The True Adventures of a Psychic Spy

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                      T H E   T R U E   A D V E N T U R E S   O F   A   P S Y C H I C    S P Y

Part 1

Former military intelligence remote viewer David Morehouse shares his insights into accessing multi-dimensional reality, and reveals disturbing details on the downing of TWA Flight 800.


Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 4, #5 (August-September 1997).
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by Uri Dowbenko
An Interview with David Morehouse
Remote Viewing Technologies
64 Whitman Street, Suite 1A
Carteret, NJ 07008, USA



In a top-secret hidden location on a US Army base, men and women working for the CIA prepare to "fall" into the fourth dimension. It's an all-grey room-walls, carpet, furniture, everything. Baroque music plays while they recline, relaxing, preparing to enter an altered state of consciousness.

What they're about to do is access the time-space continuum in a technique known as "remote viewing". When the brain registers the theta-wave state on the monitoring equipment, they are ready to "jump into the ether", in the words of David Morehouse, author of Psychic Warrior: Inside the CIA's Stargate Program [see review, NEXUS 4/02].

Science fiction? Not at all. This is advanced technology pioneered by esteemed scientists, laser physicists like Dr Targ and Dr Puthoff, at the Stanford Research Institute in the 1970s.

More recently, the program was developed by the US Government's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). This top-secret psychic warfare program was called Project Scangate, then Operation Sun Streak, then Operation Stargate. Morehouse's controllers euphemistically described it as an "intelligence collection method".

Bypassing internal bureaucratic and congressional oversight, they were called "Special Access Programs" or "SAPs"-a cellular approach to organisation, compartmentalising all activities which might put the Pentagon in a bad light as well as providing a rationale for "plausible denial".



The ability to access the "heaven" worlds and other dimensions has been the gift of David Morehouse's life. Likewise, it has been his bane or curse. Why? Because he also has the ability to access what could accurately be called "hell": a netherworld containing the most sordid episodes in the history of mankind.

For example, as a training exercise, Morehouse was sent back to the Dachau death camps of Nazi Germany in the 1940s. Imagine what that was like. Morehouse had to live with the vivid memories and sense impressions of his experience for months thereafter.

So how does remote viewing work? How do you tap into the unconscious mind, the time-space continuum?

According to David Morehouse, remote viewing is a description of " going from the physical dimension to the target, wherever it is in time and space. If you're moving backward in time, if you're travelling through the ether, you're actually tying into the unconscious mind, so you're going backwards or forwards. I have always referred to it as the time-space continuum, essentially part of, or one and the same as, the ether."

So is the ether the medium upon which you travel?

"No. It's a misnomer," continues Morehouse. "You're not really travelling. It's like folding space. You are travelling, but you're not moving. Does that make sense?"

Well, not really. Something is going somewhere, you would think.

Morehouse again tries to explain. "If you have access to the unconscious mind, you have free range of the time-space continuum. It is tied into all humanity, or the whole universe, or perhaps other universes and other dimensions. At the same time, it has an individual aspect in that it is willing and wanting a connection with the conscious mind."

One of the biggest problems in communicating this experience seems to be the relative inadequacy of language. In other words, how do you express 4D concepts, experiences and phenomena in 3D language? Obviously, a new nomenclature is needed which can a represent a reality that is beyond the box of ordinary three-dimensional consensus reality.

So, then, what is the difference between an "altered" state and a so-called "normal" state?

"We're conversing in beta state," says Morehouse. "When you lie down tonight, you'll drop down into alpha. Then you'll drop into a theta-wave state. In theta-wave state, it appears that the conduits become open. It's called the 'thought incubation state', a time when that 'limen' which separates the conscious mind from the unconscious mind becomes thinner. The 'limen' is just a word to describe a plane, or a separator or septum between states, but nobody knows what the unconscious mind is.

"The altered state is an extended theta-wave state, meaning the stage where the limen becomes transparent," continues Morehouse. "Another way to describe it is that doors or conduits begin to open. The difficulty is not in opening the conduits. That, in retrospect, becomes relatively easy. The difficulty is in teaching the conscious mind to translate, without analysis or data. The unconscious mind, playing the role of the individual self that is your personality, carries in data from the collective unconscious and begins to sling it in because it wants to establish a connection with the conscious mind to all sorts of data relevant to the time-space continuum."

It sounds chaotic and random.

"It is chaotic and it is random because the unconscious mind wants to establish this connection with the conscious mind," says Morehouse. "It's the conscious mind that focuses primarily downward into the physical. I've found that the time-space continuum is a four-dimensional existence, whereas the conscious mind is in a three-dimensional existence.

"The four-dimensional world is something I can't even begin to describe. It's an omniscience, an omnipotence, an omnipresence, an all-seeing, all-knowing existence. If you exist in a four-dimensional world, then you truly become godlike."

Talking about these experiences becomes like grasping at the ungraspable.

"We are all-you, I, my wife, my children, all of us-connected in the unconscious at a level we cannot see," says Morehouse, sounding more and more like a mystic. "When I was growing up, and I remember the times when I went to church, I would hear them talk about God as being in all places at all times, dwelling in your heart and watching over everyone; omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent. How does that happen? I always wondered. It's impossible. It doesn't take place in the physical dimension. It takes place in the four-dimensional world."



So how do remote viewers access the fourth dimension?

"The methodology-what we refer to as 'the cool-down process'-is any way that you can get into the theta-wave state," says Morehouse. "We were taught to go into a place we called 'sanctuary'. It was a place where you would go to gather your bearings, to acclimate yourself. Each individual viewer created his own sanctuary. For some viewers it was some sort of a garden, or a safe house, or a safe place.

"For me, it was a transparent box in space," continues Morehouse. "In the total blackness of space, with stars all around. When I was in there, nothing could harm me."

So what did you visualise in that box?

"My conscious mind; what I projected out. I visualised it as an apparitional self, a phantom self. It looked like a human form, only a light-radiance, a transparent self. Then I would begin what I call the 'descent into the target area', and that became a nomenclature that was widely used throughout."

And this is what was called "falling into the ether" or "jumping into the ether"?

"I stepped out of sanctuary, and I stepped into a vortex," says Morehouse. "A tunnel of light would slowly begin to materialise as I prepared myself in the centre of the floor of sanctuary. And when I was ready, I would step into the vortex and I would fall. I accelerated faster and faster and faster and faster, until I hit some sort of a membrane. And then I would punch through into the target area. I used to get vertigo often. I would fall head-first with my arms out, and I would accelerate until, 'Boom!', I would punch through."

And what was happening in the grey room at this time?

"They were monitoring bio-signs. They recorded your sessions. They were miked. They had low-light cameras. They videotaped your sessions. They wanted to know everything that was happening."

And you could hold a conversation?

"You could talk to them and they could talk to you," says Morehouse. "In coordinate remote-viewing, it was a very disciplined, structured regimen. You can be in a theta-wave state but you could be conscious. You could sketch on paper. You could write down your perceptions. You could answer questions from the monitor.

"In extended remote viewing, you would begin the same way. Your task could be: 'Access the target and describe the event taking place.' But you have the encrypted coordinates. Most remote-viewing states last an hour or an hour and a half. Extended sessions last two to three hours."

So what actually happened when Morehouse 'fell' into the ether; when he was not 'in control', pulling off to the side of a road while driving, for example?

"My analysis is that once you open the conduit, it's like trying to shut the gates on a dam. There's always spillage. There's always something there that never closes completely. I think there are a number of conduits that never close. When you're normally under control, you have the ability to recognise what's happening and you can put it in check right away; then you're okay. Mel Riley [another remote viewer and a former colleague of Morehouse] was interviewed on television, and he said, 'I always have channels open. Always.'

"A way to describe it is that a remote viewer always has one foot in the conscious matrix of the mind and one foot in the unconscious matrix, and what, where and how he perceives the world around him depends on what foot he stands. And you can jump from one foot to another and back again almost without knowing it. Mel was able to keep his balance better because he grew up with it. His first experience with it was at age 11, so he grew up with it. So did Ingo Swann. I didn't start out with this ability. I didn't want this ability. A gunshot wound made this happen."

And what can keep the conduits closed down?

"There is a physiological remedy to this," says Morehouse. "It's called Haldol or Loxitane. We have lots of mental strait-jackets. Then you walk around in a cloud and you don't know your own name, but you don't have a dissociative disorder. And you don't step into the ether unwillingly.

"I think there are a lot of people who are diagnosed schizophrenic who essentially have conduits open into the unconscious. They have data flowing at random without their having any input. Outwardly they hear voices. They're tapping into another dimension. God only knows."

So how do hallucinogenic drugs relate to this phenomenon? After all, taking drugs has been described as "taking heaven by force".

"Chemical inducement of an altered state is, in my opinion, simply the chemical opening of conduits," says Morehouse. "The problem is that you never learn to do it on your own. You never learn anything from it because you never have any control while it's happening. You don't have the ability to master it. You're just on a joy ride. I think the mechanics are the same, though, and you just go on the magical mystery tour."



New models of reality have to be introduced in order to correlate the evidence gathered by remote viewing and other extraordinary phenomena.

For instance, according to alternative science theoretician Bruce Cathie, "...a rough analogy of physical existence can be made by reference to a strip of motion picture film. Each frame or static picture on the film strip may be likened to a single pulse of physical existence. The division between one frame and the next represents a frame of anti-matter. When viewed as a complete strip, each frame would be seen as a static picture-say, one at either end of the strip-then the past and the future could be viewed simultaneously.

"However, when the film is fed through a projector, we obtain the illusion of motion and the passage of time. The divisions between the static pictures are not detected by our senses because of the frequency or speed of each projection on the movie screen. But by speeding up or slowing down the projector, we can alter the apparent time rate of the action shown by the film..."

In the 1970s, a radically new theory of consciousness was proposed by Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram and University of London physicist David Bohm, a former protégé of Einstein and a world-renowned quantum physicist. Briefly stated, they came to the conclusion that the universe itself may be structured like a hologram-a kind of image or construct created at least in part by the human mind.

As described in Michael Talbot's book, The Holographic Universe, they considered another way of looking at the world: "Our brains mathematically construct objective reality by interpreting frequencies that are ultimately projections from another dimension, a deeper order of existence that is beyond time and space. The brain is a hologram enfolded in a holographic universe."

Talbot's book is an invaluable introduction to the paradigm. This model also shows the interconnectedness of the so-called physical and metaphysical worlds, how various non-physical phenomena and states of consciousness, mystical states of awareness, out-of-body experiences and near-death experiences can co-exist and interact with one another.

Even prophecy or forecasting the future can be described using this model, vis-à-vis Puthoff's and Targ's precognitive remote-viewing experiments; in other words, "a view of the future as a hologram that is substantive enough for us to perceive it but malleable enough to be susceptible to change". Ingo Swann speaks of the future as "crystallising possibilities".

Relating to Morehouse's description of accessing the fourth dimension through remote viewing, the late Itzhak Bentov, author of Stalking the Wild Pendulum, described the relationship between normal versus expanded states of consciousness as a constant "on-off" process in which time spent in our "solid" reality, as opposed to other realities, is like fine-tuning the frequency dial of consciousness.



Morehouse's description of remote viewing also correlates to the Sanskrit term siddhis, or powers, which include clairaudience, clairvoyance, even precipitation of matter from the ethers. Christians have called them the "gifts of the Holy Spirit"-spiritual gifts given by the grace of God.

"Yes, I don't disagree," he says. "It's a gift, but by the same token I think there must be a reason why we're not born with it."

Some Christians disagree with his advocacy of teaching remote-viewing techniques. "Their position is that I'm teaching the black arts, and we shouldn't be doing this type of thing," says Morehouse. "I don't disagree that there is a dark side to this, but in the coming millennium we are eventually going to be in somewhat dire straits. We are going to be confronted with very difficult choices. If you knew that people with you are good people, would you not want them to be counted as warriors who serve God with you? Would you not want them to be armed with these powers?"

So do other so-called extrasensory powers like clairvoyance or telepathy come with this ability for remote viewing?

Morehouse replies that "...what happens is that these are all words which describe the perceptions of individuals who have conduits open. The hardest thing is for the conscious mind to develop this ability. It's a learned or practised thing to interpret the data presented to it by the unconscious mind. As the unconscious mind travels backwards and forwards on the time-space continuum, it throws back raw data without analysis. It wants to develop a dialogue, but the dialogue development has to come from the conscious mind. We have to consciously interpret, not analyse, what we're given by the unconscious mind. It's learning how to live with that still, small voice within yourself and learning to interpret it correctly."

And what is that "still, small voice"? Is it the voice of God? Or the voice of the Holy Spirit?

"You have to learn how to interpret it, how to speak that language," says Morehouse. "Your conscious mind can very successfully shut out the Holy Spirit."

This could be what the Christians call "carnal mind", the rational logical mind that breaches no intuitive sensitivity.

And what is the difference between out-of-body experiences and remote-viewing techniques?

"We tried to do an out-of-body experience," says Morehouse. "There was actually experimentation done in developing protocols in developing OOBE remote viewing. Remote viewing is just opening conduits, and out-of-body is an actual separation of the spiritual body from the physical body. And this did not take place in the remote viewing.

"When you tear the spiritual body from the physical, what does that mean? It's harmful. That means that you leave the physical body open, allowing inhabitation by whatever else that wants to step in because the spiritual body is now gone. We're not talking about levels of consciousness. We're talking about spiritual separation. The spiritual body roams around and it's not under control. It's like a balloon floating in a hot breeze. It goes wherever the breeze will carry it, and God only knows what makes up that breeze."

What about the idea that this spiritual body is the responsibility of every individual, that karma can be made and destructive things can be done because the body is not in control?

"I agree wholeheartedly with that," says Morehouse. "In fact, I know that it's true. The physical body is never left in remote viewing. There is always contact, but the physical body begins to manifest the physiological signs of what the projected consciousness is experiencing in the target area."

So what is the term for this projection of consciousness into the target area if it isn't a body?

Morehouse says, "Its called bilocation. It's folding space, folding time and space. It's like bringing the event to you without ever going to the event, if you tap into it. It's omnipresent while traversing back and forth on the time-space continuum. What does it mean? It means you're everywhere at the same time. So the only way you can be everywhere at the same time is because everywhere is where you are. So, folding space is the best analogy I can think of-like an accordion that folds in on itself, where you don't move. I was taught to believe that it was like the pages of a book, of an encyclopaedia. There are planes that are separated, yet they're connected by the spine of the book. The spine of the book corresponds to the unconscious."


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