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Icy asteroid may shed light on where Earth's water came from

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Author Topic: Icy asteroid may shed light on where Earth's water came from  (Read 946 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 136

« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2010, 03:13:40 am »

Yes I did answer your question.

actually, no you didn't but you did do a nice texas two step to avoid doing so.

If you can't comprehend it that's your problem

oh i comprehended it all right , that is why i can say you never answered my question.

You didn't answer my question though..  When did you last see an animal read the Bible?

animals do not have the same morality as humans or if you can even call it 'morality'.  when did you see animals have courts, juries, lawyers, laws, prisons and other things that come with morality?  they commit 'murder' all the time and they can steal too yet no one calls them onit.

if you think man got his sense of 'morality' from animals or agree with those who do then you have a big problem.
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Dever is wrong, archaeology is not an unedited glimpse into the past.
Superhero Member
Posts: 1156

« Reply #16 on: July 06, 2010, 09:40:27 am »

Maybe if I spell it out for you and use really small words you'll get it.  Animals and humans care for and nurture their young.  Is this moral?  YES.  Animals form communities in the wild to protect one another, mate and forage for food and share with said community.  Is this moral?  YES.  Do humans do the same thing?  YES.  Your statement about courts, lawyer etc are strictly human ideas in ways of dealing with unlawful people and therefore irrelevant if your talking about species other than humans.  They didn't get their morality from God since God is man-made.  Morality is programmed in every species.  And no one had to programmed it.  Our species has been on this planet for a minimum of 100,000 yrs. If there is a God floating around out there he waited 96,000 yrs to reveal himself, watching with completely indifference while our ancestors suffered with tribal warfare, decease, probably with lifespans of maybe 25-30 yrs., high infant mortality, volcanoes, earthquakes etc.  Then 6,000 yrs. ago he says... "Okay, I have to intervene now".  And what better place to do it would be in an obscure part of the Middle East.  That is why God is man made.  To say that we were incapable of being moral until God finally showed up is ridiculous.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 10:02:38 am by Robert0326 » Report Spam   Logged

Blasphemy is a victimless crime.
"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as His father, in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."     Letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823 -Thomas Jefferson
Hero Member
Posts: 136

« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2010, 03:40:22 pm »

They didn't get their morality from God since God is man-made

prove it, with unrefutable evidence from credible and legitimate sources.

Morality is programmed in every species.  And no one had to programmed it.

how could it be programmed if no one programmed it?  you still haven't answered the question: where did morality come from? you fly in the face of evidence for maorality had to be established first before any laws could be made and punishment meted out. who set the rules and why are their rules greater than another person's?

Our species has been on this planet for a minimum of 100,000 yrs.

wrong and unprovable.

probably with lifespans of maybe 25-30 yrs.,


To say that we were incapable of being moral until God finally showed up is ridiculous.

no that describes your whole post.  if there is no God then there is no concept of God or a god thus man could not have invented Him or them. you cannot produce what you have no concept of and i see you clearly avoided answering my post.

morality is the same. without a moral God man would have no concept of what morality is and could not create it even to save their own lives. which is why 'survival of the fittest' is used in the theory of evolution. the process has no morality no concept of it thus it can produce no morality in anything.  everything is right under the theory because there is no morality to say what is wrong.
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Dever is wrong, archaeology is not an unedited glimpse into the past.
Superhero Member
Posts: 1156

« Reply #18 on: July 06, 2010, 09:46:19 pm »

I'm sorry that you can't understand my posts.  It's too bad your too closed minded and ignorant and refuse to take in a different point of view as to how life and and everything got started.  I'm done repeating myself.  Have you ever read books on evolution, biology or anything else for that matter besides the Bible?  Anyways, I'm done.  The burden of providing proof is with you since your making extraordinary claims about life and the universe.
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Blasphemy is a victimless crime.
"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as His father, in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."     Letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823 -Thomas Jefferson
Hero Member
Posts: 136

« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2010, 03:51:36 pm »

let's go through that last post:

I'm sorry that you can't understand my posts

misleadingand ignores what i said. i understood them fine, which is why i know the poster didn't answer my question. he thinks that morality just 'appeared' out o fnothing even though everyone knows that something doesn't come from nothing.

It's too bad your too closed minded and ignorant

the usual personal attacks and insults . these always come when an evolutionist or athiest cannot prove their arguments.

refuse to take in a different point of view as to how life and and everything got started. 

this demonstrates how little the unchurched world knows and understands christians. they do not realize that we investigated before accepting Jesus as our Savior and the Bible as the word of God. Once we found it to be true, we do not have to relive the arguments all over again. once you have the truth you do not listen to the lies and deceptions of alternate theories

yes we do refuse to take in different views because they are lies and no where near the truth found in the Bible.

I'm done repeating myself

i don't think he even started as i never received an answer to my question and he never proved one thing he said was true. this is tuypical of evolutionists who, like mormons, just want others to take them at their word without proving one thing they have said is true.

Have you ever read books on evolution, biology or anything else for that matter besides the Bible

this insinuation pops up all the time when the evolutionist/atheist is stymied because their ways are not accepted and refuted. of course believers read evolutinary books and we see where they are wrong and all they present in those books are: assumption, conjecture, hypothesis fueled by their faith in something they cannot put n a test tube and examine nor even know if it really exists or is responsible for the things we see today. 

evolutionists spin a wild tale about millions of years ago but they can't even prove what you had for dinner last week let alone what took place eons ago.

The burden of providing proof is with you since your making extraordinary claims about life and the universe.

another wrongful assumption. the only people making 'extrodinary claims' are evolutionists as they cannot prove one thing they say as true. all a person has to do to prover the Bible is true is visit a hospital maternity ward, an animal nursery and a plant nursery and they have their evidence. whereas evolutionists cannot produce one item today that proceeds as they claim.

nor can they point to one ancient document that supports their claims whereas the believer can. evolution and other alternatives are just lies made up because people do not want to accept the truth found in the bible.

so the burden of proof is on the atheist, the evolutionist, the unbeliever to show that their theories are the truth. the believer already has the evidence on their side.
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Dever is wrong, archaeology is not an unedited glimpse into the past.
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