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How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Isla
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How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Isla
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Topic: How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Isla (Read 4542 times)
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How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Isla
July 28, 2009, 01:59:52 am »
How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Islands
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Full Member
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Re: How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Isla
Reply #1
April 08, 2010, 02:18:07 am »
Our forgotten History pt 2 - Lumeria
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Rachel Dearth
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Posts: 4464
Re: How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Isla
Reply #2
April 08, 2010, 11:30:45 am »
Google Earth already said this was an illusion from mapping lines, didn't they?
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Hero Member
Posts: 164
Blue-Hue? is he Just Blind, or a One-eyed 'king' ?
Re: How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Isla
Reply #3
February 20, 2013, 06:35:53 am »
What I tell you now
I mentioned to 50 European Universities
but they declined promoting the discovery
I was repremanded by the police for telling a Tale.
PLATO, ofcourse, did Not write the LATIN Toponym of ATLANTIS
The original Greek translation did not survive the ravages of Time
So, we barked up the wrong tree for 20-Centuries ! Imagine the frustration!
Yet Atlantis(" its Queen was Hatshepsut Daughter of Atlas")
is a flawless translation from greek " ATHE " and
Hindu, ATHE - KARIA - Panthiya, meaning Land of the Flying white Elephant.
The Koran still retains the LATIN- version: Ad-Land !
in Surat 89, it says that Prophet" HUD ", had pre-warned the
stubborn inhabitants of ' Ad-Land ' for an on-comming Tsunami
in this Land of the white Flying Elephant, but the 'People of Ad'
thought that they were just Rain-Clouds or a Dust-Storm.
Atlantis experienced not ONE but THREE major/ Mega-Tsunamies
Their relative Dates are known: 1055- 855- 705 bc
But I don't expect that you believe my Theory-story.
Blue Hue
'; dd Aug 20- 2013
Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 10:04:05 am by BlueHue2
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Atlantis in,"historical-Perspective"
This Egyptian,INDIAN-Ocean trade-Empire was
ruled by-CEO-Queen Tiy
PLATO wrote (GREEK!)" ATHE " Now,Aden= Solomon's/OFIR, in Herodotus-Araby-Map
ATLANTIS-Dialogue=Satire,on Athens-Trade boycott(of Darius2,413bc)
Dr. Carlos Guemerro
Superhero Member
Posts: 1455
Re: How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Isla
Reply #4
February 22, 2013, 12:00:34 am »
To truly find Atlante, one must look off the course of Spain, as the Georgeos has. My friend, please read the teachings of the Georgeos an forget this silliness.
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Hero Member
Posts: 164
Blue-Hue? is he Just Blind, or a One-eyed 'king' ?
Re: How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Isla
Reply #5
February 26, 2013, 12:46:23 pm »
Please re-view my Subscript !
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Atlantis in,"historical-Perspective"
This Egyptian,INDIAN-Ocean trade-Empire was
ruled by-CEO-Queen Tiy
PLATO wrote (GREEK!)" ATHE " Now,Aden= Solomon's/OFIR, in Herodotus-Araby-Map
ATLANTIS-Dialogue=Satire,on Athens-Trade boycott(of Darius2,413bc)
Sr. Member
Posts: 52
Re: How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Isla
Reply #6
February 26, 2013, 05:04:22 pm »
Dear , the text was not written correctly , they probably mean :
How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Madeira Islands - Portugal
Are any people doubt of this subject, as these Territory are being recognized by the UN, for the Portuguese Government
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Sr. Member
Posts: 52
Re: How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Isla
Reply #7
February 26, 2013, 05:06:25 pm »
It is a part of the whole basement belonging to the Government of the Azores
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Dr. Carlos Guemerro
Superhero Member
Posts: 1455
Re: How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Isla
Reply #8
February 27, 2013, 11:20:49 pm »
All area around Spain, Africa and Atlantic Ocean belong to the theory of Georgeos. My friend, stop this silliness and contribute your theory to him.
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Sr. Member
Posts: 52
Re: How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Isla
Reply #9
February 28, 2013, 06:44:12 pm »
My friend , as you know, i'm living in a free country , as you , i think not , you're always talking in behalf of others , what you mean with contribute?
my contribute it's for all people , not to any personn in specific ,regards
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Dr. Carlos Guemerro
Superhero Member
Posts: 1455
Re: How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Isla
Reply #10
March 24, 2013, 12:55:04 am »
The Georgeos find Atlante on the Google earth long ago, why no mention this fact of him? Please, my friend, feel not the envies and the hatreds of the Georgeos.
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Sr. Member
Posts: 52
Re: How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Isla
Reply #11
March 24, 2013, 01:48:41 pm »
Again. . .and again. . .again. . .the same Blá-Blá-Blá.
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Hero Member
Posts: 164
Blue-Hue? is he Just Blind, or a One-eyed 'king' ?
Re: How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Isla
Reply #12
August 19, 2013, 10:43:03 am »
DEAR, Readers
of THIS TOPIC-Subject,
I have written ONCE to Dear S~enhor GEORGEOS,
but his returne message was, that he did NOT want me
To contribute my Theory in HIS Websites, because it would upset
his Atlantis in Spain/ Cadiz-Theory,"Keep your Theory away from Me"
was his ' Feedbaçk 'I even believe that he banned me twice.
His wonderfully carefull Biographer 'BRIG'( from AR )has monitored
Senhor DIAZ-Montexano's explanations trying to break the MEDIA-Shortage.
PEOPLE or the comunity at Large are indeed NOT amused by my
Discovery of Atlantis in Aden, because it to ' upsetts their Applecarts.'
My Atlantis in Historical perspective Theory
(The discarded 11th-Atlantis-Theory from SCI-FI-Tv in 2008.)
is ' SAFE ', because,
Atlantis is NOT in Morrocco but in Ethiopia, and South Araby.
In 705 bc a Mega Tsunami forced all present Mediterranean People to
emigrate to the present " MED "( Taking their-older-Myths with them.)
Thus no Pelasgian Greek nor Punician-City foundations in the " MED "
Date from before 705 bc.
THIS is what I perceive as the discarded-MEDIA-Shortage !
The other Atlantologists simply ask continually for "PROOF " because
they simply don't want Atlantis (= ATHE ) to be found in their life-time.
Dr GREG-Little, reacted in the same way as Senhor 'GEORGEOS 'did !Naturally
HOMERUS,(=Meropia) BIBLE(= Israel and Atlantis)
ARABy is Atlantis, it is verified so, via the Herodotus-Araby Map ( dd 450 bc )
Where it clearly says " ATALANTES ". Moreover,
COLUMBUS ( "Pass the Columns or Bust ")Plus-Ultra !
himself named, Araby as the ( Jewish)Hebrew Atlantis/Atlantida.
Yokthan/Yuccatan & Caria-land/the Carribean coasts.)
The only fault in his Plan was the barrier of America
Dear 'GEORGEOS' closed his eyes for this " MEDIA-Shortage "
If he turned his futile efforts to Araby instead he would discover much more !
Mr. ' BRIG ' admin.of AR & I considder dear 'GEORGEOS' as,
the ' Hawwi-Zahwass ' of modern-Atlantology !
Blue Hue
' dd 20th Aug. 2013
I cannot Upload my Atlantis Short Paper
because of a quaint ERROR Message, that
My( Empty-) UPLOAD-Folder is Full, quaint indeed.
I'll get back to Yours Truly when the Admin has solved that glitz.
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Atlantis in,"historical-Perspective"
This Egyptian,INDIAN-Ocean trade-Empire was
ruled by-CEO-Queen Tiy
PLATO wrote (GREEK!)" ATHE " Now,Aden= Solomon's/OFIR, in Herodotus-Araby-Map
ATLANTIS-Dialogue=Satire,on Athens-Trade boycott(of Darius2,413bc)
Rachel Dearth
Superhero Member
Posts: 4464
Re: How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Isla
Reply #13
August 22, 2013, 12:42:30 am »
Well, shucks, write him again! He is probably just jealous of your intellect!
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Superhero Member
Posts: 3279
Re: How to Find Atlantis on Google Earth (Sea) - West Coast of Morocco - Canary Isla
Reply #14
August 26, 2013, 04:11:25 pm »
Recent research suggests that water tables at different times or ages would open up whole new perspectives on how we have been looking for Atlantis.
One more thing I will add to this is; air-bursts from comets and asteroids creating spontaneous climate changes. Evidence of tsunamis and mega-tsunamis on adjacent shore lines.
Mega-thrust Earth-quakes, volcanism, and man's impact on this planet. After factoring in all the data over the course of about 10,000 years. I have yet to offer any definitive areas of interest that would exclude the other 12 places it "Could have", been.
I love the idea that Atlantis once existed and my romance with her is something I will always keep in my soul.
Yet, I am ever more skeptical. As for Plato's Atlantis, the message is clear.
The Atlantis of the free-masons, (United States) is suffering all the same from the corruption and lust for power.
Last Edit: August 26, 2013, 04:16:39 pm by HereForNow
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