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An Atlantic Ocean-Based Atlantis

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Author Topic: An Atlantic Ocean-Based Atlantis  (Read 3738 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« on: June 14, 2007, 04:25:02 pm »


Eloquent ABSTRACT, but you forget what Plato said about the Geographical situation of Poseidon-Polis.

I hate to do this to your Theory, but MARK PONTA had to admit that his theory was also destroyed by me for the following Reasons:

"Atlantis-shores, were not washed by the |OCEAN, but by the SEA-of-ATLAS, which is not the same, where as for-instance INDIAN - OCEAN  and  ARABIAN SEA are indeed the same,

ATLANTIS was on the EXTREMITY of a Branceh Braz-de-MER of the Ocean, with a naerrowing END and no outlet to the othe SEA called the GREEn-Sea by the egyptians.  So 'Atlantis harbour, was not directly placed in the MID-ATLANTIC but rather at the FAR-END= bottom-End of a GULF. or narrow BAY

A COMMON OVERSIGHT: The Name of Plato's OCEAN was not the 'Atlantic'

PLATO named the OCEAN the OIKUMENES-OKEANOS, NOT the 'Atlantic'-Ocean.

in AR, " GEORGEOS 'the Spanish scriptologist from Cuba,
 has found the solution and therewith undermined his own Hoax theory: Plato said that ONLY the part of the OCEAN that was narrow as a Harbour and where the SEA-water washed the SHORES of Atlantis, was where the OCEAN had a differend name and was thus named SEA-of-Atlas or Atlantic SEA(= Not Ocean.)

means Peninsula by ' GEORGEOS ' not Island-Empire in the Atlantic. If that was so it would have read: " ATLANTIKOUM--ARCHI-PELLAGIOS " than is says indeed " Island-Empire but Plato did not write ARCHI-Pellagios "  ISLAND-REALM,  is only in the mind of the bad-reader.

Indeed the PILLARS are the only Proof of approximity of Atlantis in the Atlantic, but these PILLARS may be an anarchronism

Atlantis was a Vulcano Kingdom. in the AZORES are many Vulcano's with ONE side of the Caldeira-Wall broken off.  Atlantis was 'sunk' or subsided-as-a-Vulcano, but none of the ancient worn-out eroded Caldeira's are that You showed in your very sharp PHOTO-Pictures seem either ' sunk ' nor subsided.

HERACLES visited KING ATLAS 8.000 years after it was destroyed in the CATACLYSM. very impossible ??

ABOUT . . HERACLES he visited " Atlantis " during a mission for Eurystheus, to drive Geryon's white SUN-BULL Cattle of HELIOS, from The Garden of Hesperis(= synonymous with Atlantis.)to Greece by way of Spain. This ' Myth ' would seem to rule -out the AZORES as a possible Atlantis-Location.

At first HERACLES could not Find it , at his 10-th Labour, he bought these SUN-Bulls(= actually white Elephants.)at  too low a price it was a STEAL, and Geryon wanted them back , but Heracles was too slow in moving with a large herd, and did not want to return them.

In order to hinder GERYON to recuperate the Herd Heracles bashed his WAR-Club on the rocky ground to create a chasm between him and GERYON at GADARA, when he bashed the ground he caused an Earth-Quake that split open an ancient Land-Bridge inbetween  AFRIKA(- Lybia !!) and EUROPE, at the connection between SPAIN & Marocco/Mauretania.

He did so during his lifetime in 1355 bc, That is verry odd and strange because this means that when Atlantis florished around 9.000 bc or even 900 bc the STRAIT-of-GIBRALTAR did not exist, and so 'Our' Atlantis could never have been on either side of a non-existing  Sea-STRAIT.

The famous voyages of the Argonauts started at 1355 bc so if Heracles himselkf did not create the STRAT the forces of nature must have done it at that time for him.  This Landbridge, before Heracles split it 16 Km apart and 40 meters deep,  was named the INDIAN BOSPHORUS.

In South-Arabia between AFRICA & ADEN there is also an ancient INDIAN  BOSPHORUS now called"STRAT of Bab-el-MANDAB, it is only 7 Km wide and 20 meters deep.

In my Theory the PERIM-Djibuti/ Bab-el-Mandab Strait,  were the STRAIT of HERACLES.

Mrs SMILEY 5445
has placed a 3D-Picture in Brids-Eye view by Google Earth, of the CALDEIRA of ADEN-Bay on a Threadpost that I have forgotten, and

has Quoted a section of the Koran with the Story of Atlantis here named the " LAND-of-AD " (= ADEN in Yemen.)which, recorded the same thing about Atlantis Lush trees and good-living conditions as in Plato's Atlantis saga, but not in greek, but Arabic so nobody could read this Moslim-Paralell-Story,  in the West for a good >1300 years. There is no doubt in my mind that ADEN was ATLANTIS.

It even says that yje People of AD saw the Tsunami oncomming but thought that it was just another DUST storm  ( instead of  a wall of running WATER. )

Sorry for the demise of Your Theory, nice try though !  Don't be SAD or Disillusioned !!

Sincerely,   " BlueHue "   Cry  Cry   dd 14 June--2007

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( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900

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