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Sunken Continents versus Continental Drift

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Author Topic: Sunken Continents versus Continental Drift  (Read 10019 times)
Carolyn Silver
Superhero Member
Posts: 4611

« Reply #45 on: August 11, 2008, 01:51:16 am »

Tanks!, Mario! 

There IS a piece missing between Europe and North America and everytime they do that jigsaw where they try and put the continents together, it is pretty clear!

Atlantis DIDN'T have to be a continent!Carolyn

I believe we haven't met, before

FROM a ' dissident ' Atlantologist.

What you don't knoe is that most of Plato's references were corrupted by LATIN translators.


Atlantis as an Island in the Atlantic is FAKE
Plato originally wrote GREEK

GREEK ATHETA-Land became" Atlantis "

GREEK location in PELAGOUS(= Midway in a BAY(= Golf-)became PELAGUS(= ISLAND Realm.)

Atlantis was at a territorial Gulf(= Sae of Atlas>)which separated Atlantis from the Real Ocean
THUS Atlantis was never IN the Atlantic-Ocean.

This Midway- SEA was the Surrounding Sea or ( Known-)World Sea.IMMIGRANTS in Europe changed it into the MEDIA- Terra Nea."

Latin compilers aggranded Plato's measurements of Liquid, Size /distance and even Time with TEN
because of an error reading of x + X as TIMES TEN instead of Plus Ten.! x= multiply X is TEN.

Plato wrote his SYMPOSION- TREATISE as a SATYRE on the current political crises in Athens.NOT to promote his POLITEIA
But to critisize ATHENS' War HYBRIS in the FAILED. . . RAID on SYRACUSE ( 413-bc)
No Atlantologist spotted that ALL the NARRATORS were former Greek GENERALS executed in SYRACUSE( except Socrates, he was poisioned.)

THE. . MOON hit the Equator TWICE
in 1055 and 855 bc the GREEKS called this the TITANO-Machia( Hit on Antartica & GiGANTO=- Machia(= Hit on Hawaii.)
The First Hit may have triggered the Atlantic MountainRIFT, the Second Hit has caused the Hymalaians and indian Ocean Rift, overnight
Since nobody believes this I am dubbed the " Dissident Atlantologist"

The oceanographic institutions should have Maps about those TWO BOUNCE IMPACTS from the Moon.
Right Opposite the Atrartica region must be the American Mountains abnd opposite Hawai must have been the Hymalaians
BUT rather at an angle of 90% because Earth moved during both impacts
so that the THRUST outcome is today not directly opposite the Pacific IMPACT SITES anymore!

This Earth encompassing or WORLD encycling SEA is not th Atlantic
 but Should be called the TETHYS SEA.

The saying goes that the TiTAN(= egyptian King/ Queen.)TETHYS " married" OCEANUS and produced an OFF Spring
or OFF Shoot , that is some SORT of OUTLETT that was called PONTUS, or Greek PONTOON.

In My opinion:
 TETHYS was Queen TETI-CHERI and OKEANOS, King SEKEN en-RE Thot-2  TetiCheri is self evident sOKEAN(-os.) may be King Seken.

Dr Velikovsky was a " dissident paleo-geologist " turned biblical historian he REVISED the Egyptian TIME Line
which contained 500 yeras TOO  MUCH.
 So the GREEKS didn't enter GREECE i 1650 bc as Minoan/ Myceaners but around 1.000 bc.


 Due to translation failures Atlantis as a VOLCANO KINGDOM in Ras ADEN crater
inbetween the " CONTINENTS "(= French RIVAGES">) of ASIA(= Major= Araby & LYBIA"= THEN Erytraea.)
unwittingly became a FAKE Island in MID Atlantic Ocean whereas it should be located near the INDIAN Ocean separated by a SEA- ARM.

It's Inhabitants were the HYKSOS/ Hittites and Punicians(= Canaanites) Living under egyptian Suzereinity in HADRAMAUT/ ADEN

Have a nice evening ! Cry Shocked Cry
" BlueHue " ( A dissident Atlantologist.) dd 5 Aug 2008

Nahhhhh!  The Greek translations all place it in the Atantic Ocean, too!  You are forgetting, many times Plato mentions the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and the Pilars of Hercules, so he isn't just fixing it into place with ONE geographic reference point, but several! 
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Mario Dantas
Superhero Member
Posts: 1376

« Reply #46 on: August 11, 2008, 02:16:55 pm »

Hi again Carolyn Silver,

Do you know how FAR the hole would have to tear to go to reach all the way up to Greenland? Sorry!  Looks to me like a massive eruption happened there, the material SPILLED OUT, and that block of sunken CONTINENTAL MATERIAL was part of it.

What i meant is that the Island was down South (as its occlusion demonstrates) and that when the Earthquake happened, the terrible "shake down"  liberated the Island from its Continental ties and Greenland started its movement by "whip cracking" East towards the Sahara Desert (The Cape Verde Islands and Canary Islands, near Guelb er Richat, Mauritania, are situated in the beginning of this Geological phenomena).

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Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #47 on: August 12, 2008, 08:18:54 am »

Dear. . .  Mrs. . . . CAROLYN - SILVER,

(' BlueHue' is a dissident atlantologist: placing Atlantis in the arabian Desert of ADEN.)
I apollogize for some spelling mistakes ( I forgot the'Spelling Check')(!)

ATLANTIS, NOT in the ATLANTIC ",  Shocked Shocked Shocked
Has an Atlantis SYNDROME caught us >?

To answer your Reply
 about Atlantis situated in middle of the Atlantic('Ocean')THAT IS A FALLACY.
All Atlantologists disregard that Plato originally wrote in Greek Oh sure, " they KNEW that "!

BUT still can't get over leaving Atlantis by it's LATIN name and have a disregard for the GREEK original-name
Which- obviously- was NOT " Atlantis" nor ' Atlantide' !( Herodotus" Atlantis" is a Latin-Word too!)
HOW could that Happen:" The Atlantis- Syndrome " ?

Before 1600 this Atlantic was called the SPANISH - SEA or even briefly GERMAN - SEA.
After 1649 it became officially the Atlantic Ocean due to a DUTCH- Spanish PEACE treaty of Munster.

Many socalled Atlantologists have built their wild theories around ONE stable Point
But none have discovered the overal FALLACIES due to WRONG - Translations !

Especially the Americans think that THEY were the ancient Atlantis
( But BACON regarded as a NEW-Atlantis.
(Yet whishfull thinking made America,  into a possible A.)
( Only because King Ferdinand-1, of SPAIN said so in 1500
( which neccessitated COLUMBUS to falsify his own search -Ships'LOG,
for Atlantis into a search for  " INDIA " instead.)

The FALSE  Notion of Atlantis as an ISLAND in MID - Atlantic
originated from an( Accidentally-) FAKED latin translation: PELAGOUS - INTO ;" PELAGUS ".

ABOUT every Atlantologist forgets irobnically that PLATO used to write in GREEK,
and that he subsequently did not translate his text into Latin by his own hand.
Never the less the english translations cover the original meaning with an indication of probable errors
Most Atlantologists considder the" Original " Latin text sacred and thus fell into amateur- historian traps !

CONSIDDER the REAL Translation Faults:

Of fifty" Atlantologists" participating in the PAST " Melos-2005" Conference, by that Publishinghhouse" Helio- Topos",
ALL Atlantologists were not in CONCENSUS about the VERY-same-TEXT !
They each preffered a DIFFERENT Location, employing ONLY ONE of the prescribed" REFERENCES".

The same atlantologists are making the same Fault repeating their THEORIES next in ATHENS-2008.
ESPEDICATO or whatever his Name is spelled rephrased his LECTURE
from Atlantis demise caused by THYPHON & TYPHONEUS now into: caused by: PHAETHON !

Dr Rehnhard KUHNE, Thorwald, SCHOPPE and others Situeted Atlantis in SPAIN,  Siccilly and IERELAND
For an annecdote: in the Waltdisney-Filam " Atlantis" it was situated in ICELAND because of a WRITING - ERROR !

PLATO's ATLANTIS is a FAKE because of -indeed- a WRITING - ERROR !

IF you profess not to believe this from my previous message, the EVIDENCE is simple:

PLATO's original name for Atlantis( a Latin mistranslation !) was: ATHETA- Land
( ancient-) ATHE-LAND was ADEN which the locals call: "  RAS - ADEN - Crater.
Your self- invented Explanation of POSEIDON stinks, because earlier, in Linear-B Script
POSEIDON was written differend: POSATON, this is not a personal but a City-Name
a word-corruption of Ras- ADEN. ( The 'etymological/ Toponym' Sequence: is
 RAS( slighted to: POS.)and AITON,( slighted to: ADEN/ ADON.) RAS in Punician meant:" HARBOUR".

Thus GADERA ( CADIZ-)originally read GADEIRAS, the HARBOUR of GAD( or GHAD !)( GHAD= ADEN.)
Atlantis was also called AD- LAND in the Koran,( Surat 89.)but this too is a Latin- corruption !)

The general FALLACY started with the FALSE notion of
Atlantis as an ISLAND in the ATLANTIC !
it was not !

PLATO's original read 'ATHE-PELAGOUS' meaning the BAY or SEA- ARM of ATHE !
Latin transcription read:ATLANTIDIS - PELAGUS depending of the context.
But this is a wrong translation because it does not read: " SEA - ARM " anymore !
NOW it means: " ISLAND - Realm " See the difference ? Do you believe me now ?( Rhetorical - Question "!)

This ATLANTIS- SEA was inbetween Atlantis- Metropolis and the OCEAN !

I KEEP TELLING, each incredulent individual of 50 Forum members here,
that Plato himself placed a SEA - ARM inbetween(= KETA de MESON.)Atlantis and the Ocean !
BUT not unlike your taking this warning-Error-Message for granted,( Even COLUMBUS called Atlantis"on a  BRAZILLE- de-Mer ")
Yet, ALL Atlantologists keep thinking that Atlantis was somewhere IN the Atlantic OCEAN !( or DOGGERLAND in the North- Sea.)


 TongueAtlantis is NOT an ISLAND and it is NOT in the ATLANTIC as Mario DANTAS quoted me last month
Hoping to get more legallity from my quotation ! But then all island theories are fallacies too !

Are ALL Atlantologists stupid or Biased or WHAT ?( Sorry I mean no offence !)
I am just wasting my time here, pointing stubborne Atlantologist on their main mistake!
( Atlantide/ Atlantis was ATHETA!)( also called: ACHAD-Dan, in Hebrew and:( E-)SCHERIA by Odysseus.)
Jaime MANUSCHEVICH came-up with ISRAEL but refused to acknowledge an OLDER" Israel " from ADEN(= EDEN ! ! ! )

For Error-correcting an obvious mistake commited by a common oversight, by others,
 I am called a correcting thus " Dissident " Atlantologist !
I rest my Case.

Sincerely,  Cry Shocked Cry  dd 12 Aug. 2008

" BlueHue "

PS-1 so far none of the Forummembers understood a Hoot about my Nutshell-Subscript can you make it's essence clear ? or aren't you intrested in the REAL' Atlantis' only the succulent Myth ?


THANK - You for posting this SPOUT- Hole in your last post to Carolyn - Silver !
Maybe now I can with aid of this island depression, explain what " Planetary" collosions can do to Earth's surface !
Recently Scientists at NASA have discovered that a MOON-Like object hit Mars and carried away one Third of it!
In my " BlueHue"-SCENARIO the MOON fell TWICE into the Pacific 1055 bc 855 bc
The Greeks( and ofcourse their masters the Egyptians Recorded this !
The Greeks called it the" Titanomachia in 1055 ". THIS extrusion-HOLE in Greenland
Would be the result if a" Meteorite" (= the MOON.)hit Earth from the opposite site ! Thus the Pacific!
« Last Edit: August 12, 2008, 09:11:54 am by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Carolyn Silver
Superhero Member
Posts: 4611

« Reply #48 on: August 13, 2008, 01:32:19 am »


The reason why Georgeos isn't around here is simple:

He's a quack!!!

Do you have any actual physical evidence to support your conclusions or is it all linguistic wordplay of one type or another?

You canm twist those dialogues to place Atlantis on the moon if you want!  But ALL the major translators AGREE that it was in the ATLANTIC!  That is all the best ancient Greek ones and all the best Latin ones!

So the problem with you non-conformists is you never have any EVIDENCE to support your conclusions!

At it's core, Atlantis was an island with a Bronze Age civilizatio that SANK.

I have evidence for some of that in the Atlantic!  Do you have any in Saudi Arabia or wherever the heck you place yours?  Nope!  Just the same old Georgeos/Maria/Jose gibberish without any SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE to support it.  Sheesh!!  Huh
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Carolyn Silver
Superhero Member
Posts: 4611

« Reply #49 on: August 13, 2008, 01:36:08 am »

Hi again Carolyn Silver,

Do you know how FAR the hole would have to tear to go to reach all the way up to Greenland? Sorry!  Looks to me like a massive eruption happened there, the material SPILLED OUT, and that block of sunken CONTINENTAL MATERIAL was part of it.

What i meant is that the Island was down South (as its occlusion demonstrates) and that when the Earthquake happened, the terrible "shake down"  liberated the Island from its Continental ties and Greenland started its movement by "whip cracking" East towards the Sahara Desert (The Cape Verde Islands and Canary Islands, near Guelb er Richat, Mauritania, are situated in the beginning of this Geological phenomena).


Hi Mario!

Do you know how long it takes for landmasses the size of Greenland to move great distances?  Millions of years!  Much easier to say it "sunk" instead.  We HAVE evidence of islands being blown all to hell in a day or so in Krakatoa and Santorini.  We DON"T have evidence of islands travelling fast across the globe!
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Posts: 3915

« Reply #50 on: August 15, 2008, 02:05:48 am »

That's true.  One of the biggest fallbacks of the Mid-Atlantic Ocean theory is, that if a cataclysm actually happened in recent years (say the last 12,000) to sink so vast a land as Atlantis was (even if it was an object from space striking the Mid-Atlantic Ridge), chances are, we wouldn't be here right now.  It would have wiped out everything.
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Mario Dantas
Superhero Member
Posts: 1376

« Reply #51 on: August 15, 2008, 04:22:22 am »

Dear Carolyn Silver,

Do you know how long it takes for landmasses the size of Greenland to move great distances?  Millions of years!  Much easier to say it "sunk" instead.  We HAVE evidence of islands being blown all to hell in a day or so in Krakatoa and Santorini.  We DON"T have evidence of islands travelling fast across the globe!

How should those Geological evidences look like? I mean what does it take for Science conclude that in fact there was a fast dislocation? It is all in our mind (the Scientific impossibility). Geologically Greenland was further South in remote Times. The question of whether the Island performed a 60 degrees latitudinal distance in a short period (24h) or not, depends only in the velocity with which it traveled. This may sound stupid but it is the very truth. Science knows only parts of the inner workings of our Planet, and never did they have the opportunity to study such vast Geological change "in loco", so to deny such possibility is just plain prejudice. We know South America is likely to have been "thorned out"  from Africa but its shape remained the same. For those who don't believe that such large landmasses could travel intact, there is the proof. It is only a question of scaling and mother Nature does the rest. If you assume that of such thing indeed happened, you have to throw away all dating systems for they aren't realistic, they just can't be.

Let's be sensible! Does it seem logic that the dating (absolute or relative) would remain the same if large amounts of energy did in fact influence ALL Geological data in our Planet? The Atlantic is spreading apart, and that is due to the Inertia from that period, like a remnant of the said movement.

Dear Morrison,

I am glad to hear from you again! It's been a long time...

One of the biggest fallbacks of the Mid-Atlantic Ocean theory is, that if a cataclysm actually happened in recent years (say the last 12,000) to sink so vast a land as Atlantis was (even if it was an object from space striking the Mid-Atlantic Ridge), chances are, we wouldn't be here right now.  It would have wiped out everything.

I couldn't agree more and i surely never said the contrary! The Mid Atlantic Ridge wasn't stricken by the Meteoric(?) event, nor did Atlantis sink. Your assertions are very wise, the "almost collision" occurred in the other side of the Planet starting from South Argentina and going all way to the Himalayas. This change happened in a "smooth" way, and by smooth i mean to be able to bear Life, Ice and fire fought a terrible battle against each other, and Ice won.

Regarding the fact that such event "would have wiped out everything" as you stated, all i can say is that it almost did...

With Regards,

« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 04:43:42 am by Mario Dantas » Report Spam   Logged

Tom Hebert
Superhero Member
Posts: 1370

« Reply #52 on: August 15, 2008, 05:09:26 am »

That's true.  One of the biggest fallbacks of the Mid-Atlantic Ocean theory is, that if a cataclysm actually happened in recent years (say the last 12,000) to sink so vast a land as Atlantis was (even if it was an object from space striking the Mid-Atlantic Ridge), chances are, we wouldn't be here right now.  It would have wiped out everything.

Hi Morrison,

Well, it did pretty much wipe out everything.  Even Plato acknowledges that civilization has been destroyed many times during the course of man's existence on earth.
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il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #53 on: August 23, 2008, 02:56:31 pm »


The reason why Georgeos isn't around here is simple:

He's a quack!!!

Do you have any actual physical evidence to support your conclusions or is it all linguistic wordplay of one type or another?

You can twist those dialogues to place Atlantis on the moon if you want!  But ALL the major translators AGREE that it was in the ATLANTIC!  That is all the best ancient Greek ones and all the best Latin ones!

So the problem with you non-conformists is you never have any EVIDENCE to support your conclusions!

At it's core, Atlantis was an island with a Bronze Age civilizatio that SANK.

I have evidence for some of that in the Atlantic!  Do you have any in Saudi Arabia or wherever the heck you place yours?  Nope!  Just the same old Georgeos/Maria/Jose gibberish without any SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE to support it.  Sheesh!!  Huh

I have a great respect of GEORGEOS handling a dull subject like Atlantis in Spain with Oeuthousiastic optimism
He know that he is a Quack but it is obviously a Hoax to sneer at Scientific atlantologists who never have found Atlantis proper !

You may sneer at my ETYMOLOGY approach but let me telly that
this is my basic dissident attack at mainstream Atlantologists!

AGAIN but now listen more carefully

PLATO said that Atlantis(= Ad-Land) was surrounding a TERRITORIAL SEA(-of Atlas.)
that separated it from the real Ocean so Atlantis was never in PLAIN VIEW of the 'real' Ocean!

Plato used the WORD  PELAGOUS ( which in context means a BAY WATER or BRIDGE Water thus a PONTOS- Sea.)
The latin translators used Pelagous as a single alonestanding word and translated it into PELAGUS meaning ISLAND


Atlantis was no island and NOT IN the Atlantic
Consequence every island theory on Atlantis is Bogus Cry Shocked Cry
And I don't need Physical evidence, Why did NO mainstream Atlantologist Spot that ?
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( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Superhero Member
Posts: 3423

« Reply #54 on: August 23, 2008, 04:29:21 pm »

Blue Hue, you must have some sort of reference for some of this stuff don't you?  Like, how do you know what Plato wrote in ancient Greek, when we don't have his original papers to work with?

I've asked Mr. R. Cedric Leonard, who can translate ancient Greek, if it was possible to mistake the word for combined/together for the word for "between".  He said that to try to interpret the word as between, the syntax of the whole sentence would have to be changed. 

So for instance;

This power was larger than Libya and Asia "combined/together".    OR

This power was larger than Libya and Asia "between".

The syntax would not be correct.

He could also have been talking about the "might" of this land and not the size of it.  Mighty because they were wealthy, had control of the trade routes and goods, and probably held stations of high office.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2008, 04:31:21 pm by Qoais » Report Spam   Logged

An open-minded view of the past allows for an unprejudiced glimpse into the future.

Logic rules.

"Intellectual brilliance is no guarantee against being dead wrong."
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #55 on: August 25, 2008, 11:09:05 am »

Blue Hue, you must have some sort of reference for some of this stuff don't you?  Like, how do you know what Plato wrote in ancient Greek, when we don't have his original papers to work with?

I've asked Mr. R. Cedric Leonard, who can translate ancient Greek, if it was possible to mistake the word for combined/together for the word for "between".  He said that to try to interpret the word as between, the syntax of the whole sentence would have to be changed. 

So for instance;

This power was larger than Libya and Asia "combined/together".    OR

This power was larger than Libya and Asia "between".

The syntax would not be correct.

He could also have been talking about the "might" of this land and not the size of it.  Mighty because they were wealthy, had control of the trade routes and goods, and probably held stations of high office.


Would you, Please re-Phrase
your confusion of words Question to Dr LEONARD in the way that I try to indicate below:

The whole issue of Atlantis location depents on the above Translation ERROR
I apologize for replacing the stand-alone word " Largerthan for 'between " ofcourse that is impossible to be mistaken,

I meant to replace the word
 in english " Larger-than(= MEZO-n two words!)
by: MESO-s(= " Situated, midway-inbetween " Three words!)
in THIS way the confusion between MEZO-MESO does make sence!  Cry Shocked Cry  dd 25 Aug 2008
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( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Tom Hebert
Superhero Member
Posts: 1370

« Reply #56 on: August 25, 2008, 11:14:03 am »

Hi BlueHue,

I disagree.  "Larger than" makes very good sense.  In fact, in context it's the only thing that does make sense.
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Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #57 on: August 25, 2008, 11:23:35 am »

Nahhhhh!  The Greek translations all place it in the Atantic Ocean, too!
 You forget,  Plato mentions the Atlantic,  Mediterranean and Pillars of Hercules,
so he doesn't fix it into place with ONE geographic reference point, but several!

FROM " BlueHue " a ' dissident ' Atlantologist,

All Plato's Atlantis-location references were corrupted by latin translators:
Geo-Names as:" Asia minor " and " Africa"  did not exist( yet) in Plato's time
 nor did the term" you HELLENES".)Plato would have named the Greeks Achaeans in his time..

What you don't know, is that most of Plato's references were corrupted by LATIN translators.

Atlantis as an Island in the Atlantic is FAKE
Plato originally wrote GREEK

GREEK ATHETA-Land became" Atlantis "

GREEK location in PELAGOUS(= Midway in a BAY(= Golf-)became PELAGUS(= ISLAND Realm.)

Atlantis was at a territorial Gulf(= Sae of Atlas>)which separated Atlantis from the Real Ocean
THUS Atlantis was never IN the Atlantic-Ocean.

This Midway- SEA was the Surrounding Sea or ( Known-)World Sea.IMMIGRANTS in Europe changed it into the MEDIA- Terra Nea."

Latin compilers aggranded Plato's measurements of Liquid, Size /distance and even Time with TEN
because of an error reading of x + X as TIMES TEN instead of Plus Ten.! x= multiply X is TEN.

Plato wrote his SYMPOSION- TREATISE as a SATYRE on the current political crises in Athens.NOT to promote his POLITEIA
But to critisize ATHENS' War HYBRIS in the FAILED. . . RAID on SYRACUSE ( 413-bc)
No Atlantologist spotted that ALL the NARRATORS were former Greek GENERALS executed in SYRACUSE( except Socrates, he was poisioned.)

THE. . MOON hit the Equator TWICE
in 1055 and 855 bc the GREEKS called this the TITANO-Machia( Hit on Antartica & GiGANTO=- Machia(= Hit on Hawaii.)
The First Hit may have triggered the Atlantic MountainRIFT, the Second Hit has caused the Hymalaians and indian Ocean Rift, overnight
Since nobody believes this I am dubbed the " Dissident Atlantologist"

The oceanographic institutions should have Maps about those TWO BOUNCE IMPACTS from the Moon.
Right Opposite the Atrartica region must be the American Mountains abnd opposite Hawai must have been the Hymalaians
BUT rather at an angle of 90% because Earth moved during both impacts
so that the THRUST outcome is today not directly opposite the Pacific IMPACT SITES anymore!

This Earth encompassing or WORLD encycling SEA is not th Atlantic
 but Should be called the TETHYS SEA.

The saying goes that the TiTAN(= egyptian King/ Queen.)TETHYS " married" OCEANUS and produced an OFF Spring
or OFF Shoot , that is some SORT of OUTLETT that was called PONTUS, or Greek PONTOON.

In My opinion:
 TETHYS was Queen TETI-CHERI and OKEANOS, King SEKEN en-RE Thot-2  TetiCheri is self evident sOKEAN(-os.) may be King Seken.

Dr Velikovsky was a " dissident paleo-geologist " turned biblical historian he REVISED the Egyptian TIME Line
which contained 500 yeras TOO  MUCH.
 So the GREEKS didn't enter GREECE i 1650 bc as Minoan/ Myceaners but around 1.000 bc.


 Due to translation failures Atlantis as a VOLCANO KINGDOM in Ras ADEN crater
inbetween the " CONTINENTS "(= French RIVAGES">) of ASIA(= Major= Araby & LYBIA"= THEN Erytraea.)
unwittingly became a FAKE Island in MID Atlantic Ocean whereas it should be located near the INDIAN Ocean separated by a SEA- ARM.

It's Inhabitants were the HYKSOS/ Hittites and Punicians(= Canaanites) Living under egyptian Suzereinity in HADRAMAUT/ ADEN

Have a nice evening ! Cry Shocked Cry
" BlueHue " ( A dissident Atlantologist.) dd 5 Aug 2008[/quote]

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( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Tom Hebert
Superhero Member
Posts: 1370

« Reply #58 on: August 25, 2008, 11:41:39 am »

We'll just have to disagree on this one, BlueHue.  I don't want to offend you.
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Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #59 on: August 25, 2008, 11:43:32 am »

Hi BlueHue,
I disagree.  "Larger than" makes very good sense.  In fact, in context it's the only thing that does make sense.

Dear..........TOM HEBERT,

in my " BlueHue's dissident theory,

" Larger Than " in Greek is: " MEZO-n."
My theory is that Manuscripts were copied
 by a Lector and his scribe-Audience, who
could have well mistaken MEZO- for MESO !

 MEZO- comes out as" Larger/more extended than" two continents . . . but
 MESO- would mean " Situated midway inbetween "2 continents !

Mainstream Atlantologists go by an ISLAND(= pelagus")called Atlantis in LATIN but Ad-land in greek
whilst in Greek Plato actually wrote:
Atlantis was Situated midway in a Sea-Arm(= pelagous.)called Atheta-land, inbetween two Sea- SHORES( 'Continent' means Shore!)

In Plato's time the latin denomination Africa and ASIA-Minor did not exist(yet)
PLATO's 'Lybia' is today called Ethiopia and Plato's Asia MINOR(= Latin .)is today ARABY
( Araby, was than called 'Asia' aswell but with addition of " MAJOR'.)
the average atlantologist ignores the different Geo names that ( Saudi-)Araby has carried over the past  centuries!
All mainstream Atlantologists have fallen in that' historical tourist trap"
you too, are not deviating from the mainstream !

My theory is that ' Atlantis was not an island and was not IN the Atlantic but near the indian Ocean.

Sincerely, Cry Shocked Cry
 " Bluehue " dd 25-th Aug. 2008
« Last Edit: August 25, 2008, 11:49:34 am by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
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