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Author Topic: ERYTHEIA/GADES/CADIZ  (Read 4499 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 41646

« Reply #60 on: March 04, 2008, 07:23:45 pm »

OK, Mark, I found it:

Hero Member

Posts: 14611

     Re: The Myth in Plutarch's 'The Face in the Moon'
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2007, 12:06:27 pm » Quote Modify 


H O M E R :

 Here is what Homer says (Odyssey, Book ): "There is an isle, OGYGIA, that lies far off in the sea; there dwells the daughter of Atlas, crafty Calypso, of the braided tresses, an awful goddess, nor is any either of gods or mortals conversant with her. Howbeit, some god brought me to her hearth, wretched man that I am, all alone, for that Zeus with white bolt crushed my swift ship and cleft it in the midst of the wine-dark deep. There all the rest of my good company was lost, but I clung with fast embrace about the keel of the curved ship, and so was I borne for nine whole days. And on the tenth dark night the gods brought me nigh the isle Ogygia, where Calypso of the braided tresses dwells, an awful goddess."


A P O L L O D O R U S:

(Library and Epitome, E 7.22): "And thence he came to THRINACRIA, island of the Sun, where kine were grazing, and being windbound, he tarried there. But when his comrades slaughtered some of the kine and banqueted on them, for lack of food, the Sun reported it to Zeus, and when Ulysses put out to sea, Zeus struck him with a thunderbolt. And when the ship broke up, Ulysses clung to the mast and drifted to Charybdis. And when Charybdis sucked down the mast, he clutched an overhanging wild fig-tree and waited, and when he saw the mast shot up again, he cast himself on it, and was carried across to the island of OGYGIA."



Re:  THRINACRIA is Sicily.  It is still called that today in some quarters, because of its triangular shape.

There are also soccer teams called TRINACRIA in Sicily and other parts of the world. (Canada for one)

Furthermore, CHARIBDYS is mentioned.  Charibdys and Scylla are the two "monsters" one had to face

in ancient times while crossing from Sicily to the Italian mainland.  The reality is the fierce currents in

the Strait of Messina, which is also full of dangerous, large rocks. 

Therefore, by this account, the island of OGYGIA has to be in the Mediterranean.....,2062.msg19776.html#msg19776
« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 07:26:08 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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