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Ghosts I have Met and Some Others

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Author Topic: Ghosts I have Met and Some Others  (Read 5337 times)
Keeper of the Seven Keys
Superhero Member
Posts: 2158

« Reply #75 on: November 03, 2009, 02:04:30 am »


So hopeless was my estate now become that, dreading more than ever
that which the inscrutable future held for me, I sat down and framed
an advertisement, which I contemplated putting in all the
newspapers, weeklies, and monthly periodicals, offering a handsome
reward for any suggestion which might result in ridding me of the
cockney ghost. The inventive mind of man has been able to cope
successfully with rats and mice and other household pests. Why,
then, should there not be somewhere in the world a person of
sufficient ingenuity to cope with an obnoxious spirit? If rat
-dynamite and rough on June-bugs were possible, why was it not likely
that some as yet unknown person had turned his attention to
spectrology, and evolved something in the nature of rough on ghosts,
spectremelinite, or something else of an effective nature, I asked
myself. It seemed reasonable to suppose that out of the millions of
people in the world there were others than Peters and myself who had
made a study of ghosts and methods of exorcising them, and if these
persons could only be reached I might yet escape. Accordingly, I
penned the advertisement about as follows:

  WANTED, by a young and rising author,
     who is pursued by a vindictive spirit,

                A GHOST CURE.

    A liberal reward will be paid to any wizard,
  recognized or unrecognized, who will, before
  February I, 1898, send to me a detailed statement
  of a


  of getting rid of

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