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The Destruction Of Atlantis [Michael Tsarion]

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Author Topic: The Destruction Of Atlantis [Michael Tsarion]  (Read 1199 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 3423

« on: March 31, 2009, 01:10:28 pm »

Just for the sake of interest, I would like to post the following from the Urantia Book.  I wondered about this at the time I first read the Urantia Book, and it comes up over and over when I'm looking into things that don't make sense to me.  Now it seems there's no doubt about re-incarnation and eternal life, but supposedly all this has been structured from the get-go, and there ARE hierarchies - some are "created" beings by God, some are "developed" beings, like us, who are ascending via trials and tribulations to becoming - ... something.  Something greter than what we are, something we were intended to be by design after going through all these trials and tribulations. (We are called Finaliters when we're finished this process) However, it seems there are myriad rules and regulations and levels of administration and on the one hand the Urantia Book talks about the wonderousness of it all, it also gives a hint of cruelty without coming out and saying so.  It is only when they talk about the "Lucifer" rebellion, that one gets a glimpse of what it is, Lucifer is rebelling against.  As I said, when I first read it, it sounded like the American Declaration of Independence, the Freedoms of Rights Bill and a whole slew of other "bills" that were passed to give humans "rights".  Now I asked myself, "Why would that be so terrible?  Why, in all the levels of the universe, was it, that it was considered so terrible, what Lucifer was asking for?

Audio Version
53:4.1 The Lucifer manifesto was issued at the annual conclave of Satania on the sea of glass, in the presence of the assembled hosts of Jerusem, on the last day of the year, about two hundred thousand years ago, Urantia time. Satan proclaimed that worship could be accorded the universal forces—physical, intellectual, and spiritual—but that allegiance could be acknowledged only to the actual and present ruler, Lucifer, the " friend of men and angels " and the " God of liberty. "
53:4.2 Self-assertion was the battle cry of the Lucifer rebellion. One of his chief arguments was that, if self-government was good and right for the Melchizedeks and other groups, it was equally good for all orders of intelligence. He was bold and persistent in the advocacy of the " equality of mind " and " the brotherhood of intelligence. " He maintained that all government should be limited to the local planets and their voluntary confederation into the local systems. All other supervision he disallowed. He promised the Planetary Princes that they should rule the worlds as supreme executives. He denounced the location of legislative activities on the constellation headquarters and the conduct of judicial affairs on the universe capital. He contended that all these functions of government should be concentrated on the system capitals and proceeded to set up his own legislative assembly and organized his own tribunals under the jurisdiction of Satan. And he directed that the princes on the apostate worlds do the same.
53:4.3 The entire administrative cabinet of Lucifer went over in a body and were sworn in publicly as the officers of the administration of the new head of " the liberated worlds and systems. "
53:4.4 While there had been two previous rebellions in Nebadon, they were in distant constellations. Lucifer held that these insurrections were unsuccessful because the majority of the intelligences failed to follow their leaders. He contended that " majorities rule, " that " mind is infallible. " The freedom allowed him by the universe rulers apparently sustained many of his nefarious contentions. He defied all his superiors; yet they apparently took no note of his doings. He was given a free hand to prosecute his seductive plan without let or hindrance.
53:4.5 All the merciful delays of justice Lucifer pointed to as evidence of the inability of the government of the Paradise Sons to stop the rebellion. He would openly defy and arrogantly challenge Michael, Immanuel, and the Ancients of Days and then point to the fact that no action ensued as positive evidence of the impotency of the universe and the superuniverse governments.
53:4.6 Gabriel was personally present throughout all these disloyal proceedings and only announced that he would, in due time, speak for Michael, and that all beings would be left free and unmolested in their choice; that the " government of the Sons for the Father desired only that loyalty and devotion which was voluntary, wholehearted, and sophistry-proof. "
53:4.7 Lucifer was permitted fully to establish and thoroughly to organize his rebel government before Gabriel made any effort to contest the right of secession or to counterwork the rebel propaganda. But the Constellation Fathers immediately confined the action of these disloyal personalities to the system of Satania. Nevertheless, this period of delay was a time of great trial and testing to the loyal beings of all Satania. All was chaotic for a few years, and there was great confusion on the mansion worlds.
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