
Hero Member
Posts: 157

« Reply #126 on: July 06, 2010, 08:18:11 am »


The top photo is one of from 35 to 50 rectangular formations, running for 1 mile, in 3 parallel straight rows, in 110-feet of water, 5 miles off Bimini. They lay on the top of what was the 10,000 BC shoreline. They were found by Bill Donato in 2006 using side-scan sonar. Some were shown on the Histroy Channel MysterQuest episode on Atlantis. We believe that they are manmade, serving as the buildings used by a maritime culture that was active at imini in 10,000 BC. The outer walls of some show definite stacks of small building blocks. The tall "column" is actually barrel coral.

The plane on the land is at Williams Island and is one of 3 there. It was a drug runner. Our plane finds to date are 28. 6 were on land.

The Andros artifacts are believed to be Arawak, dated to no earlier than AD 1000. They include skeletons, pottery, points, and even canoes. Cousteau found many artifacts on Andros. One of the things we want to do is do a survey on Andros following the high ridges that run all the way down the 104-mile long island. No one has ever done it.

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Superhero Member
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« Reply #127 on: July 10, 2010, 01:51:53 am »

Hi Greg, hope your tendon is getting better.  I am surprised that Arawak artifacts have been found at Andros, do you mean underwater at the platform?  How do you suppose they got there, was the platform above water at 1000 bc?  If so, could the Phoenicians have been responsible for the platform's construction?

The outer walls of some show definite stacks of small building blocks. The tall "column" is actually barrel coral.

Do you have any pictures of the building blocks handy, and do they (or any of the formations) match Cayce's descriptions of the buildings?
« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 01:52:41 am by Desiree » Report Spam   Logged

This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.
Greg Little
Hero Member
Posts: 157

« Reply #128 on: July 10, 2010, 08:42:11 pm »

My leg is much, much better, thank you.
None of the artifacts were found on the underwater platform.
Some were found in underwater caves nearby, in Blue Holes on the isnd, and in caves which are all over the island.
But yes, the Andros Platform looks Phoenician.
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« Reply #129 on: July 13, 2010, 01:00:03 am »

Hi Greg, I am wondering if the Phoenicians may have actually come from the west?  I read someplace that Tartessos, a Phoenician colony, had oral traditions stretching back tens of thousands of years and that it as really a colony of Atlantis?

By the way, have you ever mapped the outlines of the big island that used to be in the Bahamas?  If so, how big was it, and does it match Plato or Cayce's description of Atlantis?
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This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.
Greg Little
Hero Member
Posts: 157

« Reply #130 on: July 13, 2010, 08:08:17 am »

Anything is possible and because South America was inhabited really, really early, such a scenario is not becond the realm of possibility. But there is nothing that could be termed "proof"--at least not yet. But South/Central America, Cuba, and the Bahamas remain quite unexplored in archaeological terms.

Paul Bader (AKA Poseidon) has repeatedly asserted that the Bahamas very closely matched Plato's Atlantis size during the last Ice Age, and in several of our books and many articles we have shown maps indicating the size. The Great Bahama Bank was a massive plain (it is 2-20-ft deep now). Bimini was a hill that had a plain to the south extending all the way down to just N. of Cuba. It was a huge island.
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Eyes that saw...Ancient Past

« Reply #131 on: July 13, 2010, 09:44:12 am »

Indeed so. Much construction was taken up in the last days to try and save the exposed islands. Much of the fill was extracted from what is now the Big Bend National Park. It did not work, because the incoming comet was too large and the configuration of the flight path and multitude of orbiting fragments descending at various speeds and times made any stop-gap measure impossible. 12,900 years ago when the Carolina Bays Event took place much was lost via the massive tsunamis created by the incoming event. Atlantis was a world culture to some degree and the intellectual horizon was way beyond our present state in this day and time. Many of us were there. 
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« Reply #132 on: July 18, 2010, 11:43:07 am »

Paul Bader (AKA Poseidon) has repeatedly asserted that the Bahamas very closely matched Plato's Atlantis size during the last Ice Age, and in several of our books and many articles we have shown maps indicating the size. The Great Bahama Bank was a massive plain (it is 2-20-ft deep now). Bimini was a hill that had a plain to the south extending all the way down to just N. of Cuba. It was a huge island.

That would be I.  Smiley   Plato stated that the island was "oblong", contained a plain approximately 3000 x 2000 stadia or 345 x 230 miles, and was shallowly-sunken..  The Grand Bahama Bank is oblong in shape and it was primarily a plain occasionally studded by some hills which now form the present day karst islands of the Bahamas. The Bank measures 375 x 230 miles and it is indeed shallowly sunken -in fact, it is the only sunken object in the Atlantic which matches Plato.

Cayce stated that "Poseidia" was a plain, but also that that the term referred to an island group.  The A.R.E. and a few others are of the opinion that the Bahamas and Cuba once formed the capital island group of the Atlantean empire.  Cuba contains features mentioned by Plato which the Bahamas lacks -notably its long, horizontal, east-west orientation, a shield of mountains to the north, and elephant remains. 

As for post-Atlantean, yet ancient habitation in the Bahamas, yes I believe that the Phoenicians among others were there.  The Bimini Wall (we can now use that old term properly again) closely resembles Phoenician breakwaters in the Mediterranean and Valentine found a Phoenician shipwreck near the Bimini Wall which I think was confirmed by the Littles a couple of years ago?  There's a strong, ocean current expediting travel from Iberia to the Bahamas (later used by the Spaniards) so this place is a natural waystation for trans-Atlantic trade with American natives.  I believe that a Phoenician settlement was located on the Brazillian coast as well:
« Last Edit: July 18, 2010, 11:49:51 am by Horus » Report Spam   Logged

"For the greater individual is the one who is the servant of all. And to conquer self is greater than taking cities."

Reading 3253-2
Greg Little
Hero Member
Posts: 157

« Reply #133 on: July 19, 2010, 10:10:32 am »

On Tuesday (July 20) an episode of Mysteryquest on The History Channel will show an investigation into the planes in the Triangle. The show is called the Devil's Triangle. It's on a 5 pm (ET) and again at 12. On Friday the 23rd on National Geo. Channel another is on, I believe at 5 pm on The Bermuda Triangle. That show depicts the discovery of a DC3.
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Keith Ranville
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« Reply #134 on: July 19, 2010, 06:18:20 pm »

On Tuesday (July 20) an episode of Mysteryquest on The History Channel will show an investigation into the planes in the Triangle. The show is called the Devil's Triangle. It's on a 5 pm (ET) and again at 12. On Friday the 23rd on National Geo. Channel another is on, I believe at 5 pm on The Bermuda Triangle. That show depicts the discovery of a DC3.

Canada's TV schedual is differenet than the states? as I do remember recalling?
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