dear mr. WIND,
sorry for this late reply:
nessos can be translated two ways into latin as a river isle and as a palace hill or acropolis in aden.( both is insulae.)
Why must atlantis
be an oceanic isle ( wich usually are volcanic and not flat plained, unless in river deltas
dr ulf richter in his 'geographers'infinite wisdom of situating his atlantis in a river valley or delta plain simply forgot that volcano-caldeiras also got flat plains from molten lavas that erode little as beiing of basalt or granite depending on viscosity the cast of a mud/lava volcano bottom has the appearance of a richat-structure
mexican's -provincial-capital city of acapulco is also a vast flat plain which is not formed by a river silt plain.
dr richter may have avoided calling atlantis a volcano-bottom-kingdom for fear of ridicule.
the kedron valley of jerusalem was also a flat plain of volcanic not river-alluvial- flow origin and needed a watersupply
so king david fellt oblidged to intersect or breach a valley wall to let in a river lest the inhabitants and the hard/ flat soil would dry-out.
they could dig canals but not in granitelest it was in a mud volcano as in aden/adan.
so your allusion to my theory beiing uncarefull is not substantiated
back in another thread 'GEORGEOS' mentioned that almost all atlantologists confuse the atlantis nesos(or center-acropolis which is indeed a circular flat knoll or table mount.) with the atlantis metro-polis(=lower city or sub-urb.)
the promontory thing alludes to a subsided volcano which assumes a horse shoe shape and thus forms two promotonries ( from the french word promontoire.)
conclusion is that plato's atlantis isle was or became an atol like appearance after it sank, but before that it was a volcano caldeiras attached to the mainland by an isthmus or in modern terminology, by a tombolo.
so youse see that
blue's theory still stands and that by a misread interpretation of facts the 99% of socalled mainstream atlantologists continur to keep barking up a wrong tree !
nesos originally meant a silt deposit in a riverbent later a stand alone volcanic isle at sea.
so if you insist on an oceanic isle than it must be a volcano cone
sincerely "
blue hue " dd 25 April from polly univ.delft/holland
I found the following information on the word Nesos very enlightening.
The Greek word nesos, νῆσος (an island)
derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *snā-
the Proto-Indo-European root *snā-
Derivations in other languages
Greek nesos, Latin nare, Latin natar