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An Atlantic Ocean-Based Atlantis

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Author Topic: An Atlantic Ocean-Based Atlantis  (Read 3703 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 3896

« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2007, 11:53:13 pm »


Eloquent ABSTRACT, but you forget what Plato said about the Geographical situation of Poseidon-Polis.

I hate to do this to your Theory, but MARK PONTA had to admit that his theory was also destroyed by me for the following Reasons:

"Atlantis-shores, were not washed by the |OCEAN, but by the SEA-of-ATLAS, which is not the same, where as for-instance INDIAN - OCEAN  and  ARABIAN SEA are indeed the same,

ATLANTIS was on the EXTREMITY of a Branceh Braz-de-MER of the Ocean, with a naerrowing END and no outlet to the othe SEA called the GREEn-Sea by the egyptians.  So 'Atlantis harbour, was not directly placed in the MID-ATLANTIC but rather at the FAR-END= bottom-End of a GULF. or narrow BAY

A COMMON OVERSIGHT: The Name of Plato's OCEAN was not the 'Atlantic'

PLATO named the OCEAN the OIKUMENES-OKEANOS, NOT the 'Atlantic'-Ocean.

in AR, " GEORGEOS 'the Spanish scriptologist from Cuba,
 has found the solution and therewith undermined his own Hoax theory: Plato said that ONLY the part of the OCEAN that was narrow as a Harbour and where the SEA-water washed the SHORES of Atlantis, was where the OCEAN had a differend name and was thus named SEA-of-Atlas or Atlantic SEA(= Not Ocean.)

means Peninsula by ' GEORGEOS ' not Island-Empire in the Atlantic. If that was so it would have read: " ATLANTIKOUM--ARCHI-PELLAGIOS " than is says indeed " Island-Empire but Plato did not write ARCHI-Pellagios "  ISLAND-REALM,  is only in the mind of the bad-reader.

Hi Bluhue,

First off, I don't know why you addressed this post to both me and Riven.  First, Riven hasn't taken part in this thread. Second, if you are implying that I and Riven are, perhaps the same person, you are definitely barking up the wrong tree, fella.  I consider Riven a friend and a kindred spirit in the search for Atlantis, but anyone who has read his research knows that our work bears little resemblance to each other.  We both set Atlantis in the Atlantic, but Riv sets his version in the eastern Atlantic, at 6482 bc., while I take Plato more literally and put it back near the Stone Age, near the Azores.

Anyone who sets Atlantis outside the Atlantic is engaged in wishful thinking, if you ask me, and doesn't give the Greeks any credit for any knowledge of their local geography.  I have no doubt that there was some ancient civilization in the Arabian peninsula that remains unfound, but it sure wasn't Atlantis.  Near as I tell, you haven't even offered any proof to back yourself up.  Citing Georgeos is not proof, by the way.  I have never been convinced of his theories, and the only opinion I share with him is that the ancients weren't confused when it came to the Pillars of Hercules (which they weren't).

Bianca had a good idea, why don't you start your own thread on your theory?  That way we can all discuss it there. 
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« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2007, 11:58:44 pm »

ATLANTIS WAS INDEED in THE ATLANTIC, but in Plato's time  that name was not invented yet by the Roman compilers and thus Plati's OCEAN/ Okeanos was not named the Atlantic but the INDIAN.

That's another mistaken assumption.  Herodotus wrote of the Atlantic Ocean and all the important ancient sources place the Pillars where modern day Gibraltar is.  There isn't anywhere near the dispute on this aming historians that some Atlantologists try and suggest there is.
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Superhero Member
Posts: 3896

« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2007, 12:08:42 am »

Hi, DHill:

There has never been any doubt in my mind that a volcanic eruption - or a series of them -
caused the sinking of Atlantis.  No other EARTHLY known cataclysm could cause such a
massive event.  Unless one believes the stories of their advanced knowledge, then they
could have brought it upon themselves : NUCLEAR DISTRUCTION.......

Of course, I saw and read your "Volcanoes of the Atlantic Ocean" thread and am looking
forward to your future posts.

Love and Peace,

Hi Bianca,

It's interesting that you mention nuclear war. Did you ever hear about the vitrified green glass that has been found in the Libyan desert? Only extreme heat causes vitrification (vitifrified green rock was also found at Hiroshima).  I had a disagreement with Bluducly over this once.

Can anyone else think of another explanation?
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Mark of Australia
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Posts: 703

« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2007, 03:28:56 am »

great posts dhill ,

I am currently reading 'Atlantis' by N. Zhirov. It does have some useful info worth following up.

It's good to see you posting ,I hadn't seen you around recently ,or maybe I just haven't been on that much recently.

In his book ,Zhirov claims in one of his notes that the Horeseshoe Archipelago has sunk in geologically recent times ,but he does not expand on it further as far as I've read up to. Maybe he just means that parts of the Horseshoe were above sea level during the Ice Age due to the lowered sea level? .Or maybe it is an example of geology that has gone out of fashion so that we haven't heard anything about it since then. But there must have been some sort of evidence to account for that view in the first place.

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Hero Member
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« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2007, 04:03:01 am »

Its Time We Put The JUICE In Their Place !
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Posts: 3423

« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2007, 11:49:42 am »

Luckily, I managed to save some of my work from Robert Sarmast's forum before he closed it down.  I had been checking out the Vedas and "flying machines" and decided that if there had been a nuclear war of some kind, there should be evidence of vitrified sand in certain areas that I thought these "wars" might have taken place.  Here is a post from that site:

The next step in my journey towards my theory is to try to find out if there is vitrified sand in the particular areas of interest. Is there vitrified sand in Egypt? Yes there is. Also in Libya and the Sinai desert.

The Libyan desert Glass, great glass sheets, are the purest, natural silica glass ever found. It does contain tiny bubbles, white wisps and inky black swirls, with the general theory being that the glass was created by a meteor or comet. However, there is no sign of a giant crater and micro wave probes have shown no crater deep below the sand and the glass does not contain meteoric debris particles. Again, this glass would have needed mega heat to cause it to form.

So, we have Vitrified Sand in all the areas of ancient civilization, glass that needs extreme heat to form. We have a history in the Vedic texts and scripts of the "gods" fighting" and using nuclear power. Nuclear power causes radioactivity. Radioactivity causes death and sterilization of the land.

I've mentioned before that I'm no good at time lines, and I'm not trying to show a definite time period for anything I'm theorizing on. It's just something forming in my mind, that I'm tracking down to see if it's possible. (like a hundred other looney tunes out there!)

Now the Egyptian priest told Solon that the land hand been inundated many times, and of course I've read where certain scientists have confirmed that the Sphinx was at one time at least half-way covered in water. Most modern civilizations claim in the folktales that their ancestors survived a great flood. It's the basic consensus that most civilizations had their roots in the middle-east and spread to parts of Egypt on the Mediterranean coasts. In other words, our oldest histories are from Mesopotamia and the Med. districts. Now I'm going to make the quantum leap and say then, that most folktakes originate in almost the same place - not necessarily recounting the same flood, but in a general locale. Although this is not a scientific reference, the Urantia Book does mention the flooding of the Med, and it talks about Noah, who lived in a village on a river in Mesopotamia that flooded every year. Noah was the only one up and down the river, who realized he needed to have his goods and family on a floating vessel when the floods came, and as a result, was the only one in the area who survived.

Making an even larger leap, we see the same area or general locality that is considered the "cradle of civilization" to be almost the same general area that has these huge vitrivied sand - glass areas. We have the ancient vedic texts telling about nuclear warfare, which appears to have taken place in the same area.

If one has nuclear power, one must also have the knowledge of how to clean it up. If the "gods" were as powerful and knowledgeable as reported in the Vedic information, and the Urantia Book pretty much affirms that the Prince and his staff had all knowledge, then how do you think these "gods" would clean up the radioactive mess they'd made?
They'd wash it with water - the land would need to be flooded clean. Obviously this could be done by manipulating the weather patterns. It could have rained for 40 days and 40 nights in one area. We had almost that record here in BC last year. It would seem that the "gods" of the Vedic texts were fighting. Whoever the good guys were, perhaps realized they had to clean up the earth of the radioactivity so humans could evolve like they were supposed to. This may sound far fetched to some people, but it must be remembered that the Planetary Prince was a created celestial being with tremendous knowledge. He hand picked his staff from beings that had evolved to a high degree. Their pupose when they arrived here, was to upgrade the WORLD. The planet. Not just the middle east.

To do that, his corporeal staff, would have needed a way to map out the world, find the peoples that had evolved here, locate the sources for timber, the sources for mining the minerals and products they needed to develop the world. They would have had to have a craft to get them around - covering large distances, mapping equipment, communications devices, etc. There were only 100 staff members transported by ceraphic transport. There were only 100 humans who donated their life plasm = 200 super beings. Except that 100 of those beings were already adults. Trying to teach THEM how to build an airplane or fly a UFO probably didn't work too well. Therefore, as stated in the UB, Dalamatia had no less than 500 children in care. They would have taught those CHILDREN right from the beginning - giving them a higher education than even what we have today. The original 100 would have had to train people to mine the right materials, train them in building and manufacturing the products needed etc. etc. etc. But - in the meantime, they likely were able themselves to build the type of craft they needed to not only fly around doing re-con on the earth, but could fly to different planets to get some of the materials they needed that weren't available here. They could have built themselves outposts on planets we call "dead" and mined what they needed, since they had the technology.
They had 350,000 years to do this before the rebellion. These superbeings did not need sleep like humans, nor did they eat like humans. Fruits and nuts sufficed with an energetic power boost from the cosmic energies. Adam and Eve had to have a "tree of life" to support their secondary survival system - the "super" side of them. Then it would seem to be logical to deduct that the Prince's staff also had a "tree of life" since they too, were super beings. Basically, they could work 24/7 as they didn't need sleep or food. By the time the Prince rebelled, the staff could have definitely managed to produce a great deal of high tech developments. Not necessarily all for the "people" either. Some of it was probably supposed to be cloaked or hidden, so didn't evolve faster than we were supposed to, but the staff would have had to have a plan on how to upgrade the whole world at the same time.
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An open-minded view of the past allows for an unprejudiced glimpse into the future.

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"Intellectual brilliance is no guarantee against being dead wrong."
Hero Member
Posts: 365

« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2007, 04:16:46 pm »

Dear Bluehue'
I opened a line here for you.Atlantis in Yemen.Why dont you write there.?Greetings.
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Gwen Parker
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Posts: 4515

« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2007, 09:22:04 pm »

I hate to do this to your Theory, but MARK PONTA had to admit that his theory was also destroyed by me for the following Reasons:

Sorry to burst your bubble, Bluehue, but I don't think that Mark ever admitted anything of the kind to you (nor do I think he would ever).  You have this habit of putting words in people's mouths around here.
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Superhero Member
Posts: 3882

« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2007, 06:57:23 am »

I'm disappointed in the Ampere Seamounts pictures, I hope that there are some better ones!  I asked Greg to see if there are any in the A.R.E. library, but I get the feeling they aren't exactly tops on his list of priorities (I gather he is Bermuda right now).

Mark, does Zhirhov cite a reference for the Horseshoe Seamount to be above water in recent times?

Nice work on finding the info on the vitrified glass, Bianca!  It would be nice to get some pix and compare it with material from a nuclear fallout explosion.
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This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #24 on: June 21, 2007, 09:46:39 am »

Hi Dhill,Desiree
that reference to the Horseshoe Plain is a note at the bottom of page 76.


I am sorry that , according to you I digressed off the Mainstream of Atlantology( which virtually dictates that Atlantis is in the Atlantic Ocean.

My question to you is:

If PLATO , in poëtic-terms ( so NOT as a marine-topologist.) tells us that Atlantis-isle is in a GULF connected to the OCEAN , than why is it a Law of convention that Atlantis should be IN the  ' Mid-Atlantic ' ??

Sorry for asking that  silly question !  I hope to get a silly answer if any.

Sincerely " BlueHue "  dd 21 June- 2007
« Last Edit: June 21, 2007, 09:55:57 am by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #25 on: June 21, 2007, 10:09:28 am »

great posts dhill ,

In his book ,Zhirov claims that the Horeseshoe Archipelago has sunk in geologically recent times ,parts of the Horseshoe were above sea level during the Ice Age due to the lowered sea level? . it is an example of geology that has gone out of fashion so that we haven't heard anything about it since then. But there must have been some sort of evidence to account for that view in the first place.


 Grin  it is funny that you should mention HORSESHOE archipellago, because Atlantis also was surrounded by a Horseshoe Mound !

Strange though that none of the Artists impressions ever showed a Horseshoe Mound surrounding Atlantis Royal Metropolis.

In the 25 points Reference 'Protocol 'from MELOS-1 a Horse Shoe Mound,  is not listed as a part of Atlantis-city identification-list, SAD is not it ?  Sad

Maybe  ' mainstream-conventionalism ' wants us to forget that Atlantis was surrounded by a Horseshoe-Mound ?

Sincerely " BlueHue   ".  Cry   Cry
« Last Edit: June 21, 2007, 10:14:03 am by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2007, 01:45:47 pm »

I'll try, but things have gotten pretty hectic around here.  I booted up my old computer to see if I could still find some files on the hard drive, but it's toast.  Some of the information you've posted was in my old files, but I guess I can kiss them goodbye!!

Dear - QOAIS,


PATALA was the Indian OCEAN it was the Hindu:" UNDERWORLD " SVARGA, but it was NOT a HELL, the DEAD lived at underwater Palaces that were warm and well lit

ATALA, the WHITE isle was not so called because of the white skin of Arabians amongst the darker indians , but because it produced WHITE skined arabian -Elephants, it is said that when an indian Noble mouted a White Elephant he would be proclaimed a King,

that's why the present KING of Thaisland King-Bhuoumibol preserves the privilege of White offspring amongst the THAI-Elephants. in the Coats of Arms of Bhuddist coutries are White Elephants.

Originally the Elephant was the BULL that should have been worshipped and NOT the present MilkCow, but in Egypt the Elephant-Bull became TABU and so Lord-SHIVA had to change his STEED from AIRAWATHA his white Elephant-Bull, to NANDA a Black Water-Bull.  So ineffect thye indians have worshipped the WRONG kind of Animal for 3.000 yrs!

The name SRI-LANKA or Greek CRETE has meant " WHITE-Island " also named " LIBANON "where ceders grow.
ATALA or  Manethoon's Auri-Teans or the AULiTEANS ( Latin:  Ausonians.from ethiopian: ' Aussum or AXum '.)of Sanchuniathon a Punician scholar around 11.00 bc may also refer to the Whiteness of the FRANKINCENSE trees that according to the SONG-of-Songs of King Salomon in Ophir(= Dhofar-in Oman.)were Tree-dangling Diamonds.

SIR GLUBB Pasha wrote a book about ARABIA- Foëlix(= Hadramaut.)where he places Hindu Kingdoms with Hindu Ruler names the Mukarribs that have been subdued during Mohammed's living Years around 630 ad.

Those socalled MITANNI-Kings that sided with Pharaoh Amenhotep-4 against the oncroaching Assyrian king Salmanasser-3, who encapsuled the Atlantean Vice-Rois in assistance treaties, to lure them away from Egypt, had also pure Hindu names.

What to think of the mittanni-KING ADRASTUS of ARGOS, does that not sound like Radja DASARATHA from ACHjODIA ??
or King TUSHRATTA is even closer to DASARRATHA.

Part- of-My Theory is that the Mittanni kingdom was identical to Atlantis but also identical to South-Arabia and not( as convention wants it: ) in EAST-Turkey. WHY NOT ??  I will tell you this secret story,

In 550 bc the Neo-Babylonian King NABONID had the TEMPLE of ATLANTIS ( =ib ADEN.) Dismantled and brought the stone Slabs over to Jazilikaya in Hattushas/ Bogazköy. because the Persians were about to conquer Arabia-Foëlix.

When later in 1888 archaeologists found these Slabs in ANATOLIA they thought that they had found a whole NEW -unknown- Civilisation there and named it HITTITE, whilst the Egyptian name was cHITTIM or Biblical HATTI/ HETTI.
The Text-Slabs of Arabian Hieroglyphs were apparently forgotten by Nabonid.( Who named himself also TUDHALLIYAS-4-of-the-Hittites.)

These non-existend Hittites -from -Anatolia were supposedly Part of the (=Persian !)invadingforce of Sea-Peoples( in 1200 bc.)

SUMERIAN King SARGON-1 had ( in 1250 bc=revised Chronology.)conquered South-Arabia,(= AGADE or ADEN>) and re-styled himself King of SUMMER and ACCAD But the Pharaohs of the Eleven Dynasty of Egypt, the MENTUHOTEPS-3 took ADEN from the son of Sargon-1, Naram Sin., not before the latter called himself Lord-of the four Corners of the World or of the Universe, because ADEN was then called ( 4-Wind-City.).

The THREE PARTS of PATALA were also called the THREE INDIAS which constituted the TERITORY of-Atlantis or the LANDS-of-AD.  These were intheir turn called the "KNOW-Word of: LYBIA(= East-Africa, SOMALIA, as GREATER-India-Major, ATLANTIS-Proper or ADEN was named INDIA-MEDIA(= hence came the biblical Medianites.of Joshua's Pan s& Fire-Raid on their Elephants.)

INDIA itself that was taken by an Egyptian General by the name of Amose Neferti-Mery-Amun, was strangely named India-Minor.( or Little-Egypt like Mysore.)

unfortunately I have Alzheimers Disease( 1st-phase.)and many of my-various- sourcebooks  were stolen to be burned as 'Crap "by ex-neighbours who resented living next to a tongue-tied- inter-net-recluse, as if that is a crime aginst humanity.)

So, I am not so verry ' apt 'anymore , that I can quote in detailles from the Rig-Veda's about the recorded simularities of the name ATLANTIS in Hindu, but Herodot names them even AROMATI, because of their FRANKINCENSE TRADE.

I have no time to equate the( 18-th) Egyptian Dynasty-in Depth with the HINDU isvaku-Naga Dynasty but some of their earliest monarchs : Pharaoh Seken-en-Re-Thot-1 is KASYAPPA, Ka-mose his successor is HIRANJA. which I managed to equate off hand in my Egyptian King-TIME-LINE, that has been send privately to some forummembers who failed to read it.

So there is a very strong Connection of ATLANTIS(=ADEN.)with both Egyptian & Hindu Dynasties as late as 855-800 bc.

Sincerely :" BlueHue " dd - June 27- 2007 

( PS, Sorry, for the boring narrative.hoper you learned  new ( previously ignored or un-known Facts from it)
« Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 03:05:04 pm by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #27 on: June 27, 2007, 03:11:06 pm »

the sea navigated by the Greeks, also that outside of the Pillars called the Atlantis Sea and the Erythraean, are one and the same." (Translated by R. Cedric Leonard)

THUS This means that if the Erytraean SEA is the same as the Atlantean SEA this is synonymous to the GULF-of-ADEN. America/ Mexico, & Europe thus were never the Scene of the original Atlantis..)

should be translated "the sea of Atlas" instead of the Atlantis Sea.(OR Ocean !! ) While it is true that Atlantis is an inflected form of Atlas, these very same colleagues have never suggested that when Plato speaks of the "island of Atlantis" it would be more properly translated as the "island of Atlas". The island and the ocean were called "Atlantis" because they were named after Atlas (which is what the name "Atlantis" means).

Herodotus also mentions another name of the Atlantic, the Erythraean. The word in Greek indicates the color red--descriptive of the effect of sunset on the water, as would be seen from a European vantage point. (Note: It is this word, not Geryon, that means "red glow of the sunset,"

Ancient Egyptian, Sanskrit and European sources (e.g., Pliny the Elder) often refer to the Atlantic Ocean as the "Western Ocean"--
"Western Ocean" mentioned is indeed the Atlantic.

So we have ten Aulitean (or, Aletean) kings reigning in a "foreign land" during the precise time Plato says ten Atlantean kings reigned in Atlantis. The Turin Papyrus also records the installation of the next series of kings in 9850 B.C.! This


The ONLY egyptian-Kings of Atlantis were the early 18-th Dynasty kings inbetween 1075-855 bc after that the Assyrians took Atlantis (= Aden-in Yemen.)and waged War with the proceeds.

The WESTERN- OCEAN is the Indian Ocean and the other Ocean was the Pacific. at best the Atlantean SEA was an extended-narrow- Part of the Ocean, At, the EXTREMITY or as an OFFSHOOT of the Indian Ocean, called the GULF-of-ADEN(= Land-of-AD.)

ATlantis was spelled differend by various authors thus the Lant-of-AT was reffered to in the KORAN, as the LAND-of- AD.

Sincerely  " BlueHue   "  dd . June 27,- 2007

DEAR,  ... . . BIANCA,

Dr Velikovsky has written a Book on ACH-en-ATHEN and equated him with a greekversion king Oedipus.. . . . Maybe you have read it sometimes ??

Before ascending the Throne of the TWO Countries the young 'student-Pharaoh "did his studies as a 2nd-Prophet of Amun in the Holy Land of Amun TENEHU or ADEN/ Atlantis (= god's land of Amun.)  where he also served as highpriest of Amun, the Princessess became known as student- Highpriestesses of Amun and wore a blue ' high-priestly Crown.'

is according to dr.Velikovsky noneother than Queen Hellen of Sparta that was held in ransom untill the Spartans payed custum-duty for te tradegoods Hellen tried to smuggle away from Egypt to Troy by the way of PARIS's freightship.   9  The Danish cartoonist mrs Sussy Bech, from Techestuen in Copenhagen,  has drawn a nice parodystory on this Theme named The Bark of Amun in 1998.)

Meanwhile when Herald Thaltibios, Menelaos & Odysseus were in Troy pleading for the return of Queen Hellen, they got the reply from King Priam himself that Hellen was in Memphis under the care of King Proteos(= Amenhotep-3 )himself and that King Priam did not feel responsable for her whereabouts.

The strangeest thing is that wen Odysseus went towards Troy for the second time, this time with a big fleet of 100 ships, he supposedly could not find it again and landed in Trace/. . . .  instead, where Philoctetus got wouned on his leg & stayed stranded because of the stench of his aquired gangreen.    The then King-of-Trace  was a child of Heracles

The war on TROY was inorder to break the frankincense-tradebarrier that King Assurnasirpal held over Egypt.
it did not last 10 years and neither did Atlantis sink in 10 times 900 years.  The ten year period of the Trojan war pertained to the time that KIYA / HELLEN spent as a living Goddes/Priest of HATHOR in Memphis,

She did  return only after eleven years after the end of the ONE-Year-Trojan war. but not  voluntarily according to the Play of Euripides named :" HELLEN-in-Egypt "and
even poet Stesichoros had to recant in 600 bc, his attack(=Palinode.) on Hellen as the faked course of the Trajan War.

King Menelaos played a nasty trick on King Theoclymenes(= Pharaoh Amenhotep-4.) by pretending to be a shipwrecked sailor that came to tell that Queen Hellen was free to re-Marry with the Egyptian monarch because Menelaos had supposedly died in a shipwreck.

But according to greek Custom Kiya/ Hellen had to perform funerary rites consisting of a boating out of the the Habour trowing a Laurell-Wreath in the water.

No sooner had this Funeralparty left the Harbour of Memphis or Menelaos trew off his disguise and threw the egyptian Sailers overboard and set sail to his ship that had lain in waiting.

King Theoclymenes was so much flabbergasted that he did not persue the criminal Menelaos, quit his worship of Kiya and started to work with Nefertete, as his new executive Queen  instead( She was his niece by the way.)Tut-ank-Amun was Kiya's child.)

After the accesion of Shem(= Amun-)-en-Karé, who was TIYI's child with hyer son Amenhotep-4, NEFERTETE WENT AWAY TO ADMINISTER IN THE RANK OF QUEEN THE PRIESTLY TERRITORIES OF AMUN in Aden.

There she became known as queen ATALIA.   ( But that is another Thread Story.)

The Dutch cartoonist Dick Vlottes has also done a nice comicbook about Achnaton in 1955.

Sincerely  :  " BlueHue " Sad  = Sad

Dear, . . Bianca,

During the reign of ACH-en-ATEN, the Assyrians were intriging in the Lands of Amun REGION, & CONFISCATING EGYPTIAN TERRITORY IN ASIA,  the Tel Amarna Letters discovered in 1889 speak of the Amalakite Supiluliuma playing off one Egyptian Subjectking to another . ( Which was some  sort of secret  "Assyrian Protection racket.")

Only by accessing the - untabbed mineral-wealth- of the Egyptian RETINUE-Lands, those unseen theocratic- God-lands-of -Amun( =  Atlantis never-never land.) the Assyrians were able to raise huge armies agains Egyptian possessions in Arabia.

The socalled PEST in the latter end of ACH-en-ATON's reign, was the passing of the Earth trough the comet-tail of the MOON that was depicted on the background with an increasing number of ANK -holding hands, indicating a steadily approach of the Moon(= ATON, later:  PHAETHON.)

afterwards ACH-en-ATON was said to have become blind and was led by his  ' replacement Queen ': Meritaten, to Colophon in Turkey where he was cured of his bad nearsighted eye-illness by the Medics Machaon & Hippocrates.

he resigned his post as King to S-amon-en-Karé and Thut-ank-Aten, who killed themselves and were followed-up by king AY/ Eje, who tried to get his former sovern back to Egypt to rule again, but in his Play " Oidipus at Colophon ", Sophokles, lets ACH-en-ATEN rematrk, that he is afraid to get murdered by the Amunpriests when returning home so he preferred to die in Greece rather than Egypt.

When general Horemhem finally succeeded AY, he betrays the Lands of GOD Amun  as a vassal-Pharaoh to the Assyrian King Salmanasser-3, where he is named on a large stone comemorative stella.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2007, 01:37:43 am by Europa » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #28 on: July 02, 2007, 03:36:33 pm »

Large red triangles show volcanoes with known or inferred Holocene eruptions; small red
DEAR, . . . dHILL,

Sorry maybe others could read this, but my Provider says:"UNKNOWN PAGE " I can't read it.

The Stratigraphic layers on Siltslopes and Mountain Affluent is- inevitably-  always viewed as Upside down, the Newest silt is under the later eroded rocks and new vulcanoes mostly erupt on Older ones confusing the issue.

By Continent Drift,
flat Seas can become: rugged-mountains and Flatlands can become Seas.
Such is the case with the Mediterranean.

The flight of Steps descending found at Malta at 100 m down may have not been due to Sealevel rising but to the lowering into a sinclinal Canyon of the once desert-like Mediterranean Sea

It is still a pity that Most Quotations from PLATO, for the Location of Atlantis in Mid-Atlantic forget that this THUS cannot be inbetween Lybia and ASIA(= Major.)and thus NOT in the Atlantic(=Ocean.)

PLATO, in Critias tells clearly a different story than we read in it: The Part of the OCEAN that was Narrow as a harbour was named the SEA-of Atlas, which in today's jargon would be the GULF-of-Atlas or rather the GULF-of-the-=LAND-of- AD.

That is clearly in ADEN/ Yemen.

PLATO's ATLANTIC was as the text says without interpreted tricks ,  an offshoot of the Mid-Ocean of Atlantis in-front- of- the LAND-of-AD /= AT-LANT-is thus in the INDIAN OCEAN
« Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 03:39:10 pm by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Hero Member
Posts: 248

« Reply #29 on: July 03, 2007, 04:28:36 pm »

                       ***Hey Bluehue***

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