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Ghosts I have Met and Some Others

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Author Topic: Ghosts I have Met and Some Others  (Read 5328 times)
Keeper of the Seven Keys
Superhero Member
Posts: 2158

« Reply #75 on: November 03, 2009, 02:00:57 am »


The destruction of the wall-paper, not to mention the wiping out in
a moment of my means of livelihood, made of the fifth shove an
intolerable nuisance. Controlling myself with difficulty, I put on
my hat and rushed to the telegraph office, whence I despatched a
message, marked "Rush," to Peters.

"For Heaven's sake, complete your exorcism and bring it here at
once," I wired him. "Answer collect."

Peters by no means soothed my agitation by his immediate and
extremely flippant response.

"I don't know why you wish me to answer collect, but I suppose you
do. So I answer as you request: Collect. What is it you are going to
collect? Your scattered faculties?" he telegraphed. It was a mean
sort of a telegram to send to a man in my unhappy state, and if he
hadn't prepaid it I should never have forgiven him. I was mad enough
when I received it, and a hot retort was about to go back, when the
bothersome spook turned up and drew my mind off to other things.

"Well, what do you think of me?" he said, ensconcing himself calmly
on my divan. "Pretty successful shover myself, eh?" Then he turned
his eye to the inkspots on the wall. "Novel design in decoration,
that. You ought to get employment in some wall-paper house. Given an
accurate aim and plenty of ink, you can't be beaten for vigorous

I pretended to ignore his presence, and there was a short pause,
after which he began again:
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