Dear............JENNA - BLUEHUT,JUST HOW, were the Andes formed and when ?I apologize if you find this reply in depth-quaint
or do you regard this commentary, as " Off Topic "
many forummembers had the oppertunity to watch this Thread
but seemingly none have felt the urge to comment on these sattelite-Findings
ASTEK & INCA legends tell of a Nation FOUNDING people's WANDERING around 900-800 bc
when a sky EAGLE is fighting the EARTH SNAKEThese were SURVIVORS not" Colonists" !
The Heavens were "PARTED" by a FEATHERED SNAKE which Atlanteans called
BAAL fighting MOTH This Flood-cataclysm-was not a LOCAL but
Global EVENTwell rwecorded in EGYPT and Greece!
Erratic orbit of
1055 BC which " Seismic Wave effect caused the Atlantic Ocean to split ( from Africa/ Europe.)
and the ANDES to rise above the SNOW-line border
so that it would be no big supprise to find " Sub-Tropical' Cities in former Volcano-caldeiras
which have become lakes by seismic tilting.
The Artforms and architecture of the Ruins should be an indication of the CATACLYSM : DATE CA.
1055 BCA second MOON BOUNCE caused the Himalayans to Rise above Snow-hight-LimitThan in
855 bc a second time, the Moon-bounced off the hawaian Isles
and caused the Indian Oceabn to split( from Australia )
This time the Seismic waves caused the Red-Sea to split and the Himalayan mountains to Rise
Meanwhile the HARRAPAN/ Mohenjodaro ( BRICK-)City civilisationswere unshaken
because they too were built in former Lava floodplains below the river INDUS
Predictibally they were thus frequently floodded after the( Seismic-Waves.) Tsunamies
levelled the River-Dune" Embankments " and the Citizens had to leave the flooding cities eventually.
MOON did collide with EARTH in " quite recent "Historic timesThe Greeks called these double MOON-Collisions with Earth "War of GODS"
The First
Moon collision was named
TITANO- MACHIA in 1055 bcthe second
Moon-bash was named
GIGANTO- Machiain 855 bcPLATO's original Atlantis was also built in a wide shallow PLAIN of a Mud-Volcano CALDEIRAS which equally TILTED leaving the original City
half above and half under a lagoon-waterfront. in 1055 bc.
ATLANTIS was REBUILT after the FIRST FLOODDING.A Waterworks architect named
by KingTHOT, to redress the dammage of the TILTED City of Atlantis.
So he levelled the sunken part with Mud from the lifted part.
but Mud is ofcourse NOT stable so the
seafront end of the FILLED- in Part had to be supported by a RUBBLE DAM called a" MILLO"
To avouid the water running off freely from tghe upper half of the tilted Plain a stone Wall was layed across the divided Middle/ mid-through section.
These walls were built by Elephants(= Transport!)who afterwards were called
SIONis a word-corruption of POSION or POSEIDON the cataclysmic SEA- God
his Syrian name was BHAAL or BAAL( from the old-Persian PHULBE or PHIL
meaning " Holi-White- ELEPHANT the " (cataclysmic-)GOD- of PUNT.
POSEIDON's " SEA-HORSES -traditionally-
were supposed to have caused Earth-Quakes
as " COLONEL HATI " did marching in india !
Kink Salmanasseer-3 of Assuir onec besieged the PORT of ADEN in Haframaut
When the TSUNAMI of 855 bc struck the City and drowned the assyrian army
The White Holi- ELEPHANT as the AVATAR of the MOON(=" Baal">)
was made the culprit and killed off
was the Elephant of Atlantis,Paleo-biologists noticed that around
850 bc the Arabian White Elephant species was suddenly inexplicably extinct,
but they never linked it to a superstitious assyrian GOD- KING
CONCLUSION:all over the Globe cities on river or Lava-
Plains were flodded by near-by
riverstreams when the MOON hit Earth ( For the second time) in
855 bcThus sunken cities on land in Andes-lakes
have their counterparts on ancient Sea-coasts such as
Ancient sunken Cities in floodded LAGOONS
UNIVERSAL Glacier LAKE burst occured in 855 bc in Europe - INDIA - and Arabia which according to ARTEFACTS
such as perhaps a none forged proto Cuneiform enscribed silver Bowl from Lake TITICACA's port bottom.)
can ALL be dated to the Single CATASTROPHE of 855 bc.
which wasa well recordwed by the Egyptian and Greek stellar MYTHS:
In Egypt the colliding Moon was named ATON in Greece phae-ATON
Thus ATON was NOT a SUN- worship but a Night-Sun(= MOON-)Worship.
Many Ancient Port Cities in the MEDIATERRANEAN-
SEA region have sunk beneath the SEA
but were quickly rebuilt and the original Port Entrance
( Beneath the NEW-Ports ) who were covered by river-sediments and affluents,were quickly forgotton or taken for
different abandonned 1.000 years older cities.
I knew of ancient Waterfront beaches and riverterrasses, but
now I see these Salellite pictures for the first time which
even if they were fabricated for this show
are a logical consequence of tectonic-Tilting
I feel
honored and proud that from all the Atlantologists at this WebSite
I " BlueHue " am the first to
comment in Depth and not just the
one-Liners I usually get for reply comment !
Keep-up the good work Jenna !
you may become a second " Bianca"
Sincerely "
BlueHue "( a dissident atlantologist.)dd 11 Nov.2008