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Topic: SPIRITUALISM and Spiritism (Read 5281 times)
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SPIRITUALISM and Spiritism
July 14, 2007, 06:01:57 pm »
Spiritualism is not as is commonly believed, a sinister cult meeting in darkened rooms to “call up the dead” but an officially recognised religious movement with its own churches and Ministers, who possess the same rights and privileges as other religions.
Proof of Survival
Spiritualism is in itself a religion in that it embodies the main ideas of all religions that there is a life after death, an immortality and the existence of a God. The difference between Spiritualism and other religions is the ability through mediumship to provide evidence that man survives the grave; that is to say certain people called mediums are able to communicate with those who have passed over, thus furnishing evidence of their continued existence in another world. Mediums cannot call up these people as one would a friend on the telephone, they come to us, but only when they are ready, willing and able so to do.
The philosophy of Spiritualism is based on seven fundamental principles.
1. The Fatherhood of God.
2. The Brotherhood of Man.
3. The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels.
4. The Continuous Existence of the Human Soul.
5. Personal Responsibility.
6. Compensation and Retribution Hereafter for all the Good or Evil Deeds done on Earth.
7. Eternal Progress Open to every Human Soul.
Last Edit: August 11, 2007, 07:08:45 am by Bianca2001
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Reply #1
July 14, 2007, 06:04:24 pm »
Not Anti-Christian
Spiritualists are often accused of being atheists or anti-Christian. Spiritualists are not anti-Christian any more than they are anti-Jewish, anti-Hindu or anti-Moslem. Spiritualism is a universal religion recognising such leaders as Buddha, Mohammed, Moses as well as Jesus. Another major difference between Spiritualism and the orthodox Christian religion is embodied in our fifth principle, which is Personal Responsibility. We do not accept that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins. We hold that no one can do this but ourselves. We are given free will and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong and we alone are responsible for all our thoughts and actions.
God not Vindictive
Further, we do not believe in a vindictive God sitting in judgement over us. We are our own judges here and now and we shall receive compensation or retribution for whatever we have done, whether good or bad. Heaven and Hell are not places to which we are destined to go, but states of mind of our own creation.
We do not automatically become spiritual when we leave this world. We shall in fact, retain our earthly characteristics while the opportunity will be given throughout eternity to make spiritual progress and so undo any wrongs we committed on earth, for both free will and personal responsibility will still be with us in the world to come.
We are living in a material age in which orthodox religion has lost its impact. Any religion therefore which can successfully overcome this materialist influence must be scientific, and Spiritualism is just that. It has turned the pious hope of a hereafter into a scientific fact. The advent of the spirit of man into this world and in the course of time, his transition to another world is a scientific fact proved by mediumship.
We do not expect you to accept these things blindly but we do invite you to prove our claim for yourself.
Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 06:16:26 pm by Bianca2001
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Reply #2
July 14, 2007, 06:07:30 pm »
What is a Medium?
Mediums are ordinary people who have through training developed their natural psychic ability to enable them to communicate with the Spirit world.
There are three main types of mediumship, mental, physical and healing. The reason for so many forms of mediumship is because our friends in the spirit world will use whatever means they can to get through and help us to understand the truth of everlasting life.
Mental Mediumship
Mental mediumship is by far the most common and falls into two categories, perception and control. First perception, in this the spirit communicator works through the medium’s mind and he is able to see, hear or sense, pictures, sounds or feelings. They will perceive them either subjectively or objectively. In the controlled state the medium will go into trance, this will enable the Spirit control to speak through the medium or to do automatic writing. For a more detailed explanation of mental mediumship click on the 'Mental' button.
Physical Mediumship
Physical mediumship is now quite rare, possibly because it takes many years to develop. This is a more direct form of mediumship as everyone present will witness the same phenomena. Spirits can speak directly with their own voice or even materialise for all to see, objects can also be levitated and moved around the room with no visible means of support. For a more detailed explanation of physical mediumship click on the 'Physical' button.
Healing Mediumship
Among the great forces of Spiritualism is healing the sick either by personal contact, “the laying on of hands”, or through absent healing, in which patients are treated often at great distances, through the power of prayer.
Many people have been successfully treated. Although no healer can guarantee results, it will usually alleviate suffering, ease a passing, and possibly effect a cure. Spiritualist healing is not faith healing. If you think about it, babies or our pets cannot have faith, yet they can all benefit from Spiritualist healing. For a more detailed explanation of Spiritualist healing theory click on the 'Healing' button.
Classification of Mediumistic Phenomena
The following flowchart will help you to understand how the above mentioned phenomena operates in relationship to each other.
Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 06:16:58 pm by Bianca2001
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Reply #3
July 14, 2007, 06:09:38 pm »
Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 06:17:36 pm by Bianca2001
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Reply #4
July 14, 2007, 06:20:41 pm »
Mental mediumship can be divided in to two main categories, perception and control.
Control mediumship is more commonly known as trance mediumship. The medium has the ability to allow the mind of a Spirit person to blend with their own to such an extent that they can assume a certain degree of control over the medium. As this is through the mind, the medium will always to some degree influence what takes place. It is easier for the Spirit control to use what is there than to bring through something that is completely original. It is only with the more developed trance mediums that this takes place.
We can allow the Spirit people to control us for a number of different purposes: healing, speaking, writing, painting or for the production of physical phenomena (for more on physical phenomena go to the Physical Mediumship page).
Healing mediumship in the trance state allows the Spirit doctors to use specific energies to a degree that is not possible in the normal state of consciousness. The relationship between the medium and the Spirit control will have a direct and proportional effect upon the quality and effectiveness of the healing energies.
Speaking or allowing a Spirit control to speak through us whilst in the trance state gives us access to divine inspiration on an ongoing basis. Over the last 150+ years we have had an immense amount of philosophy, guidance and encouragement from those that love us and want to help us to live more spiritual lives.
Writing whilst being controlled is called automatic writing. The Spirit author controls the mediums hand to write, sometimes in their own handwriting, or in mirror writing. It is possible for the more developed automatic writing. mediums to have both hands simultaneously writing. in mirror writing by two different Spirit controls.
Painting in the trance state is similar to writing in that the hands are controlled. The end result can be quite spectacular in that pictures in the style of the great masters can be produced with great speed.
Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 06:57:56 pm by Bianca2001
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Reply #5
July 14, 2007, 06:26:49 pm »
The main purpose of mediumship is to provide evidence of survival. The most common way this is done is through this type of mediumship, perception. The medium perceives information through their psychic senses, the general term is clairvoyance. However, Spiritualist mediums use the term clairvoyance in a more specific way (clear-seeing), for they also use the terms clairaudience (hearing) and clairsentience (sensing or feeling).
In this way they will gather information form someone in the Spirit World and relay it to someone here. Usually it is someone you have known like a close relative. This is done either in a public demonstration, during one of our church services, or as a private sitting with the medium where they can go into far more detail.
It must be accepted that we cannot prove life after death. What we can do is provide a weight of evidence that for the individual concerned, is proof to them. By communicating with someone in the Spirit World a medium can pass on a sufficient amount of information about them to provide that evidence.
The mediums first job is to identify who they are to communicating with. They will will do this by providing enough information about them to eliminate everyone else you have ever known.
However, if all of this information is about them before they died, then is does not prove that they have survived. So, the second job is to give some information of events that have happened since they died. We call this 'knowledge of recent events' and it gives us proof of ongoing existence.
If you already know all of the information that has been given, then it could have come from your own mind, and again does not prove life after death. There needs to be a piece of information that you do not know the answer to. If you then research it and find out that it is also true, it provides further evidence.
To complete our communication there also needs to be a pertinent message, or reason for coming. This may simply be to say "I love you", or could be something far more detailed.
When you have all of the above elements in place we have to ask ourselves "what is the most likely single source of all of this information?" Spiritualists hold it to be from those we have know who have survived the event called death and simply want to tell us so.
Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 06:58:28 pm by Bianca2001
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Reply #6
July 14, 2007, 06:28:42 pm »
Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 06:58:56 pm by Bianca2001
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Reply #7
July 14, 2007, 06:31:18 pm »
Spiritualism was founded upon physical mediumship. In 1848 two young girls, who later became world famous physical mediums, established communication with the spirit of a murdered peddler. They were Margaret and Kate Fox, they did this by establishing a code via rappings, or what is technically called percussion.
The above event that took place at Hydesville in New York state, USA was a breakthrough. It established that not only does the human personality survive death, but under the right conditions it is possible to communicate. From that moment onwards there was an explosion of physical phenomena right across North America, finally reaching England in 1852.
For any kind of phenomena to be categorised as physical it must impinge upon one or more of the five physical senses, ie. you must be able to see it, hear it or feel it etc. and everyone present will witness the same event. Over the 150 plus years since Hydesville there has been a vast array of phenomena produced by the Spirit world, there now follows a list of some of them:
An apport is a physical object that has been dematerialised in one location, transported to another and re-materialised. The two pictures on the right are the front and back of an apport that was materialised at Stansted Hall in April 2002 through the mediumship of Minister Judith Seaman. It measures about 2˝ inches square, and is made from card. It was a "present" for one of the Italian students from her sister in the Spirit world. In the previous week, under similar conditions a feather was apported. The unusual feature of the feather was it's incredibly strong perfume.
I can personally attest to both of these apports as I was sat next to Judith when they were produced. Judith's spirit control, Amy, called forward the recipient from the audience, extended Judith's hand palm down, and as the recipient placed their hand beneath, it simply appeared there.
Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 07:00:39 pm by Bianca2001
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Reply #8
July 14, 2007, 06:33:17 pm »
Direct Voice
For the spirit world to be able to speak to us using their own voice they have to able to vibrate the physical atmosphere. As they do not have a physical body they have to find an artificial way to do this. One way is to create an artificial voice box out of ectoplasm (see picture right) this enables them to talk to us as they once did when they lived upon the earth.
Because the voice box can very often be small and very quiet, the assistance of a trumpet is often used to not only amplify the sound but also to direct to the person they wish to speak to. A seance trumpet is a cone of aluminium about 2 feet long (60cms) by making the voice box in the small end it will act as a simple megaphone and amplify the sounds.
Ectoplasm is a substance taken from the mediums body and according to Arthur Findlay, mixed with an etheric substance. This enables the spirit controls to affect physical matter. Depending upon the way it was developed it is very often light sensitive. For that reason many seances are held in either total darkness or a low red light.
Ectoplasm is extruded from the medium through any opening, very often through either the mouth, ears or nostrils. The picture (left) shows Jack Webber with ectoplasm streaming from his mouth. Also see picture above where it is coming out of one of his ears to produce a voice box for direct voice phenomena.
In 1990 I was present at a seance with Gordon Higginson at Stansted Hall when ectoplasm started to come from the solar plexus area as a thin cloud. It then condensed and formed into two arms complete with hands.
The picture on the right shows an ectoplasmic rod about to levitate a table.
Ectoplasmic phenomena is now very rare. One of the reasons for this is the very long time it takes to develop. It can also be quite hazardous for the medium. On several occasions the physical medium Helen Duncan had her seances raided by the police to try to prove fraud. When they tried to grab hold of the materialised forms the ectoplasm withdrew so rapidly back into her that it caused internal haemorrhaging. She died of heart failure ten days after her last seance was disrupted in this way.
Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 07:01:29 pm by Bianca2001
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Reply #9
July 14, 2007, 06:35:06 pm »
Independent Voice
Independent voice phenomena differs from direct voice in that it is not connected to the medium by way of an ectoplasmic rod, also a trumpet is not required. Voices are simply heard as if coming from midair and can be from any point in the room.
One of the most powerful voice mediums was Etta Wreight. She came from the USA to England in 1913 to demonstrate her mediumship. Records of these seances are contained in the book 'The Voices' by Vice-Admiral Usbourne Moore. At some of her seances she had up to three trumpets and independent voice operating simultaneously.
Levitation is the movement of objects without normal means of support. This can be done by either psycho-kinetic energy (telekinesis) or by the use of ectoplasm. The picture shows a table in midair during a seance.
Probably the most amazing example of levitation was through the mediumship of D.D. Hume. On over 100 occasions during the 1860's and 1870's he was levitated up to the ceiling and often around the room above the heads of the sitters. On one occasion he was levitated out the window of a third story room and in through the window of an adjacent room.
This is probably the most astonishing of all physical phenomena. Although having said that, most of the leading investigators have agreed that the best evidence of survival was obtained through voice phenomena, as they could hold lengthy conversations with the spirit people.
The picture on the left is of the materialised form of Katie King, the medium being Florence Cook. Sir William Crookes was not only allowed to photograph and examine her, he was even allowed to cut a lock of her hair. This lock of hair is currently owned by the SNU and is kept in their museum at Stansted Hall.
Percussion, or as it is commonly known as raps, is how it all started in 1848. Raps or knockings can be clearly heard from any point in the room. Crawford who investigated Kathleen Golliger, stated that raps would vary in intensity and volume from very quiet taps right up to "sledge hammer like blows" that could be heard out in the street.
By establishing a code, for example one rap for "Yes" and two for "No" it is possible to ask questions. In a similar way I once had a conversation via a bedside lamp. It would flash once or twice in response to my questions. Progressing on from this simple code you can then try the full alphabet to get more detailed answers. You start reciting the alphabet, "A, B, C..." etc. and when you get to the letter they require they rap.
As you can imagine, this is very slow and laborious. Having communicated this way I can see why it was essential to progress onto more speedy ways of communication. But, it all had to start somewhere and this is the simplest and easiest to develop.
Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 07:02:28 pm by Bianca2001
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Reply #10
July 14, 2007, 06:38:27 pm »
Slate Writing
Two miniature blackboards that were used by school children were joined together by hinges. This enabled them to be closed like a book. A minute piece of chalk could then be placed in the cavity that is formed in the middle, it would then be bound and sealed. The medium would hold the sealed slates in his had, the lights turned out and after a few minutes back on. When the slates were unsealed and opened there would be writing on the boards in the hand of whoever was communicating. Some examples of these slates can be seen in the SNU museum at Stansted Hall.
Spirit Painting
David Duguid, a Scottish medium, had a remarkable gift for creating spirit paintings. He could hold a small card, sometimes only measuring 4" x 3" (100mm x 50mm), between his hands and in less than two minutes a small but very detailed picture would be produced.
You have to see these to truly understand how incredible they are. The SNU has several originals in their museum at Stansted Hall.
A transfiguration medium has a 'mask' of ectoplasm formed over or just in front of their face. This then moulds in to the face of a spirit person that should be recognised by someone present.
As you can see from the above list, which is by no means complete, those from the world of Spirit who wish to help us will use any means possible to get through to us a very simple message: "There is no death".
Minister Steven Upton
Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 07:03:23 pm by Bianca2001
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Reply #11
July 14, 2007, 06:41:31 pm »
In simple terms it is a form of mediumship that allows people in the Spirit world to direct healing energies to people here in the physical world. These energies have the capability to affect the human form on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Whilst it is difficult to find evidence to support our claims, we should always strive to do so. The following diagrams are scans of someone's eyes. The 'Before' scans taken on the 18th March 2003 and the 'After' taken on the 22nd April 2005. In April 2005 the person concerned was a student on a trance healing course being held at the Arthur Findlay College, Stansted Hall.
During the course she was demonstrated upon in front of the other students. She was also present when her husband had a trace healing sitting. Over the succeeding days she noticed a change in her vision and decided to have a new scan.
The 'Before' eye scan clearly shows that the vision was severely reduced with only the centre part being reasonably good. This condition is known as 'Tunnel Vision'. The 'After' scan shows that she now has normal vision.
The following graphics speak for themselves, she was diagnosed as incurable, she now has normal vision!
The healing energies that we believe caused the above eye corrections came from God. This is nothing new; they always have been and always will be available to those who have the ability to allow this to happen. The phenomena of ‘healing hands’ has been written about for many thousands of years, you only have to read the Bible to see this.
I believe that everyone has the ability to access these energies to some degree. However, as with all natural abilities some will have a greater ability than others.
I have been working with and studying healing mediumship since 1977. I believe that the crucial factor in this process is the relationship between the medium and those in the Spirit world who access the energies at the source. If we accept that the Spirit doctors are experts, then all we need to do is learn how to simply allow them do it.
I further believe that the relationship between the medium and the Spirit healer will have a direct and proportional effect on what can be achieved for the patient. The whole purpose of the exercise, is to be of service to God, the Spirit world and the patients that come before us.
So, what is the healing mediums job? As strange as it may sound it is not to try to heal people. If you focus your attention on the patient, you will simply give your own energy, and we call that magnetic or psychic healing. This is a simple transference of vital energy from you to the patient. It will uplift and give them a boost, but it is non-specific and will only have a general uplifting effect. Further if you do this over an extended period of time you will deplete your own reserves and become quite tired and run down.
The mediums job is learn how to raise their vibrational rate to get a link with the Spirit doctor. Therefore the focus of attention is not on the patient, but exactly the opposite, on the Spirit world. I was once asked what my feelings were towards the people that see me for healing. My answer surprised many, until I explained why, for I stated that during the actual process of healing I become so disassociated from the patient that I have absolutely no feelings or thought for them at all, I simple could not careless!
If the mediums job is to simply link with the Spirit world, how do we do this and once we learn that, how can we develop it? The answer to that lies through personal development groups and training courses. For more information as to when and where these are being held click on "Where We Are" button on the left or email me.
As the mediums ability develops they are able to access more and more effective and profound energies. This in turn has a greater healing effect upon the patient. The following chart shows 7 levels of healing mediumship.
©2005 Steven Upton |
Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 06:54:27 pm by Bianca2001
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Reply #12
July 14, 2007, 06:43:35 pm »
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Reply #13
July 14, 2007, 06:45:22 pm »
Thank you Bianca...
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"There exists an agent, which is natural and divine, material and spiritual, a universal plastic mediator, a common receptical of the fluid vibrations of motion and the images of forms, a fluid, and a force, which can be called the Imagination of Nature..."
Elphias Levi
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Reply #14
July 14, 2007, 07:05:31 pm »
Unknown, you are welcome!
I'm surprised to see you here. Were you aware of all of this?
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