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MARINA MICHAELS - Atlantis Channeler

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Author Topic: MARINA MICHAELS - Atlantis Channeler  (Read 676 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 41646

« on: May 05, 2007, 07:57:52 am »

Thanks to Ian Cunningham and his OSIREION in the Dynasties of Egypt

(in EGYPT AND THE PYRAMIDS section), I have run into a very interesting

channeler.  Her name is Marina Michaels and you can read her articles at:

Love and Peace,
« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 09:43:40 pm by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.

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Ian Nottingham
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« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2007, 11:20:15 am »

Actually, it's "Nottingham," Bianca, but your point is well taken and I'm glad that you liked the article.  I was going to post the whole thing in it's entirety later myself.
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« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2007, 01:59:40 pm »

Oh, I am so embarrassed, Ian Nottingham!  It's that "HAM" ending that got me.
My apologies!  Cunningham is a much more common name.  The only other
time I have personally run into yours has been in "Robin Hood"........

Yes, I loved the article and I would really appreciate your posting the whole
thing.  I don't know how.......I got a brand new computer and I am determined
to learn these things although, (being an "Old Dog"), I may be a tad too optimi-

Love and Peace,
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Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
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« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2007, 09:21:28 pm »

Introduction to Atlantis
by Marina Michaels
It seems that lately most of the people I have done readings for have been involved in Atlantis in one way or another. That is, they all spent some time in that culture in some role or another. (I am calling it Atlantis for lack of a better name; by Atlantis, I mean an ancient civilization with technology that was on par with and in some ways exceeded our own, and was quite different from our current one.)

Now, I don't even need to be psychic to know what some people might be thinking at this point. For those of you who are certain there never was an ancient civilization by any name, and who still believe, despite mounting scientific evidence to the contrary, that humanity pulled itself up by the bootstraps from the Stone Age to the Egyptian Pyramids in 5,000 years, even if you accept the most conservative age estimates for the Pyramids, I recommend that you not read further, because what I am about to say will only annoy you. Stay, though, if it will amuse you. I don't mind amusing others at my own expense.

Having said the caveat, I want to say what this post is about. I am going to summarize, not just in this post but in several, some of the information I have received about Atlantis—its origin, its technology, its culture, its location, and its demise. After or while covering the information I have received, I will also provide links to other Web sites and to books that are of interest.

Some of this information I will be sharing has been gathered from my own memories of being in Atlantis (and I will say that I was initially startled by these memories—I didn't even used to believe in reincarnation). Some is from psychically getting the information directly. Some is from doing readings for others and, as I was doing the readings, I would get much new and interesting information about Atlantis through "looking" at the readee's past life or lives there. (Let me hasten to add that any information I share from a reading is (A) not identifiable with the readee in any way and (B) shared ONLY with the readee's permission.)

I am not sure at this point why I have gotten so much information on Atlantis recently, or why it is that I feel more interested in it, where before it was not a topic of interest to me. However, I have been feeling "nudged" to share this information through my Web site, so I will trust that somehow, in some way, this information serves those reading it, or serves a greater purpose in the Universe that I wot not.

So, without further ado, I conclude this post. Look for the next Atlantis post soon!
« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 09:40:54 pm by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
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« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2007, 09:28:12 pm »

Chapter 2: The Origins of Atlantis
by Marina Michaels
As promised, here is the next entry on the ancient civilization that I am calling Atlantis for lack of a better name. What I mean by that name is a global, pervasive, ancient civilization that was disrupted so badly about 10,000 to 12,000 years ago that it was not able to sustain itself, and eventually, after some struggle, subsided into legends, myth, silence, and darkness, leaving behind only traces of their works in stone and other materials. Many products of Atlantian technology would be unrecognizable to us today because their technology was based on a different premise—about which, more later.

About the Name
I have had some hint that this ancient civilization may actually have been called Atlantea, through the spontaneous usage by someone for whom I had just done a reading, and I have also seen the usage of Atlante in an ancient book (Ancient History, or Annals of Kentucky; With a Survey of the Ancient Monuments of North America, and a Tabular View of the Principal Languages and Primitive Nations of the whole Earth, by C. S. Rafinesque, Frankfort, Kentucky, 1824), a document which my client had never seen, and of course Plato in his Timaeus and Critias, two works on Atlantis used the name we are most familiar with. (Critias is incomplete.)

The Origins of Atlantis
Atlantis did not have just one origin. It arose as a human civilization on this planet, but was also influenced by at least one influx of settlers from another planet. (I fully realize that, if I had any shred of credibillity left at this point in the eyes of some after even daring to consider the possibility that Atlantis really existed, I may have just lost it for those people; for the brave and curious rest of you, whom I have not yet lost, thanks for your vote of confidence.)

I don't know a lot about the rise of that early human civilization—I have neither seen it psychically, nor have I read anything that rang true. Rudolph Steiner wrote of it in his book called The Submerged Continents of Atlantis and Lemuria: their History and Civilization, being chapters from the Akashic Records (published in 1911 by the Theosophical Society), but although I have read it, much of it did not ring as truth on the physical plane. It may well represent some spiritual and possibly even physical truths, though, and perhaps another time I will address that book in more depth.

Ceanne de Rohan addresses Atlantis in her excellent series that starts with the book called Right Use of Will, but I do not remember which book (and anyway, the entire series must be read completely and in order). Still, again, she doesn't say much, and unfortunately, because of the issues her books try to address, in any case she dwells on the negative rather than the positive.

Someday I may attempt myself to psychically get more information about the rise of that early ancient civilization. I know more about what the civilization was like once it was a going concern, and I will address that in a later posting. This posting is just about its origins.

Next, as I mentioned, there was contact from an alien society. This information I have first hand, in a manner of speaking, since it comes from my own memories.

Aliens Among Us
My earliest recollection of Atlantis is from a memory, just a fragment, really, from a lifetime lived perhaps 30,000 years ago. I base the time estimate on the fact that I saw in my memory the image of XXX, which I took to mean an indication of time, and which I further took to mean 30,000 years.

Logically, it could mean 10 x 10 x 10, or 1,000, but that is clearly too small a number. It could also be taken to mean 30 of some unit other than a thousand, such as 100 (thus, 3,000), but intuitively it felt right to me that it meant 30,000.

In that memory, I found myself on another planet inhabited, perhaps improbably in the eyes of some, by people who look quite human. They looked so in my memory, and I will stick with that for now, though I believe there may have been some differences that I do not see in my memory, either because in my memory, I am of course seeing everyone as I knew them, or am interpreting what I see in human terms. Probably, in the end, both are true, for I do think, as you will see in a bit, that what we were was not entirely human (nor could we be), nor entirely of this dimension.

Our society on that planet was quite civilized, and we knew no war or agresssion. Individuals were allowed and encouraged to fully express their talents, so there were no frustrated poets or artists or any other such, but instead everyone followed their own unique path to happiness. To say that the civilization was in some ways an Eden would be to hit very close to the mark. However, in some ways we were quite innocent, and when we came to Earth, things changed among us.

One of our technologies was the ability to work with crystals, which we thought of as brothers and sisters in spirit, and with which we communicated telepathically. In so communicating, we could teach/program a crystal so that it would be able to accomplish a variety of tasks. It was a cooperative venture; just as with the "humans" in the civilization, the crystals were never coerced, nor were they treated as machines or slaves. However, their ability to work upon the physical plane maniifested differently than ours, and so to a certain extent we used them, as they could not move about themselves. Again, though, they gladly cooperated with us with whatever we wished to do with them, and if they did not wish to be used in some manner, they were not. Different minerals had different interests, and I will someday go more into that aspect of stones and crystals.

My talents lay in the areas of teaching/programming crystals. I was also something like a librarian, though what constituted libraries and information storage facilities, and what consituted retrieval of that information, were so different from what we have today that only the concepts of a storage of information and a specialist for retrieving that information remain the same. The closest one might come today to describing what I did then is to compare it with my ability to tune into what I think of as the vast library of information that is available to anyone who takes the time and has enough interest to develop the ability to do so. And, of course, the similarity is not lost on me and I do think that my current abilities stem from that long-ago lifetime.

In this memory fragment, I was teaching/programming a crystal for use in a spaceship. (The crystal would provide the motive power for the spaceship.) A group of us, very excited, optimistic, and cheerful, was preparing to go to another planet to colonize, to settle, to teach whoever we might find there; I believe we already knew where we were going (Earth) and what we would find there (an existing, highly-developed civilization), though I wouldn't swear to that part. Initially, I did not plan to go, but as I progressed with my task of teaching/programming the crystal (which was quite large—a single crystal that was about five feet long and about three feet in diameter), I was caught up in the excitement and decided, almost literally at the last moment, to go along.

Interestingly, that is where that particular memory fragment ends. I have no recollection of the journey, nor of the arrival, nor of life on Earth afterward. However, I have since gotten some pieces of information about Atlantis from readings I've done for others, and also directly from some of the few spirits from that enclave who are still around to work with humans.

What the Aliens Found
The aliens came and encountered a group of people who had a close working knowledge of the elements and of nature—the Atlanteans. The Atlanteans, however, did not communicate consciously with the spirits of nature in the same way as the aliens, but nonetheless had an intuitive understanding at such a deep and cellular level that they were able to, for example, smooth their hands over hard stone and shape it however they liked. (And they did.) Part of this attunement to nature arose out of the fact that they, the Atlanteans, were native to this planet and therefore arose out of the same spiritual and physical substantaces as all other matter that was on the planet at the time. (There has now been introduced matter and even lifeforms from other planets, but that is not the topic of this essay.)

There was an instant affinity between the two groups—the Atlanteans and the aliens—because of this similarity in approach to nature. What the aliens added, and taught, was the idea that all things in nature had a conscious awareness that could be communicated with, thus raising those things of nature to the level of near-partners in the Atlantean civilization. Unfortunately, the Atlanteans took on the attitude of the aliens that, although the things of nature were entities to be respected in their own right, nonetheless, the Atlanteans and aliens were still somehow superior to them and therefore had the right to act as caretakers and stewards over the other things of nature—including crystals, other kinds of stones, plants, animals, and even those races of humanity whose spiritual and psychic understandings, as well as whose native civilizations, were not as developed as those of the Atlanteans and aliens.

Conclusion of this Chapter
That concludes the information for this chapter. In later chapters, we will explore the civilization as it continued to develop, take a look at some Atlantean architecture, and review some of the reasons for its fall.

« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 09:35:56 pm by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
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« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2007, 09:32:57 pm »

VChapter 3: Atlantean Civilization Develops
by Marina Michaels
As mentioned in the previous chapter, Atlantis as a civilization already existed on this planet before the arrival of the alien visitors. However, the arrival of the alien visitors, who to a certain extent, with the permission of the Atlanteans, also became colonists, provided a new source of information and nudged the Atlantean civilization off its original path and into a new direction. One might say that an organic, native-to-the-planet civilization was altered just enough by the influx of alien ideas and notions that the inevitable outcome was that the civilization as it was had to come to an end. We will discuss reasons for the end of the Atlantean civilization later.

Prior to the arrival of the aliens, Atlanteans were more interested in local issues and were not as interested in global concerns. They knew they were on a planet, and they were able to travel about and visit other places, but any given Atlantean or group of Atlanteans was much more rooted to one particular place or geographic locality. They were, as mentioned, very nature oriented. The Druidic schools in Britain—not the sorry tatters that some modern-day Druids think they have reconstructed, but the real thing, which was quite different (remind me someday and I will give you more information about the Druids)—those Druid schools were perhaps the closest in feeling and belief to what the early Atlanteans were like before the alien touchdown.

Atlantean Culture through Architecture
It is almost a truism in archaeology that one can tell a lot about a civilization by how they construct their buildings—not just the building techniques, of course, which tell much about the available technologies and tools, but also the form of those buildings, the way interior space is used, and so on.

The Atlanteans were very much in touch with nature. It is amusing to me that they loved hot baths, though the way they created them was to take solid rock near natural hot springs and shape and mold the rock to create bath houses. Sometimes, too, they worked, very carefully, with the forces of the earth to bring heat closer to the surface so as to create the environment for hot springs to occur. This was always done with respect for the totality of the surrounding environment, and only in areas where it seemed okay to do so. One of these hot spots was in the northern part of South America, though when I was writing this information, I did not know of any hot springs or hot spots anywhere in South America. A quick Google revealed that there are several hot springs areas, such as in Bolivia and Peru. I'm not surprised—I am a fairly decent psychic, after all. :-)

The Atlantean bathhouse in northern South America was of shaped and smoothed solid-grained rock, perhaps some kind of grey granite, with huge rounded shoulders of stone and a small set of corridors leading from east to west, then south into the roofed interior. The roof was also made of the same stone and, in some bathhouses, was part of the same block of stone. This particular bathhouse was segregated, and there was one mirroring its orientation, but it doesn't look to me, intuitively, as though the other bathhouse survived the upheaval of the lands that took place later.

In shaping the stone, the Atlanteans would run their hands over it and use a combination of their own wills and the energy and cooperativeness of the stone to create the shapes they desired. The shapes never violated the natural abilities of the stone, but instead were the kinds of shapes that the stone could take if shaped by wind and water and other natural forces. This is one reason why it is difficult to spot Atlantean architecture, as much of it, though eerily regular, could easily be explained as the result of natural forces.

The method of shaping the stone is an important fact to take in: Everything the Atlanteans did, they did out of a profound respect for and concern about the things they were working with. It wasn't so much an awareness of the consciousness within the stone as it was a fundamental awareness of integrity at all levels, and how whatever is created or shaped must come out of and honor integrity. Anything else violated the Atlantean sensibilities at a profound level. It was almost as impossible for an Atlantean to do something that violated the integrity of anything as it would be for the sun not to rise in the morning. Though it could happen, and sometimes did.

Later, the Atlanteans took to cutting out large to massive blocks of stone, some of which we still could not lift today with existing technology, as they used an infusion of new technology from the alien visitors. These later works of architecture are recognizable as buildings made by humans, but are usually misattributed to later civilizations—sometimes many thousands of years after their initial creation. Which is in part understandable, as these buildings would last long past the normal expected time because of the honor and respect with which they were created, and because of the Atlantean's ability to "fuse" the living stone together using a kind of singing so that a violet energy infused the stones and created an inviolate whole, energy-wise.

This singing was used to fuse the Great Pyramids, with a small group of singers from the temple going into a chamber beneath each pyramid and singing. The sound resonated throughout the pyramid, due in part to the resonant nature of the stone itself, in part to the harmonies being sung, and in part to the construction of the pyramids, which enhanced sound. As the resonances penetrated into the stone of the blocks forming the pyramids, there was a kind of electromagnetic effect that caused the stones to fuse together. I cannot entirely explain this, but being one of these pyramid singers is one of my own brief but clear memories from another lifetime.

Some examples of the later block style of architecture include the Osireon in Egypt (so called because it was thought to honor the god Osiris), which is unmistakably Atlantean, as well as a temple on Elephantine Island in Egypt, the Sphinx, and the Valley Temple in front of the Sphinx. Other examples are scattered throughout the globe, including ruins at Baalbek in Lebanon (where Roman ruins are built upon older ruins made of massive, Atlantean-style blocks) and at Tiahuanaco in South America, and many more around the globe. Also, there are sites that are currently submerged, though some people consider them to be natural and not human-made, such as those off the coast of Yonaguni, Japan and submerged ruins off the coast of Poompuhar, India, though I haven't seen clear enough photos of these last to know for sure whether they are Atlantean or somewhat younger.

In my next essay, I will address more about the nature of Atlantean culture. I am also working on a side piece on the location of Atlantis, which I will also post soon.

« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 09:41:49 pm by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
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« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2007, 09:33:54 pm »

This page is an adjunct to a series of essays on Atlantis; in this case, to the essay including information on Atlantean architecture.

The Osireion in Abydos, Egypt
by Marina Michaels
The Osireion is a building unlike most others in Egypt. The architecture most closely resembles that of another anomalous structure, the Valley Temple in front of the Sphinx and near the Great Pyramids. It is my opinion that the Osireion was constructed by members of an advanced ancient civilization that I am calling Atlantis, mainly because I think it was the same as referred to by Plato by that name, though I think that Plato was a bit prejudiced against the Atlanteans and in favor of the proto-Greeks he speaks of. But more on that in my series of essays on Atlantis.

Late Atlantean architecture was constructed of large, if not huge, simple, elegant blocks of stone. The term "monolithic" certainly applies. The Osireion is a good example of this kind of architecture. This page is primarily devoted to displaying some photos I took of the Osireion so that you can see for yourself the kind of architecture I am talking about.

The Osireion
I had the great good fortune of being able to travel to Egypt in fall of 2000, going on a group trip arranged by Shamanic Journeys. One of the places we visited was the Osireion, and it instantly struck me as Atlantean.

The Age of the Osireion
I won't spend too much time going into the many excellent reasons for dating the Osireion as much older than the temple of Abydos that stands above it. However, I will cover a few of the reasons. (You can find a somewhat more in-depth discussion here.)

Our Egyptologist guide stated that geologists have found that the layer of earth above the Osireion gave the structure a minimum age of 18,000 years, because that was the age of what had accumulated on top. This seems to me that the age should then be pushed back from there, as the sides had to have been buried before the top started to accumulate, but perhaps the guide just didn't clarify his statement well enough.

An age of 18,000 years plus would certainly coincide with what the ancient Egyptians said of themselves, for the ancient Greeks reported that the Egyptians had records of their pharaohs dating back 18,000 years at the time, and that was over 2,000 years ago, making the Egyptian history more like 20,000 years before present.

Most conservative Egyptologists, however, date the Osireion as being much younger than that, as they do not recognize the entire span of ancient Egyptian history as covering more than a few thousand years, rejecting outright the records of the ancient Greeks. In fact, most archaeologists credit the Osireion to Seti I and his grandson, but this cannot be, as the temple being constructed by Seti I at Abydos when the Osireion was discovered is many layers of earth (50 feet) above the Osireion, and in fact, unlike any other temples in Egypt, the temple at Abydos takes an abrupt turn to accommodate the Osireion, which was discovered by Seti's people during the excavation of the later temple. The reason for attributing the Osireion to Seti is that his name and the name of his grandson are inscribed in many places, but of course an inscription can be added later, even much later, and that is my opinion of what happened. In fact, it was quite common for Egyptian pharaohs to stake their claim to earlier works and to write their names all over a building that was not constructed by them. The practice was so common that Ramses II, Seti I's son (and step-brother to Moses, I might add by way of an interesting historical tidbit) caused his name to be carved quite deeply to make it difficult to erase his name.

I can almost imagine the awe and excitement of Seti I and his people when they dug up this place. It must have been like having some of their ancient history, of which they had only heard stories from their priests, return to their lives. The Osireion was originally labeled a tomb even though there were and never have been any other tombs like it found anywhere else in Egypt or, for that matter, in the world, though buildings constructed in a similar way have been found.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 07:54:28 pm by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
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