From 28,000 BC until 10,000 BC the Atlantean culture, according to Cayce, never reached the same heights it had reached in 28,000 BC. The blimps were made from sewn animal skins. Nowhere in the Cayce readings on Atlantis is there a hint of it being the future of America... But people tend to interpret Cayce as they will and I don't have any criticism I give for such interpretations. But a point-by-point analysis between Plato and Cayce's statements shows that there is no contradiction.
I disagree on two points here.
First, I can prove -within the readings- that a high state of technology existed to the final destruction of Atlantis and beyond into the colonies. The firestone crystal was in use in Egypt and in Yucatan. If there's any doubt see
"Cayce's Atlantean Yucatan" Part 5 "Regeneration" here for the readings excerpts.
[BTW, This, and the preceding chapter "Atlantean Crystals", are items John Van Auken wants to publish in Ancient Mysteries -if I can ever find a way to extract them from the overall study.] The decline in technology happened
after Atlantis was gone, and there's no reason to think that this would have happened beforehand.
As for the "Atlantean blimps", that's incomplete. If a clairvoyant in the distant future were going to peer into our own time, the first thing he might lock onto is the Goodyear Blimp but should that represent the pinnacle of 21st century airpower? Cayce described very advanced vehicles that could move through any element and some were described as being more like submarines, flying boats, and planes.
Secondly, Plato gave a complete Order of Battle for the Atlantean and Athenian forces that describes bronze-age weaponry. This is certainly not a match to the Atlantean high technology that built the Great Pyramid, the Sphinx Temple, electrical devices, and aircraft described during the 10,000 B.C. period in the Cayce readings. This OoB and the nationalistic, underdog/David &Goliath theme of the little Athenians throwing back the big, bad Atlanteans (the parallel to resisting Persia) are the parts of the tale which I think were added by Solon or Plato as embellishment
As far as I know there is no scientific proof that Bimini and Andros were Poseidia...and I really don't know what would constitute such proof.
I think that ruins on the seafloor go a long way toward vindicating both Plato and Cayce. Cayce said that "much would be found archeologically" near Bimini and this is true. Cayce was the first to say the Bahamas were part of Atlantis and we've found geographical correspondences (size and shape) with the location's criteria spelled out in Plato's