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Deeply Ancient.

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Author Topic: Deeply Ancient.  (Read 615 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 139

Eyes that saw...Ancient Past

« on: June 08, 2010, 02:48:31 pm »

AND JOMON SAID: “12,900 years ago, when I was in my youth, my father and I witnessed the first incoming shards of a massive comet called Dragone. It appeared as a feathered serpent as its first splintered pieces came slithering into our sector of the universe. As we stood in awe knowing that we must seek safety we also knew that our time on Earth was about to be transformed by an act that would send massive tsunamis and earthquakes across the entire planet. We had already set up an outpost for our research team of geneticists in what is now biru or Peru in a place held in solid unmovable stone. We would weather the onslaught of this massive comet in the seclusion of these strong mountains. You call it Machu Picchu. We were prepared but the rest of the planet was caught by surprise. We would face starting over. A highly advanced civilization was about to gear up for catastrophe.”
I have lived beyond any person I know of and have kept it a secret since my early years of existence. Only my father knew of this experiment. Then, I was privileged by the God to have been born during the last years of Earth’s Golden Epoch now some 13,000 years ago. My father was fortunate enough to be one of the most advanced of all souls who lived on this planet, a scientist and member of the League of Humanity. Some at the time said his name was “thought” exemplified in physical form. His works have been my guiding light since those ancient of days and I have tired to escort his words down to this very period conveying to humanity his great and grand works. His linkage to the source of our very being here in Time/Space was unbroken in soulular communication. If ever a man knew everything in this forum of existence, he was that man. His life was far beyond a normal 137 orbits of the Goge Portal what is now called the Sun of this solar system. I took his name later in my life to carry on his work, but we will come to that later in this long and detailed report that I am almost sure is the only link to who and what we all are here in Time/Space.
My home was Ubnake a place near what is now called Cuba (specifically the mountainous area) I am transcribing this material now from a hidden place deep under that old mountainous abode…my former youthful home. In those now ancient times the land mass was indeed much larger and my home was much higher. Things were very different back when I first become manifest here in this realm of the Moiré Arena, the focused ground-point of the eye of God within this dimension. My early world was a home filled with excitement and much learning from the instant I arrived here — my father made sure of that. He was already very old when he fathered me to my mother who was one of his assistants in the most important aspects of his research into how we should attain coherency in this realm. I was my father’s own experiment in prolonging existence as a being in one form. It is this abode where I live that contains the secret hibernation device to my longevity. But I shall dwell upon the how of that later in this transmission to surviving humanity.
My becoming is so involved with the exactness of my father’s findings on human existence in this manifestation of being here in physical form that I have had to maintain incremental and precise controls in how I leverage each and every second of my movement from one point of being to another in this world. The timing of my existence must be precise and I always must return to here, my home. It has taken its toll on me mentally and physically yet he trained me well in this strange endeavor that few will ever need experience. I do not suggest its regimen to anyone. It has been long and at each awakening, I find myself saying that I will put this entire journey away and just live life to the end but at the end of each stint, I acquiesce to my father’s instructions though he is long gone from here. He always made the point that no one would have the record of the past unless I followed through. I have done that at great sacrifice and I have reminded myself of the fact that no one has ever done this for future generations. It is of the utmost import. 
My span of being here has been in excess of 13,000 years as I communicate to my beloved friends of the Realm of the Moiré Arena. I have been the stealth founder of this society down through the ages, always to outlive all my beloved friends — brothers and sisters have they always been. Though our group has been extremely small, we have always had the edge in all earthly conflicts by being able to interface with the “then” powers that be, to offer our insight and knowledge which has always been superior due to the hard work of my father, his old friends and those who worked on the many projects as was standard for his great and grand generation and the one that spawned them. The Golden age has at least tricked down to the present even though humanity has suffered numerous catastrophes over the last 12,900 years. The Initial calamity was indeed the blow that almost destroyed all of us on this planet and in this sector of Goge. I will reiterate how we saw it coming, dealt with it and survived its havoc within this, my final thesis. This report will be the last to those who are currently present in area 51 of the United States. There my old friends carry on as best they can. 
As I have lived through it all, with those beloved of you. Each and every epoch of striving here on Earth that I lived through gave us important data.  Though most of you did not survive the individualized periods of history, your work and words still travel as the basis of our total knowing. The libraries we have established and the one here in this vault of vaults attest to the dedication you all have strived for over the many thousands of years will someday come to the real world…now it is ready. It will be your testament. Alas, that world or this one now, is still not ready for our knowledge and enlightenment — yet it is time. I will not be able to carry on much more and it will need to left up to you to form the ultimate guild to see the day of reckoning so all will finally know their true being. It has indeed been a secret closely held by the few of us here and in the purview of those at area 51.
My initial start was in a wonderful world where all human interface and adjustment was finally worked out with all the parameters known and in full utilization even to the point of achieving everlasting life in one from through the entire test of existence rather than the reincarnation of another body to continue the quest. My father’s Great Grandfathers had already learned the secrets of existence here in this realm…it was almost old even to them. Their lives were long in comparison to yours. But they had a civilization not unlike the present realm known to you as the 21st Century. Ah, yes the cities, autos, aircraft and all the trappings you enjoy today were present some 50,000 years ago. Indeed much as transpired on this silly old Earth. At least for the last four million years.
They had the knowledge of their existence from the beginning of their dispensation some 4 million years ago. It was never lost when they came through the portals of Goge as Light beings. Now they lie at the threshold waiting for the door to open so they may return to their true source, as we will also. Those were our “ancient of days.” How and why of our being will be described later in this Tome.
This place called Earth was once the source of all sustenance to high living form. We who occupy this form in a physical state came to this sector through the portal of the Goge System many morrows ago as Light Beings. We settled on many planets and began event sequences to experience this virtual realm of cause and effect. A Light Being is a facet or part of the whole of the All. We truly reside in Timelessness, a state where all that is, is localized. We create vehicles via the mentality of creative movement, which is called the Enigmni or the Absolute and Ultimate unknowable. What is unknown about the Enigmni is only on this side of the All. Feedback Looping is essential to discovering the means to how such power can be expressed.

The Golden Epoch was a period in time that humanity had finally put away the vast selfishness that seems inborn of each soul. When humanity had finally covered the entire Earth with its wars and rumors of wars, disease, foul behaviors, filth and disregard to Life as a whole, something happened to awaken all to the realization of the Burgeoning of altruistic existence. Love of humanity finally had stretched into the mentality of all beings and we became at peace with one another. >>>
This was 50,000 years ago. Humanity had arrived in an advanced culture via its drive to become something more than Animal.
The Broadcast:  Show how it covered the genetic engineering of future forms, and the mental journey that included religion, science, and philosophy that reflected the mirror of being or symbols of deity. It was associated with truth rather than the scientific process of today. Evil was overcome due to the understanding of the since of worth and the ill effects of negative aspects to the soulular traveler. All gestalt aspects were followed in any endeavor. When aspects were explored, it was the related areas that were also addressed as well as the direct causes and effects. Because of this advanced state of what some called “Omegonship” humanity was able to dwell in a complex yet peaceful state of behavior — what scientist now reference as a Phase 2 civilization, but one connected directly to the Primary Technology. Every field was known because every person was schooled in their talent mission to strive for worth at every event sequence of their lives. Each and every person was born herein with a talent for some aspect of existence. The talent was known early in their childhood and it was the point-of-departure for all future training and learning. The great multifaceted being was complete in its holospirited existence with all parts identified and working in unison in the coherency of life…we were all in a high state of Love.
1.   There was no need for government or controlling factions in that old world due to the saturation of understanding within the family of man. There was only one real way to be. The ultimate way. Dialogue was instilled within each and every one of us to strive to attain worth in every endeavor of our development. Research had not stopped because we had attained utopia, it was creativity that came naturally to all of us to present a different facet of understanding to every event sequence. There was never a more colorful world because we went beyond color and the elements and principles of design and chaos was but unperceived unity to us. Chaos dynamics were known to kick in and we developed mechanisms to experience chaos in a slow motions means so our minds could understand the symbolism of its presentation. We learned to live at the speed of Light. But our passion was to live with what brought humanity to its primary realm. The Arena, where all were tested for worth and worthiness. If there were those who did not strive for advancement beyond their talents and abilities and committed a crime against any man or woman the collective counsel would convene and if it were the decision of unit of humanity, they would be sent away to live in the wilderness with other animals. Few were sent away due to the many attempts to advance the mentality of the individual/s.
2.   They called our ancients the Atlantians or the Atlantis civilization. Though that word was indeed associated with our culture, it was not our word for ourselves. We were the Enmayi Omegons a civilization that was not large or overpowering in numbers but we were the proprietors of Earth and it was our home to learn in and through. We achieved the most advanced civilization due to our mentality. We were all educated on a constant basis. Trained to attain worthiness in every aspect of our focus. In other words, we tried very, very hard. Most of our knowledge was attained through our methods of personal memory. To put it differently, we used what we had and though we developed methods to store our memory for future generations in a computer-like fashion, we believed in personal relay of data. Collectively we were the grand depositories of knowledge.  Our language was massive and highly developed. It was iconic in nature with words and pictures being incorporated into one means of expression. Later after the great catastrophe, this language broke into the many that we now see spread across the Earth. It once was one large and comprehensive body of knowledge expressed in precise words and symbols. The language was based on the genetic code that humanity is only now rediscovering. The genetic code was the primary objective when humanity first passed through the portal of Goge. It is all we came with when we came here. What some call DNA was our point of departure in creating the realms seen now on an ever-changing matrix that few minds now understand. This knowledge was onboard our minds the day we arrived here in our forefathers Ult-Shemas (spacecraft or a form of broadcast burst-packets).
3.   The entire Earth was covered to some degree or another with human population when I was borne here. Though some parts of the livable ground were highly inhospitable to the human form, we developed systems to work around the Ice that began to form some 40,000 years ago at the poles. Much of the Earth was covered in Ice and was very different places in comparison to the present state of the environment. Days were mostly calm and weather was less than since the catastrophe. Population of the whole Earth did not exceed 500 million souls. Yet, in the distant past, some 100,000 years ago, life was very compact on this planet — not unlike the present time, 2008. The oceans were less and were almost 1,000 feet more shallow though the mountains were higher; there were always Ice caps on almost all of them as they stayed there year round. Most humans lived in the lowlands not far from the sea. Farming and Agriculture was highly advanced with canals and planting domes everywhere present to use the extremely active and fertile soil. Large animals were created to assist in the farming and arboreal secession via genetic development. Each animal was developed for a specific talent to assist human developers in the Primary Technology Research. Harmony of these systems was then, highly developed.
4.   Micro and Macro systems were highly developed during those days. We understood how powerful the micro systems were so we could build very large structures and machines to manage the land and develop the resources of the Earth. Extracting energy from the vacuum of either drove our power system/s. Mercury was as today’s oil industry. It helped power our Ult-Shemas in all forms down to our Shemas. We did not utilize the wheel as much as is used in the civilization of today. We had few roadways or expressways due to our travel via animals or flying in our Shema-systems. Most access to Earth was accomplished by entry points, which were found all about the lands. Their forms, which were pyramid shaped, had moving stairs so people could move up into the Shemas (Mercury/Plasma Catalytic Devices) You may currently know of this old system as MEG overunity systems or adjacent devices called Brown’s Gas systems. There was no cost to travel anywhere on the Earth. There was no cost at all. We traded anything of high value for like value or gave of our collective and vast wealth. Energy was free and available to everyone for their movement utilization whether bodily or used for simple home states. Almost everyone had just about everything anyone else had and to envy another was not a positive trait to create worth in an individual. Achieving worth was our highest goal for each of us had a mission in life.
5.   Discuss the knowledge of the Golden Epoch. Show how it covered the genetic engineering of future forms, and the mental journey that included religion, science, and philosophy that reflected the mirror of being or symbols of deity. It was associated with truth rather than the scientific process of today. Evil was overcome due to the understanding of the since of worth and the ill effects of negative aspects to the soulular traveler. All gestalt aspects were followed in any endeavor. When aspects were explored, it was the related areas that were also addressed as well as the direct causes and effects. Because of this advanced state of what some called “Omegonship” humanity was able to dwell in a complex yet peaceful state of behavior — what scientist now reference as a Phase 2 civilization, but one connected directly to the Primary Technology. Every field was known because every person was schooled in their talent mission to strive for worth at every event sequence of their lives. Each and every person was born herein with a talent for some aspect of existence. The talent was known early in their childhood and it was the point-of-departure for all future training and learning. The great multifaceted being was complete in its holospirited existence with all parts identified and working in unison in the coherency of life…we were all in a high state of Love.
6.   There was no need for government or controlling factions in that old world due to the saturation of understanding within the family of man. There was only one real way to be. The ultimate way. Dialogue was instilled within each and every one of us to strive to attain worth in every endeavor of our development. Research had not stopped because we had attained utopia, it was creativity that came naturally to all of us to present a different facet of understanding to every event sequence. There was never a more colorful world because we went beyond color and the elements and principles of design and chaos was but unperceived unity to us. Chaos dynamics were known to kick in and we developed mechanisms to experience chaos in a slow motions means so our minds could understand the symbolism of its presentation. We learned to live at the speed of Light. But our passion was to live with what brought humanity to its primary realm. The Arena, where all were tested for worth and worthiness. If there were those who did not strive for advancement beyond their talents and abilities and committed a crime against any man or woman the collective counsel would convene and if it were the decision of unit of humanity, they would be sent away to live in the wilderness with other animals. Few were sent away due to the many attempts to advance the mentality of the individual/s.
7.   They called our ancients the Atlantians or the Atlantis civilization. Though that word was indeed associated with our culture, it was not our word for ourselves. We were the Enmayi Omegons a civilization that was not large or overpowering in numbers but we were the proprietors of Earth and it was our home to learn in and through. We achieved the most advanced civilization due to our mentality. We were all educated on a constant basis. Trained to attain worthiness in every aspect of our focus. In other words, we tried very, very hard. Most of our knowledge was attained through our methods of personal memory. To put it differently, we used what we had and though we developed methods to store our memory for future generations in a computer-like fashion, we believed in personal relay of data. Collectively we were the grand depositories of knowledge.  Our language was massive and highly developed. It was iconic in nature with words and pictures being incorporated into one means of expression. Later after the great catastrophe, this language broke into the many that we now see spread across the Earth. It once was one large and comprehensive body of knowledge expressed in precise words and symbols. The language was based on the genetic code that humanity is only now rediscovering. The genetic code was the primary objective when humanity first passed through the portal of Goge. It is all we came with when we came here. What some call DNA was our point of departure in creating the realms seen now on an ever-changing matrix that few minds now understand. This knowledge was onboard our minds the day we arrived here in our forefathers Ult-Shemas (spacecraft or a form of broadcast burst-packets).
8.   The entire Earth was covered to some degree or another with human population when I was borne here. Though some parts of the livable ground were highly inhospitable to the human form, we developed systems to work around the Ice that began to form some 40,000 years ago at the poles. Much of the Earth was covered in Ice and was very different places in comparison to the present state of the environment. Days were mostly calm and weather was less than since the catastrophe. Population of the whole Earth did not exceed 500 million souls. Yet, in the distant past, some 100,000 years ago, life was very compact on this planet — not unlike the present time, 2008. The oceans were less and were almost 1,000 feet more shallow though the mountains were higher; there were always Ice caps on almost all of them as they stayed there year round. Most humans lived in the lowlands not far from the sea. Farming and Agriculture was highly advanced with canals and planting domes everywhere present to use the extremely active and fertile soil. Large animals were created to assist in the farming and arboreal secession via genetic development. Each animal was developed for a specific talent to assist human developers in the Primary Technology Research. Harmony of these systems was then, highly developed.
9.   Micro and Macro systems were highly developed during those days. We understood how powerful the micro systems were so we could build very large structures and machines to manage the land and develop the resources of the Earth. Extracting energy from the vacuum of either drove our power system/s. Mercury was as today’s oil industry. It helped power our Ult-Shemas in all forms down to our Shemas. We did not utilize the wheel as much as is used in the civilization of today. We had few roadways or expressways due to our travel via animals or flying in our Shema-systems. Most access to Earth was accomplished by entry points, which were found all about the lands. Their forms, which were pyramid shaped, had moving stairs so people could move up into the Shemas (Mercury/Plasma Catalytic Devices) You may currently know of this old system as MEG overunity systems or adjacent devices called Brown’s Gas systems. There was no cost to travel anywhere on the Earth. There was no cost at all. We traded anything of high value for like value or gave of our collective and vast wealth. Energy was free and available to everyone for their movement utilization whether bodily or used for simple home states. Almost everyone had just about everything anyone else had and to envy another was not a positive trait to create worth in an individual. Achieving worth was our highest goal for each of us had a mission in life.
 Much more to come…this is the Tip and Point-of-Departure or POD.
To muse deeply upon the cause of being and the resultant effects that drive future cause and effect is the preoccupation of the Thinker. The mindset is necessary for one to suffer and suffer deeply in order to expand consciousness and leave unconsciousness far behind. We come here to learn and REASON. One must Seek in order to find the answers. To burst through into the realm of Anthropomnic (the cosmic man) existence is to pay the price of deep contemplation and precise thought that will create what is called the Burgeoning. In order for one being to accomplish this, they must seek a second point of reference in order to project this mind into the arena of being. “Where two are three are gathered in my name, there I am also.” My father was that second point of reference in my mental development. Blessed was I.
In my youth my father taught me to manipulate a surface shema (aircraft). It was a multifaceted propulsion (had two or more systems to create its motivational effects) disc-shape  vehicle that hovered above the ground at various heights of from 4 to 20 feet above known terrain. A third drive allowed the surface shema to fly high in the open atmosphere. We utilized these devices of various sizes in order to locate around the Earth where the League of Humanity would establish Multi-developmental sites for expanded research. We called them Multi-zones. Each zone had a landing pad that stood out on the horizon and was a beacon to seek if one were lost. Few were ever lost. There were not many of us on the Earth at this time. Only about half a billion of us had survived the Wars that began to manifest some 20,000 years agone. Then, humanity covered the entire surface of the Earth with a population not unlike the 21st Century or the Omega Placement of this Update. At that time there were some 14 billion souls on this globe according to the data that my father had researched. One must recall, that the Earth was much less inundated with hydra. Our Major Ocean was about 1,000 feet lower in that age. Weather was much more consistently calm. The surface shema was almost like a friend. I would fly over the entire Earth just to explore and watch those who were doing the necessary research at the Multi-zones. The speed factor was from zero to 300 mph and some were much faster and much larger. Mine was what some today call a Hot Rod. Our fuel was Mercury.
I often flew out to the major continent where our interests were being studied by the Agrilanders. Agrilanders were the Primary Technology experts who utilized the Hologramic Programs for study and development of what the 21st Century calls Nature or Genetics via a program called DNA. We created Nature as if it were a toy. With so few populating the Earth, we knew almost everyone and everyone had a unique name and profession. While we were highly sophisticated and lived long lives we were also well educated with the Wisdom of the Heart. REASON was our key and everyone attained the highest level of that tradition from the most ancient of times.   
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Hero Member
Posts: 139

Eyes that saw...Ancient Past

« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2010, 02:53:03 pm »
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Hero Member
Posts: 164

Blue-Hue? is he Just Blind, or a One-eyed 'king' ?

« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2013, 12:48:01 pm »

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Atlantis in,"historical-Perspective"

This Egyptian,INDIAN-Ocean trade-Empire was
ruled by-CEO-Queen Tiy

PLATO wrote (GREEK!)" ATHE " Now,Aden= Solomon's/OFIR, in Herodotus-Araby-Map

ATLANTIS-Dialogue=Satire,on Athens-Trade boycott(of Darius2,413bc)
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