Most posters (like yourself, Bluehue) claim that Plato either made an error or was misinterepreted.
And yet, a vast amount of references to the Atlantic Ocean, the Pillars of Hercules, and the geography of the Mediterranean, he could have gotten wrong, not on all of them.
And the Greeks knew of their world at that time - both far more than people like to give them credit for. no mistake.
DEAR,. . . DEVLIN, THANK-You for your carefully detailed LONG-Comment, dd. June ,14- 2007.
My singular Atlantis as ADEN-Theory.. . was on the verge of publication in 2005, when unexpectedly I had to sign a protocol about Plato's Textus-Receptus and 25 reference Points to situate Atlantis near the PILLARS of-Hercules.". .
indeed the 105 'Atlantologists'who attended " MELOS-1 " have all received a " Protocol " forced upon them on the last minute, that Plato's Textus-Receptus was genuine and without transcriptions faults I refused to sign that falsh document.
I will have to re-sign it in 2008 to participate in debuking 105 Oceanographist-Atlantologist in one Setting.
when I tried to warn them of the wrong intrepretation & wrong transcription of Plato's Saga they remained silent
ONLY jAIME MANUSECHOVIC, regarded Israel as the Original ATLANTIS with -that goes without saying- ancient- Jerusalem as: Atlantis-Capital, Mr M, was pleased That I agreed 100% with his Theory, but was less- amused- when I pointed out that before the Babylonian Exile, ADEN, was the Mother-City of SION(= POSIDONIS-POLIS.)now we are at Loggerheads. Dear ' GEORGEOS 'theory ofg a Mudshoal in Cape Spartel near TANGER, was a PiltDownMan-like'HOAX' by which he only wanted to "Start-up"the Atlantis hype in 2003 this succeeded wonderfully, now he refuses to admit it.
SPOTTED an archronism in Plato's Dialogue: And YET I have my doubt, this may be deemed Childish, but can you believe Plato telling his Greek audience that A Port of Atlantis named GADARA, or GADIR was named GADEIRA in the HELLENIC Tongue ? those " HELENES " did not exist untill after Plato's death.
ANOTHER ANACHRONISM in Plato's Atlantis Dialogue: Atlantis was between Lybia & ASIA,
In 1935 Ganalopoulos & Marinatos got the THERA Theory wrong but the interpretation of MEZO vewrsus MESO right,Plato did not write as-big-as, but inbetween TWO ' Continents ', as you can see the interchangement of just ONE letter in a word can change the whole sentence to a completely DIFFEREND meaning.
But since Plato's text-corrections are not done and blasphemous, 105 Atlantoloigists let themselves astray in a wild theory of interpretation Errors, just to keep to the original meaning despite the obvious distortions made by thew poetic -thus-virtual-langues distortions of the Roman Compilers.
To ERR is human but to insist that Plato's text has been the same since it's conception is diabolic.
Apparently nobody bothered to inquire whether the so called Continents of LYBIA & ASIA, of Plato, were the same that we know today give or take a few border corrections !
and yes they are not.
Under profesional historians it is 'common Knowledge' that most of Europe was founded by COLONISTS from Arabia or Asia-Minor, thiis means that the names of Places in Europe werew mostly those of the colonizing Mother Cities in Araby.
We know which greek cities colonized the Black Sea coasts and those names were not of the mothercities, but the more ancient were
For instance: Jerusalem Hierosalym or Hagio-Polis-or: Kadesh was unofficially named " Daughter-of-SION ", which to any -prtofessional-historian simply means that the founding Mother-City was named: " SION "
I just happened to know without naming ancient written sources that SIN is a greek abbrevation of a larger name: Namely RAS_SION, POSION/ POTion/ PONTOS or POSEIDON, which by sheer coincidence also happened to be the very name of the Capital of ATLANTIS(=City.)
Therefore without any other quotations we may safely say that Jerusalem is a COLONY of Atlantis, SIDON/SAIDA or the SIDONIANS are also PUNICIANS and they called themselves CANAANITES or AMORITES> The ARMORITAE, or AROMATII are said to be Atlanteans.
All these ' circumstantional ' Evidences, leads us or rather me to believe that present day Israel but also Spain(= Hesperis-Nova.)Greece(= ACHAIA-NOVA.) and Turkey= ADANA (or NEW-Atlantis.)
were all COLONIES from Atlantis proper, because they fled as refugies from the cataclysm of Atlantis.
I do believe in the methoporic fairness of Fairytales, but only in the ckasical mother goose ones. Thus I also believe that General Heracles caused to last DEMISE-of-ATLANTIS, by trowing his Club on the ground and splitting TWO continents apart, which were united by a landbridge before.
And here falls apart Plato's beautifull Alantic geography. as misintrepreted by his careless readers.I repeat again , for the readers with sand or soap in their eyes: Atlantis was not IN the Atlantic OCEAN, because that Oceans was not named the Atlantic Ocean DAMMED, only vthat tiny part of THAT XXX-Ocean was named the Atlantic only because it washed the shores of the Atlantic -nation or OIKUMENES or Confederacy.
Further more this ATLANTIC -SEA(- not Ocean! mind you.) or SEA-of-ATLAS, was like a narrow harbour(= on the map.)and Atlantis-City/Capital was at the EXTREME= far- end of it thus, so opposite the entrance from the transition of the OCEAN to the Smaller/narrow SEA-Brance or Harbour, but MODERN cartographists would call a harbour-like narrow Sea-Brance a GULF(= ACHILEIOS.)Hence the ancient name for Atlantis was ACHAIA/ ARCHOS/ ARGOS/ ARCHOLIS
'ACHAD' means just ONE in Hebrew but if well interpreted is ALSO means " Paradise "(= Escheria-Nesos.)The GEO-Names " LYBIA & ASIA " led us to believe that Atlantis was to be situated IN the mediterranean SEA or otherwise NEAR those PILLARS of HERCULES, but there is something dead WRONG here.
In Hercules *& Plato's time the names LYBIA 7 ASIA "did not exist in the Mediterranean, simply because these GEO-Names got thre by migrants from an OLDER Lybia & ASIA which were in the RED -SEA and otherwise the Romans invented these pretentions names like ASIA-Minor which was opposite Asia MAJOR, which is Araby. So it was the pretence of the Romans that the ancient Realms og Lybia & ASIA were also known or attributed to the MARE NOSTRUM to give it a Shere of 'Grandeur" 105-Atlantologists have simply ignored that only since the Romans invented these ancient names for their territories, they first used these GEO-Names in the Mare-Nostrum long after Plato was gone to Heavens.This must mean that the migratory Geo-Names of Lybia & ASIA belong to EASTERN-AFRICA
So IF we re-interpret Plato's contemporal-geographical-meaning than the wrongly transcribed sentence: "Atlantis was as big as TWO Continents ( West-)Lybia & ASIA-Minor; the newly interpreted sentence & meaning becomes:
Atlantis(= the HOLY-LAND of Ammon.)is situated INBETWEEN/ at the common border-of Lybia(= ERYTRAEA.) and ASIA(= Asia-Major=ARABY= Arabia-Foëlix.) on a GULF> the GULF-of-ADEN.
in Hebrew DEN or Dana means: " LAND-of " and A=AIA=OI= AD thus Aden means Land-of-Ad and so does ATLANTIS.
ANOTHER ANACHRONISM strikes the -good- reader:King Eurystheus of Mykene( which I hold to be King ACHNATON.) ordered General HERCULES(= General HOREMHEB.)to fetch the herds of GERYON at GADIR, GADEIRA >GADARA=>GADes-or- ADEN.
I hold the Apples of the HESPERIDS to be the same as or a metaphor for the White-Bulls of-Helios.
At Hercules 10-th LABOUR, GERYON lived at the Gardens(= Gadara or GAD )in"India".)which were also known as the " HESPERIDS " which Spain claims as it's " original " names.( But the greek migrant- Colonists simply forgot their Mother/founding cities !)
HERACLES could not find them, because Atlantis/Hesperis had gone undercover of the SEA 8.000 years before his time. So he had to enlist the services of the King of Atlantis KING ATLAS " Hemself ".
That is strange this could only mean TWO things: Either Atlantis did not go under during that Giant-Flood Cataclysm or it re-covered in either case PLATO's account of the demise of Atlantis would than be falsh.
When HERACLES finally returned to Greece with the Cattle of Geryon it was not so easy, crossing "France"(=Upper-Sudan.)
In the French Alps, he mistook italy(= Tia-Maat or Theoman.)) for Greece (= Misr.)and had to walk back all the way because no ships were aviable in the roman ( Rome was founded in 753 bc !)ports to carry him over Sea.
But another thing happened that historians don't believe was possible and thus attributed to other Labours or as additional fairytale. Geryon thought that the price Heracles paid for his priced " SUN-Bulls-of-Helios " was a STEAL and he set after Heracles who held-up by the Herd, could not runaway fast enough.
So in order to stop GERYON
getting part of his herd back HERACLES simply bashed his famous (-War-)CLUB on the rock-ground and LO, it Split and created a chasm inbetween him and his persuers. At that time in 1350 bc Heracles stood on a landbridge at Tanger-Mauretania/Marrocco, and so effectively separated AFRICA & Europe, which is strange because elswhere this part of Africa was named LYBIA.
The Case of Atlantis becomes stranger & stranger because ' GEORGEOS ' Diaz-Montexano at
www.Atlantis-Rising has deviced a Theory by which ATLANTIS was only to be found ( since 9.000 bc.)at the Mouth (= TO-STOMIATOU>>) of the Gibraltar-STRAIT as a Mudshoal towards TANGER.
And yet a the Myth of Heracles, so seemingly NOT connected with Plato's Atlantis-SAGA, tells us in no uncertain terms that this wide STRAIT only came into beiing during Hercules lifetime in 1355 bc, when Atlantis was supposed to have sunk allready.
So TWO strange Question remain:
Did the PILLARS not exist during Atlantis florishing but only After it, as a strange Postumous reference, or is Heracles CLUB-bashing a Fib or a metaphor for another Earth-shearing- Earth-Quake ??
A possible THIRD Question must be:
Is Spain a Colony of Atlantis and NOT Atlantis nor Hesperis itself, because of the transplanted FOLKTALES of the Migrating ancient PUNICIANS, and IF so,
Can we trace the whereabouts of the Founding Mothercity of 'Georgeos 'CADIZ-Gadir/ Gadeira ??
To that last most hot-test-red herring I can safely say YES: ADEN was the Town that Colonized Spain, but when asked for written proo, my hunch is / I must say that ADEN was besieged by Friendly ambassadors of the Babbylonians and the intrestfull Assyrian envoys, who burned the Atlantean Clay -records to a crisp and dumped them in the Bay-Crater of ADEN. to recover them maybe the Proof of my evidence is in eating the Pudding ??
Besides we would not recognize Atlantean/ south-Arabic Hiëroglyphs , EVEN if we were standing on them.
Atlantis was a
Hybrid Society inbetween the Egyptians & Assyrian war-borders: when the 11-th Dynasty of Mentuhotebs conquered Egypt they used the richness in Arabia Foëlix/Atrlantis to finance their ( African-)wars, and at the start of the 18-th Dynasty the Priesthood of Ammun chanched the war-economy of Atlantis into the Theocracy of Holy-Ammon's Land or People-of-AD-Land. When the Assyrians took over " Atlantis " in: 853 bc they used the proceeds of the South-Arabian FRANCKiNCENSE- Trade to wage war with Egypt.& the World.
The family of ACHNTON showed off the State-CROWN s, of Atlantis The "HEM-HEM-Crown, a triple reedcrown with 6 intertwining watersnakes, & the TA-TENEN-Crown with a single reedcorb and 2 snakes.
Queen TIYI or Teje is shown as QUEEN-Highpriest of Atlantis wearing a 12-Snake-bordered Hoodcrown, with 3 Snakes on the forehead denoting the 3 Parts of 'Atlantis' AZAES is presently AZANIA or "PUNTA-Land in British Somalia.
In the Bible Atlantis is -commonly- named: " INDIA-MEDIA " where lived the MEDIANITES, whom the Egyptians named:" MITTANNI "{ The Moses-Exodus is just a civil War between TWO team Kings of "Atlantis" King Kamose(= Moses.) & Ahmose(= Aharon.)or to use Plato's nomenclature: warlike Prometheus the fire-bringer & peacefull: Epimetheus the watergiver.)I have captured the Timeline of the Kings-of-Atlantis in a revised chronology that most historians think is crap. )
Atlantis was not sunk but a Mudvolcano that was washed bare by 2 Tsunamies, socially it was abandonned by Nebukadnesar & Rammesses-2 in the"First- Holocaust in 605 bc. prompted by the cunning but misfiring '1st-Prophet-of-AMUN 'named:" JEREMIAS ". a dis-loyal traitor to his people and an foreigen agent in the service of the Babylonians.
The -poor- deluded, Yeminites were that delighted by their independance from the british protectorated that to celebrate that they immediately started a feastly Civil-war and another before realising what they were doiing the funds went out to dig-up the remains of Atlantis-Port from ADEN-BAY-Crater.
And in : " MELOS-2 ", in 2008,
the GODS will have a hearty LAUGH for all the stupid misinterpretations of Plato's Atlantis-Saga purported back in 2005. HAR- HAR- HAR ( Sorry, I got carried away.)
CONCLUSION we must look foir Plato's real Atlantis(= " Never-Never-Land.")by retracing the Migration Colonists from Atlantis ( that settled as fugitives after the DEMISE, )in Europe.
As long as we keep ignoring this simple fact that Europe was a COLONY of Atlantis fugitives( thus from: ELSEWHERE-outside Europe!and not by attackers, we will stay blind for the tragedy or greek drammer of Atlantis as The Capital of Paradise on Earth at ADEN.
Sorry for this long narrative but when I told this in Short: Europe is a COLONY of Atlantis-in-ADEN " People found that a Crap-notion, and did not understand it.
SAD is-not- it ?? That I have to tell the ' Truth 'as a Cassandra.
Sincerely Yours, "
BlueHue "