Below are all of the readings excerpts that exist concerning Cayce's Atlantean Yucatan. The life readings are particularly fascinating and include everything from humble farmers to Atlantean sex counsellors.
1-TEXT OF READING 314-1 F 2 DAYS (Protestant Background)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 20th day of April, 1933
45. In the one before this we find that the entity was in that period known as the Atlantean, among the sojourners from Atlantis who came to what is now known as Yucatan - and was in the temple worship there.
46. The entity, in the name Lilithe, brought to those peoples the ESTABLISHING of the relationships - in the solemnization of relations between individuals as they took up their service, or their labors one with another. Or, as may be termed, the CONSECRATING of the lives of individuals as to their relation one with another in sex; or as in relation to the general service of the individuals or groups to which individuals allied themselves.
2-TEXT OF READING 537-1 F 31 (Housewife, Protestant)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Virginia, this 18th day of April, 1934
25. Before that we find the entity was in that land known as the Atlantean, during those periods when individuals were leaving the lands for self-protection in other lands.
26. The entity was among those peoples that went to what is now known as Central America, the Mayan peoples, and became among those in the temple service there; being second in position of importance, as would be said or termed from present outlooks.
27. Through the experience the entity gained, losing only when those of other lands or faiths joined in to make for the addition of those things pertaining to lauding of the power of those that were in authority.
3-TEXT OF READING 568-1 M 20 (Protestant)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Virginia, this 2nd day of June, 1934
22. Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there were the gatherings of those in the various lands for the knowledge of the destructive forces that were soon to come about in the experience of those people in the Atlantean land.
23. The entity then was among those who journeyed to what is now known as the central portion of America, or Yucatan; and in those activities there the entity rose to be one in power, from the abilities to apply and to use the physical things that had their import and activity from the inmost forces in nature itself.
24. In that experience the entity also lost and gained, for when the activities were turned into the abilities or privileges of self-indulgences the entity's activities brought destructive forces in the experience. The name then was Miu-Muel.
4-TEXT OF READING 670-1 M 19 (Protestant)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 24th day of September, 1934
21. Before that we find the entity was in that land now known as the Atlantean, during the periods when there were the turmoils after the first outburst - or the separation of the isles and the land.
22. The entity was among the people that were with the sons of Belial, that warred with the sons of the One influence - or the forces that are known as the relationship of man with the Creative Forces that may be manifest in the earth. Yet with the destruction, there was the gaining activity because of the influence in the experience that in the present would be termed GOOD. When those divisions again came, the entity was among those that attempted to leave the land for the sojourning in other lands; bringing eventually those activities in what is now known as the Central American land.
23. In the experience the entity became in the latter days or sojourn, in those active forces in what may be termed the Incal land, the second in command; becoming the priest in the latter portion of its sojourn.
Or join with those who may be in that field of activity of the scientific research into other fields, where there are the development for the searching for lost or hidden civilizations or activities. This will bring the experience to the entity, through the abilities, for the creating of aids and helps to man's experience - in its active forces from without - which will bring understanding in many of the fields of activity of the entity.
27. There are those expeditions being formed; as from the Pennsylvania University, even from some of the other universities in the northwest, or the Smithsonian Institute, to which the entity may join by the latter portion of the coming month - or by those regular activities when such begin in February of the coming year, when these may bring activative forces that will be in keeping with that to which the entity may attain in the present.
There are researchers in Montana, in Arizona, in Yucatan; there are researchers in Honduras, in Asia, in Egypt, in the Chaldean country - all over! All of these expeditions go from - MOST of them are financed from - the SURROUNDINGS of the entity. Contact these various ones. The abilities and the activities of the entity in those fields may be far-reaching.
Become associated with Andrews; become associated with the University - with any of these, whichever field is chosen!
Do that.
5-TEXT OF READING 801-1 M 27 (Government Worker)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at 1867 Kalarama Road, Washington, D.C., this 27th day of January, 1935
17. Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during the periods when there were many of the divisions that called for and produced the destructive forces in that land. Yet when there were the expressions of those in power to raise those who were of the menial class, or the workers in the fields of activity that brought what is known as the agricultural or the social service, the entity was the intermediator for the own peoples of the lower class or caste to those of the higher. And through such associations there were made those abilities that innately and expressly find themselves in its associations; as to the courtesy, the kindness, the activities that may become the keynote for the expression of self in the present.
18. The entity was not among those to be sent to the Egyptian land, but rather among those that went to the western portions of the land and eventually to that known as the Yucatan and the Central American land; for in those sojourns the entity was active in establishing a development in the agricultural field, or the growth of those things that made for the sustenance in the new land. The entity gained particularly in the latter portion, for then being carried to those positions of power and authority he aided in the activities that made for the establishment of the studies as to the Laws of ONE in that particular land, being in the name then Amielee.
6-TEXT OF READING 815-2 M 31 (Publicist)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the Sun Air Farm, Oak Ridge, N. J., this 6th day of April, 1935
22. Before that we find the entity was in that known as the Atlantean land, during those periods when many were making preparations for the changes from the land when the calamitous activities were imminent - through the activities of the sons of Belial, in opposition to those of the Law of One.
23. The entity then was among those peoples that were advanced from the various developments during that period and was an expert in handling of the crafts of the day that made for the manners of escape by those that went to the different lands; as to the Pyrenees, to Lama (?) or Lemu (?), into Yucatan, and to the Egyptian land - to which the entity went and engaged in the activities there; or all of these - as things that pertain to the Aztecs, that later arose as those things of Egypt, the Pyrenees, the Incal - have their influence in the entity's activities in the present, the developing of which may make for experiences that may bring the greater material gain in the present.
24. For the interests that are arising in the activities that are unearthing - as in Alexandria, as it will be in Yucatan - as is to be in the next two and a half years in the Gobi - will enable the entity to use its abilities in that direction; for it may depict or write about such things, in play or song, as few can EVER do!
25. The name then was Azexl.
7-TEXT OF READING 823-1 F 54 (Widow, Protestant)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at 1867 Kalorama Road, Washington, D.C., this 11th day of February, 1935
24. Before that we find the entity was in the land now known as the Atlantean, and many were the sojourns; for there the entity oft laid aside the physical body to become regenerated in its activities in the material associations, even from those periods of the beginnings of the destructive influences that arose from the sons of Belial through the activities of Beelzebub.
25. The entity was among the priestesses of the Law of One, serving in the temples where there was the raising of the light in which the universal forces gave expression and brought for the body, the mind, the impelling influences. And the entity THEN (if it were to be expressed in the parlance of the present day) was not only the priestess but the physician, the doctor, for those peoples during that sojourn.
26. With the periods arising when there was the last of the destructions (for the entity sojourned in the Poseidian land, and about that temple there, in the spirit influences of the material activities, for some six thousand years - if counted as time now), the entity journeyed with those people for the Yucatan land, or the establishing of the temple there in which the entity aided. But with those inroads from the children of Om and the peoples from the Lemurian land, or Mu, the entity withdrew into itself; taking - as it were - its own flight into the lands of Jupiter.
27. As to the experience of the entity from that sojourn, there come the innate abilities to create the higher energies within self, as it were, that are stored up from the emotional forces of the body, those to find regenerations in the lower form of electrical vibrations. And if the body were to use for its own physical body the Radio-Active Appliance in the lower force to the extremities, it may keep its body in almost PERFECT accord for many - many - many - many - MANY days.
28. In this experience also the entity may apply more and more its abilities - not only in precept but example - in the healing forces to others.
29. That, then, to which the entity may attain, and how:
30. First, as was seen in the priestess in the Atlantean land, as the body-physical or the body-mental allows itself to be more and more - as it were - charged and re-charged with that spirit of the Christ, or the ONE, in and through itself (and in the material things only the LITTLE things count!), a kind word here, a gentle hint there, being happy and joyous through all of those things that may arise in the experience, will make the growth that brings HEALING in the presence of the entity. For when the face of Him that is Life has shone upon and through the lives of individuals, it becomes as Life itself!
31. In THESE ways and manners, then, may the entity raise itself for the greater help. Be, then, as a teacher, an instructor, to thy fellow man, here, there. KNOW in what thou hast believed, knowing He is able to keep that He has committed unto thee against any experience. Though the heavens fall, His word shall not pass away - "I in the Father and ye in me" - that ye in Him may know within yourself that as He would have thee do.
40. (Q) Why in early childhood did I dream so many times that the world was being destroyed, always seeing a black destructive cloud?
(A) From the experience in the Atlantean land, when there were those destructive forces as indicated. The entity saw or lived through those experiences of at least two, yea three, of the destructive periods; saw the land breaking up, as it were.
8-TEXT OF READING 832-1 F 56
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at 1867 Kalorama Road, Washington, D.C., this 18th day of February, 1935
19. Then, in the one before that we find the entity was in that now known as the Atlantean land, during those periods when there were the first of those that journeyed from Atlantis through the first breaking up to the Incal land, or the sons of Ohum [Aymaras].
20. The entity then was among those in that particular portion of the experience that acted rather in the capacity of the priestess to the sons of Ohum, and to him who rose and fell the entity became rather the leader; strengthening during the sojourn of the entity in that experience those that later came to what is now known as Yucatan or the Central American land. There the entity journeyed back and forth with the sons of Zan(?) and made for the establishing of the material communications that brought strengthening to the many. And the entity gained in those experiences.
9-TEXT OF READING 845-1 F 36 (Bookkeeper)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 5th day of March, 1935
20. Before that we find the entity was in that known as the Atlantean land, during those periods when there were the preparations for those that were of the household of faith, or the Law of One, when there was seen that there were to become the destructive influences that must shatter, must destroy the land, the peoples.
21. The entity was among those that were to become the emissaries or the sojourners in what is now the Incal land, or the Peruvian land. Later from that sojourn the entity came to what is now the Central American land, aiding in the establishing of not only the tenets but the manners and the forms of worship during those sojourns. The entity was among the princesses of the land, not only of the Atlantean but of the Ohum [Aymaras] and Og lands - and later Muri [?] [Lemuria?]. [Mu?]
22. In the experience the entity gained throughout, in that it adhered to the Law of One; that there must be the application within self, the same application to the fellow man - for that which is the motivative force in each is of the same source, or one, and brings the ability in associations for the increase to come from constructive or the God-forces in the associations.
23. Then, as to the abilities of the entity in the present and that to which it may attain, and how:
24. First, look within self. Know as to what is the motivative influence within self as to the satisfying of self's own desires, as to that which would maintain the Law of One, of truth, of self within self; or is it - the motivative influence avarice, greed, or that which is of self's own desires? Then know that the motivative forces and influences are founded in that set as the Princess of Ohum [Aymaras] and Og, in the name then Issua; which brought that which saved the lands during those experiences. They are not founded in truth unless of that oneness of purpose. This determined within self, then know that as ye apply that ye know day by day in thy activities with thy fellow man these make for contentments in no matter what state of mind or body self may be put; for there is that contentment in that the self is a channel of blessings to someone, not as of self but through the manifesting of the love of the Creative Forces as expressed in Him - as thou learned in the Roman land, as thou knew from thine own personal activity in the Ohum [Aymaras] and Og land. These activities be they that make the life worth while; just being gentle even though others are harsh, just being true even though others are false, just being patient even though others about thee may rant and rave. For if thine inner self is motivated by the spirit of truth and life that GIVES manifestations of life in the earth, they are of Him. Art thou on the Lord's side? Then who CAN be against thee?
10-TEXT OF READING 914-1 M 37 (Lawyer, Christian Background)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 1st day of May, 1935
22. Before that we find the entity was in that now known as or called the Atlantean land, during those experiences when there was the egress of the peoples before the periods of the final destruction.
23. The entity was among those that made for the coordinating of the activities with those of the various lands to which they were to journey. Then the entity was not only something of the judge and jury, as would be called, but was one entrusted with a mission for seeking out those lands that were to make for the proper surroundings, environs and activities for the peoples. And the entity came into that land now known as the Central American land, where the peoples builded many of the temples that are being uncovered today.
24. As the entity reads or knows or hears of same, these become of particular interest to the entity; for these are as a portion of the entity's experience. The entity may answer much that has been questioned in the minds of those that have sought to know WHY there are no remains of the settlements or the peoples that left the land without showing any burial grounds. For the ENTITY was the one that began the cremations, the ashes of much of which may be found in one of those temples that was prepared for same.
25. In the experience the entity gained and lost. It gained through those entrustings and those activities and the experiences of the entity in the sojourn. Yet it lost when through indulgences the entity rose to one of power as a tzar, as a last of the answers, or as a godded self. These brought the destructive forces
11-TEXT OF READING 1094-1 M 18 (High School Athlete, Protestant Background)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 4th day of January, 1936
27. Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there was the second egress from the land owing to the destructive forces that had begun to become active.
28. The entity was not of the ruler class, neither was it of what might be termed the peasant or the working class, but rather was it among the instructors in the activities in the land.
29. The sojourn from same brought the entity into that now known as the Yucatan land. And in those activities there did the entity gain much in the making for the establishing of the temple worship, the temple service, the temple activity. Not in the capacity of what would be termed a priest, nor a king. For, as is innate in the experience of the entity from its activities in the earth, an all for one or a one for all rule becomes rather that which is innate. And one only shows his abilities, in the innate expression of the entity, by the very ability to supply those influences or activities or deeds in the body that surpass another in that influence in which the activities may be brought to bear upon the work or the activity in hand.
30. Hold fast to that thou didst gain in those experiences, as Ax-Jetelame!
12-TEXT OF READING 1107-1 M 25 (Chiropractor, Christian)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 23rd day of January, 1936
28. Before then we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, or in that place or position called Poseidia; during those periods when there were the destructive forces, and when the detentions arose between the sons of Belial and those of the Law of One.
29. The entity then was among the lesser priests, and a minister to the ills of the peoples who came for judgement and understanding. And when there was the egress to the now known Yucatan land, the entity was among those chosen to act in the capacity as the priest, or the minister of judgement; both as to the relationships of individuals among themselves, or one with another, and as to the spiritual and physical instruction of those people who journeyed to the land.
30. Then in the name Marcehelli (as would be determined in the present), the entity rose to power - and made for mental and material developments in the land; building much that later made for the greater glories of those particular peoples or experiences.
13-TEXT OF READING 1208-1 M 2 DAYS (Christian Background)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 23rd day of June, 1936
28. Before that we find the entity was in the land now known as the Atlantean, when there were the disturbances upon which those divisions arose.
29. The entity then took the part of those who later became the heads of those that warred against those of the Law of One, and then in the name of Sululon - as would be termed in the present.
30. In those experiences the entity made for destructive forces in the early experiences, yet with those activities that brought about the union in body with one of the daughters of the Law of One, the entity then become to each group as one set apart. For the teachers of the Law of One were afraid of the ability, while those that were of the sons of Belial were afraid of the entity becoming what would be termed in the present as a traitor.
31. Hence throughout those periods the entity became then THAT ONE that led the first establishing of the activity in the varied lands that came to be known as later the Mayan, the Yucatan, the Inca, the Peruvian - and LATER the Mound Builders in the northern portions of the entity's present sojourn. [Ohio?]
32. Not that the entity remained there, but established those activities which has become a part of the entity by those divisions.
14-TEXT OF READING 1215-4 M 17 (Student, Christian Background)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 4th day of June, 1937
44. Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there were the beginnings of the exodus owing to the destructive forces that had been begun by the sons of Belial.
45. The entity was among the Princes of the land that made for the separating of those influences wherein there might be established the journeyings to other lands, with the keepings of records, with the permanent establishments of activities that have become a part of that ye call civilization in the present time.
46. Hence we find the entity making for the establishments in the Yucatan, in the Luzon, in what became the Inca, in the North American land, and in what later became the land of the Mound Builders in Ohio; also the establishments of those activities in the upper portion of what is now the eastern portion of the land.
47. The entity then was not only one skilled in aircraft and in watercraft, as an aviator and a navigator, but made great strides in keeping in touch with other lands through the forces of nature in the experience.
51. Then the name was Ex-Cex.
15-TEXT OF READING 1426-1 M 11 (Protestant)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 18th day of August, 1937
37. Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there were the journeyings to many another land.
38. The entity was among those who were sent as the directors to what became the Yucatan land, and in the setting up of the temple and the temple service, the temple of worship, the temple of differentiation in the laborer and the ruler.
39. Then in the name Ikunle, the entity made for a great service to a great people; that made for the bringing about of the preservation of much that may some day make for a unifying of the understandings as to the relationships of man to the Creative Forces.
16-TEXT OF READING 1473-1 F 49 (Protestant (?))
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the David E. Kahn home, 20 Woods Lane, Scarsdale, N.Y., this 10th day of November, 1937
45. Before that we find the entity was in the land now called the Atlantean.
46. There the entity was a priestess; and the entity's experience there overshadows ALL of those experiences in the earth that even have an influence.
47. For the entity was of the peoples of the Law of One, and with the breaking up of the land itself and the beginning of the exodus of those peoples, the entity was among those that journeyed to what is now called the Yucatan land - or the Ithmus land.
48. And with the building up of those activities, the establishing of the temple service, the applications of the temple's activity to the commercialization - or those activities in which many of what ye call in the present new discoveries, these were but a portion of the entity's associate's activities during that experience.
49. And when there became the heresaying, yea in those periods when there became an activity in which those portions of the land were discovered from what was left of Lemuria, or Mu - in what is now lower California, portions of the valleys of death, the entity journeyed there to see, to know.
50. And during those experiences much was set up that may be of interest to the entity, that will be a part of the discoveries of natures or natural formations in what is now the Canyon Island.
51. For THIS was the entity's place of the temple.
52. Is there any wonder that new expeditions to ANY land become fraught with interest to the entity?
53. For the entity then was a priestess that made for the correlating of tenets of all portions of the earth, for the unifying of the activities of spiritual understanding, and the application of spiritual laws - not as for material but for the harmonious and the peace of the peoples. And such longings were then, are now, the desire of the inmost self.
54. The entity was named the Princess Shu-Tu.
55. Also in those periods, the entity journed to what was later known as the meeting of the seven nations for the protection from the common foe of man during the experience.
17-TEXT OF READING 1599-1 F 54 (Divorcee (?), Religious
Preference: Metaphysics) This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 29th day of May, 1938
47. Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there were those activities that brought about the last destruction of same through the warrings between the children of the Law of One and the sons of Belial or Bel (?). [Baal]
48. There the entity was among those who waned between the children of faith or the Law of One and those who sought the use of the spiritual forces for their own self-indulgences, self-aggrandizements.
49. The entity was among those, though, who were sent to what later became or is in the present the Yucatan land, of the Mayan experience.
50. There the entity rose to one of power; yet with those very wavering experiences there was not always peace brought to the entity.
18-TEXT OF READING 1632-3 F 38 (Housewife, Protestant)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 9th day of August, 1938
37. Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, when there were the breaking up and the separations of the children of the Law of One and the sons of Belial, the daughters of Belial.
38. The entity was among those who were chosen for the westward activity; and in the Mayan or Yucatan land the entity was a Princess of the Temple of the Sun.
39. Hence in the present there is the love of the beautiful, the love of nature and the outdoors; the love of the crude - though it may appear to some as crude, there is beauty in same for the entity. There are the abilities of the entity to see beauty in all things.
40. In that sojourn the entity ruled not with an iron hand (as it would be proverbially termed) but with the positive hand, for the constructive influence. And because there was the injection of the human or the blood spilling, by the priests of the entity - as Zurumu, there was not the hardening; for these were the manners in which the entity sought to MAKE the channels through which the purity of the race might come.
41. A bad choice, it may be said; yet from same in the present experience the purpose and the needs are to choose the channels in which the purity of thought and purpose may be expressed to the folk ye touch day by day! Though it may seem or appear little, it is the little word that ye may say, it is the little kindness that ye may do, that is the greater service ye may render in this experience - in bringing to thine own self, as well as to others, that of peace and harmony and joy and hope!
19-TEXT OF READING 1681-1 M 33 (Banker, Quaker)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 7th day of September, 1938
37. Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land.
38. There we find the entity was very close to those in authority; being that one who was the keeper of the portals as well as the messages that were received from the visitation of those from the outer spheres, in the latter part of the entity's experience there.
39. For it was the entity that received the message as to the needs for the dividing of the children of the Law of One for the preservation of the truths of same in other lands.
40. Hence we find the entity was among those who were as the directors of those expeditions, or the leaving for the many varied lands just before the breaking up of the Atlantean land.
41. Hence the entity outlined in the most part, it might be said, the expedition guided by Ax-Tell and the ones to the Pyrenees and to the Yucatan and to the land of Og.
42. There we find the entity then gave those communications that were established later by the entity from the Pyrenees, and later again established in the mountains in the Grecian land - and there those messages that called for the meetings of the nations were brought about by the activities of that entity during that sojourn.
43. Later, with the revivifying of the Priest in Egypt, the entity was among those who set about the unifying of the teachings of the Atlanteans, the Egyptians (as they would be called today), the Indian, the Indo-Chinan, the Mongoloid and the Aryan peoples. All of those were the activities of the entity, for he was the messenger and the message-bearer - or the means through which transmissions of activities were set up.
44. The name then was Segund.
20-TEXT OF READING 1710-3 M 24 (Mechanic, Protestant)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 12th day of April, 1939
45. Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land when there was the breaking up of the land, and when there was the journeying of those to the various lands for activities.
46. There we find the entity first coming into what was called the Mayan land, or what is now Yucatan.
47. With the establishing of the associations of many of the peoples (in which the entity was closely associated in the Atlantean land) in the Pyrenees and in the Egyptian land, the entity was the first - in that period of experience - to cross the waters in the plane or air machine of that period.
48. Hence we find such will become a part of the entity's experience in the present sojourn.
49. While there were disputes especially with Ax-Tell and the leaders who made for those activities in the Egyptian land, the entity was sent eventually as the emissary to the land of Said; and in that particular experience the entity, as Aoun, made for the greater associations for the activities in the Egyptian land; joining with those from the land of Saneid and those from what is now the Mongoloid land, as well as those in what is now the Indo-China land.
21-TEXT OF READING 1859-1 M 26 (Writer, Actor, Teacher, Proof
Reader, Religious Preference - "None") This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 7th day of April, 1939
37. Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those periods particularly when there was the exodus from Atlantis owing to the foretelling or foreordination of those activities which were bringing about the destructive forces.
38. There we find the entity was among those who were not only in what is now known as the Yucatan land, but also the Pyrenees and the Egyptian.
39. For the manners of transportation, the manners of communications through the airships of that period were such as Ezekiel described of a much later date.
22-TEXT OF READING 2073-2 F 39 (Housewife, Catholic Background)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Harrison, 56 Highland Circle, Bronxville, N.Y., this 12th day of April, 1940
42. Before that the entity was in the land now known as or called the Poseidian land, or Atlantean land, during those periods in which it was breaking up, and when the children of the Law of One (to which the entity was enjoined) journeyed from the land into portions of what is now the Yucatan land.
43. The entity then was a Princess in the Temple of the Sun, or the Temple of Light; though others have interpreted it as the Sun.
44. There the entity made overtures not only to its own peoples but to those of many other lands, that there be the activities of the peoples in bringing a greater knowledge of the association or relationship of the creatures in the earth to Creative Forces, as indicated in their activity with others.
45. There the entity was in splendor, yet sorry for the disturbing forces in so many of those lands roundabout.
23-TEXT OF READING 2126-1 F 23 (Stenographer, Hebrew)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Va. Beach, Va., this 17th day of November, 1932
27. In the one before this we find in that land known as the Atlantean, during those periods when there were the breaking up of the lands following the destruction of the southernmost portion, in the first eruptions, when there was the journeying of many to the various lands. The entity then was among those who journeyed to that portion of the sphere now known as Yucatan. The entity rose from the small child then to the priestess in the temple there; and the entity gained and lost through the experience, in the name Yda-dia. The entity gave much to the peoples in beauty and developing of home life, of the ritual life, of the spiritual understanding in this changed environ; bringing much that later made for the closing of selves to the outside world, yet this was not that given by the entity - rather the interpretation made of the entity's activities by the priest Allai who rose later.
24-TEXT OF READING 2141-1 F 55
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 105th Street and Ocean, Virginia Beach, Va., this 7th day of October, 1931
15. In the one then before this we find in that land to which the entity AGAIN went, not of its own accord, known now as the Peruvian and Yucatan land. The entity then among those peoples that escaped from those persecutions in the Atlantean land, as well as from the upheavals as came a little later; becoming then a priestess in a temple that has - of the same PEOPLES - recently been discovered in that of the southern portion of THIS present portion of the land. The entity then in the name Ellisy. In this experience the entity gained AND lost. GAINED in the counsel and the aid as were brought to the native peoples of the land. Lost when there had been the establishing of self as the priestess in that period, in the aggrandizing of selfish interests, in the harkening to those of the calls of the flesh in the experience. Being then BEAUTIFUL in body, BEAUTIFUL in the manner of that as is in the present called personality, the wiles of the body brought many discontentments and contentions with the peoples in the experience. In the present we find those things as pertain to exchanges, and those as pertain to the finer things in life, hold an interest FOR the entity as at times becomes as almost a NECESSITY to the well being of the body.
R2. See Source File Key #2141 for photographs of
archaeological structures at Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico,
re 2141-1.
25-TEXT OF READING 2576-1 M 56 (Writer, Widower, Protestant)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the Office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 22nd day of August, 1941
27. Before that the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there was the breaking up and the journeying to the various lands.
28. The entity was among those who came to what is now the Yucatan land, later journeying with many of those peoples to the south and west - or in portions of Arizona, as now known.
29. Through the experience the entity was among those who made use of spiritual laws for material affectation; not so much in the abuse as in the negligence in supplying or in aiding others - that were of the groups of "things" - to attain to a greater awareness.
30. The name then was Esdo.
26-TEXT OF READING 3253-2 F 44 (Housewife)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 31st day of October, 1943
24. Before that the entity was in Atlantis, when there were those divisions and the breaking up of the land had been promised through the activities of the children of the Law of One.
25. The entity was among those that chose to enter as leaders in what is now called Yucatan. And the entity aided in establishing the temple through which there was hoped to be the appearance again of the children of the Law of One, as they listened to the oracles that came through the stones, the crystals that were prepared for communications in what ye now know as radio.
26. For ye may tune again to things afar off, if ye set thyself in order and attune to the infinite.
27. In the experience the entity gained, though not able to control her subjects. Thus the entity finds oft in the present it's not able to control those yet so close. For the control must first be found within self.
27-TEXT OF READING 3412-2 F 66 (Housewife)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 24th day of November, 1943
26. Before that the entity was in Atlantis during those periods when there was the breaking up of the lands, when individuals were apportioned, as it were, to the various centers from which it was hoped that there would be the spreading of the tenets and teachings.
27. The entity became a princess in Yucatan. And in those tenets, and the temples that are even in ruins there; the entity might find much of interest, not only because of the tentative interest in the occult but because of the abilities to organize activities for definite purposes.
28. The name then was Quellar.
28-TEXT OF READING 3823-1 F 59 (Gov. Office Worker)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the David E. Kahn home, 44 West 77th St., Apt. 14-W, New York City, this 20th day of November, 1934
12. Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there was the abandoning of the land owing to the periods of destruction.
13. The entity was among those that came to what is now the southern portion of the land of the present nativity, or in what is called Yucatan - then it was called Yuk.
14. In that sojourn the entity was among those that aided in establishing there the priests and the priestesses in the activity of the teachings of the peoples as related to the Law of One.
15. In the latter portion of the entity's sojourn there, many of those lands now known as the Egyptian - then of Mu or Ra - came to pass the messages for the building of the activities and of those things that made for the preservation of the thoughts and teachings of those people in that land.
29-TEXT OF READING 3528-1 M 36 (Bakery Salesman)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 20th day of December, 1943
21. Before that the entity was in the land of the present sojourn, during the early activities of a peoples that had been banished from Atlantis.
22. The entity was among those of the second generation of Atlanteans who struggled northward from Yucatan, settling in what is now a portion of Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio; being among those of the earlier period known as Mound Builders.
23. Then the entity was among those who supplied to the peoples the fruits of the soil, learning how to crack corn, wheat and grain, that it might be prepared into foods through cooking - though much in those periods was taken raw.
24. And in the present, as the entity may learn, the raw foods will contribute much to the entity's physical welfare - the green as well as other foods.
30- TEXT OF READING 2058-1 M 39 (Salesman, Protestant)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 9th day of December, 1939
45. Before that we find that the entity was in the American land (as now known), during those periods when there were those who journeyed there from the Atlantean land.
46. For the entity was among those who settled in what is now the Yucatan land.
47. Hence the entity, as has been experienced or may be experienced more through the enjoining of self to such, as a study or a reading of same, or as a directing of such activity in the experience, may experience these as a fact. And much more may be described by the entity, by thought upon same, than has even yet been put into expression! For the entity was among the priests who aided in establishing the temple there.
48. The name then was Lugum.
1-TEXT OF READING 1204-3 F 22 (Teacher Home Economics, Hebrew
Background, Non-Orthodox) This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 15th day of February, 1941
37. Before that the entity was in the land of the present nativity, in the early periods when there were those activities established there by those from the Atlantean land after the destructions had come.
38. The entity came to the South and West from what is now the Yucatan. Hence when the entity builds a home in the present, make it in the South and West.
2-TEXT OF READING 1434-1 F 9 (Hebrew)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the David E. Kahn home, 20 Woods Lane, Scarsdale, N.Y., this 2nd day of December, 1937
32. Before that we find the entity was in the lands of the present nativity or sojourn in the present, during those periods when there were those peoples entering into the land now called the Yucatan - after leaving the Atlantean and Poseidon land.
33. The entity was among those peoples who journeyed to the farther West or North and West from the Yucatan land; and the entity there was a priestess, and of the children of the Law of One.
34. The joinings in activities there were for the attempts to establish with those peoples that had been a portion of the lost or strayed tribe, that came across from Lemuria; as well as with those that came from the lands of bondage by the Persians and those that later were called the Indo-Chinans - or those peoples from the mountain who raided the Indian land.
35. There the entity aided in establishing a new unison of activity, in what would now be called the Arizona land.
3-TEXT OF READING 1437-1 M 42 (Opera Singer, Norwegian Descent)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 3rd day of September, 1937
23. Before that we find the entity was in the land now known as the Yucatan or Central America, when there were those activities by those peoples who came from the Inca or the land of Og and the Atlantean land; when there were the attempts to reestablish those activities of not only the older portions of the Atlantean civilization but also of those who sojourned in that particular experience.
24. The entity was raised to that one in authority as an ACTIVE priest, furnishing the activities in the temples (that are beginning to be uncovered in the present).
25. From those very associations we find arising in the present those peculiar interests the entity has had in the occult and the mysterious and the mysteries of life.
26. These become an innate desire. Hence if these are made to become in all experiences not as a mere gratification of pleasure but such as to bring hope and joy and peace into the experiences of others, these may be turned into channels in which they become as stepping-stones for greater understanding, greater material as well as mental successes.
27. For success, remember, ever is a mental state of any individual, and depends upon the ideal that is set - or the standard of excellency.
28. In the experience then the entity was known as Guloupo; and the entity gained and lost, gained and lost - gained because of those activities in which hope was brought into the experience - lost because in the latter portion the activities were turned into those for self-indulgences and self-glorification, and brought distresses into the experiences of many.
29. Beware that a worse fate does not befall thee in the present, then, by making applications of self in that as will become a hopeful experience in the lives of those who are dependent upon the entity not only for the material things but for the ability of the entity to create hope within the mental self - which is in every entity and in every soul (the Mind) the Builder.
30. And as the entity's abilities are in those activities that make for concentrating of thought, let these be of constructive natures.
4-TEXT OF READING 1604-1 F 70 (Protestant)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 2nd day of June, 1938
43. Before that we find the entity was in the Yucatan or Mayan land, when there were those activities that destroyed the Atlantis land - or that portion of the Poseidian isle or city.
44. The entity was among those who journeyed to other lands, knowing much of the activities of the sons of Belial as well as the precautions and warnings that had been issued by the children of the Law of One.
45. Hence we find the entity was among those who in the early portions of that material sojourn entered into the new buildings, the new activity that became destructive because of the influences from the land of Og and On, and the activities that arose in the western portion of that particular period of sojourn.
46. For there, during the entity's experience, was the upheaval which settled so much in portions of that now known as the southwestern U.S.A.
47. In the experiences then the entity rose to that position of the priestess of the sacrificial activity. Much blood flowed by the hand of the entity during that sojourn.
5-TEXT OF READING 1664-2 M 19
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 29th day of August, 1942
33. Before that the entity was in the Yucatan land, when there were those establishings of the peoples who had escaped from Atlantis.
34. There we find that clothing, and things pertaining to precious jewels, were of special interest to the entity; the decorative art, and this applying to certain characters of textiles also was a portion of the activities.
35. For the entity then, while not the individual in authority, was of the same family; in the name then Tep-k-eux. In the experience the entity gained, and while
disagreements arose among many of those because of the differences in opinions as to the application of the spiritual laws, these the entity brought better in control than most of those through that particular period.
6-TEXT OF READING 2279-1 F 40 (Writer, Lecturer, Religious
Preference, Buddhism) This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 11th day of June, 1940
30. Before that the entity was in the Yucatan land, when there were those groups and individuals who sought places of refuge and shelter when there was the breaking up of the Atlantean land.
31. The entity was a priestess in the temple of the Mayans.
32. Hence in the present all things pertaining to symbols, numbers, and things of rote, have been and are innate and manifested, and a hope and an experience of the entity.
33. The name then was Shalmar.
7-TEXT OF READING 2822-1 F 48 (Executive)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 26th day of September, 1942
18. Before that the entity was in the land now known as the Yucatan, when there were those activities as various groups were being organized by the upsetting of the earth's surface, as well as the various groups that had come from parts of other lands.
19. The entity then was the leader in a spiritual and a material activity, as founded upon not wholly an empire or that of a local nature, but the attempt of a unified work.
20. Then in the name Quenteroien, the entity gained. Some of the groups followed those lands as were set or established in parts of now southwestern New Mexico, where some of the Lost Tribes were established as a center; and others from the entity's own group withdrew to same. Eventually the entity abandoned same; though expecting to return, never did.
21. These brought periods of disturbance, - but that area of the land, of what is now the southwest of the entity's present land of sojourn, has been and ever will be a source of interest for the entity; not only as to the activities of the peoples and their associations with certain groups or associations because of certain inborn activities, but of the lands themselves.
8-TEXT OF READING 3590-1 F 57 (Housewife)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 30th day of December, 1943
20. Before that the entity was in the Yucatan land when the people settled there who came from Atlantis.
21. The entity was a priestess among those who set up a form of activity there; being also then associated with records that were attempted to be preserved from the old order of things in Atlantis.
22. We find that the entity established and added to, or detracted from, the circumstance decided upon as the expedient one for the change in clime and in surroundings.
23. The name then was Queetel, as would be translated.
9-TEXT OF READING 4041-1 F 51 (Housewife; Cake Shop Owner,Manager)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 31st day of March, 1944
27. Before that the entity was in the Yucatan land when there were those activities that brought the various groups from Atlantis when the various upheavals of a physical as well as of a mental nature took place.
28. Then in the name Yama, the entity was a leader, a teacher, an instructor. Thus a form of ritual becomes a part of the life, with those activities of orderliness ever about the entity, the neatness about the person; the abhorrence innately felt and those who are slovenly in their dress or the like. These reactions are sometimes good, sometimes bad.
10-TEXT OF READING 5007-1 F 31 (Librarian)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 14th day of April, 1944
12. Before that the entity was in the land of the present nativity when changes were being wrought by the activities of peoples who had entered from Atlantis.
13. Hence the entity had to do with the plans for groups when new adventures were undertaken. For the entity then was the princess of those peoples in Yucatan, then in the name Esquarn.
14. In the experience the entity was oft disappointed because individuals withdrew from the plans the entity had for its own people. Eventually the entity gave up and allowed itself to be led by others.
11-TEXT OF READING 5245-1 F 66 (Christian Science)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 3rd day of June, 1944
9. Before that we find the entity was in the land now known as Yucatan, when there were those establishings in the land from the Atlanteans. The entity was in the temples, set as the recorder, in the name then Arsth. In the experiences there were those periods of dissension with those in authority when there were the decisions of most of the peoples to join with the movement in what is now portions of Arizona. The entity chose to remain in the experiences there. Records may eventually be discovered again.
12-TEXT OF READING 5254-1 M 42 (Teacher, Presbyterian)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 16th day of June 1944
18. Before that we find the entity was in the Yucatan land when there were those activities from the Atlantean land, when individuals came into that portion to set up or establish new regimes from the lessons gained in the Atlantean land. The entity was with the natives, in the name Kuzan.
13-TEXT OF READING 5255-1 F 51 (Jr. Typist, Presbyterian)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 15th day of June, 1944
18. Before that we find the entity was in the Yucatan land where the groups gathered from the Atlantean land. The entity was rather of the natives but able to embrace and to become a part of the general activities there. Thus becoming an associate or companion to one of those who were set in authority in the land, and thus the unusual reading of stories of adventure, reading of things which pertain to the mystical, all are of special interest to the entity.
19. The name then was Shean.
TEXT OF READING 772-2 F 37 (Housewife, Protestant)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 21st day of January, 1931
19. In the one before this we find in that land now known as the Peruvian, and the entity was then among those who - as a high priestess - led a peoples into a northern land, now known as Yucatan, and the entity was the priestess in the TEMPLE as builded there. Again we find the exercising of judicial influences and forces that pertain to the many varied characters of peoples, whether as to worshipfulness or what. In this experience the entity was rather the sun worshiper, and the taker of blood. Hence in those forces that pertain to such conditions, a shudder is often felt, and a grudge against those who understand such conditions.
TEXT OF READING 826-2 M 33 (Lawyer, Protestant)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at 1867 Kalorama Road, Washington, D.C., this 21st day of February, 1935
25. Before that we find the entity was in that land now known as the Pervian, in those days when there were the establishings of the peoples that had been as sojourners in the land from the Atlantean land.
26. The entity was among those that rose in power from the associations or connections with those peoples from Atlantis and the natives in the Peruvian lands. And it led towards those activities that were later established in what is now Central America, especially in those temple buildings. The entity became as a ruler, as a king, as a monarch, as one to whom many bowed; gained much, lost much. Yet in the latter experience realizing that which has been and must ever be the tenet: Unless those activities among men are the aid for the greater number, rather than for the class or the few, they must eventually fail. The name then was Omri.
TEXT OF READING 1730-1 F 25 (Dietician, Protestant)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 29th day of August, 1930
10. In the one before this we find in that land now known as the central American land, or Yucatan. The entity then among those who journeyed to this land in the building up and establishing of a new kingdom there from the trembles of the Atlantean land, though the ENTITY journeyed from that now known as Peruvian, or the land of the Ohums [?] [Aymaras ?]. In this experience the entity gained and lost, being raised to the position of the high priestess of that temple builded there, and in the exaltation of self's own interests did the entity lose. This experience, introspectively, may be almost imagined in toto by the entity, and the entity might use self in the writing, or in making data of that experience in such a way as to bring for self much of this world's goods, if properly applied. In the name Esum-Elith.
TEXT OF READING 1895-1 F 51 (Housewife, Protestant)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 26th day of May, 1939
36. Before that we find the entity was in the land now known as the Inca or Peruvian or Ecuador land, during those periods when the people from On (?) [Aymaras] and Og were making for so many changes, - by the disturbing forces which arose from individuals who came into the land from the Atlantean land, as well as those who were to journey for the establishing of activities in what is now the Yucatan land.
37. The entity then was a princess, and a daughter of one of the rulers associated with the one [470] who with so many wives (of which the entity was one) made for both good and bad.
38. Hence the entity was given to the keeping in line with the activities of those who were to establish new outlying districts. Hence the beauty of the entity, as well as its associations of power and strength, made for those activities in the Yucatan land - with those of the Atlanteans as well as those from the land of Og and On - that brought about a great advancement.
39. Through those experiences the entity advanced far because of its abilities in judgement as drawn from nature, as well as from the signs of the heavens and those activities that same bear upon the influencing of man, - as well as the seasons and the crops and the like, that were a part of the dependence of each people during those periods.
40. The entity gained throughout that experience, yet - with the regenerating, or the degrading as it became later, to those sacrifices that took hold of the offering of bodily forces, - these became a torment.
TEXT OF READING 3384-3 M 33 (Aviator Instructor)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 12th day of June, 1944
18. Before that we find the entity was in the Egyptian land when there were preparations of individuals for activities in others lands. Then entity was among those who were prepared in the Temple Beautiful for those activities in what is now Yucatan.
19. There the entity may find much which would appear as a part of its own experience, just as it may among the peoples in the southern portion of this land, or the Indians who hold to the symbols of the ancients.
20. The entity may gain much in study of custom which may apply it in its own experience.
21. The name then was Deu-Elan.
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the Warshawsky home, 3046 Webb Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, this 20th day of November, 1935
21. (Q) Would it be advisable for Jennie Moore to approach Dr. Herbert J. Spinden of the Brooklyn Museum with the data already in possession of the Association on the Maya Civilization?
(A) Would it not rather be better that it be presented through the writer as indicated on such articles published in the Sunday Supplements? and then presented to those of such channels for verifications, and thus obtain the collaboration with those not only of the museums but of the various institutions who make for the setting out of research in these directions?
These change the attitude. But they force in the one of the recognition, and in the other they seek to gain not only the incomes but the influence of those associations in the publications!
22. (Q) Should Jennie Moore be the person to handle the work and writing on the Atlantean information?
(A) As has just been given, collaborate with Gobind - well, that's what he goes under! Shujhenti should be his name!
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 105th St. & Ocean, Virginia Beach, Va., this 16th day of February, 1932
3. The position as the continent Atlantis occupied, is that as between the Gulf of Mexico on the one hand - and the Mediterranean upon the other. Evidences of this lost civilization are to be found in the Pyrenees and Morocco on the one hand, British Honduras, Yucatan and America upon the other.
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home in Pinewood on Lake Drive, Va. Beach, Va., this 28th day of April, 1932
7. (Q) Was Atlantis one of the five points at which man appeared in the beginning, being the home of the red race?
(A) One of the five points. As has been given, in what is known as Gobi, India, in Carpathia [?], or in that known as the Andes, and that known as in the western plain of what is now called America - the five places. In their presentation, as we find, these - in the five places, as MAN (Let's get the difference in that as first appeared in what is known as Atlantis, and that as MAN appearing from those projections in the five places - and, as has been given, from their environ took on that as became necessary for the meeting of those varying conditions under which their individualities and personalities began to put on form) - one in the white, another in the brown, another in the black, another in the red. These, as we find, taking that form - Would snow be the place for the black? or the sun the place for the white? or the desert and the hills for either the white or black? as were partakers of those things that brought about those variations in that which enters, or become