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Study Of Fossils Shows Prehistoric Fish Pioneered Sex

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Author Topic: Study Of Fossils Shows Prehistoric Fish Pioneered Sex  (Read 196 times)
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« on: February 25, 2009, 04:35:58 pm »

In this artist rendition released by Peter Trusler,
Placoderms are depicted mating

                                                Study of fossils shows prehistoric fish had sex

Michael Casey,
AP Environmental Writer
– FEB. 25, 2009

– The fossilized remains of two pregnant fish indicate that sex as we know it — fertilization of eggs inside a female — took place as much as 30 million years earlier than previously thought, researchers said Thursday.

Scientists from Australia and Britain studying 380 million-year-old fossils of the armored placoderm fish, or Incisoscutum richiei, said they were initially confused when they realized that the two fish were carrying embryos. They originally thought the fish laid their eggs before fertilization.

"Once we found embryos in this group, we knew they had internal fertilization. But how the hell are they doing it?" said John Long, the head of sciences at the Museum Victoria in Melbourne who wrote a paper on the discovery that appeared in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature.

The answer came when the scientists re-examined the pelvis of the male placoderm, armed with the new information about fertilization. After looking at specimens at the Natural History Museum in London and the Museum Victoria, they realized the pelvis had a fin not seen on the female fish, and surmised it was likely used to grip its mate during fertilization, much as sharks do.

"These fish have an extra large bone that attaches to the pelvic bone," he said. "It had been overlooked and hadn't been identified. So in a nutshell, we have reinterpreted the structure of the pelvic bone in these placoderms to show they had a method for copulation."

Zerina Johanson, a paleontologist at the Natural History Museum who also took part in the study along with the University of Western Australia's Kate Trinajstic, said findings of internal fertilization showed that "sex started a lot sooner than we thought."

"We expected these early fishes would show a more primitive type of reproduction, where sperm and eggs combine in the water and embryos develop outside fish," Johanson said in a statement.

Per Ahlberg, a professor of evolutionary organismal biology at Uppsala University in Sweden who did not take part in the study, said the discovery "may prove to have far-reaching implications for our understanding of early vertebrate evolution."

"Every once in a while, a discovery comes along that puts our biological understanding of some extinct group of organism on much firmer footing," Ahlberg wrote in Nature. "Long and colleagues present such a discovery."

Long first became enamored with the reproductive skills of this ancient fish last year, when his team identified the first placoderm containing embryos at the Gogo dig site in Western Australia.

The 380 million year old fossils were hailed as one of the most important discoveries in Australia and the fossil represents the world's oldest known vertebrate mother. The site, which Long has worked since 1986, is believed to have once been the home of an ancient tropical reef that would have rivaled the Great Barrier Reef.

Researchers hope to use the fossils to better understand where placoderms fit into the evolutionary history of jawed vertebrates and determine whether they are more closely linked to sharks and rays or other boney fish like tuna and swordfish.


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« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2009, 04:50:45 pm »

                                              Prehistoric fish pioneered sex

Ben Hirschler
– Wed Feb 25, 2009

– Sex has been a fact of life for at least 380 million years, longer than previously thought. Internal fertilization was widespread among prehistoric fish living on ancient tropical coral reefs in the Devonian period, research published in the journal Nature on Wednesday showed.

The discovery sheds new light on the reproductive history of all jawed vertebrates, including humans.

"It shifts how we think about how reproduction evolved. You're a jawed vertebrate and I'm a jawed vertebrate, so this is our own history," said Zerina Johanson, a paleontologist at the Natural History Museum in London.

Johanson and colleagues in Australia, where the fossils were unearthed, deduced that copulation was common among armored placoderms, extinct shark-like species, after finding embryos inside Materpiscis, Austroptyctodus and Incisoscutum placoderms.

Finding fossil evidence of reproduction is rare and experts initially missed the signs in the case of one specimen, where a tiny embryo was at first thought to be a last meal.

It was thought that such ancient fish would show a more primitive type of reproduction, with sperm and eggs combining externally in the water, as still happens with many modern fish.

Adding to the evidence is the discovery of a modification in the pelvic fin on the belly of adult fish. The scientists believe this was used by the male to grip the female during mating, as happens with modern sharks.

Placoderms, thought to be the oldest jawed vertebrates, were fearsome predators with bony armor covering their head and forming the biting surfaces of their jaws, which could act like self-sharpening scissors.

The biggest were as large as a great white shark.

(Editing by Louise Ireland)
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