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Do the Timaeus and Critias contradict each another?

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Author Topic: Do the Timaeus and Critias contradict each another?  (Read 2629 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2009, 12:22:37 pm »

dear mr. WIND,
sorry for this late reply:
nessos  can be translated two ways into latin as a river isle and as a palace hill or acropolis in aden.( both is insulae.)
Why must atlantis be an oceanic isle ( wich usually are volcanic and not flat plained, unless in river deltas

dr ulf richter in his 'geographers'infinite wisdom of situating his atlantis in a river valley or delta plain  simply forgot that  volcano-caldeiras also got flat plains from molten lavas that erode little as beiing of basalt or granite depending on viscosity the cast of a mud/lava volcano bottom has the appearance of a richat-structure

mexican's -provincial-capital city of acapulco is also a vast flat plain which is not formed by a river silt plain.

dr richter may have avoided calling atlantis a volcano-bottom-kingdom for fear of ridicule.

the kedron valley of jerusalem was also a flat plain of volcanic not river-alluvial- flow origin and needed a watersupply
so king david fellt oblidged to intersect or breach a valley wall to let in a river lest the inhabitants and the hard/ flat soil would dry-out.

they could dig canals but not in granitelest it was in a mud volcano as in aden/adan.

so your allusion to my theory beiing uncarefull is not substantiated

back in another thread 'GEORGEOS' mentioned that almost all atlantologists confuse the atlantis nesos(or center-acropolis which is indeed a circular flat knoll or table mount.) with the atlantis metro-polis(=lower city or sub-urb.)

the promontory thing alludes to a subsided volcano which assumes a horse shoe shape and thus forms two promotonries ( from the french word promontoire.)

conclusion is that plato's atlantis isle was or became an atol like appearance after it sank, but before that it was a volcano caldeiras attached to the mainland by an isthmus or in modern terminology, by a tombolo.

so youse see that blue's theory still stands and that by a misread interpretation of facts the 99% of socalled mainstream atlantologists  continur to keep barking up a wrong tree !

nesos originally meant a silt deposit in a riverbent later a stand alone volcanic isle at sea.
so if you insist on an oceanic isle than it must be a volcano cone

sincerely " blue hue " dd 25 April from polly univ.delft/holland

I found the following information on the word Nesos very enlightening.

The Greek word nesos, νῆσος (an island)
derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *snā-

the Proto-Indo-European root *snā-
Derivations in other languages
Greek nesos, Latin nare, Latin natar
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( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Superhero Member
Posts: 41646

« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2009, 12:51:17 pm »

                                                    PRODUCE THE PROOF

                                           NO REFERENCES, NO LINK - NO PROOF 
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Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2009, 01:33:03 pm »

the proof is written in the blue's 3 rules of thumb for dumbies to locate atlantis written in blue at THIS posting's blue bottom line  sincerely, ' blue hue '27-th april 2009
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 01:35:33 pm by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Hero Member
Posts: 608

« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2009, 05:48:26 pm »

the proof is written in the blue's 3 rules of thumb for dumbies

It’s actually spelled Dummies BlueHue, and it's a very childish thing to say!   It’s also a self help series here in the U.S, but those who look to it for guidance usually expect the information provided to be accurate, and as I’ve clearly stated before your three rules of thumb are nowhere close to being accurate.
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Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #34 on: April 29, 2009, 02:21:15 pm »

dear mr. WIND,

If I told you that Atlantis is an incorrect name because the original greek name was ATHE( a region of ADEN in yemen.)
than I am puzzled what in your opinion is not correct about this statement.

Maybe you refer to other even older greek writers that also used this latinized form of ATHE ? think about that these are not original scripts anymore! but we had that dispute before that PELAGOUS -(= Sea-coast of) Atlantikoum is NOT the same as:" PELAGUS(= Oceanic-Isle of-) Atlanticum "what moore have I to "Prove" to exemplify the " Blue-Theory "?

AEOLUS floting island and the city of the Faeaceans are not 500 miles apart but the same city, in the " Atlantic-Ocean."

you are right the rules of thumb,  are NOT accurate,( by nature !)  Cry Shocked Cry

because I got difficulty to remember them because of illness
in respect to the current believe of atlantis in america
and not  in accordance with the 50 reference points to locate Atlantis  
from the main-stream viewpoint lobby at Milos-2005/08

these 3 rules of thumb were devised to pinpoint in a nutshell what is wrong with current atlantology

any un-clear or blurred details can be explained later

if generic rules of thumb seem inaccurate  than that's by reason to avoid missing the forest mrom the trees get it ?

the separate mentioning of ATHENS( gallant valiant-) versus ATLANTIS(=attackers.)
 in TIMAEAS & CRITIAS are actually ONE and the same City only described in different terms.

 in the original older Myth the theme was that GOD wanted to destroy mankind in Plato's version GOD only wanted to destroy the atlanteans and accidentally included the athenian sea-forces aswell

but it was the HYBRIS of ATHENS that  triggered this city's ( political-)apocalypse.
this real athens of plato's time only lost it's entire war fleet in the fenced-off harbour of syracuse in 413 bc and another new warfleet at it's own harbour of aegospothami/pereus in: 405-bc

if it is mentioned that athens was connected with the mainland by an isthmus than this was the same for atlantis' capital !
BOTH atlantis AND athens were in the atlantic ocean aswell because

as I explained ad nauseam in a different thread, the original name of the red sea was the river of the western ocean(=River !)
so, in the world of antiquity ocean always meant the red sea ( untill eratosthenes " transferred the Pillars to Gibraltar, in 250-bc !)

but because of eratosthenes, the name ocean was transferred to the present atlantic where it represented the spot of the red sea on this ethiopian map-forgery.

what every atlantologist convieniently forgets and gets angry when I tell it is that the name atlantic ocean is a name - forgery

the original greek name of okeanos atlantikoum
meant the ocean that surrounded ( the known-world) of atlantis and not the entire globe but just the red sea because thr ocean was the sinus(=latin for ocean.) of araby thus if atlantis was at on or in the atlantic ocean and ARABY was atlantis than the red sea was logically the ocean or sea of atlas !

this may seem a bolt statement but I can get boldly where no atlantologist has gone before!

in my "Blue-theory of Atlantis in Aden,"
ATHENS did not exist before 1055 bc and thus any war between athens and atlantis is fictional because it was a civil war.

the trick that plato played was that the acropolis of atlantis had two temples one of poseidon and one of artemis also named athe- or atheneis ! and it was these two fractions of socalled atlanteans that fought amongst themselves.

plato used the original story for a satire about his own athene's hybris

forinstance when athens was fighting the atlanteans with all allies falling - off than that was the  brief accurate description of the raid on syracuse ! in 413 bc.

alkibiades first incited the sicilians to revolyt against syracusan rule but at the crucial moment their treasury to finance the agression was empty.

later when athens lost it's warfleet at syracuse and  fabricated a new one that too was lost in the mouth of its own pireus harbour called aegospotami in: 405 bc.

so the political sea for athens navigational war fleet became "MUD" and also the good name of athens became " MUD "

when plato presented the atlantis dialogue at syracuse in 366 bc the king dionysios died and plato abandonned the project

then after 347 bc until 297 bc the manuscript layed dormant unread for 50 years in a dry-cellar of a nephew in milete

by that time the latin translators had forgotten all about plato's archaiic attic-dialect of greek language and this accounts for the errors in time measurements and the errors in surveyance measurements !

alas the textus receptus is both sacred and falsh so to read that some -selfassured-scholars pride themself as a recommendation of having used the "Original"textus receptus (  in the english translation obviously, makes me sad. and I feel guilty not beiing able to protect them for  future ridicule !

when I tried to warn this AO- Forum that they were barking up the wrong tree I got two significant responces

one from MARK of AUSTRALIA who told me that I was telling nonscence and the other from HORUS and BIANCA that I should keep my " Blue-theory "of the 3-Rules of Thumb to my own and not bother others on other threads with it because that is unpolite to tell that they use the guise of atlantis seeker to further common-regular- geological reseach not directly connected with finding plato's atlantis.


the town site description of athens and atlantis(=poseidon-Polis.)concerns the same city
because in 1055 bc political-refugies from " Atlantis /=Aden first founded athens in greece around 1055 bc and named that newly founded city after the acropolis of aden in yemen/ south-araby.

sall data of greeks present in europe before the year 1055 bc are either translation errors or deliberated forgeries.( that have become falsh traditions because of eratosthenes ethiopian map forgery of 250 bc.

thus the data, of greek-presence in europe before 1055 bc pertains to their presence as proto- greeks still living in ARABIA - FoELIX under the nmis-translated geo-name of :"Happy Araby under the generic name of " HyKSOS /Shephard"kings. or the CANAANite brance of eastern punicians.( socalled amarantes or aromates or amorites ! sometiimes called atarantes or homeritae( visited during the odussee in araby mind you !)

I am sorry not beiing able to discuss this TOPIC in greater detaill because of Alzheimers Disease I even mislay my notes on a square meter of  computer-desk !

sincerely  " Blue Hue "
dd 29-th April - 2009 from: Polly-Univ.of Delft/ Holland we have a budget and immago deficit so I guess to mention it incase the ' Blue-Theory"is vindicated under this University's copyright !

the proof is written in the blue's 3 rules of thumb for dumbies

It’s actually spelled Dummies BlueHue, and it's a very childish thing to say!   It’s also a self help series here in the U.S, but those who look to it for guidance usually expect the information provided to be accurate, and as I’ve clearly stated before your three rules of thumb are nowhere close to being accurate.

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( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
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