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the Osireion

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Author Topic: the Osireion  (Read 4444 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 41646

« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2007, 07:30:52 am »

AMAZING, Ian.  Thank you for these awesome pictures.  The size of those

stones is simply mind boggling!

Love and Peace,
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Ian Nottingham
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Posts: 3441

« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2007, 11:22:32 am »

Glad you liked them, Bianca.

Does anyone see any relation to the blocks in the Osireion with those in monuments elsewhere in the world?

As I said earlier, in the Osireion, we have a structure that may well predate all the other structures in Egypt.
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« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2007, 08:00:28 am »


I think the pictures of these SPECTACULAR structures maybe should be

duplicated in the ARCHAEOLOGY section, if it is not too much trouble.

They sort of get lost here and it took me a while to find them again,

so that I could answer your question, as I was in a hurry the first time

I saw this.

My immediate reaction was : MACHU PICCHU!!!  That's because of the

way the blocks are fitted together.

Then, it reminds me of STONEHENGE, of course.


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« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2007, 10:14:31 am »

The Osireion is located at Abydos, behind, below and connected to the Temple of Seti I. When archaeologists like Flinders Petrie and Margaret Murray were working at Abydos in the early 20th century, they discovered the Osireion by accident while excavating Seti's Temple. The Osireion was originally constructed at a much lower level than the foundations of Seti's temple, and although orthodox Egyptologists regard the two as contemporary, there is ample evidence that this is definitely NOT the case. This evidence will be discussed later in this section.
The Osireion is also known as the Tomb of Osiris, just as Seti's temple is known as the Temple of Osiris . Abydos was the chief seat of worship of Osiris, Lord of the Underworld. Osiris, his sister Isis, and their son Horus were fundamental figures in the religion of ancient Egypt - they were neterw, a race of devine beings that ruled Egypt from way before the 1st Dynasty, from a period known as Zep Tepi, the "First Time".

In the mid-1920s, archaeologists digging in the scorching climate of Abydos discovered the walls of a temple that for thousands of years had been completely buried by silt and sand. Well, at least they thought it was a temple. When the structure was completely uncovered, swept out, and polished, these Egyptologists realized that what they had stumbled upon might not have been a temple after all, but something completely unique to their craft. Analogous granite walls and columns had not been previously discovered anywhere else in Egypt. It appeared certain that this discovery could turn Egyptology upside down and severely challenge the accepted academic position regarding Egypt’s past.

One of the first theories introduced about the Osireion was that it was the tomb of the famous antediluvian King Osiris, whose existence had been previously dismissed as mere fantasy. This seemed to make logical sense since the Osireion had been discovered in Abydos, which for thousands of years had been worshipped as the location of the tomb of Osiris, even though no definitive tomb of the legendary pharaoh had ever been found there. Thus, the first plausible explanation was that the archaeologists had stumbled upon the tomb of the legendary Osiris, the greatest pharaoh in history.

This romanticized theory suggested by the first excavators of the Osireion was, however, quickly dismissed by the staid academic community of conservative Egyptologists. They countered with their own theory, that Seti I had been its builder, and proceeded to support their claim by discovering a cartouche of the pharaoh in a passageway connecting the Osireion to the mortuary temple. Ever since that time, Seti I has been touted as the builder of the Osireion, and if the temple has any association with Osiris, it is regarded as merely symbolic.

The view of orthodox Egyptologists as to the age and builder of the Osirion, is the subject of much debate - the reasons for the controversy are as follows;

Egyptologists attribute this structure to Seti I (New Kingdom) because

- It is physically attached to the Temple of Seti I

- There is a small inscribed tenon in the Osirion, bearing the name of Seti (but this is the only place in which inscriptions appear).

- The site in general is associated with Seti, and the worship of Osiris.

However these reason would appear tenuous , especially when one considers the evidence for much greater antiquity;

- The foundations of the Osirion are much lower than those of the Temple of Seti - this suggests that it was either designed and built to be below ground level, which would have been unprecedented in Egyptian architecture, or that it was designed and built to be above ground at a time that ground level was considerably lower than the present day, and indeed lower than ground level at the time of Seti. The earth excavated around the Osirion has been shown to be compacted Nile silt, which has been laid down year after year by the annual innundation of the Nile since time immemorial.

- Perhaps the greatest reason for dismissing the conventional attribution of this structure is the architectural context - New Kingdom architecture is incredibly distinctive in its style and form, and although every New Kingdom temple is unique, there are multitudes of stylistic coherances between their designs. But the Osirion displays none of these traits - there is a distinct absence of prolific inscriptions on this site, the construction with megaliths is unique in New Kingdom architecture, and it seems almost absurd that Seti should choose to construct his temple at one level, and the Osirion 20-30 feet deeper in the bedrock.

It is amazing that despite the voluminous evidence to the contrary, Egyptology fails to recognise the fact that the Osirion is much older than its conventional attribution, and that the so-called experts still feel that they should cling desperately to this premise. Architectural style should dictate that they should at least rate this structure as contemporary with its stylistic counterparts, like the Sphinx and Valley Temples, which conventially are dated to the Old Kingdom.

But some "irreverent" archaeologists have held their ground and continue to fight for the Osireion’s extreme antiquity. Why, they contend, would Seti I have needed to design his mortuary temple in an anomalous "L" shape unless he was forced to because the Osireion was already in its present location and his temple would have run right smack into it? Furthermore, why are the temple’s design and its gigantic blocks different from any structure previously discovered in Egypt?

The layout of Osireion anf the Temple of Seti I
Some recent investigations have revealed that the "irreverent" group might indeed be right after all. The closest analogue to the Osireion is the Valley Temple of Chephren in Giza, which was built directly in front of the Sphinx. Since it may have been built in conjunction with the Sphinx, an anomalous structure dated to 8000 B.C (refer Robert M. Schoch) in because of its water-caused erosion, the Valley Temple of Chephren seems to suggest a similar era for its construction.

Flower of Life
Another anomaly of the Osireion that may support the temple’s antiquity, as well as its intimate connection to Osiris, is the Flower of Life, a symbol engraved upon one of its massive pillars and not found anywhere else in Egypt. This motif appears to be the only symbol adorning the megalithic temple, thus apparently identifying its usage. Since the Flower of Life is made of innumerable vesica pisces, which give the appearance of many eyes, the symbol seems to indicate that the Osireion was dedicated to Osiris, whose name means "many-eyed." Therefore, the Flower of Life symbol suggests that the Osireion was indeed Osiris’ tomb or a temple used for rituals associated with his cult of resurrection.

References: an article by Mark Amaru Pinkham, Graham Hancock, and sites on the web too numerous to mention for photographs and images

« Last Edit: May 12, 2007, 10:20:58 am by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2007, 10:23:30 am »

I love this temple, Ian.  I had forgotten it until you brought it here.

I tried to reproduce the "Flower of Life", but it wouldn't print.


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« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2007, 03:07:28 pm »

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« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2007, 03:12:39 pm »

The similarities are again to be found.  This time at Tiahuanaco.   AMAZING!
« Last Edit: May 20, 2007, 03:14:32 pm by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #22 on: May 20, 2007, 09:41:53 pm »

                                                T H E   F L O W E R   O F   L I F E
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« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2007, 07:33:42 pm »

« Last Edit: May 21, 2007, 07:36:11 pm by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2007, 07:39:43 pm »


« Last Edit: April 17, 2008, 02:30:44 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #25 on: May 21, 2007, 07:48:12 pm »


« Last Edit: April 17, 2008, 02:34:22 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
Ian Nottingham
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Posts: 3441

« Reply #26 on: April 14, 2008, 01:19:46 pm »

Nice stuff, Bianca, I'm bumping this one up for us to add to it later. 
Mods, please add a sticky! 
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« Reply #27 on: April 16, 2008, 02:04:48 pm »


I don't know why, but THIS is probably one of my very favourite threads at this site. 

I am usually pretty blase' about Egypt - except for the "Boy King" (as a tragic figure).

The Osireion just seems to evoke something very deep within me that I am at a total loss
to describe........
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Ian Nottingham
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Posts: 3441

« Reply #28 on: April 17, 2008, 01:19:44 pm »

Hi Bianca! 

I think I know what you feel about the Osireon, it is unlike any other temple in Egypt.  Look at the pictures, it is is lower in the ground and made of a different style of blocks than other temples.  Do you want to know why I think that is?  It was made in Pre-dynastic Egypt, it is not part of the standard culture!

I first became aware of it in that documentary "Mysteries of the Sphinx," where West and Schoch brought it to my attention.  If you haven't seen it, take a look!  You can't get the whole gist of it till you see it in the documentary.
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Superhero Member
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« Reply #29 on: April 17, 2008, 02:18:55 pm »


" is unlike any other temple in Egypt.  Look at the pictures, it is is lower in the ground and made of a different style of blocks than other temples.  Do you want to know why I think that is?  It was made in Pre-dynastic Egypt, it is not part of the standard culture!"

Definitely, Ian!

But for me it's more than that.  Let me explain:  while I always believed there was an Atlantis -
since I first heard of it as a little girl, I really did not 'get into it' until I ran into Edgar Cayce about
40-odd years ago.  While my interest in Cayce has been for 'healing' purposes, I built quite a
little collection of books about Atlantis, but I never really researched anything until AO came
along or really got very serious about the subject. 

There was no need to, I was a believer.....

Most of my reactions, if not all, are really subconsciously induced.  If Tom was reading this,
he'd gently chide me and tell me it was a 'reincarnation memory' and I'd have to agree with him....

BTW, I get the same 'hit me in the chest' feeling and immeasurable AWE when I look at pictures of
the Gate of the Sun on Lake Titicaca...........
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