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Did Jesus know about Atlantis ?

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Author Topic: Did Jesus know about Atlantis ?  (Read 845 times)
Mark of Australia
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« on: May 07, 2007, 02:27:28 pm »

I don't think this question is as ludicrous as it first sounds. Jesus certainly was an historical person and if Atlantis was historical fact aswell then what are the chances he may have known about it?  I can not find anything on the net that links Jesus with Atlantis in any serious way ,it seems to be taboo .Or have I just not done a thorough search ?
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« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2007, 08:28:20 pm »

of course he did Mark
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« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2007, 01:14:49 pm »

I don't think this question is as ludicrous as it first sounds. Jesus certainly was an historical person and if Atlantis was historical fact aswell   I can not find anything on the net that links Jesus with Atlantis in any serious way ,it seems to be taboo .[/b] ?

Dear. . . .  . . MARK,

I am sure, that you have heard about the german Scholar CAROTTA ? from:   vvv@Carotta.DE  Grin  He found out allready in his 1999 book:" War- Jesus- Caesar ?"  that this King of the Jews were a Roman Ceasar ! ( in his wake I found out that the 'Exalted' Prophet Mohammad was also a Roman Caesar !)

Both these Caesars can be considdered to be " titulary kings of Atlantis " ( as were the Assyrian Kings who styled themselves: King of the Four Winds of Atlantis.)since the Atlantis region was within their jurisdictional territory.
  Cry   Cry
« Last Edit: December 13, 2007, 01:25:34 pm by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
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Posts: 2633

« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2007, 05:33:08 pm »

Mark, good questions.  The reason why there isn't any reference to Jesus and Atlantis is that all records pertaining to Jesus' existence period, come from the New Testament.  There are no Roman records of his existence, and the only Jewish records come from words about his followers, years after his existence.  Hence, the records we have abut Jesus concern matters of faith.  Why then, would his followers record any words he might have had to say about a lost pagan klingdom?
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il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2008, 04:36:51 pm »

 Grin As I was saying earlier (  in this small Thread, )" JESUS" was Julius Caesar" and in that capacity he surely read about" Atlantis". during his roman education. Grin
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 04:37:23 pm by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
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Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2008, 04:39:16 pm »

of course he did Mark

As I was saying earlier in this Small THREAD JEZUS, was Julius and he got Atlantis for breakfast during his ancient history lessons  Cry
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( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
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Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2008, 04:42:45 pm »

 Cry  I gave the Answer in the Horse his mouth:" as I have said earlier". . . .  Cry   ( EVIDENCIALLY short enough for You MARK ? ? )
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( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Mark of Australia
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Posts: 703

« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2008, 05:41:51 pm »

Hi Arcturus ,BlueHue

Good point Arc ,very little survives from ancient times anyway ,so we can't expect to have convenient references to suit our whims.

Bluehue , you are getting the hang of it , but it is sort of cheating to post lots of short response in a row , they all merge into one long post really ,,  but you are making some big strides forward ...keep it up   Smiley
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« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2008, 07:20:30 am »

I believe that Blue Hue has been referring to this book for a while now.

Unfortunately, it is a little too expensive for me, so I haven't read it.

Jesus Was Caesar:

On the Julian Origin of Christianity:
An Investigative Report

by Francesco Carotta
(Paperback - January 1, 2005)

8 Reviews
5 star:    (4)
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Used & New from: $57.05
« Last Edit: January 11, 2008, 07:35:45 am by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2008, 07:30:48 am »


                                                         Julian revelations

October 19, 2005
By  Aquila Pacis -

Some stories, may they be fictious or real, become successful all around the globe, adaptable to any cultural surroundings: tales like "Pinocchio", films like "The Godfather", real-life stories like that of Oscar Schindler, scientific revolutions like Einstein's theories of relativity, catastrophes like the 2004 Tsunami, religious narrations like those found in the New Testament. Why? Because they comprise the basic rules for telling a story: they are fascinating, interesting, compelling, unique, understandable and universal. Successful stories have a common and basic aesthetic and social value, because they tell you something about life as a human...and they tend to stay simple and focused in their emotional and intellectual contents. Good stories as well as major turning points in history will make you forget the chaotic complexity of earthly life, because they reduce and transcend existence to a brilliant, airy, clear, majestic and spherical order.

In the course of history, successful stories have always undergone cultural transformations and adaptations, and poignant historical events have always had far reaching consequences. In the 1950s the German theologian Ethelbert Staufer discovered that the Christian Easter liturgy isn't based on genuine Christian sources, but on the funeral ceremony and passion of Caius Iulius Caesar, the founder of modern civilization. This ceremony is one of the most important events in the history of mankind, for it decided not only on the fate of the Roman Empire, but the fate of Christianity, Europe and the whole world. An improvised funeral service, driven by a wide range of deep emotions from sorrow to love, from remorse to fury, turned into uproar and insurrection, shaped Rome for all times and sealed Caesar's apotheosis to the highest god of the state, Divus Iulius. A few generations later Caesar's stories, among them Asinius Pollio's "Historiae", were still being told, the god Iulius still being worshipped, especially in the Eastern colonies, where many of his veterans had settled after the Civil War. There, in a different cultural context, the story was altered, adapted, incorrectly translated, misinterpretated, supplemented with appropriate passages from the Biblia Iudaica, but nonetheless understood: its core and ethics were preserved, and after the Jewish War Christianity suddenly surfaced and swept into western Rome. Soon afterwards the Julian religion was extinct and forgotten.

In the book "Jesus was Caesar" by linguist and philosopher Francesco Carotta, Ethelbert Staufer's findings are anything but a coincidence, rather a logical result from a historical momentum and from cultural-dynamical phenomena, which Carotta reveals in a scientific tour-de-force rollercoaster ride. "Jesus was Caesar" is a praiseworthy and highly learned work of daring excellence. This is not some borderline esoteric pap, but a gritty and witty report that never loses its scientific seriousness. The reader will embark on a journey into the Roman womb of Christendom, where astounding parallels between the lives of Jesus Christ and Iulius Caesar are revealed. Strange enough, although Carotta finally presents to us the historical Jesus in overwhelming grandezza, orthodox scientists, believers and even atheists hate (and fear) this work, which has been available in other languages since 1999, because it is not a theory at all, but a huge cluster of historical, archeological, numismatic, cultural, theological and linguistic facts and accords. Moreover, "Jesus was Caesar" is the ever first, truly integral design on the origin of Christianity and the roots of the Christ, far beyond the mere myth that is being preached in our churches. As Jesus/Iulius did, this book will eventually change the world...if, yes, IF Francesco Carotta is right. Since this is highly probable, scientists and non-scientists, believers and non-believers are starting to feel comfortable with Carotta's findings. His book was once said to be of the same order of importance as the scientific discoveries of Galileo and Copernicus...and if this is all just a scientific hoax, it will still go down in history as one of the greatest and most thoroughly conceived pieces of art.

Either way, it's a "must read".
« Last Edit: January 11, 2008, 07:32:02 am by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2008, 02:50:11 pm »

Dear. . . BIANCA,

Thank You kindly for this marvellous ' quote ' about Christ as JULIUS Caesar.

Certainly during his roman education Caesar will have read some of Plato's works perhaps Atlantis too !

The other day on the Subway, I queiryed some Priests about the nature of the Holi name of ' King' JESUS hist" nickname' CHRIST.
They argued that it meant " The En-ointed " and  that Messiahs meant: " the Blessed" .

How quaint !  Carotta learned Us that this holi-name originated from  Caesara's titulature during his office as: " REX- Sacrorum, or Pontifex-Maximus " when he was spoken to in the Latinized greek terms as " Holi-BANK- PRESIDENT:" ARCHI- REOS-MEGISTHOS " or shortened " Christ"

But " Christ " is GREEK too and means " Laughing- Boy or more precise " Golden-Boy ".  The Story went that in order to pay his eex-veteran soldiers he had to find GOLD to MINT Temple Money in order to pay to his Ex-Vetrerans for their upkeep.

He apparently found some derelict goldmine in Palestine and used that outside the Roman treasury to( " Illegally") pay his veterans who bought Wine-vinyard hills around Rome in Tuscany.  However these were confisquated earlier from his enemy senators who killed him over this affront to them in 44 bc.  Thwe rest is History !

The name " MESSAIAHs" does not mean the En-ointed nor " Blessed" neither but simply " Army-Commander " But like the namer CAESAR became synomimous with the name Vice or Co-Emperor, so the name Messaias became exalted to " Blessed also.

Pity of the whole Story is that the SON of Julius the DIVO  JULIO supposedly the SON of  GOD was Octavian, who although Deifying his fosterfather, killed off his rival Caesareon, and also assasinated Mark Anthony in the Lonng run ( and 300 of his relatives.)

Sincerely   Cry  " BlueHueCry  dd 11 Jan   2008

PS I am sure Mr CAROTTA will be pleased with this review ! Grin
« Last Edit: January 12, 2008, 02:53:35 pm by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
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« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2008, 03:12:49 pm »



He is a highly respected Linguist and Philosopher in ITALY.




 Rakefet Dictionary


Christos (Greek) Anointed;

applied in the Greek Mysteries to a candidate who had passed the last degree and become a full initiate. Also the immanent individual god in a person, equivalent in some respects to Dionysos, Krishna, etc. The Hebrew word for anointed (mashiah) is generally written in English as Messiah. What we know as Christianity is a syncretism of borrowings from Neoplatonism, neo-Pythogoreanism, Greek Gnosticism, and Hebrew religion. Christos was commonly used in the Greek translation of the Bible as a title of the Jewish Kings, those who had been anointed for reigning -- a symbolic rite taken originally from the Mysteries. St. Paul's use of the word shows that he understood its true mystical meaning, but spoke with precaution in his public epistles or writings.

The first two letters of the Greek word,  superimposed in a monogram, were on the military standard of the later Christian emperors of Rome, probably dating from Constantine, and have a significance as geometrical symbols besides. See also CHRESTOS
« Last Edit: January 12, 2008, 03:48:36 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2008, 03:17:00 pm »

 Rakefet Dictionary


Chrestes, Chrestos, Chrestians chrestos (Greek) Applied by the Greeks as a title of respect equivalent to "the worthy." Chrestes meant an interpreter of oracles. In the language of the Mysteries, a chrestos was a candidate or neophyte, and a christos (anointed) was an initiate. Christ is a mystical expression for the human inner god, while chrest is the good but as yet unregenerated nature; using here the language of the Mysteries, Christ may be likened to Dionysos, Osiris, or Krishna, who will deliver the suffering Chrest, mankind or Prometheus, in its trial. It is Christos that incarnates in Chrestos. These usages were taken over by the Gnostic schools out of which Christianity largely sprang, and there is abundant evidence to be found among the early Christian writers and the Gnostics themselves that the adherents originally called themselves Chrestians.


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« Last Edit: January 12, 2008, 03:17:57 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
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« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2008, 03:41:10 pm »


PATRIARCHAL TIRANNY: The True Origin of the Three Abramic Religions,4678.0.html
« Last Edit: January 12, 2008, 03:49:12 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
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