The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Native American Mounds & Earthworks
by Gregory L. Little
Kimberly Prachniak (Editor),
Dee Turman (Illustrator)
Editorial Reviews
Product Description
America's mounds and earthworks are one of the most underappreciated archaeological treasures in the world. The first mounds in America are now dated to 5700-years-ago and new sites are actually being reported every few years.
This work is a comprehensive and authoritative guide to all major and significant Native American Indian mounds and earthwork sites in America including all existing major sites with public access. Specific locations and directions are listed as appropriate.
Includes significant shell rings, Poverty Point sites, Adena, Hopewell, & Mississippian era sites and many
on the National Historic Register with restricted access.
Oversized hardcover book, 8.5 x 11 inches issued in green cloth with gold foil title stamping without
paper cover jacket.
Nearly 1000 sites, including alternate names of mounds and locations, are included in descriptions.
Arranged alphabetically by state with extensive index of site locations and names.
Contains 515 photos (both old and recent), illustrations, and maps drawn for many sources.
Includes 75 completely new mound & earthwork site recreations by archaeological artist Dee Turman.
About the Author
Dr. Gregory L. Little is part Seneca and is author of 'The Archetype Experience, People of the Web', and 'Grand Illusions' as well as several other books on ancient history.
He has also published numerous articles on America's mound builder culture and specific mound sites.
He has been featured in documentaries on The History Channel, Discovery, The Learning Channel,
National Geographic Channel, MSNBC, and SciFi.
Product Details
Hardcover: 342 pages
Publisher: Eagle Wing Books, Inc.; First edition (January 14, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0940829460
ISBN-13: 978-0940829466