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Did Atlantis really exist? If so, where?

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Author Topic: Did Atlantis really exist? If so, where?  (Read 908 times)
Jenna Bluehut
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Posts: 4723

« on: September 01, 2008, 02:49:19 pm »

Did Atlantis really exist? If so, where?
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Hero Member
Posts: 130

« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2008, 12:07:52 pm »

It was in Meroe, North Sudan, Province of Butana. You can go there and see the ruins.
But before if you want to have precise explanations on the subject come to Athens Atlantis Conference next November 10-11, and you will see my PowerPoint communication "Plato's atlantida nesos as the island of Meroe".
I hope you will enjoy with it and you will be convinced...

Cordially yours,

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In archeology, ancient traditions must be considered, unless new findings will prove the contrary.
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2008, 10:48:12 am »

" BlueHue"s theory dictates that the Name Atlantide Nesos is a falsh name
re-translated back to greek from a Latin Text

Plato wrote in greek so the original Name should be ATETHA-Land
If Ethiopia was Atlantis(is one of thre Parts of Atlantis)
then where is your Atlas Sea ? and the PONTOON Sea ?

Did you know that Mare Erytraeum and Atlas Sea were the same( from: HERODOTUS.)
M. E. is today named Gulf of ADEN. Cry Shocked Cry

It was in Meroe, North Sudan, Province of Butana. You can go there and see the ruins.
But before if you want to have precise explanations on the subject come to Athens Atlantis Conference next November 10-11, and you will see my PowerPoint communication "Plato's atlantida nesos as the island of Meroe".
I hope you will enjoy with it and you will be convinced...

Cordially yours,

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( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Hero Member
Posts: 130

« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2008, 11:14:12 am »

Here is my opinion :

Atlantida comes from the name of Atlas who has the same origin as Italos. In Etruscan language the word (v)italos which became vitellius in latin means for a calf. Thus the meaning of Atlas is "son of the bull" which is exactly the meaning of the name the Egyptian ruler of the 17th dynasty Kamose "the one generated by a bull".
It is also my opinion that Kamose was reared in Napata and spend 40 years of his life reigning on the kingdom of Kush from Meroe. Unfortunately there is not enough archaelogical proofs of that, even if I suggest to recognize old Kamose reigning as Thutmose Ist on Egypt. But this is another story which should be debated in another thread.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2008, 11:17:00 am by Titiea » Report Spam   Logged

In archeology, ancient traditions must be considered, unless new findings will prove the contrary.
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2008, 02:56:32 pm »

Sorry to disappoint you,
 KAMOSE brother of AHMOSE lifed from 1085 until 1050 bc
so he died at 35 yrs of age
as the biblical patriarch " MOISE or MOSES" he supposedly died at age 125
on mount Hor. so did his brother Aahron(= Ahmoses.)
Scholar Ezdras had his own scenario !
Did you read my last" Personal message " ? THANKS!
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( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2008, 06:48:55 am »

( Part-of-)Titiea's Theory for CONFERENCE in ATHENS:
comes from the same origin as Italos. In Etruscan  (V)italos, became Vitellius, in Latin means a calf. Thus  Atlas means "son of the Bull" which is cognomen or Throne-name of the Egyptian ruler of the 17th dynasty Kamose "the one generated by a bull".
In my opinion  Kamose was reared in Napata spend 40 years of his life reigning on the Kingdom of Kush from Meroe, too little archaelogical proofs of that,
 I even  suggest to recognize old Kamose reigning as Thutmose Ist on Egypt. But this is another story which should be debated in another thread.

Dear. . . . . .   TITIEA,

I beg for your pardon, that I need to disagree with your above findings:
would you please correct your above- wrong - statements!

Cry  Atlantis  -  Atlan-tida  -  Atlantia  -  Atlantidis,  is misspelled 

a Latin mis-spelling from a lost Greek original geo-name;Ad-/ ATHE
it is read as LATIN( like Yehovah.)but it should be read as Greek: THUS,
 Shocked ATHA-RAS really means  Shocked KING of ATHE -not-' Son of Bull'.
ATHARAS or ATHETA- LAND is the Land of ADEN on the TETHYS- SEA(= the GULF-of- Aden.)not in the " Atlantic".)

Sesostris or SENUSRET or SENWORSET etc.can't be Kamose under a different name because:
Sesostris-1, was originally THUTMOSE-1 who was a GRAND- SON of KAMOSE
 Grin  I say that KAMOSE died - very young- at age 35,
You say that he reigned 40 years and died, maybe at age 60 ?!)
 :'(so You will have to ALTER THAT part of your 'Theory'

 TonguePILLARS of Hercules are at BAB-el- MANDAB,
PILLARS is -ofcourse- an INFLEXION, in the word " WHITE- ELEPHANT CITY" it reads as PULASTYA
or HASTINA- PURA In time " PILLAS became PILLARS " and got a different meaning This is fact not fiction.

My dissident discovery is that KAMOSE might have been indeed a" Son of something" of Ra and, LATER CALLED " Ramoses"
as-strong-as a  BULL but that originally meant  an ELEPHANT- BULL
(which fact was OBSCURED, by the LATER demonisation of the Elephant( in 855 bc. by assyrian "King/God": Salmanasser-3)

ICONOGRAPHY of ' ATLANTIS" was a winged" Sun" Disk( originally the Night Sun" Moon" )
originally supported by two Elephants( after demonisation by two Ramheadded men.)
Clearly these TWO Elephants were alluded to, as the socalled " PILLARS"
of Hercules that carried the Sky at " Atlantis/ Poseidonis "capital.

RENMENTS of Elephant worship in Egypt
the Pharaoh's and especially the Caracter of ( Re- )MIN ( as an antropomorf standing Elephant.)still wears an
( elongated) Elephant -Tail hanging as a( Red-)Lint from the Feathered-CROWN at the back
Kamose introduced the new worship of RE- AMUN or YE-MEN as you so elegantly put it.

ATLANTIS means White terror
 in Plato's Atlantis refering to the
Spartan occupation of ATHENS ( dd 405-379 bc.)
inn Hindi it just means " White-LAND" or even "White- Palace" as (P-)Atala-Pura.)

Your Etymology Find of Atala /Italos/ Vitelliusis quite clever but as an ADDENDUM,
I apply the common fact that the Arabians intyerchange the original latin- R , for an arabian  L

FORINSTANCE: the Lands of HAVILA where the " Eating of the " Gold" (= Saffran- Sativus.)is good
this land is surrounded by the River PISON.

In Greek, the land of SOUTH- Araby is called teh KNOWN- Land.
As we know the KNOWN- Land is surrounded by the RIVER- OKEANOS
or rather The " World-Ocean" also called :"World Sea "or MID- World/Earth- Sea.
A GULF( of ADEN or The wandering-Tribe of :" DAN ">)is PONTOS or pontus in greek & Latin

GULF(of Aden.)is PONTOS (>> Son of Oceanos.)
Here we seen that " PONTOS" is also called PISON(= Surrounding- River")and as MARE- Erytraea-um is also called the
( Known-)WORLD- Sea or RedSea with the GULF as a PORTHOLE/ PORTAL/
 Sea-lane or Sea- Strait from the INDIAN Ocean to the Red- Sea

ODYSSEUS 's-Odysee-Route went through the RED- SEA
This RED- SEA is called the GREEN- Sea by the Egyptians
and the World- surrounding Sea by the Punicians

Where was ATLANTIS/ (E-)Scheria ?
The Same coastal names that are listed by Herodotus for the ODYSEE in the Media-terran-Nean- SEA,
also appear at the Red-Sea-coast thus the Term" Wine- dark-World-Sea " and RED- Sea"are identical.
The ESCHERIA, of Odysseus that has somuch in common with Atlantis is today: RAS- ADEN/ CRATER
on any ancient map or the " PERIPLUS" MARE ERTRAEUM" ADEN is listed as ESCHERIA and as Hadramaut.

FORGOTTEN Alternative names for ARABY:
Araby is HAVILA(= HYPEREA.) HYPERIA / Hyria, is also the LAND of the GOD- AMUN in hiss form as " MIN"
hence " YE- MEN or IO-MAN" means the Land of AMUN( like in BEN- JAMIN( =Today: Ras- Aden/ Poseidon
israel or AZRA-EL means the CHEEM or " Burned" Land of Amun
the false association of Aden with Hades and the Hell of Fire(= Flashing colour of Oricalchum not real Fire.)

SAME NAME ? even as a Homonym,
may have a different meaning in another Science-diciplin.
a problem of Greek INFLEXIONS !
"ISLE "may mean NESSOS but as A PELAGOUS it is a " RIVAGE" or Coastal REGION.
THUS " The Isle-of Atlantis and the Isle ofMeroe means a Table-mountain
 land NOT, a WATER- ISLE.

DANAKIL- Depression
was the original" Strait-of The " PILLARS"( of Hercules.)
At the now LAND- Filled- Sea-Outlett, of the AWASH- River was also the
 blocked-up Sea- Mouth of the  ancient Blue- Nile
( Diverted in 869 bc, by King SANHERIB in trying to dry-up the Nile Water-Supply  .)

are dried-up Mud-volcano-Brines tyhat each could pose for Plato's Atlantis description
This is DANA-KIL country: a raised" Depression" that was a Former Sea-lane
where a Classical Scholar only sees a " Flat- Plain" surrounded by low mountains !

GEOLOGICAL- Engineer STAN- DEYO from Berkeley Univ. calif.
 proposed the ESTUARY of TADJURA in DJIBUTI
as the original Atlantis , Sir Ranulph FIENNES in 1992, by sidescan radar, did the same for SHALLALA in DHOFAR/ Oman.)
With a Side-radar- Scan of the DELTA of TADJURA-BAY he tried to prove in a manar a-la-Robert Sharmast
that the FLOOR of the AWASH- Estuary was the original " PLAIN -f- Atlantis"submerged by the
ice age SEA-LEVEL Eustacy in 10.000 bc.

But we know now,
 thanks to the unitended help from " GEORGEOS" for certain
that :
 ATLANTIS was Not and ISLE and NOT in the Atlantic-Ocean.

The Egyptians(=as iranian- HYKSOS.)
had originally come from south-ARABY
that they revered as " MEDAN or MIDIAN "or MAGAN where the MAGAS lived

" Question of: TWO, or THREE Egypts"Huh
in the Unification of the TWO egypts the THIRD Egypt is forgotten
thus Araby The LAND of teh SOUTH" WHITE- WALL "( Araby means White.)
was formerly called the THIRD- Egypt

 ARABY was Egyptian Frankincense territory
but because this was a Bone of contention between EGYPT and ASSUR
 the ownership and the term" LAND of the MIDDLE " or CATHAY/Ketura- CAPHTOR
 was soon forgotten.

But he did not do his " homework" well
The books of  Prof Kamal- Salibi ( 1984)and Dr Velikovsky( 1949.)
proves that the Jews did not want to go back to the original "Lands of israel"
because the artificial Garden of HYPERIA/ Hesperis was derelect and
they didn't want to change from Persian-civil servants to" Paradise"-Farmers !

PALESTINE=( White-)' Elephant Land '
So they colonized the  present land of " PAlestine" which was relatively free of War dammage
The List of YOSHUA- 4-6 is different from the later List of EZEKIEL/ Hezakaia.
Yet the Bible Exodus is a full description of RAS- ADEN- CRATER as the city of KAMOSE
CARCHEMISH !/ KARKEMOSH ) and later as KARKAR /KADESH or:" JERUSALEM in the SKY(=" Hesper-is")
Atlantis and CANAAN are identical but All Atlantologist are fooled by the Strange Geo-Names for it !

The futile-target-efforts of the MAINSTREAM atlantologists
are still limping on PLATO's corrupted falshly translated Latin textus- receptus.
thwey hate to admit that they are barking up the wrong tree, (based on denied translation errors.)

CIRCUMSTANTIAL- Evidence "? Land of HATTI,
I have discovered thanks to " GEORGEOS" translations, and JULIA's Help,
(and ' ATALANTE" actually FINDING a quotation of the 'Mare-Erytraeum 'as the Sea of PONTOS ".)
that Atlantis was NOT an ISLE and that the original name though" LAND of HATTI"
TRANSPIRED in history as" Ad- LAND " Sri-Lanka and CRETE.
EUROPA( and Later America.) was the NEW- Atlantis and THUS
could not have been ANCIENT- Atlantis !

STILL at both Atlantis conferences in MELOS & ATHENS the Mainstream Atlantologists
are not in concordance with eachother about the dissident Theory of " BlueHue "

Yet some do agree with my Views of
900 bc instead of 9.000( Before' SOLON".)
" GEORGEOS" has made a show of debunking the theory of others that claim America or the AZORES
or even Sicilly as the original ISLAND, he himself proposed a Promotory at CADIZ as the GARDEN/ GAD- of Hesperis
and to THROW others off his scent told an obvious- FIB about a MUD- SHOAL called SPARTELL

TITIEA names MEROE another ancient (River-Volcano.)
as the Place, but Meroe was formerly called Ancient SABA(= Thebes.)
from Which King KAMOSEfounded a NEW-Thebes, and  took EGYPT & MISER & South Araby aswell
(making his 'Hyksos'-Brother King DANAUS verry worried about 'brotherly' intentions.)
TITIEA made a tiny mistake that she has not corrected: or confirmed as standing corrected to me.
" MEROE " is not a GIRLS name but a persian MALE name( Son of King Cambysos in 525 bc.)

Atlantis-problem is in the wrong translations
In the same mistakenly manner Atlantis was NOT an ISLAND
But I may aswell shout in the Desert.
I found ADEN as Atlantis/ Ad-land/ Eden in 2005( pretty 'late' heh?!)
ANYWAY I hope to receive the Third Atlantis CONFERENCE( YMCA-lodgings!)
not in Greece but in my Home- Town University of DELFT in Holland !or by Video-Conferencing !
asof yet the Faculty of " Studium- Generale" considders" Atlantis" as an unimportend " New-Wave escapism"


needs several diciplines: that are all too easily OVERLOOKED:linguistics(>'Georgeos'.)and
A VULCANOLOGIST is ususally NOT " Consulted " as unrelated to the case,
but recognizes Atlantis as a Volcano-Core/ Caldeira with a Central mount in a Volcanic-Lake.
Filmcompanies that invest in mini-Sub- Marines to "Find Atlantis" are the real Hoaxers !

The " DYSNEY- CARTOON" Picture on Atlantis in ICELAND"
is one of sheer Sirendippity !(= 'Elephant shrewedness'.)
the main character bases his "FIND" on leaving out ONE letter in the recorded
'ancient' legend of Atlantis in IRELAND: his" R " were an " C " thus" ICELAND "

-common-ERRORS occur:
But in  reality it is a common ERROR that is also possible ,
Atlantis was NOT larger (= MEIZON.)
than ASIA (= Araby !)& Lybia(= Ethiopia !)
but was " MID-WAY- IN- Between"(= MESON.)
and that is precisely where Ras Aden Crater is:
 in the EXTREME - WEST-ern Part of the known World of ARABY !

ATLANTIS (-10-) Partitions ?
Sure " Atlantis was partitioned in SEVEN to NINE ISLANDS"
but these were NOT islands but( 9-River-) DISTRICTS(= Pelagous as well.)
The Story of SNOWWHITE and the SEVEN Dwarfs over teh SEVEN Mountains
is an oral (PONDICHERRY-)variation from Hindu- Myth about the Queen of Atlantis: LEUCOTHEA(= " Snowwhite")

I apollogize for any unintened dammages that may occur in Publicizing my dissident Theory.
I am presently under " indiana Jones Hermocrates ' Riddicule "
In the EVENT, that, when " BlueHues"s dissident Theory' becomes the mainstream,
the other ' Scientific" Atlantologists won't hate me too much for that!

Sincerely, " BlueHueCry  Shocked  Cry
dd . 22 Sept - 2008
PS. for media-shortness: read & comment on my subscript!

« Last Edit: September 25, 2008, 09:02:54 am by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2008, 08:52:22 am »

It was in Meroe, North Sudan, Province of Butana. see the ruins. if you want to have precise explanations on the subject come to Athens Atlantis Conference next November 10-11, and see my PowerPoint communication "Plato's atlantida nesos as the island of Meroe".I hope you will enjoy it be
Cordially yours,Therese

Dear . . . . " T "

HORUS in BUTHO or Butana , Huh
After the birth of Horus, posthumeously! when Osiris was killed and cased,
ISIS hid the new-born HORUS from the threads of SETH(= the Moon.)
in the Sea-Coast( Elephant-) BULL-rushes of 'BUTHO-in Ethiopia'"
is this approximately the same Location as as MEROE - in - BUTANA " ?

Sincerely,  " BlueHue " Cry Shocked Cry  dd 25-th Sept-2008
« Last Edit: September 25, 2008, 09:02:04 am by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2008, 02:53:37 pm »

Did Atlantis really exist? If so, where?

Ad-Land( Surat-89.) in ADEN I just told you ,
but You'll prefer At-Lant or Atlantis I suppose ! Cry  Shocked  Cry
« Last Edit: October 02, 2008, 02:54:17 pm by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
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