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EDGAR CAYCE's Story of Atlantis - By Edgar Evans Cayce (Son)

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Author Topic: EDGAR CAYCE's Story of Atlantis - By Edgar Evans Cayce (Son)  (Read 11543 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 3882

« Reply #105 on: June 07, 2010, 01:55:38 am »

With respect to the 2nd question, yes, I was give the precise location. Almost all of the speculation on the internet and people who posted coordinates of the location were totally wrong--none were even close. But it is located in a place where currently there is no access that can be done legally. Perhaps one day, but I have already looked at the area's satellite inages and I tend to think, as does the only person who guessed the location right (Andrew Collins), that it was a imaging artifact--pixelation. Wish it wasn't so. In any event it can't be visited by us and now I'm sure it would be a complete waste of time and resources.

Drat!  I was hoping it wasn't just mapping lines.

I would like to draw your attention to this article we found about the site that I think you should know about:

Yan Langenakens (07:35:56) :

Living in the Dominican Republic I can confirm that de sunken city in Pepillo Salcedo is not a hoax.

We were made aware of it by local fishermen about one year ago and poled the lake of Carbonera with them We have since made many trips to the area to find out more
The lake of Carbonera ( 19 39 15 52 N / 71 42 44 71 W ) is a shallow expanse of fresh water fed by the Massacre river.
Local fishermen make a living by catching shrimp in the lake using small flatbottom boats that are moved around by pushing a bamboo pole. In about the middle of the lake exists an area that the locals call ” la Penia ” or the rock.
The area got its name because at this place it is impossible to anker their boat by fixing their pole in the mud. The bamboo pole hits a hard surface at about a depth of one and a half meters.
Poling the surrounding area one can delimit a flat expanse 30 meters long and about 10 meters wide ( the pole sinks to the same depth ) covered by half a meter of mud.
As the rules concerning sub terrean and sub aquatic exploration in the Dominican Republic are very strict we set up a local Dominican non profit organisation to aply for all the necessary permits in order to start excavation
We welcome everybody interested in these matters to join us and are willing to share all information we already possess.
Everybody who possesses Google earth can check the existence of the city for himself
The most dramatic view has the following coordinates
19 42 04 74 N ; 71 43 15 20 W
Find the location, zoom in rotate and tilt you will clearly see huge platforms of several buildings, and a breakline with part of the structure sloping up towards the mangrove. The mangrove litterally started to grow on the highest and exposed parts of the structure
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This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.
Superhero Member
Posts: 3882

« Reply #106 on: June 07, 2010, 01:56:51 am »

Part Two:

The city is very huge and covers the complete valley of the Massacre river
It extends from Montecristi to Cap Haïtien on the other side of the border, and goes inland as far as Dajabon in the south extending beyond the Siete Hermanos ( a group of islands ) in the North.
A possible explanation : ancient maps contain drawings of an island in the Atlantic Ocean called Antillia, the island of the (legendary) seven cities.
Columbus is said to have possesed such a map ( portulan ) when he set out on his journey.
Atlantis went down in several phases, during the last phase 12 islands are said to have stayed above the water. Antillia was one of them
It is possible that hispaniola ( Haïti + Dominican Republic ) is a remnant of Antillia and the sunken city of Pepillo Salcedo one of the seven cities.
If the above hunch is correct one should not be surprised that another sunken city will turn up under the mangrove swamps in the Dominican Republic in the area of Los Haitises for example ( ishtmus of Samana )
So the sunken city of Pepillo Salcedo could have something to do with Atlantis in its last phase of development.
How do we want to proceed from here ?
While waiting to obtain all the necessary permits ( and this can take a very long time in the Carribean ) to excavate we started to make a survey of possible excavation sites.
The google sattelite maps that cover the area are not very recent, the topography of the area has changed during the last 20 years.
When one compares the maps with the actual situation in the field, one realises that the many places that are flooded on the google maps are now dry land, in other words it must be possible to get to some part of the ruins without getting ones feet wet. About one to one and a half meters of mud covers the ruins that are under water, once the area is dried up one should be able to get to the ruins after digging away one to one and a half meters of dried mud in some carefully selected sites
To find these sites we plan to fly camera equiped model planes over the area
It is indeed a well known fact that subterrean structures can show up in areal photography of cropped fields during draught periods due to the differential uptake of water and minerals by the plants.
Involve the governments of both the Dominican Republic and Haïti
The area of Pepillo Salcedo and on the other side of the border Cap Haïtien belong to the poorest parts of Hispaniola. It is obvious that if the sunken city turns out to be what we expect that part of Hispaniola will suddenly gain world attention. Excavating the area could not only give work to hunderds of local people but would also be a huge boost to the local tourist industry which is currently lagging behind because of want of infrastructure and tourist attractions.
We do not yet have professional archeologists in our team, anybody interested ?
We can be contacted at :
Tel : 809 ( Dominican Republic ) 867 19 37
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This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.
Superhero Member
Posts: 3882

« Reply #107 on: June 07, 2010, 02:06:53 am »

The good news is that we have the first true confirmaTION of an underwater stone building ruin in the Bahamas. It certainly is a building and the other spot, south of Bimini, looks even more promising. There actually has been a lot of work done at the rectangles site (100-ft of depth) and in an adjacent area (up to 350-ft deep) but what they have come up with is a slew of interesting photos of the rectangles and what are called terraces. Anything deeper than 100-ft or so is just too deep, at least as I see it. The rectangles area remains the one site linked to 10,000 BC but definitive evidence from there may soon come out. Meanwhile we can ponder where heck these other buildings came from. Amazingly, there is a lot more stuff in that area that no one has looked at.

That sounds awesome!  Is this all part of a city or something else?  How did you manage to confirm that they are buildings underwater in the Bahamas?
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This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.
Greg Little
Hero Member
Posts: 157

« Reply #108 on: June 07, 2010, 11:07:14 am »

Des: Dealing with all the electronic crap is the problem. But everything has already been replaced, except a new phone line needs to be run.

The [Herald] article that started the "Atlantis in the Caribbean" fiasco had nothing to do with the Dominican Republic. These people just took advantage of the hype. That's not close to the location.

As to the "buildings" there are 2 areas. The first is the area we called the "columns." It is a rectangular foundation with one corner visible and three straight walls. The small blocks scattered on the inside were part of the building. The walls are fused to the bottom.

The other area is the granite slab area. The granite slabs are human carved. The area they are in looks carved. It looks like a series of small stone buildings on what was a hilltop. Yes, we took a lot of film and photos. As I guessed the photos we posted have already been pirated, copied and pasted all over the place. But we did not put the best photos on the net.
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Greg Little
Hero Member
Posts: 157

« Reply #109 on: June 10, 2010, 06:07:28 pm »

DES: One quick note. The article you posted about the "Dominica" site has nothing whatsoever to do with the article about the underwater city allegedly in the Caribbean. It's true that the writer says it is the same thing but it isn't at all. It is as if Robert Bauval published an article claiming to have found something intriguing underwater in the mediterranean relating to Atlantis--and then someone else came forward and said "yes, it was me and I have it now here in Puerto Rico." And in truth it isn't in the Caribbean as the original Herald article asserted. And as the second article just related the site was "seen first" by Leicester Hemmingway when he was flying in a small plane from Florida to Havana, Cuba. So the location is or should be clear.
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Superhero Member
Posts: 3882

« Reply #110 on: June 10, 2010, 11:18:12 pm »

Hi Greg,

Is this the second article you were talking about?

Abstracting Atlantis: Scientists Find Evidence of Mayan Underwater City,25169.0.html

The site is in Cuba, isn't it?  That's why Andrew Collins guessed the location.  It mentions Jes Alexander as the chief archaeologist. Did he contact you at all, and what do you know about him?

I don't know where the location is, but it sounds like it may all be linked if the Bahamas actually were one big island like you said.

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This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.
Superhero Member
Posts: 3882

« Reply #111 on: June 10, 2010, 11:22:28 pm »

As to the "buildings" there are 2 areas. The first is the area we called the "columns." It is a rectangular foundation with one corner visible and three straight walls. The small blocks scattered on the inside were part of the building. The walls are fused to the bottom.

Fused to the bottom, like as the result of some catastrophe? 

The other area is the granite slab area. The granite slabs are human carved. The area they are in looks carved.

What do the carvings look like?  I couldn't tell that there were any carvings in any of the pix that I have seen.  Wow, if you have proof that the blocks were worked by human hands, that is an incredible find! 

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This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.
Greg Little
Hero Member
Posts: 157

« Reply #112 on: June 11, 2010, 09:13:46 am »

Des: Jes Alexander and I spoke on the phone at length not too long after the first article by him came out. It was about the location, evidence, funding, and involvement in exploration. he is a newspaper reporter with an interest in archaeology. I promised that I would not reveal the specific site...but it's easy to guess the general area now as he told how it was first seen and reported. What amazes me is how after the first article by him came out this guy from Dominica just put out on forums hat it was actually an underwater city in a lake there and it appears no one at all challenged it.

The building foundations, which we called the "columns" are fused to the bottom by normal sea water processes where limestone is present. Stone touching stone can easily get fused together by the same process that creates beachrock. The three long coulmns, which are parallel walls, are long rectangular "beams" about 1 ft thick by 1.5 feet deep And varying in length. The "base" or bottom of each is fused to the bottom. It appears in places that these foundations are fused blocks but in other places it looks like a type of concrete. We did no digging so we could not determine precisely how they were formed.

The "carved" granite slabs are called "carved" because they have polished sides and ends and have obvious cut marks on various places. We deliberately did not put out our best photos but they wil come out in a magazine soon. I doubt that anyone will dispute that they are human formed, the question will be where they are from and how they got where they are.
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Superhero Member
Posts: 3882

« Reply #113 on: June 13, 2010, 04:05:49 am »

What amazes me is how after the first article by him came out this guy from Dominica just put out on forums hat it was actually an underwater city in a lake there and it appears no one at all challenged it.

Hi Greg, I don't think too many people saw the article.  If it is an underwater city in a lake, has anyone ever checked it out?

And as the second article just related the site was "seen first" by Leicester Hemmingway when he was flying in a small plane from Florida to Havana, Cuba. So the location is or should be clear.

Does the ARE library have anything more on this site that Leicester Hemmingway saw?

The "carved" granite slabs are called "carved" because they have polished sides and ends and have obvious cut marks on various places. We deliberately did not put out our best photos but they wil come out in a magazine soon. I doubt that anyone will dispute that they are human formed, the question will be where they are from and how they got where they are.

That is just awesome!  Do you have a date for when they were made? Is it conclusive enough to rewrite history?

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This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.
Greg Little
Hero Member
Posts: 157

« Reply #114 on: June 13, 2010, 08:29:30 am »

I don't know anyone who has looked at the supposed city under the Dominican lake. I don't think anyone had ever heard of the allegation until the guy put it out in forums that it was the alleged "underwater city in the Carribean" first publicized in Jes Alexander's newspaper article--which it isn't. Such things get so confusing.

There are many items in the ARE library that relate to maps and areas where Leicester Hemmingway reported underwater things. Leicester was Earnest Hemmingway's brother and he was the Editor of the Bimini newspaper--now defunct. leicester saw and "felt" a lot of things underwater. He worked with Valentine, Rebikoff, Turola, and even the skeptics. I have a large map of Valentine's that has all of these areas marked including Hemmingway's sites. In the Edgerton Sykes room at the ARE there are many maps, articles, and letters with locations marked by Valentine, Hemmingway, Rebikoff, and others. I have spent maybe 40 hours in the room but haven't looked at everything. I know some people "claim" they have looked at ALL of Sykes' materials, but I doubt that. Very few people are allowed inside the room, in fact it is difficult to get access at all. We actually have to get the head of the org to unlock it each time and tell the staff to essentially allow us free access. (Things get stolen or disappear.) Few people know that Sykes published a monthly magazine about Atlantis research--there are several complete sets of these there as well as a few thousand books and enormous files of photos, magazine articles, newspaper clipings -- in many languages. There are several hundred of his magazines there. His photos, which number in the thousands, are only partly organized. We are going there next week and I plan on spending more time in it.

As to the granite slabs found south of Bimini there is a lot more that has to be done at the site. The best photos from all of that trip will be in an article in the next issue of Atlantis Rising magazine.
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Superhero Member
Posts: 3882

« Reply #115 on: June 15, 2010, 01:54:49 am »

Hi Greg, do you know what culture that the stone blocks may have come from.

I heard that Sykes had the biggest Atlantis collection ever, have you found anything useful in there?  About this marble city that Hemingway saw beneath the water, do you know anything more about it?  I take it it is near Cuba, right?
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This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.
Greg Little
Hero Member
Posts: 157

« Reply #116 on: June 17, 2010, 08:30:44 am »

I don't know what culture the granite slabs are from. Won't guess at it, at least not until we do a bit more work, but I'm not sure when that'll be. Actually, the oil, when it gets to the east side of Florida, may change things in the Bimini and "near" Bahamas area.

I have found a lot of useful things in Sykes collection. Maps, photos, articles, and it just goes on and on. Keep in mind that to "internet people" (that's not meant to be derogatory) if it's not online it doesn't exist. There are thousands of magazine and newspaper articles that have never been put online. Sykes, and others of us who are old and decrepit, kept files of newspaper clipings and magazine articles as they came out. Sykes has a few thousand photos in there, none but one that I found has ever been online.

I actually went through all of his books for the ARE so that the duplicates could be eliminated. He had 2-3 copies of some books. There are perhaps 2000-3000 books on Atlantis there. I did that work 3-4 years ago and can't remember how long the list was, and I didn't keep a copy. I don't know if it is the biggest clection ever, but the "files" of clippings and articles probably is the largest collecton.
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Superhero Member
Posts: 3882

« Reply #117 on: June 19, 2010, 01:58:12 am »

There are perhaps 2000-3000 books on Atlantis there. I did that work 3-4 years ago and can't remember how long the list was, and I didn't keep a copy.

Hi Greg, the Sykes library sounds really comprehensive!  I didn't know they even had that many books on Atlantis.  Does he have any film footage in it, too, or pictures that we haven't seen? 

Hey, Dr. Maxine Asher is a member of the A.R.E., too, isn't she?  She mentioned in one of her press releases that there are as many as seven underwater cities in the Atlantic.  Do you know anything more about them, or what she was talking about?

About Leicester Hemmingway, there were other reports during the 50s of people seeing the underwater city from the air, too, weren't there?  Were any of them in the same area?

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This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.
Greg Little
Hero Member
Posts: 157

« Reply #118 on: June 28, 2010, 05:01:13 pm »

I have been at the ARE the last 8 days, hence not replying. I think that there have been 10,000 different titles (books) on Atlantis. At least I recall Andrew Colins writing something like that.

There is no film in the Sykes library, but there are a lot of unpublished and "obscurely" published photos in there.

I also believe Maxine Asher WAS an ARE member, but I suspect she has not been a member for some time, but am not certain. I do know about her claims off Spain's coast, essentially where Georg... Mextano (spelling is wrong with the name) says Atlantis was. I am certain that one of Asher's cities was off Bimini. The film I have seen of the underwater Spain area looks like dumped building materials, fairly modern. But I believe that there has to be a lot of ancient ruins there too.

Many many people claim to have seen underwater cities from the air... I have been contacted by at least 10 such people since 2003. Valentine, Rebikoff, and L. Hemmingway were the most known people making such claims. We have been to at least a dozen of the places Valentine claimed were underwater cities. One place, Joulters Cay, has ruins there, essentially an underwater stone block wall. It is onvious and manmade, and we reported on it several times.
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Superhero Member
Posts: 3882

« Reply #119 on: June 29, 2010, 08:27:19 pm »

Hi Greg, it must be exciting going through all that material at the ARE.  Did you find anything useful in it?  Well, the type of underwater city that Hemingway and others were describing sounded like intact buildings, even city blocks. Has anything you've investigated resembled that?

I think that the Cadiz stuff that Asher and Georgeos Diaz Montexano were investigating is related to Tartessos, which a lot of us see as some sort of later term Atlantean colony, not the real thing.  She used to have a website up with underwater movies up, but last I checked, it was down. Like Sykes, she is supposed to have a ton of material on Atlantis. Too bad she doesn't make it public!

Any of the photos Sykes had show anything interesting? Did you find anything more from the Russians investigations in the eastern Atlantic?
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This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.
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